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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
      3  * Copyright (C) 2011, Benjamin Poulain <ikipou (at) gmail.com>
      4  *
      5  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      7  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      8  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      9  *
     10  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13  * Library General Public License for more details.
     14  *
     15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
     16  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
     17  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
     18  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
     19  *
     20  */
     22 #ifndef WTF_LinkedHashSet_h
     23 #define WTF_LinkedHashSet_h
     25 #include "wtf/DefaultAllocator.h"
     26 #include "wtf/HashSet.h"
     27 #include "wtf/OwnPtr.h"
     28 #include "wtf/PassOwnPtr.h"
     30 namespace WTF {
     32 // LinkedHashSet: Just like HashSet, this class provides a Set
     33 // interface - a collection of unique objects with O(1) insertion,
     34 // removal and test for containership. However, it also has an
     35 // order - iterating it will always give back values in the order
     36 // in which they are added.
     38 // Unlike ListHashSet, but like most WTF collections, iteration is NOT safe
     39 // against mutation of the LinkedHashSet.
     41 template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename HashTraits, typename Allocator> class LinkedHashSet;
     43 template<typename LinkedHashSet> class LinkedHashSetIterator;
     44 template<typename LinkedHashSet> class LinkedHashSetConstIterator;
     45 template<typename LinkedHashSet> class LinkedHashSetReverseIterator;
     46 template<typename LinkedHashSet> class LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator;
     48 template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename Allocator> struct LinkedHashSetTranslator;
     49 template<typename Value, typename Allocator> struct LinkedHashSetExtractor;
     50 template<typename Value, typename ValueTraits, typename Allocator> struct LinkedHashSetTraits;
     52 class LinkedHashSetNodeBase {
     53 public:
     54     LinkedHashSetNodeBase() : m_prev(this), m_next(this) { }
     56     void unlink()
     57     {
     58         if (!m_next)
     59             return;
     60         ASSERT(m_prev);
     61         ASSERT(m_next->m_prev == this);
     62         ASSERT(m_prev->m_next == this);
     63         m_next->m_prev = m_prev;
     64         m_prev->m_next = m_next;
     65     }
     67     ~LinkedHashSetNodeBase()
     68     {
     69         unlink();
     70     }
     72     void insertBefore(LinkedHashSetNodeBase& other)
     73     {
     74         other.m_next = this;
     75         other.m_prev = m_prev;
     76         m_prev->m_next = &other;
     77         m_prev = &other;
     78         ASSERT(other.m_next);
     79         ASSERT(other.m_prev);
     80         ASSERT(m_next);
     81         ASSERT(m_prev);
     82     }
     84     void insertAfter(LinkedHashSetNodeBase& other)
     85     {
     86         other.m_prev = this;
     87         other.m_next = m_next;
     88         m_next->m_prev = &other;
     89         m_next = &other;
     90         ASSERT(other.m_next);
     91         ASSERT(other.m_prev);
     92         ASSERT(m_next);
     93         ASSERT(m_prev);
     94     }
     96     LinkedHashSetNodeBase(LinkedHashSetNodeBase* prev, LinkedHashSetNodeBase* next)
     97         : m_prev(prev)
     98         , m_next(next)
     99     {
    100         ASSERT((prev && next) || (!prev && !next));
    101     }
    103     LinkedHashSetNodeBase* m_prev;
    104     LinkedHashSetNodeBase* m_next;
    106 protected:
    107     // If we take a copy of a node we can't copy the next and prev pointers,
    108     // since they point to something that does not point at us. This is used
    109     // inside the shouldExpand() "if" in HashTable::add.
    110     LinkedHashSetNodeBase(const LinkedHashSetNodeBase& other)
    111         : m_prev(0)
    112         , m_next(0) { }
    114 private:
    115     // Should not be used.
