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      1 <html>
      2 <script>
      4 // Open a Web SQL database.
      5 var g_db = null;
      6 if (typeof window.openDatabase == "undefined") {
      7   document.write("Error: Web SQL databases are not supported.");
      8 }
      9 try {
     10   g_db = openDatabase("test", "1.0", "test database", 1024 * 1024);
     11 } catch(err) {
     12   document.write("Error: cannot open database.");
     13 }
     15 // Creates a table named "table1" with one text column named "data".
     16 function createTable() {
     17   if (!g_db)
     18     return;
     19   g_db.transaction(
     20       function(tx) {
     21         tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE table1 (data TEXT)");
     22       },
     23       function(error) {
     24         sendValueToTest(error);
     25       },
     26       function() {
     27         sendValueToTest("done");
     28       });
     29 }
     31 // Inserts a record into the database.
     32 function insertRecord(text) {
     33   g_db.transaction(
     34       function(tx) {
     35         tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (?)", [text]);
     36       },
     37       function(error) {
     38         sendValueToTest(error);
     39       },
     40       function() {
     41         sendValueToTest("done");
     42       });
     43 }
     46 // Updates a record at the given index with the given text. The indices are
     47 // 0-based and are ordered from oldest record, to newest record.
     48 function updateRecord(index, text) {
     49   var didUpdate = false;
     50   findId(index, function(rowId) {
     51     g_db.transaction(
     52         function(tx) {
     53           tx.executeSql(
     54               "UPDATE table1 SET data=? WHERE ROWID=?",
     55               [text, rowId],
     56               function(tx, result) {
     57                 if (result.rowsAffected == 1)
     58                   didUpdate = true;
     59                 else if (result.rowsAffected == 0)
     60                   sendValueToTest("could not update index: " + index);
     61                 else
     62                   sendValueToTest("multiple rows with index: " + index);
     63               });
     64         },
     65         function(error) {
     66           sendValueToTest("update error: " + error);
     67         },
     68         function() {
     69           if (didUpdate)
     70             sendValueToTest("done");
     71         });
     72   });
     73 }
     75 // Deletes a record at the given index.
     76 function deleteRecord(index) {
     77   findId(index, function(rowId) {
     78     g_db.transaction(
     79         function(tx) {
     80           tx.executeSql("DELETE FROM table1 WHERE ROWID=?", [rowId]);
     81         },
     82         function(error) {
     83           sendValueToTest("delete error: " + error);
     84         },
     85         function() {
     86           sendValueToTest("done");
     87         });
     88   });
     89 }
     91 // Gets all the records in the database, ordered by their age.
     92 function getRecords() {
     93   g_db.readTransaction(function(tx) {
     94     tx.executeSql(
     95         "SELECT data FROM table1 ORDER BY ROWID",
     96         [],
     97         function(tx, result) {
     98           items = "";
     99           for (var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
    100             if (items != "")
    101               items += ", ";
    102             items += result.rows.item(i).data;
    103           }
    104           sendValueToTest(items);
    105         },
    106         function(tx, error) {
    107           sendValueToTest("getRecords error: " + error);
    108         });
    109   });
    110 }
    112 // Helper function that finds the ID for a record based on a given index.
    113 function findId(index, callback) {
    114   g_db.readTransaction(function(tx) {
    115     // |ROWID| is a special sqlite column. It is unique and is incremented
    116     // automatically when a new record is created.
    117     // |LIMIT| is a nonstandard clause supported by sqlite that lets us pick
    118     // rows from the database by index. E.g., LIMIT 2,10 will give us 10 records
    119     // starting at offset 2.
    120     tx.executeSql(
    121         "SELECT ROWID AS id FROM table1 ORDER BY ROWID LIMIT ?,1",
    122         [index],
    123         function(tx, result) {
    124           if (result.rows.length >= 1)
    125             callback(result.rows.item(0).id);
    126           else
    127             sendValueToTest("could not find row with index: " + index);
    128         },
    129         function(tx, error) {
    130         sendValueToTest("findId error: " + error);
    131         });
    132   });
    133 }
    135 function sendValueToTest(value) {
    136   //alert(value);
    137   window.domAutomationController.setAutomationId(0);
    138   window.domAutomationController.send(value);
    139 }
    141 </script>
    143 <body>
    144 This page is used for testing Web SQL databases.
    145 </body>
    146 </html>