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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include <string>
      7 #include "base/basictypes.h"
      8 #include "base/bind.h"
      9 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     10 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
     11 #include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_thread_manager.h"
     12 #include "chromeos/network/network_change_notifier_chromeos.h"
     13 #include "chromeos/network/network_event_log.h"
     14 #include "chromeos/network/network_state.h"
     15 #include "chromeos/network/network_state_handler.h"
     16 #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
     17 #include "net/dns/dns_config_service_posix.h"
     18 #include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
     20 namespace chromeos {
     22 // DNS config services on Chrome OS are signalled by the network state handler
     23 // rather than relying on watching files in /etc.
     24 class NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::DnsConfigService
     25     : public net::internal::DnsConfigServicePosix {
     26  public:
     27   DnsConfigService();
     28   virtual ~DnsConfigService();
     30   // net::internal::DnsConfigService() overrides.
     31   virtual bool StartWatching() OVERRIDE;
     33   virtual void OnNetworkChange();
     34 };
     36 NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::DnsConfigService::DnsConfigService() {
     37 }
     39 NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::DnsConfigService::~DnsConfigService() {
     40 }
     42 bool NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::DnsConfigService::StartWatching() {
     43   // DNS config changes are handled and notified by the network state handlers.
     44   return true;
     45 }
     47 void NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::DnsConfigService::OnNetworkChange() {
     48   InvalidateConfig();
     49   InvalidateHosts();
     50   ReadNow();
     51 }
     53 NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos()
     54     : NetworkChangeNotifier(NetworkChangeCalculatorParamsChromeos()),
     55       connection_type_(CONNECTION_NONE) {
     56 }
     58 NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::~NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos() {
     59 }
     61 void NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::Initialize() {
     62   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetPowerManagerClient()->AddObserver(this);
     63   NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->AddObserver(this, FROM_HERE);
     65   dns_config_service_.reset(new DnsConfigService());
     66   dns_config_service_->WatchConfig(
     67       base::Bind(net::NetworkChangeNotifier::SetDnsConfig));
     69   // Update initial connection state.
     70   DefaultNetworkChanged(
     71       NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->DefaultNetwork());
     72 }
     74 void NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::Shutdown() {
     75   dns_config_service_.reset();
     76   NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->RemoveObserver(
     77       this, FROM_HERE);
     78   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetPowerManagerClient()->RemoveObserver(this);
     79 }
     81 net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType
     82 NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::GetCurrentConnectionType() const {
     83   return connection_type_;
     84 }
     86 void NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::SuspendDone(
     87     const base::TimeDelta& sleep_duration) {
     88   // Force invalidation of network resources on resume.
     89   NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfIPAddressChange();
     90 }
     93 void NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::DefaultNetworkChanged(
     94     const chromeos::NetworkState* default_network) {
     95   bool connection_type_changed = false;
     96   bool ip_address_changed = false;
     97   bool dns_changed = false;
     99   UpdateState(default_network, &connection_type_changed,
    100               &ip_address_changed, &dns_changed);
    102   if (connection_type_changed)
    103     NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfConnectionTypeChange();
    104   if (ip_address_changed)
    105     NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfIPAddressChange();
    106   if (dns_changed)
    107     dns_config_service_->OnNetworkChange();
    108 }
    110 void NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::UpdateState(
    111     const chromeos::NetworkState* default_network,
    112     bool* connection_type_changed,
    113     bool* ip_address_changed,
    114     bool* dns_changed) {
    115   *connection_type_changed = false;
    116   *ip_address_changed = false;
    117   *dns_changed = false;
    118   if (!default_network || !default_network->IsConnectedState()) {
    119     // If we lost a default network, we must update our state and notify
    120     // observers, otherwise we have nothing to do. (Under normal circumstances,
    121     // we should never get duplicate no default network notifications).
    122     if (connection_type_ != CONNECTION_NONE) {
    123       NET_LOG_EVENT("NCNDefaultNetworkLost", service_path_);
    124       *ip_address_changed = true;
    125       *dns_changed = true;
    126       *connection_type_changed = true;
    127       connection_type_ = CONNECTION_NONE;
    128       service_path_.clear();
    129       ip_address_.clear();
    130       dns_servers_.clear();
    131     }
    132     return;
    133   }
    135   // We do have a default network and it is connected.