    116     LinkedHashSetNodeBase& operator=(const LinkedHashSetNodeBase& other);
    117 };
    119 template<typename ValueArg, typename Allocator>
    120 class LinkedHashSetNode : public LinkedHashSetNodeBase {
    121 public:
    122     LinkedHashSetNode(const ValueArg& value, LinkedHashSetNodeBase* prev, LinkedHashSetNodeBase* next)
    123         : LinkedHashSetNodeBase(prev, next)
    124         , m_value(value)
    125     {
    126     }
    128     ValueArg m_value;
    130 private:
    131     // Not used.
    132     LinkedHashSetNode(const LinkedHashSetNode&);
    133 };
    135 template<
    136     typename ValueArg,
    137     typename HashFunctions = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash,
    138     typename TraitsArg = HashTraits<ValueArg>,
    139     typename Allocator = DefaultAllocator>
    140 class LinkedHashSet {
    141     WTF_USE_ALLOCATOR(LinkedHashSet, Allocator);
    142 private:
    143     typedef ValueArg Value;
    144     typedef TraitsArg Traits;
    145     typedef LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator> Node;
    146     typedef LinkedHashSetNodeBase NodeBase;
    147     typedef LinkedHashSetTranslator<Value, HashFunctions, Allocator> NodeHashFunctions;
    148     typedef LinkedHashSetTraits<Value, Traits, Allocator> NodeHashTraits;
    150     typedef HashTable<Node, Node, IdentityExtractor,
    151         NodeHashFunctions, NodeHashTraits, NodeHashTraits, Allocator> ImplType;
    153 public:
    154     typedef LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSet> iterator;
    155     friend class LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSet>;
    156     typedef LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSet> const_iterator;
    157     friend class LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSet>;
    159     typedef LinkedHashSetReverseIterator<LinkedHashSet> reverse_iterator;
    160     friend class LinkedHashSetReverseIterator<LinkedHashSet>;
    161     typedef LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator<LinkedHashSet> const_reverse_iterator;
    162     friend class LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator<LinkedHashSet>;
    164     struct AddResult {
    165         AddResult(const typename ImplType::AddResult& hashTableAddResult)
    166             : storedValue(&hashTableAddResult.storedValue->m_value)
    167             , isNewEntry(hashTableAddResult.isNewEntry)
    168         {
    169         }
    171         Value* storedValue;
    172         bool isNewEntry;
    173     };
    175     typedef typename HashTraits<Value>::PeekInType ValuePeekInType;
    177     LinkedHashSet();
    178     LinkedHashSet(const LinkedHashSet&);
    179     LinkedHashSet& operator=(const LinkedHashSet&);
    181     // Needs finalization. The anchor needs to unlink itself from the chain.
    182     ~LinkedHashSet();
    184     static void finalize(void* pointer) { reinterpret_cast<LinkedHashSet*>(pointer)->~LinkedHashSet(); }
    186     void swap(LinkedHashSet&);
    188     unsigned size() const { return m_impl.size(); }
    189     unsigned capacity() const { return m_impl.capacity(); }
    190     bool isEmpty() const { return m_impl.isEmpty(); }
    192     iterator begin() { return makeIterator(firstNode()); }
    193     iterator end() { return makeIterator(anchor()); }
    194     const_iterator begin() const { return makeConstIterator(firstNode()); }
    195     const_iterator end() const { return makeConstIterator(anchor()); }
    197     reverse_iterator rbegin() { return makeReverseIterator(lastNode()); }
    198     reverse_iterator rend() { return makeReverseIterator(anchor()); }
    199     const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return makeConstReverseIterator(lastNode()); }
    200     const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return makeConstReverseIterator(anchor()); }
    202     Value& first();
    203     const Value& first() const;
    204     void removeFirst();
    206     Value& last();
    207     const Value& last() const;
    208     void removeLast();
    210     iterator find(ValuePeekInType);
    211     const_iterator find(ValuePeekInType) const;
    212     bool contains(ValuePeekInType) const;
    214     // An alternate version of find() that finds the object by hashing and comparing
    215     // with some other type, to avoid the cost of type conversion.
