1 {{#callback}} 2 <p> 3 {{?optional}} 4 If you specify the <em>{{name}}</em> parameter, it should 5 be a function that looks like this: 6 {{:optional}} 7 The <em>{{name}}</em> parameter should be a function 8 that looks like this: 9 {{/optional}} 10 </p> 11 <code class="prettyprint">function({{#p:parameters}}{{+partials.variable_type type:p/}} {{p.name}}{{^p.last}}, {{/}}{{/}}) <span class="subdued">{...}</span>;</code> 12 {{?description}} 13 <p> 14 {{{description}}} 15 </p> 16 {{/description}} 17 {{?parameters}} 18 <table class="innerTable"> 19 {{#p:parameters}} 20 {{+partials.parameter_full parameter:p parentName:name hideParamTOC:true /}} 21 {{/parameters}} 22 </table> 23 {{/parameters}} 24 {{/callback}} 25