    136   net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType new_connection_type =
    137       ConnectionTypeFromShill(default_network->type(),
    138                               default_network->network_technology());
    139   if (new_connection_type != connection_type_) {
    140     NET_LOG_EVENT(
    141         "NCNDefaultConnectionTypeChanged",
    142         base::StringPrintf("%s -> %s",
    143                            ConnectionTypeToString(connection_type_),
    144                            ConnectionTypeToString(new_connection_type)));
    145     *connection_type_changed = true;
    146   }
    147   if (default_network->path() != service_path_) {
    148     NET_LOG_EVENT(
    149         "NCNDefaultNetworkServicePathChanged",
    150         base::StringPrintf("%s -> %s",
    151                            service_path_.c_str(),
    152                            default_network->path().c_str()));
    154     // If we had a default network service change, network resources
    155     // must always be invalidated.
    156     *ip_address_changed = true;
    157     *dns_changed = true;
    158   }
    159   if (default_network->ip_address() != ip_address_) {
    160     // Is this a state update with an online->online transition?
    161     bool stayed_online = (!*connection_type_changed &&
    162                           connection_type_ != CONNECTION_NONE);
    164     bool is_suppressed = true;
    165     // Suppress IP address change signalling on online->online transitions
    166     // when getting an IP address update for the first time.
    167     if (!(stayed_online && ip_address_.empty())) {
    168       is_suppressed = false;
    169       *ip_address_changed = true;
    170     }
    171     NET_LOG_EVENT(
    172         base::StringPrintf("%s%s",
    173                            "NCNDefaultIPAddressChanged",
    174                            is_suppressed ? " (Suppressed)" : "" ),
    175         base::StringPrintf("%s -> %s",
    176                            ip_address_.c_str(),
    177                            default_network->ip_address().c_str()));
    178   }
    179   if (default_network->dns_servers() != dns_servers_) {
    180     NET_LOG_EVENT(
    181         "NCNDefaultDNSServerChanged",
    182         base::StringPrintf(
    183             "%s -> %s",
    184             JoinString(dns_servers_, ",").c_str(),
    185             JoinString(default_network->dns_servers(), ",").c_str()));
    186     *dns_changed = true;
    187   }
    189   connection_type_ = new_connection_type;
    190   service_path_ = default_network->path();
    191   ip_address_ = default_network->ip_address();
    192   dns_servers_ = default_network->dns_servers();
    193 }
    195 // static
    196 net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType
    197 NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::ConnectionTypeFromShill(
    198     const std::string& type, const std::string& technology) {
    199   if (NetworkTypePattern::Ethernet().MatchesType(type))
    200     return CONNECTION_ETHERNET;
    201   else if (type == shill::kTypeWifi)
    202     return CONNECTION_WIFI;
    203   else if (type == shill::kTypeWimax)
    204     return CONNECTION_4G;
    205   else if (type == shill::kTypeBluetooth)
    206     return CONNECTION_BLUETOOTH;
    208   if (type != shill::kTypeCellular)
    209     return CONNECTION_UNKNOWN;
    211   // For cellular types, mapping depends on the technology.
    212   if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyEvdo ||
    213       technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyGsm ||
    214       technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyUmts ||
    215       technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyHspa) {
    216     return CONNECTION_3G;
    217   } else if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyHspaPlus ||
    218              technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyLte ||
    219              technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyLteAdvanced) {
    220     return CONNECTION_4G;
    221   } else {
    222     return CONNECTION_2G;  // Default cellular type is 2G.
    223   }
    224 }
    226 // static
    227 net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkChangeCalculatorParams
    228 NetworkChangeNotifierChromeos::NetworkChangeCalculatorParamsChromeos() {
    229   NetworkChangeCalculatorParams params;
    230   // Delay values arrived at by simple experimentation and adjusted so as to
    231   // produce a single signal when switching between network connections.
    232   params.ip_address_offline_delay_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(4000);
    233   params.ip_address_online_delay_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000);
    234   params.connection_type_offline_delay_ =
    235       base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(500);
    236   params.connection_type_online_delay_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(500);
    237   return params;
    238 }
    240 }  // namespace chromeos