1 *.Makefile 2 *.mk 3 *.mode* 4 *.pbxuser 5 *.perspective* 6 *.pyc 7 .DS_Store 8 .directory 9 autoinstall.cache.d 10 11 # Ignore auto-generated files by VS2005 and VS2010. 12 *.ncb 13 *.props 14 *.sln 15 *.suo 16 *.targets 17 *.vcproj 18 *.vcproj.*.user 19 *.vcxproj.user 20 *.vcxproj 21 *.vcxproj.filters 22 Source/core/make_core_generated.xml 23 24 # Ignore Eclipse project files 25 .project 26 .cproject 27 /.settings 28 29 # Ignore common tool auto-generated files. 30 .gdb_history 31 tags 32 *~ 33 .*.sw[a-p] 34 35 # For best performance, place rules for deep paths in the parent directory. 36 # For example: instead of placing Source/WebKit/chromium/WebKit.xcodeproj here, 37 # place WebKit.xcodeproj in Source/WebKit/chromium/.gitignore 38