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      1 <html>
      2 <head><title>Jstemplates: Quick example</title>
      3   <script src="../util.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      4   <script src="../jsevalcontext.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      5   <script src="../jstemplate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      6   <script type="text/javascript">  
      7     var tplData = {username:"Joe User", 
      8                      addresses:[
      9                        {location:"111 8th Av.", label:"NYC front door"},
     10                        {location:"76 9th Av.", label:"NYC back door"},
     11                        {location:"Mountain View", label:"Mothership"}
     12                      ]};
     14     function showData() {
     15       // This is the javascript code that processes the template:
     16       var input = new JsEvalContext(tplData);
     17       var output = document.getElementById('tpl');
     18       jstProcess(input, output);
     19     }
     20     </script>
     21 </head>
     22 <body onload="showData()">
     24 <!-- 
     25 This is the template:
     26 -->
     27 <div id="tpl">
     28 <h1>
     29   <span jsselect="username" jscontent="$this">User de Fault</span>'s
     30   Address Book
     31 </h1>
     32 <span jsdisplay="addresses.length==0">Address book is empty.</span>
     33 <table cellpadding="5" jsdisplay="addresses.length">
     34 <tr><td><h2>Location:</h2></td><td><h2>Label:</h2></td></tr>
     35 <tr jsselect="addresses"><td jscontent="location"></td><td jscontent="label"></td></tr>
     36 </table>
     37 </div>
     39 </body>
     40 </html>