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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // This class maintains a bi-directional RTCP connection with a remote
      6 // peer.
      8 #ifndef MEDIA_CAST_RTCP_RTCP_H_
      9 #define MEDIA_CAST_RTCP_RTCP_H_
     11 #include <map>
     12 #include <queue>
     13 #include <string>
     15 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     16 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     17 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
     18 #include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
     19 #include "base/time/time.h"
     20 #include "media/cast/cast_config.h"
     21 #include "media/cast/cast_defines.h"
     22 #include "media/cast/common/clock_drift_smoother.h"
     23 #include "media/cast/net/cast_transport_defines.h"
     24 #include "media/cast/net/cast_transport_sender.h"
     25 #include "media/cast/net/rtcp/receiver_rtcp_event_subscriber.h"
     26 #include "media/cast/net/rtcp/rtcp_builder.h"
     27 #include "media/cast/net/rtcp/rtcp_defines.h"
     29 namespace media {
     30 namespace cast {
     32 class LocalRtcpReceiverFeedback;
     33 class PacedPacketSender;
     34 class RtcpReceiver;
     35 class RtcpBuilder;
     37 typedef std::pair<uint32, base::TimeTicks> RtcpSendTimePair;
     38 typedef std::map<uint32, base::TimeTicks> RtcpSendTimeMap;
     39 typedef std::queue<RtcpSendTimePair> RtcpSendTimeQueue;
     41 class RtpReceiverStatistics {
     42  public:
     43   virtual void GetStatistics(uint8* fraction_lost,
     44                              uint32* cumulative_lost,  // 24 bits valid.
     45                              uint32* extended_high_sequence_number,
     46                              uint32* jitter) = 0;
     48   virtual ~RtpReceiverStatistics() {}
     49 };
     51 // TODO(hclam): This should be renamed to RtcpSession.
     52 class Rtcp {
     53  public:
     54   Rtcp(const RtcpCastMessageCallback& cast_callback,
     55        const RtcpRttCallback& rtt_callback,
     56        const RtcpLogMessageCallback& log_callback,
     57        base::TickClock* clock,  // Not owned.
     58        PacedPacketSender* packet_sender,  // Not owned.
     59        uint32 local_ssrc,
     60        uint32 remote_ssrc);
     62   virtual ~Rtcp();
     64   // Send a RTCP sender report.
     65   // |current_time| is the current time reported by a tick clock.
     66   // |current_time_as_rtp_timestamp| is the corresponding RTP timestamp.
     67   // |send_packet_count| is the number of packets sent.
     68   // |send_octet_count| is the number of octets sent.
     69   void SendRtcpFromRtpSender(
     70       base::TimeTicks current_time,
     71       uint32 current_time_as_rtp_timestamp,
     72       uint32 send_packet_count,
     73       size_t send_octet_count);
     75   // |cast_message| and |rtcp_events| is optional; if |cast_message| is
     76   // provided the RTCP receiver report will append a Cast message containing
     77   // Acks and Nacks; |target_delay| is sent together with |cast_message|.
     78   // If |rtcp_events| is provided the RTCP receiver report will append the
     79   // log messages.
     80   void SendRtcpFromRtpReceiver(
     81       const RtcpCastMessage* cast_message,
     82       base::TimeDelta target_delay,
     83       const ReceiverRtcpEventSubscriber::RtcpEventMultiMap* rtcp_events,
     84       RtpReceiverStatistics* rtp_receiver_statistics);
     86   // Submit a received packet to this object. The packet will be parsed
     87   // and used to maintain a RTCP session.
     88   // Returns false if this is not a RTCP packet or it is not directed to
     89   // this session, e.g. SSRC doesn't match.
     90   bool IncomingRtcpPacket(const uint8* data, size_t length);
     92   // If available, returns true and sets the output arguments to the latest
     93   // lip-sync timestamps gleaned from the sender reports.  While the sender
     94   // provides reference NTP times relative to its own wall clock, the
     95   // |reference_time| returned here has been translated to the local
     96   // CastEnvironment clock.