    216     // The HashTranslator interface is defined in HashSet.
    217     template<typename HashTranslator, typename T> iterator find(const T&);
    218     template<typename HashTranslator, typename T> const_iterator find(const T&) const;
    219     template<typename HashTranslator, typename T> bool contains(const T&) const;
    221     // The return value of add is a pair of a pointer to the stored value,
    222     // and a bool that is true if an new entry was added.
    223     AddResult add(ValuePeekInType);
    225     // Same as add() except that the return value is an
    226     // iterator. Useful in cases where it's needed to have the
    227     // same return value as find() and where it's not possible to
    228     // use a pointer to the storedValue.
    229     iterator addReturnIterator(ValuePeekInType);
    231     // Add the value to the end of the collection. If the value was already in
    232     // the list, it is moved to the end.
    233     AddResult appendOrMoveToLast(ValuePeekInType);
    235     // Add the value to the beginning of the collection. If the value was already in
    236     // the list, it is moved to the beginning.
    237     AddResult prependOrMoveToFirst(ValuePeekInType);
    239     AddResult insertBefore(ValuePeekInType beforeValue, ValuePeekInType newValue);
    240     AddResult insertBefore(iterator it, ValuePeekInType newValue) { return m_impl.template add<NodeHashFunctions>(newValue, it.node()); }
    242     void remove(ValuePeekInType);
    243     void remove(iterator);
    244     void clear() { m_impl.clear(); }
    245     template<typename Collection>
    246     void removeAll(const Collection& other) { WTF::removeAll(*this, other); }
    248     void trace(typename Allocator::Visitor* visitor) { m_impl.trace(visitor); }
    250     int64_t modifications() const { return m_impl.modifications(); }
    251     void checkModifications(int64_t mods) const { m_impl.checkModifications(mods); }
    253 private:
    254     Node* anchor() { return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(&m_anchor); }
    255     const Node* anchor() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Node*>(&m_anchor); }
    256     Node* firstNode() { return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(m_anchor.m_next); }
    257     const Node* firstNode() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Node*>(m_anchor.m_next); }
    258     Node* lastNode() { return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(m_anchor.m_prev); }
    259     const Node* lastNode() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Node*>(m_anchor.m_prev); }
    261     iterator makeIterator(const Node* position) { return iterator(position, this); }
    262     const_iterator makeConstIterator(const Node* position) const { return const_iterator(position, this); }
    263     reverse_iterator makeReverseIterator(const Node* position) { return reverse_iterator(position, this); }
    264     const_reverse_iterator makeConstReverseIterator(const Node* position) const { return const_reverse_iterator(position, this); }
    266     ImplType m_impl;
    267     NodeBase m_anchor;
    268 };
    270 template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename Allocator>
    271 struct LinkedHashSetTranslator {
    272     typedef LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator> Node;
    273     typedef LinkedHashSetNodeBase NodeBase;
    274     typedef typename HashTraits<Value>::PeekInType ValuePeekInType;
    275     static unsigned hash(const Node& node) { return HashFunctions::hash(node.m_value); }
    276     static unsigned hash(const ValuePeekInType& key) { return HashFunctions::hash(key); }
    277     static bool equal(const Node& a, const ValuePeekInType& b) { return HashFunctions::equal(a.m_value, b); }
    278     static bool equal(const Node& a, const Node& b) { return HashFunctions::equal(a.m_value, b.m_value); }
    279     static void translate(Node& location, ValuePeekInType key, NodeBase* anchor)
    280     {
    281         anchor->insertBefore(location);
    282         location.m_value = key;
    283     }
    285     // Empty (or deleted) slots have the m_next pointer set to null, but we
    286     // don't do anything to the other fields, which may contain junk.
