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      1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include <string>
      7 #include "base/basictypes.h"
      8 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
      9 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
     10 #include "base/files/file_util.h"
     11 #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
     12 #include "base/location.h"
     13 #include "base/logging.h"
     14 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     15 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
     16 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     17 #include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
     18 #include "base/test/values_test_util.h"
     19 #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
     20 #include "base/values.h"
     21 #include "sync/protocol/bookmark_specifics.pb.h"
     22 #include "sync/syncable/directory_backing_store.h"
     23 #include "sync/syncable/directory_change_delegate.h"
     24 #include "sync/syncable/directory_unittest.h"
     25 #include "sync/syncable/in_memory_directory_backing_store.h"
     26 #include "sync/syncable/metahandle_set.h"
     27 #include "sync/syncable/mutable_entry.h"
     28 #include "sync/syncable/on_disk_directory_backing_store.h"
     29 #include "sync/syncable/syncable_proto_util.h"
     30 #include "sync/syncable/syncable_read_transaction.h"
     31 #include "sync/syncable/syncable_util.h"
     32 #include "sync/syncable/syncable_write_transaction.h"
     33 #include "sync/test/engine/test_id_factory.h"
     34 #include "sync/test/engine/test_syncable_utils.h"
     35 #include "sync/test/fake_encryptor.h"
     36 #include "sync/test/null_directory_change_delegate.h"
     37 #include "sync/test/null_transaction_observer.h"
     38 #include "sync/util/test_unrecoverable_error_handler.h"
     39 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     41 namespace syncer {
     42 namespace syncable {
     44 using base::ExpectDictBooleanValue;
     45 using base::ExpectDictStringValue;
     47 // An OnDiskDirectoryBackingStore that can be set to always fail SaveChanges.
     48 class TestBackingStore : public OnDiskDirectoryBackingStore {
     49  public:
     50   TestBackingStore(const std::string& dir_name,
     51                    const base::FilePath& backing_filepath);
     53   virtual ~TestBackingStore();
     55   virtual bool SaveChanges(const Directory::SaveChangesSnapshot& snapshot)
     56       OVERRIDE;
     58    void StartFailingSaveChanges() {
     59      fail_save_changes_ = true;
     60    }
     62  private:
     63    bool fail_save_changes_;
     64 };
     66 TestBackingStore::TestBackingStore(const std::string& dir_name,
     67                                    const base::FilePath& backing_filepath)
     68   : OnDiskDirectoryBackingStore(dir_name, backing_filepath),
     69     fail_save_changes_(false) {
     70 }
     72 TestBackingStore::~TestBackingStore() { }
     74 bool TestBackingStore::SaveChanges(
     75     const Directory::SaveChangesSnapshot& snapshot){
     76   if (fail_save_changes_) {
     77     return false;
     78   } else {
     79     return OnDiskDirectoryBackingStore::SaveChanges(snapshot);
     80   }
     81 }
     83 // A directory whose Save() function can be set to always fail.
     84 class TestDirectory : public Directory {
     85  public:
     86   // A factory function used to work around some initialization order issues.
     87   static TestDirectory* Create(
     88       Encryptor *encryptor,
     89       UnrecoverableErrorHandler *handler,
     90       const std::string& dir_name,
     91       const base::FilePath& backing_filepath);
     93   virtual ~TestDirectory();
     95   void StartFailingSaveChanges() {
     96     backing_store_->StartFailingSaveChanges();
     97   }
     99  private:
    100   TestDirectory(Encryptor* encryptor,
    101                 UnrecoverableErrorHandler* handler,
    102                 TestBackingStore* backing_store);
    104   TestBackingStore* backing_store_;
    105 };
    107 TestDirectory* TestDirectory::Create(
    108     Encryptor *encryptor,
    109     UnrecoverableErrorHandler *handler,
    110     const std::string& dir_name,
    111     const base::FilePath& backing_filepath) {
    112   TestBackingStore* backing_store =
    113       new TestBackingStore(dir_name, backing_filepath);
    114   return new TestDirectory(encryptor, handler, backing_store);
    115 }
    117 TestDirectory::TestDirectory(Encryptor* encryptor,
    118                              UnrecoverableErrorHandler* handler,
    119                              TestBackingStore* backing_store)
    120     : Directory(backing_store, handler, NULL, NULL, NULL),
    121       backing_store_(backing_store) {
    122 }
    124 TestDirectory::~TestDirectory() { }
    126 TEST(OnDiskSyncableDirectory, FailInitialWrite) {
    127   base::MessageLoop message_loop;
    128   FakeEncryptor encryptor;
    129   TestUnrecoverableErrorHandler handler;
    130   base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
    131   ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
    132   base::FilePath file_path = temp_dir.path().Append(
    133       FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Test.sqlite3"));
    134   std::string name = "user (at) x.com";
    135   NullDirectoryChangeDelegate delegate;
    137   scoped_ptr<TestDirectory> test_dir(
    138       TestDirectory::Create(&encryptor, &handler, name, file_path));
    140   test_dir->StartFailingSaveChanges();
    141   ASSERT_EQ(FAILED_INITIAL_WRITE, test_dir->Open(name, &delegate,
    142                                                  NullTransactionObserver()));
    143 }
    145 // A variant of SyncableDirectoryTest that uses a real sqlite database.
