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      1 <div class="pillar-content">
      3   <h1>Chrome Developer Tools</h1>
      5   <section class="article-list g-section">
      6     <article class="new">
      7     <h4 class="label">Getting Started</h4>
      8     <h2>How to access the DevTools</h2>
      9     <p>The DevIools are organised into
     10     task-oriented groups in the toolbar at
     11     the top of the window. Each toolbar
     12     item and corresponding panel let you
     13     work with a specific type of page or app
     14     information, including DOM elements,
     15     resources, and sources. Curabitur dolor
     16     eros, gravida et, hendrerit ac, curses
     17     non, mass.,</p>
     18     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     19     </article>
     21     <article class="new">
     22     <h4 class="label">Console</h4>
     23     <h2>The DevTools Window</h2>
     24     <p>The DevTools ore organized into
     25     task-oriented groups in the toolbar at
     26     the top of the window. Each toolbar
     27     item and corresponding panel let you</p>
     28     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     29     <img src="http://placekitten.com/300/100" alt="these should have alt text">
     30     </article>
     32     <article>
     33     <h4 class="label">Timeline</h4>
     34     <h2>Improving rendering performance</h2>
     35     <p>The DevTools ore organized into task-oriented groups in the toolbar at the top of the window. Each toolbar</p>
     36     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     37     <img src="http://placekitten.com/300/150" alt="these should have alt text">
     38     </article>
     40     <article>
     41     <h4 class="label">JavaScript</h4>
     42     <h2>Inspecting the DOM and styles</h2>
     43     <p>The DevTools ore organized into task-oriented groups in the toolbar at the top of the window. Each toolbar item and corresponding panel let you</p>
     44     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     45     <img src="http://placekitten.com/300/120" alt="these should have alt text">
     46     </article>
     48     <article>
     49     <h4 class="label">Styles &amp; The DOM</h4>
     50     <h2>Working with the console</h2>
     51     <p>The DevTools ore organized into task-oriented groups in the toolbar at the top of the window. Each toolbar item and corresponding panel let you</p>
     52     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     53     <img src="http://placekitten.com/300/220" alt="these should have alt text">
     54     </article>
     56     <article>
     57     <h4 class="label">Mobile</h4>
     58     <h2>Timeline demo: Diagnosing forced synchronous layout</h2>
     59     <p>This demo shows how you can use the Timeline to identify a kind of performance bottle-neck called 'forced synchronous layouts', The demo application animates several images back and forth using requestAnimationFrame</p>
     60     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     61     </article>
     63     <article>
     64     <h4 class="label">Console</h4>
     65     <h2>Debugging JavaScript</h2>
     66     <p>The DevTools ore organized into task-oriented groups in the toolbar at the top of the window.</p>
     67     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     68     <img src="http://placekitten.com/300/165" alt="these should have alt text">
     69     </article>
     71     <article>
     72     <h4 class="label"></h4>
     73     <h2>Improving network performance</h2>
     74     <p>The DevTools ore organized into task-oriented groups in the toolbar at the top of the window. Each toolbar</p>
     75     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     76     <img src="http://placekitten.com/300/140" alt="these should have alt text">
     77     </article>
     79     <article>
     80     <h4 class="label">Timeline</h4>
     81     <h2>JavaScript &amp; CSS performance</h2>
     82     <p>The DevTools ore organized into task-oriented groups in the toolbar at the top of the window. Each toolbar</p>
     83     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     84     <img src="http://placekitten.com/300/190" alt="these should have alt text">
     85     </article>
     87     <article>
     88     <h4 class="label">Timeline</h4>
     89     <h2>Improving rendering performance</h2>
     90     <p>The DevTools ore organized into task-oriented groups in the toolbar at the top of the window. Each toolbar</p>
     91     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
     92     <img src="http://placekitten.com/300/160" alt="these should have alt text">
     93     </article>
     95     <article>
     96     <h4 class="label">Console</h4>
     97     <h2>Debugging JavaScript</h2>
     98     <p>The DevTools ore organized into task-oriented groups in the toolbar at the top of the window. Each toolbar</p>
     99     <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
    100     <img src="http://placekitten.com/300/185" alt="these should have alt text">
    101     </article>
    103     <div class="load-more-articles">
    104       <a href="" class="nav-arrow down-arrow">More articles</a>
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    107   </section>
    109   <section class="g-section g-tpl-33-67" id="further-resources">
    110     <h2>Further Resources</h2>
    111     <div class="g-unit g-first">
    112       <article class="g-content">
    113         <h2 class="school">Code School</h2>
    114         <p>Explore and master the DevTools with our free "discover DevTools" courses. Nullam ultrices, dramt tempus vulputate egestas.</p>
    115         <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
    116       </article>
    117     </div>
    118     <div class="g-unit">
    119       <div class="g-section g-tpl-50-50">
    120         <div class="g-unit g-first">
    121           <article class="g-content">
    122             <h2 class="chat">Get Involved</h2>
    123             <p>Summit a bug or a feature request on DevTools, and help the community get better. Ultrices, diem5 ternpusvulputate egestas, eros pede</p>
    124             <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
    125           </article>
    126         </div>
    127         <div class="g-unit g-last">
    128           <article class="g-content">
    129             <h2 class="puzzle">Debug Extensions</h2>
    130              <p>Looking to use the DevTools to debug Chrome extensions? Watch our videos for more info. Nullam ultrices, to diem  ternpus vulputate.</p>
    131             <p><a href="">Learn more</a></p>
    132           </article>
    133         </div>
    134       </div>
    135     </div>
    136   </section>
    138 </div>