    287     // Therefore you can't compare a newly constructed empty value with a
    288     // slot and get the right answer.
    289     static const bool safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted = false;
    290 };
    292 template<typename Value, typename Allocator>
    293 struct LinkedHashSetExtractor {
    294     static const Value& extract(const LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator>& node) { return node.m_value; }
    295 };
    297 template<typename Value, typename ValueTraitsArg, typename Allocator>
    298 struct LinkedHashSetTraits : public SimpleClassHashTraits<LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator> > {
    299     typedef LinkedHashSetNode<Value, Allocator> Node;
    300     typedef ValueTraitsArg ValueTraits;
    302     // The slot is empty when the m_next field is zero so it's safe to zero
    303     // the backing.
    304     static const bool emptyValueIsZero = true;
    306     static const bool hasIsEmptyValueFunction = true;
    307     static bool isEmptyValue(const Node& node) { return !node.m_next; }
    309     static const int deletedValue = -1;
    311     static void constructDeletedValue(Node& slot, bool) { slot.m_next = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(deletedValue); }
    312     static bool isDeletedValue(const Node& slot) { return slot.m_next == reinterpret_cast<Node*>(deletedValue); }
    314     // We always need to call destructors, that's how we get linked and
    315     // unlinked from the chain.
    316     static const bool needsDestruction = true;
    318     // Whether we need to trace and do weak processing depends on the traits of
    319     // the type inside the node.
    320     template<typename U = void>
    321     struct NeedsTracingLazily {
    322         static const bool value = ValueTraits::template NeedsTracingLazily<>::value;
    323     };
    324     static const WeakHandlingFlag weakHandlingFlag = ValueTraits::weakHandlingFlag;
    325 };
    327 template<typename LinkedHashSetType>
    328 class LinkedHashSetIterator {
    329 private:
    330     typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Node Node;
    331     typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Traits Traits;
    333     typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Value& ReferenceType;
    334     typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Value* PointerType;
    336     typedef LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSetType> const_iterator;
    338     Node* node() { return const_cast<Node*>(m_iterator.node()); }
    340 protected:
    341     LinkedHashSetIterator(const Node* position, LinkedHashSetType* m_container)
    342         : m_iterator(position , m_container)
    343     {
    344     }
    346 public:
    347     // Default copy, assignment and destructor are OK.
    349     PointerType get() const { return const_cast<PointerType>(m_iterator.get()); }
    350     ReferenceType operator*() const { return *get(); }
    351     PointerType operator->() const { return get(); }
    353     LinkedHashSetIterator& operator++() { ++m_iterator; return *this; }
    354     LinkedHashSetIterator& operator--() { --m_iterator; return *this; }
    356     // Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
    358     // Comparison.
    359     bool operator==(const LinkedHashSetIterator& other) const { return m_iterator == other.m_iterator; }
    360     bool operator!=(const LinkedHashSetIterator& other) const { return m_iterator != other.m_iterator; }
    362     operator const_iterator() const { return m_iterator; }
    364 protected:
    365     const_iterator m_iterator;
    366     template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W> friend class LinkedHashSet;
    367 };
    369 template<typename LinkedHashSetType>
    370 class LinkedHashSetConstIterator {
    371 private:
    372     typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Node Node;
    373     typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Traits Traits;
    375     typedef const typename LinkedHashSetType::Value& ReferenceType;
    376     typedef const typename LinkedHashSetType::Value* PointerType;
    378     const Node* node() const { return static_cast<const Node*>(m_position); }
    380 protected:
    381     LinkedHashSetConstIterator(const LinkedHashSetNodeBase* position, const LinkedHashSetType* container)
    382         : m_position(position)
    383 #if ENABLE(ASSERT)
    384         , m_container(container)
    385         , m_containerModifications(container->modifications())
    386 #endif
    387     {
    388     }
    390 public:
    391     PointerType get() const
    392     {
    393         checkModifications();
    394         return &static_cast<const Node*>(m_position)->m_value;
    395     }
    396     ReferenceType operator*() const { return *get(); }
    397     PointerType operator->() const { return get(); }
    399     LinkedHashSetConstIterator& operator++()
    400     {
    401         ASSERT(m_position);
    402         checkModifications();
    403         m_position = m_position->m_next;
    404         return *this;
    405     }
    407     LinkedHashSetConstIterator& operator--()
    408     {
    409         ASSERT(m_position);
    410         checkModifications();
    411         m_position = m_position->m_prev;
    412         return *this;
    413     }
    415     // Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
    417     // Comparison.