    146 class OnDiskSyncableDirectoryTest : public SyncableDirectoryTest {
    147  protected:
    148   // SetUp() is called before each test case is run.
    149   // The sqlite3 DB is deleted before each test is run.
    150   virtual void SetUp() {
    151     SyncableDirectoryTest::SetUp();
    152     ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
    153     file_path_ = temp_dir_.path().Append(
    154         FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Test.sqlite3"));
    155     base::DeleteFile(file_path_, true);
    156     CreateDirectory();
    157   }
    159   virtual void TearDown() {
    160     // This also closes file handles.
    161     dir()->SaveChanges();
    162     dir().reset();
    163     base::DeleteFile(file_path_, true);
    164     SyncableDirectoryTest::TearDown();
    165   }
    167   // Creates a new directory.  Deletes the old directory, if it exists.
    168   void CreateDirectory() {
    169     test_directory_ = TestDirectory::Create(
    170         encryptor(), unrecoverable_error_handler(), kDirectoryName, file_path_);
    171     dir().reset(test_directory_);
    172     ASSERT_TRUE(dir().get());
    173     ASSERT_EQ(OPENED,
    174               dir()->Open(kDirectoryName,
    175                           directory_change_delegate(),
    176                           NullTransactionObserver()));
    177     ASSERT_TRUE(dir()->good());
    178   }
    180   void SaveAndReloadDir() {
    181     dir()->SaveChanges();
    182     CreateDirectory();
    183   }
    185   void StartFailingSaveChanges() {
    186     test_directory_->StartFailingSaveChanges();
    187   }
    189   TestDirectory *test_directory_;  // mirrors scoped_ptr<Directory> dir_
    190   base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
    191   base::FilePath file_path_;
    192 };
    194 sync_pb::DataTypeContext BuildContext(ModelType type) {
    195   sync_pb::DataTypeContext context;
    196   context.set_context("context");
    197   context.set_data_type_id(GetSpecificsFieldNumberFromModelType(type));
    198   return context;
    199 }
    201 TEST_F(OnDiskSyncableDirectoryTest, TestPurgeEntriesWithTypeIn) {
    202   sync_pb::EntitySpecifics bookmark_specs;
    203   sync_pb::EntitySpecifics autofill_specs;
    204   sync_pb::EntitySpecifics preference_specs;
    205   AddDefaultFieldValue(BOOKMARKS, &bookmark_specs);
    206   AddDefaultFieldValue(PREFERENCES, &preference_specs);
    207   AddDefaultFieldValue(AUTOFILL, &autofill_specs);
    209   ModelTypeSet types_to_purge(PREFERENCES, AUTOFILL);
    211   dir()->SetDownloadProgress(BOOKMARKS, BuildProgress(BOOKMARKS));
    212   dir()->SetDownloadProgress(PREFERENCES, BuildProgress(PREFERENCES));
    213   dir()->SetDownloadProgress(AUTOFILL, BuildProgress(AUTOFILL));
    215   TestIdFactory id_factory;
    216   // Create some items for each type.
    217   {
    218     WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir().get());
    220     dir()->SetDataTypeContext(&trans, BOOKMARKS, BuildContext(BOOKMARKS));
    221     dir()->SetDataTypeContext(&trans, PREFERENCES, BuildContext(PREFERENCES));
    222     dir()->SetDataTypeContext(&trans, AUTOFILL, BuildContext(AUTOFILL));
    224     // Make it look like these types have completed initial sync.