     97   bool GetLatestLipSyncTimes(uint32* rtp_timestamp,
     98                              base::TimeTicks* reference_time) const;
    100   void OnReceivedReceiverLog(const RtcpReceiverLogMessage& receiver_log);
    102   // If greater than zero, this is the last measured network round trip time.
    103   base::TimeDelta current_round_trip_time() const {
    104     return current_round_trip_time_;
    105   }
    107   static bool IsRtcpPacket(const uint8* packet, size_t length);
    108   static uint32 GetSsrcOfSender(const uint8* rtcp_buffer, size_t length);
    110  protected:
    111   void OnReceivedNtp(uint32 ntp_seconds, uint32 ntp_fraction);
    112   void OnReceivedLipSyncInfo(uint32 rtp_timestamp,
    113                              uint32 ntp_seconds,
    114                              uint32 ntp_fraction);
    116  private:
    117   void OnReceivedDelaySinceLastReport(uint32 last_report,
    118                                       uint32 delay_since_last_report);
    120   void OnReceivedCastFeedback(const RtcpCastMessage& cast_message);
    122   void SaveLastSentNtpTime(const base::TimeTicks& now,
    123                            uint32 last_ntp_seconds,
    124                            uint32 last_ntp_fraction);
    126   // Remove duplicate events in |receiver_log|.
    127   // Returns true if any events remain.
    128   bool DedupeReceiverLog(RtcpReceiverLogMessage* receiver_log);
    130   const RtcpCastMessageCallback cast_callback_;
    131   const RtcpRttCallback rtt_callback_;
    132   const RtcpLogMessageCallback log_callback_;
    133   base::TickClock* const clock_;  // Not owned by this class.
    134   RtcpBuilder rtcp_builder_;
    135   PacedPacketSender* packet_sender_;  // Not owned.
    136   const uint32 local_ssrc_;
    137   const uint32 remote_ssrc_;
    139   RtcpSendTimeMap last_reports_sent_map_;
    140   RtcpSendTimeQueue last_reports_sent_queue_;
    142   // The truncated (i.e., 64-->32-bit) NTP timestamp provided in the last report
    143   // from the remote peer, along with the local time at which the report was
    144   // received.  These values are used for ping-pong'ing NTP timestamps between
    145   // the peers so that they can estimate the network's round-trip time.
    146   uint32 last_report_truncated_ntp_;
    147   base::TimeTicks time_last_report_received_;
    149   // Maintains a smoothed offset between the local clock and the remote clock.
    150   // Calling this member's Current() method is only valid if
    151   // |time_last_report_received_| is not "null."
    152   ClockDriftSmoother local_clock_ahead_by_;
    154   // Latest "lip sync" info from the sender.  The sender provides the RTP
    155   // timestamp of some frame of its choosing and also a corresponding reference
    156   // NTP timestamp sampled from a clock common to all media streams.  It is
    157   // expected that the sender will update this data regularly and in a timely
    158   // manner (e.g., about once per second).
    159   uint32 lip_sync_rtp_timestamp_;
    160   uint64 lip_sync_ntp_timestamp_;
    162   // The last measured network round trip time.  This is updated with each
    163   // sender report --> receiver report round trip.  If this is zero, then the
    164   // round trip time has not been measured yet.
    165   base::TimeDelta current_round_trip_time_;
    167   base::TimeTicks largest_seen_timestamp_;
    169   // For extending received ACK frame IDs from 8-bit to 32-bit.
    170   FrameIdWrapHelper ack_frame_id_wrap_helper_;
    172   // Maintains a history of receiver events.
    173   typedef std::pair<uint64, uint64> ReceiverEventKey;
    174   base::hash_set<ReceiverEventKey> receiver_event_key_set_;
    175   std::queue<ReceiverEventKey> receiver_event_key_queue_;
    178 };
    180 }  // namespace cast
    181 }  // namespace media
    183 #endif  // MEDIA_CAST_RTCP_RTCP_H_