    418     bool operator==(const LinkedHashSetConstIterator& other) const
    419     {
    420         return m_position == other.m_position;
    421     }
    422     bool operator!=(const LinkedHashSetConstIterator& other) const
    423     {
    424         return m_position != other.m_position;
    425     }
    427 private:
    428     const LinkedHashSetNodeBase* m_position;
    429 #if ENABLE(ASSERT)
    430     void checkModifications() const { m_container->checkModifications(m_containerModifications); }
    431     const LinkedHashSetType* m_container;
    432     int64_t m_containerModifications;
    433 #else
    434     void checkModifications() const { }
    435 #endif
    436     template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W> friend class LinkedHashSet;
    437     friend class LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSetType>;
    438 };
    440 template<typename LinkedHashSetType>
    441 class LinkedHashSetReverseIterator : public LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSetType> {
    442     typedef LinkedHashSetIterator<LinkedHashSetType> Superclass;
    443     typedef LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator<LinkedHashSetType> const_reverse_iterator;
    444     typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Node Node;
    446 protected:
    447     LinkedHashSetReverseIterator(const Node* position, LinkedHashSetType* container)
    448         : Superclass(position, container) { }
    450 public:
    451     LinkedHashSetReverseIterator& operator++() { Superclass::operator--(); return *this; }
    452     LinkedHashSetReverseIterator& operator--() { Superclass::operator++(); return *this; }
    454     // Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
    456     operator const_reverse_iterator() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const_reverse_iterator*>(this); }
    458     template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W> friend class LinkedHashSet;
    459 };
    461 template<typename LinkedHashSetType>
    462 class LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator : public LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSetType> {
    463     typedef LinkedHashSetConstIterator<LinkedHashSetType> Superclass;
    464     typedef typename LinkedHashSetType::Node Node;
    466 public:
    467     LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator(const Node* position, const LinkedHashSetType* container)
    468         : Superclass(position, container) { }
    470     LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator& operator++() { Superclass::operator--(); return *this; }
    471     LinkedHashSetConstReverseIterator& operator--() { Superclass::operator++(); return *this; }
    473     // Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
    475     template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W> friend class LinkedHashSet;
    476 };
    478 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    479 inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::LinkedHashSet() { }
    481 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    482 inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::LinkedHashSet(const LinkedHashSet& other)
    483     : m_anchor()
    484 {
    485     const_iterator end = other.end();
    486     for (const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != end; ++it)
    487         add(*it);
    488 }
    490 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    491 inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::operator=(const LinkedHashSet& other)
    492 {
    493     LinkedHashSet tmp(other);
    494     swap(tmp);
    495     return *this;
    496 }
    498 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    499 inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::swap(LinkedHashSet& other)
    500 {
    501     m_impl.swap(other.m_impl);
    502     swapAnchor(m_anchor, other.m_anchor);
    503 }
    505 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename Allocator>
    506 inline LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, Allocator>::~LinkedHashSet()
    507 {
    508     // The destructor of m_anchor will implicitly be called here, which will
    509     // unlink the anchor from the collection.