    225     CreateTypeRoot(&trans, dir().get(), BOOKMARKS);
    226     CreateTypeRoot(&trans, dir().get(), PREFERENCES);
    227     CreateTypeRoot(&trans, dir().get(), AUTOFILL);
    229     // Add more nodes for this type.  Technically, they should be placed under
    230     // the proper type root nodes but the assertions in this test won't notice
    231     // if their parent isn't quite right.
    232     MutableEntry item1(&trans, CREATE, BOOKMARKS, trans.root_id(), "Item");
    233     ASSERT_TRUE(item1.good());
    234     item1.PutServerSpecifics(bookmark_specs);
    235     item1.PutIsUnsynced(true);
    237     MutableEntry item2(&trans, CREATE_NEW_UPDATE_ITEM,
    238                        id_factory.NewServerId());
    239     ASSERT_TRUE(item2.good());
    240     item2.PutServerSpecifics(bookmark_specs);
    241     item2.PutIsUnappliedUpdate(true);
    243     MutableEntry item3(&trans, CREATE, PREFERENCES,
    244                        trans.root_id(), "Item");
    245     ASSERT_TRUE(item3.good());
    246     item3.PutSpecifics(preference_specs);
    247     item3.PutServerSpecifics(preference_specs);
    248     item3.PutIsUnsynced(true);
    250     MutableEntry item4(&trans, CREATE_NEW_UPDATE_ITEM,
    251                        id_factory.NewServerId());
    252     ASSERT_TRUE(item4.good());
    253     item4.PutServerSpecifics(preference_specs);
    254     item4.PutIsUnappliedUpdate(true);
    256     MutableEntry item5(&trans, CREATE, AUTOFILL,
    257                        trans.root_id(), "Item");
    258     ASSERT_TRUE(item5.good());
    259     item5.PutSpecifics(autofill_specs);
    260     item5.PutServerSpecifics(autofill_specs);
    261     item5.PutIsUnsynced(true);
    263     MutableEntry item6(&trans, CREATE_NEW_UPDATE_ITEM,
    264       id_factory.NewServerId());
    265     ASSERT_TRUE(item6.good());
    266     item6.PutServerSpecifics(autofill_specs);
    267     item6.PutIsUnappliedUpdate(true);
    268   }
    270   dir()->SaveChanges();
    271   {
    272     ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir().get());
    273     MetahandleSet all_set;
    274     GetAllMetaHandles(&trans, &all_set);
    275     ASSERT_EQ(10U, all_set.size());
    276   }
    278   dir()->PurgeEntriesWithTypeIn(types_to_purge, ModelTypeSet(), ModelTypeSet());
    280   // We first query the in-memory data, and then reload the directory (without
    281   // saving) to verify that disk does not still have the data.
    282   CheckPurgeEntriesWithTypeInSucceeded(types_to_purge, true);
    283   SaveAndReloadDir();
    284   CheckPurgeEntriesWithTypeInSucceeded(types_to_purge, false);
    285 }
    287 TEST_F(OnDiskSyncableDirectoryTest, TestShareInfo) {
    288   dir()->set_store_birthday("Jan 31st");
    289   const char* const bag_of_chips_array = "\0bag of chips";
    290   const std::string bag_of_chips_string =
    291       std::string(bag_of_chips_array, sizeof(bag_of_chips_array));
    292   dir()->set_bag_of_chips(bag_of_chips_string);
    293   {
    294     ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir().get());
    295     EXPECT_EQ("Jan 31st", dir()->store_birthday());
    296     EXPECT_EQ(bag_of_chips_string, dir()->bag_of_chips());
    297   }
    298   dir()->set_store_birthday("April 10th");
    299   const char* const bag_of_chips2_array = "\0bag of chips2";
    300   const std::string bag_of_chips2_string =
    301       std::string(bag_of_chips2_array, sizeof(bag_of_chips2_array));
    302   dir()->set_bag_of_chips(bag_of_chips2_string);
    303   dir()->SaveChanges();
    304   {
    305     ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir().get());
    306     EXPECT_EQ("April 10th", dir()->store_birthday());
    307     EXPECT_EQ(bag_of_chips2_string, dir()->bag_of_chips());
    308   }
    309   const char* const bag_of_chips3_array = "\0bag of chips3";
    310   const std::string bag_of_chips3_string =
    311       std::string(bag_of_chips3_array, sizeof(bag_of_chips3_array));
    312   dir()->set_bag_of_chips(bag_of_chips3_string);
    313   // Restore the directory from disk.  Make sure that nothing's changed.
    314   SaveAndReloadDir();
    315   {
    316     ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir().get());
    317     EXPECT_EQ("April 10th", dir()->store_birthday());
    318     EXPECT_EQ(bag_of_chips3_string, dir()->bag_of_chips());
    319   }
    320 }
    322 TEST_F(OnDiskSyncableDirectoryTest,
    323        TestSimpleFieldsPreservedDuringSaveChanges) {
    324   Id update_id = TestIdFactory::FromNumber(1);
    325   Id create_id;
    326   EntryKernel create_pre_save, update_pre_save;
    327   EntryKernel create_post_save, update_post_save;
    328   std::string create_name =  "Create";
    330   {
    331     WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir().get());
    332     MutableEntry create(
    333         &trans, CREATE, BOOKMARKS, trans.root_id(), create_name);
    334     MutableEntry update(&trans, CREATE_NEW_UPDATE_ITEM, update_id);
    335     create.PutIsUnsynced(true);
    336     update.PutIsUnappliedUpdate(true);
    337     sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics;
    338     specifics.mutable_bookmark()->set_favicon("PNG");
    339     specifics.mutable_bookmark()->set_url("http://nowhere");
    340     create.PutSpecifics(specifics);
    341     update.PutServerSpecifics(specifics);
    342     create_pre_save = create.GetKernelCopy();
    343     update_pre_save = update.GetKernelCopy();
    344     create_id = create.GetId();
    345   }
    347   dir()->SaveChanges();
    348   dir().reset(
    349       new Directory(new OnDiskDirectoryBackingStore(kDirectoryName, file_path_),
    350                     unrecoverable_error_handler(),
    351                     NULL,
    352                     NULL,
    353                     NULL));
    355   ASSERT_TRUE(dir().get());
    357             dir()->Open(kDirectoryName,
    358                         directory_change_delegate(),
    359                         NullTransactionObserver()));
    360   ASSERT_TRUE(dir()->good());
    362   {
    363     ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir().get());
    364     Entry create(&trans, GET_BY_ID, create_id);
    365     EXPECT_EQ(1, CountEntriesWithName(&trans, trans.root_id(), create_name));
    366     Entry update(&trans, GET_BY_ID, update_id);
    367     create_post_save = create.GetKernelCopy();
    368     update_post_save = update.GetKernelCopy();
    369   }
    370   int i = BEGIN_FIELDS;
    371   for ( ; i < INT64_FIELDS_END ; ++i) {
    372     EXPECT_EQ(create_pre_save.ref((Int64Field)i) +
    373                   (i == TRANSACTION_VERSION ? 1 : 0),
    374               create_post_save.ref((Int64Field)i))
    375               << "int64 field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    376     EXPECT_EQ(update_pre_save.ref((Int64Field)i),
    377               update_post_save.ref((Int64Field)i))
    378         << "int64 field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    379   }
    380   for ( ; i < TIME_FIELDS_END ; ++i) {
    381     EXPECT_EQ(create_pre_save.ref((TimeField)i),
    382               create_post_save.ref((TimeField)i))
    383               << "time field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    384     EXPECT_EQ(update_pre_save.ref((TimeField)i),
    385               update_post_save.ref((TimeField)i))
    386               << "time field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    387   }
    388   for ( ; i < ID_FIELDS_END ; ++i) {
    389     EXPECT_EQ(create_pre_save.ref((IdField)i),
    390               create_post_save.ref((IdField)i))
    391               << "id field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    392     EXPECT_EQ(update_pre_save.ref((IdField)i),
    393               update_pre_save.ref((IdField)i))
    394               << "id field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    395   }
    396   for ( ; i < BIT_FIELDS_END ; ++i) {
    397     EXPECT_EQ(create_pre_save.ref((BitField)i),
    398               create_post_save.ref((BitField)i))
    399               << "Bit field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    400     EXPECT_EQ(update_pre_save.ref((BitField)i),
    401               update_post_save.ref((BitField)i))
    402               << "Bit field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    403   }
    404   for ( ; i < STRING_FIELDS_END ; ++i) {
    405     EXPECT_EQ(create_pre_save.ref((StringField)i),
    406               create_post_save.ref((StringField)i))