    510 }
    512 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    513 inline T& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::first()
    514 {
    515     ASSERT(!isEmpty());
    516     return firstNode()->m_value;
    517 }
    519 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    520 inline const T& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::first() const
    521 {
    522     ASSERT(!isEmpty());
    523     return firstNode()->m_value;
    524 }
    526 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    527 inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::removeFirst()
    528 {
    529     ASSERT(!isEmpty());
    530     m_impl.remove(static_cast<Node*>(m_anchor.m_next));
    531 }
    533 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    534 inline T& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::last()
    535 {
    536     ASSERT(!isEmpty());
    537     return lastNode()->m_value;
    538 }
    540 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    541 inline const T& LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::last() const
    542 {
    543     ASSERT(!isEmpty());
    544     return lastNode()->m_value;
    545 }
    547 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    548 inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::removeLast()
    549 {
    550     ASSERT(!isEmpty());
    551     m_impl.remove(static_cast<Node*>(m_anchor.m_prev));
    552 }
    554 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    555 inline typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::iterator LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::find(ValuePeekInType value)
    556 {
    557     LinkedHashSet::Node* node = m_impl.template lookup<LinkedHashSet::NodeHashFunctions, ValuePeekInType>(value);
    558     if (!node)
    559         return end();
    560     return makeIterator(node);
    561 }
    563 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    564 inline typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::const_iterator LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::find(ValuePeekInType value) const
    565 {
    566     const LinkedHashSet::Node* node = m_impl.template lookup<LinkedHashSet::NodeHashFunctions, ValuePeekInType>(value);
    567     if (!node)
    568         return end();
    569     return makeConstIterator(node);
    570 }
    572 template<typename Translator>
    573 struct LinkedHashSetTranslatorAdapter {
    574     template<typename T> static unsigned hash(const T& key) { return Translator::hash(key); }
    575     template<typename T, typename U> static bool equal(const T& a, const U& b) { return Translator::equal(a.m_value, b); }
    576 };
    578 template<typename Value, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    579 template<typename HashTranslator, typename T>
    580 inline typename LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::iterator LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::find(const T& value)
    581 {
    582     typedef LinkedHashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> TranslatedFunctions;
    583     const LinkedHashSet::Node* node = m_impl.template lookup<TranslatedFunctions, const T&>(value);
    584     if (!node)
    585         return end();
    586     return makeIterator(node);
    587 }
    589 template<typename Value, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    590 template<typename HashTranslator, typename T>
    591 inline typename LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::const_iterator LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::find(const T& value) const
    592 {
    593     typedef LinkedHashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> TranslatedFunctions;
    594     const LinkedHashSet::Node* node = m_impl.template lookup<TranslatedFunctions, const T&>(value);
    595     if (!node)
    596         return end();
    597     return makeConstIterator(node);
    598 }
    600 template<typename Value, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    601 template<typename HashTranslator, typename T>
    602 inline bool LinkedHashSet<Value, U, V, W>::contains(const T& value) const
    603 {
    604     return m_impl.template contains<LinkedHashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> >(value);
    605 }
    607 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    608 inline bool LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::contains(ValuePeekInType value) const
    609 {
    610     return m_impl.template contains<NodeHashFunctions>(value);
    611 }
    613 template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
    614 typename LinkedHashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::AddResult LinkedHashSet<Value, HashFunctions, Traits, Allocator>::add(ValuePeekInType value)
    615 {