    407               << "String field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    408     EXPECT_EQ(update_pre_save.ref((StringField)i),
    409               update_post_save.ref((StringField)i))
    410               << "String field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    411   }
    412   for ( ; i < PROTO_FIELDS_END; ++i) {
    413     EXPECT_EQ(create_pre_save.ref((ProtoField)i).SerializeAsString(),
    414               create_post_save.ref((ProtoField)i).SerializeAsString())
    415               << "Blob field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    416     EXPECT_EQ(update_pre_save.ref((ProtoField)i).SerializeAsString(),
    417               update_post_save.ref((ProtoField)i).SerializeAsString())
    418               << "Blob field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    419   }
    420   for ( ; i < UNIQUE_POSITION_FIELDS_END; ++i) {
    421     EXPECT_TRUE(create_pre_save.ref((UniquePositionField)i).Equals(
    422         create_post_save.ref((UniquePositionField)i)))
    423         << "Position field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    424     EXPECT_TRUE(update_pre_save.ref((UniquePositionField)i).Equals(
    425         update_post_save.ref((UniquePositionField)i)))
    426         << "Position field #" << i << " changed during save/load";
    427   }
    428 }
    430 TEST_F(OnDiskSyncableDirectoryTest, TestSaveChangesFailure) {
    431   int64 handle1 = 0;
    432   // Set up an item using a regular, saveable directory.
    433   {
    434     WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir().get());
    436     MutableEntry e1(&trans, CREATE, BOOKMARKS, trans.root_id(), "aguilera");
    437     ASSERT_TRUE(e1.good());
    438     EXPECT_TRUE(e1.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    439     handle1 = e1.GetMetahandle();
    440     e1.PutBaseVersion(1);
    441     e1.PutIsDir(true);
    442     e1.PutId(TestIdFactory::FromNumber(101));
    443     EXPECT_TRUE(e1.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    444     EXPECT_TRUE(IsInDirtyMetahandles(handle1));
    445   }
    446   ASSERT_TRUE(dir()->SaveChanges());
    448   // Make sure the item is no longer dirty after saving,
    449   // and make a modification.
    450   {
    451     WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir().get());
    453     MutableEntry aguilera(&trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, handle1);
    454     ASSERT_TRUE(aguilera.good());
    455     EXPECT_FALSE(aguilera.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    456     EXPECT_EQ(aguilera.GetNonUniqueName(), "aguilera");
    457     aguilera.PutNonUniqueName("overwritten");
    458     EXPECT_TRUE(aguilera.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    459     EXPECT_TRUE(IsInDirtyMetahandles(handle1));
    460   }
    461   ASSERT_TRUE(dir()->SaveChanges());
    463   // Now do some operations when SaveChanges() will fail.
    464   StartFailingSaveChanges();
    465   ASSERT_TRUE(dir()->good());
    467   int64 handle2 = 0;
    468   {
    469     WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir().get());
    471     MutableEntry aguilera(&trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, handle1);
    472     ASSERT_TRUE(aguilera.good());
    473     EXPECT_FALSE(aguilera.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    474     EXPECT_EQ(aguilera.GetNonUniqueName(), "overwritten");
    475     EXPECT_FALSE(aguilera.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    476     EXPECT_FALSE(IsInDirtyMetahandles(handle1));
    477     aguilera.PutNonUniqueName("christina");
    478     EXPECT_TRUE(aguilera.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    479     EXPECT_TRUE(IsInDirtyMetahandles(handle1));
    481     // New item.
    482     MutableEntry kids_on_block(
    483         &trans, CREATE, BOOKMARKS, trans.root_id(), "kids");
    484     ASSERT_TRUE(kids_on_block.good());
    485     handle2 = kids_on_block.GetMetahandle();
    486     kids_on_block.PutBaseVersion(1);
    487     kids_on_block.PutIsDir(true);
    488     kids_on_block.PutId(TestIdFactory::FromNumber(102));
    489     EXPECT_TRUE(kids_on_block.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    490     EXPECT_TRUE(IsInDirtyMetahandles(handle2));
    491   }
    493   // We are using an unsaveable directory, so this can't succeed.  However,
    494   // the HandleSaveChangesFailure code path should have been triggered.
    495   ASSERT_FALSE(dir()->SaveChanges());
    497   // Make sure things were rolled back and the world is as it was before call.
    498   {
    499     ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir().get());
    500     Entry e1(&trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, handle1);
    501     ASSERT_TRUE(e1.good());
    502     EntryKernel aguilera = e1.GetKernelCopy();
    503     Entry kids(&trans, GET_BY_HANDLE, handle2);
    504     ASSERT_TRUE(kids.good());
    505     EXPECT_TRUE(kids.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    506     EXPECT_TRUE(IsInDirtyMetahandles(handle2));
    507     EXPECT_TRUE(aguilera.is_dirty());
    508     EXPECT_TRUE(IsInDirtyMetahandles(handle1));
    509   }
    510 }
    512 TEST_F(OnDiskSyncableDirectoryTest, TestSaveChangesFailureWithPurge) {
    513   int64 handle1 = 0;
    514   // Set up an item and progress marker using a regular, saveable directory.
    515   dir()->SetDownloadProgress(BOOKMARKS, BuildProgress(BOOKMARKS));
    516   {
    517     WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir().get());
    519     MutableEntry e1(&trans, CREATE, BOOKMARKS, trans.root_id(), "aguilera");
    520     ASSERT_TRUE(e1.good());
    521     EXPECT_TRUE(e1.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    522     handle1 = e1.GetMetahandle();
    523     e1.PutBaseVersion(1);
    524     e1.PutIsDir(true);
    525     e1.PutId(TestIdFactory::FromNumber(101));
    526     sync_pb::EntitySpecifics bookmark_specs;
    527     AddDefaultFieldValue(BOOKMARKS, &bookmark_specs);
    528     e1.PutSpecifics(bookmark_specs);
    529     e1.PutServerSpecifics(bookmark_specs);
    530     e1.PutId(TestIdFactory::FromNumber(101));
    531     EXPECT_TRUE(e1.GetKernelCopy().is_dirty());
    532     EXPECT_TRUE(IsInDirtyMetahandles(handle1));
    533   }
    534   ASSERT_TRUE(dir()->SaveChanges());
    536   // Now do some operations while SaveChanges() is set to fail.
    537   StartFailingSaveChanges();
    538   ASSERT_TRUE(dir()->good());
    540   ModelTypeSet set(BOOKMARKS);
    541   dir()->PurgeEntriesWithTypeIn(set, ModelTypeSet(), ModelTypeSet());
    542   EXPECT_TRUE(IsInMetahandlesToPurge(handle1));
    543   ASSERT_FALSE(dir()->SaveChanges());
    544   EXPECT_TRUE(IsInMetahandlesToPurge(handle1));
    545 }
    547 class SyncableDirectoryManagement : public testing::Test {
    548  public:
    549   virtual void SetUp() {
    550     ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
    551   }
    553   virtual void TearDown() {
    554   }
    555  protected:
    556   base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
    557   base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
    558   FakeEncryptor encryptor_;
    559   TestUnrecoverableErrorHandler handler_;
    560   NullDirectoryChangeDelegate delegate_;
    561 };
    563 TEST_F(SyncableDirectoryManagement, TestFileRelease) {
    564   base::FilePath path =
    565       temp_dir_.path().Append(Directory::kSyncDatabaseFilename);
    567   Directory dir(new OnDiskDirectoryBackingStore("ScopeTest", path),
    568                 &handler_,
    569                 NULL,
    570                 NULL,
    571                 NULL);
    572   DirOpenResult result =
    573       dir.Open("ScopeTest", &delegate_, NullTransactionObserver());
    574   ASSERT_EQ(result, OPENED);
    575   dir.Close();
    577   // Closing the directory should have released the backing database file.