    616     return m_impl.template add<NodeHashFunctions>(value, &m_anchor);
    617 }
    619 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    620 typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::iterator LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::addReturnIterator(ValuePeekInType value)
    621 {
    622     typename ImplType::AddResult result = m_impl.template add<NodeHashFunctions>(value, &m_anchor);
    623     return makeIterator(result.storedValue);
    624 }
    626 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    627 typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::AddResult LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::appendOrMoveToLast(ValuePeekInType value)
    628 {
    629     typename ImplType::AddResult result = m_impl.template add<NodeHashFunctions>(value, &m_anchor);
    630     Node* node = result.storedValue;
    631     if (!result.isNewEntry) {
    632         node->unlink();
    633         m_anchor.insertBefore(*node);
    634     }
    635     return result;
    636 }
    638 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    639 typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::AddResult LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::prependOrMoveToFirst(ValuePeekInType value)
    640 {
    641     typename ImplType::AddResult result = m_impl.template add<NodeHashFunctions>(value, m_anchor.m_next);
    642     Node* node = result.storedValue;
    643     if (!result.isNewEntry) {
    644         node->unlink();
    645         m_anchor.insertAfter(*node);
    646     }
    647     return result;
    648 }
    650 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    651 typename LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::AddResult LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::insertBefore(ValuePeekInType beforeValue, ValuePeekInType newValue)
    652 {
    653     return insertBefore(find(beforeValue), newValue);
    654 }
    656 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    657 inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::remove(iterator it)
    658 {
    659     if (it == end())
    660         return;
    661     m_impl.remove(it.node());
    662 }
    664 template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
    665 inline void LinkedHashSet<T, U, V, W>::remove(ValuePeekInType value)
    666 {
    667     remove(find(value));
    668 }
    670 inline void swapAnchor(LinkedHashSetNodeBase& a, LinkedHashSetNodeBase& b)
    671 {
    672     ASSERT(a.m_prev && a.m_next && b.m_prev && b.m_next);
    673     swap(a.m_prev, b.m_prev);
    674     swap(a.m_next, b.m_next);
    675     if (b.m_next == &a) {
    676         ASSERT(b.m_prev == &a);
    677         b.m_next = &b;
    678         b.m_prev = &b;
    679     } else {
    680         b.m_next->m_prev = &b;
    681         b.m_prev->m_next = &b;
    682     }
    683     if (a.m_next == &b) {
    684         ASSERT(a.m_prev == &b);
    685         a.m_next = &a;
    686         a.m_prev = &a;
    687     } else {
    688         a.m_next->m_prev = &a;
    689         a.m_prev->m_next = &a;
    690     }
    691 }
    693 inline void swap(LinkedHashSetNodeBase& a, LinkedHashSetNodeBase& b)
    694 {
    695     ASSERT(a.m_next != &a && b.m_next != &b);
    696     swap(a.m_prev, b.m_prev);
    697     swap(a.m_next, b.m_next);
    698     if (b.m_next) {
    699         b.m_next->m_prev = &b;
    700         b.m_prev->m_next = &b;
    701     }
    702     if (a.m_next) {
    703         a.m_next->m_prev = &a;
    704         a.m_prev->m_next = &a;
    705     }
    706 }
    708 template<typename T, typename Allocator>
    709 inline void swap(LinkedHashSetNode<T, Allocator>& a, LinkedHashSetNode<T, Allocator>& b)
    710 {
    711     typedef LinkedHashSetNodeBase Base;
    712     Allocator::enterNoAllocationScope();
    713     swap(static_cast<Base&>(a), static_cast<Base&>(b));
    714     swap(a.m_value, b.m_value);
    715     Allocator::leaveNoAllocationScope();
    716 }
    718 // Warning: After and while calling this you have a collection with deleted
    719 // pointers. Consider using a smart pointer like OwnPtr and calling clear()
    720 // instead.
    721 template<typename ValueType, typename T, typename U>
    722 void deleteAllValues(const LinkedHashSet<ValueType, T, U>& set)
    723 {
    724     typedef typename LinkedHashSet<ValueType, T, U>::const_iterator iterator;
    725     iterator end = set.end();
    726     for (iterator it = set.begin(); it != end; ++it)
    727         delete *it;
    728 }
    730 #if !ENABLE(OILPAN)
    731 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
    732 struct NeedsTracing<LinkedHashSet<T, U, V> > {
    733     static const bool value = false;
    734 };
    735 #endif
    737 }
    739 using WTF::LinkedHashSet;
    741 #endif /* WTF_LinkedHashSet_h */