    578   ASSERT_TRUE(base::DeleteFile(path, true));
    579 }
    581 class SyncableClientTagTest : public SyncableDirectoryTest {
    582  public:
    583   static const int kBaseVersion = 1;
    584   const char* test_name_;
    585   const char* test_tag_;
    587   SyncableClientTagTest() : test_name_("test_name"), test_tag_("dietcoke") {}
    589   bool CreateWithDefaultTag(Id id, bool deleted) {
    590     WriteTransaction wtrans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir().get());
    591     MutableEntry me(&wtrans, CREATE, PREFERENCES,
    592                     wtrans.root_id(), test_name_);
    593     CHECK(me.good());
    594     me.PutId(id);
    595     if (id.ServerKnows()) {
    596       me.PutBaseVersion(kBaseVersion);
    597     }
    598     me.PutIsUnsynced(true);
    599     me.PutIsDel(deleted);
    600     me.PutIsDir(false);
    601     return me.PutUniqueClientTag(test_tag_);
    602   }
    604   // Verify an entry exists with the default tag.
    605   void VerifyTag(Id id, bool deleted) {
    606     // Should still be present and valid in the client tag index.
    607     ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir().get());
    608     Entry me(&trans, GET_BY_CLIENT_TAG, test_tag_);
    609     CHECK(me.good());
    610     EXPECT_EQ(me.GetId(), id);
    611     EXPECT_EQ(me.GetUniqueClientTag(), test_tag_);
    612     EXPECT_EQ(me.GetIsDel(), deleted);
    614     // We only sync deleted items that the server knew about.
    615     if (me.GetId().ServerKnows() || !me.GetIsDel()) {
    616       EXPECT_EQ(me.GetIsUnsynced(), true);
    617     }
    618   }
    620  protected:
    621   TestIdFactory factory_;
    622 };
    624 TEST_F(SyncableClientTagTest, TestClientTagClear) {
    625   Id server_id = factory_.NewServerId();
    626   EXPECT_TRUE(CreateWithDefaultTag(server_id, false));
    627   {
    628     WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, dir().get());
    629     MutableEntry me(&trans, GET_BY_CLIENT_TAG, test_tag_);
    630     EXPECT_TRUE(me.good());
    631     me.PutUniqueClientTag(std::string());
    632   }
    633   {
    634     ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, dir().get());
    635     Entry by_tag(&trans, GET_BY_CLIENT_TAG, test_tag_);
    636     EXPECT_FALSE(by_tag.good());
    638     Entry by_id(&trans, GET_BY_ID, server_id);
    639     EXPECT_TRUE(by_id.good());
    640     EXPECT_TRUE(by_id.GetUniqueClientTag().empty());
    641   }
    642 }
    644 TEST_F(SyncableClientTagTest, TestClientTagIndexServerId) {
    645   Id server_id = factory_.NewServerId();
    646   EXPECT_TRUE(CreateWithDefaultTag(server_id, false));
    647   VerifyTag(server_id, false);
    648 }
    650 TEST_F(SyncableClientTagTest, TestClientTagIndexClientId) {
    651   Id client_id = factory_.NewLocalId();
    652   EXPECT_TRUE(CreateWithDefaultTag(client_id, false));
    653   VerifyTag(client_id, false);
    654 }
    656 TEST_F(SyncableClientTagTest, TestDeletedClientTagIndexClientId) {
    657   Id client_id = factory_.NewLocalId();
    658   EXPECT_TRUE(CreateWithDefaultTag(client_id, true));
    659   VerifyTag(client_id, true);
    660 }
    662 TEST_F(SyncableClientTagTest, TestDeletedClientTagIndexServerId) {
    663   Id server_id = factory_.NewServerId();
    664   EXPECT_TRUE(CreateWithDefaultTag(server_id, true));
    665   VerifyTag(server_id, true);
    666 }
    668 TEST_F(SyncableClientTagTest, TestClientTagIndexDuplicateServer) {
    669   EXPECT_TRUE(CreateWithDefaultTag(factory_.NewServerId(), true));
    670   EXPECT_FALSE(CreateWithDefaultTag(factory_.NewServerId(), true));
    671   EXPECT_FALSE(CreateWithDefaultTag(factory_.NewServerId(), false));
    672   EXPECT_FALSE(CreateWithDefaultTag(factory_.NewLocalId(), false));
    673   EXPECT_FALSE(CreateWithDefaultTag(factory_.NewLocalId(), true));
    674 }
    676 }  // namespace syncable
    677 }  // namespace syncer