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      1 <!--
      2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
      4 The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
      5 The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
      6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
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      8 -->
     10 <!--
     11 /**
     12  * @group Paper Elements
     13  *
     14  * paper-focusable is a base class for paper elements that can be focused.
     15  *
     16  * @element paper-focusable
     17  * @status beta
     18  * @homepage github.io
     19  */
     20 -->
     22 <link href="../polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
     24 <polymer-element name="paper-focusable" attributes="active focused disabled isToggle" tabindex="0" on-down="{{downAction}}" on-up="{{upAction}}" on-focus="{{focusAction}}" on-blur="{{blurAction}}" on-contextmenu="{{contextMenuAction}}">
     26   <template>
     27     <style>
     28       :host([disabled]) {
     29         pointer-events: none;
     30       }
     31     </style>
     32     <content></content>
     33   </template>
     35   <script>
     36     Polymer('paper-focusable', {
     38       publish: {
     40         /**
     41          * If true, the button is currently active either because the
     42          * user is holding down the button, or the button is a toggle
     43          * and is currently in the active state.
     44          *
     45          * @attribute active
     46          * @type boolean
     47          * @default false
     48          */
     49         active: {value: false, reflect: true},
     51         /**
     52          * If true, the element currently has focus due to keyboard
     53          * navigation.
     54          *
     55          * @attribute focused
     56          * @type boolean
     57          * @default false
     58          */
     59         focused: {value: false, reflect: true},
     61         /**
     62          * If true, the user is currently holding down the button.
     63          *
     64          * @attribute pressed
     65          * @type boolean
     66          * @default false
     67          */
     68         pressed: {value: false, reflect: true},
     70         /**
     71          * If true, the user cannot interact with this element.
     72          *
     73          * @attribute disabled
     74          * @type boolean
     75          * @default false
     76          */
     77         disabled: {value: false, reflect: true},
     79         /**
     80          * If true, the button toggles the active state with each tap.
     81          * Otherwise, the button becomes active when the user is holding
     82          * it down.
     83          *
     84          * @attribute isToggle
     85          * @type boolean
     86          * @default false
     87          */
     88         isToggle: {value: false, reflect: false}
     90       },
     92       disabledChanged: function() {
     93         if (this.disabled) {
     94           this.removeAttribute('tabindex');
     95         } else {
     96           this.setAttribute('tabindex', 0);
     97         }
     98       },
    100       downAction: function() {
    101         this.pressed = true;
    102         this.focused = false;
    104         if (this.isToggle) {
    105           this.active = !this.active;
    106         } else {
    107           this.active = true;
    108         }
    109       },
    111       // Pulling up the context menu for an item should focus it; but we need to
    112       // be careful about how we deal with down/up events surrounding context
    113       // menus. The up event typically does not fire until the context menu
    114       // closes: so we focus immediately.
    115       //
    116       // This fires _after_ downAction.
    117       contextMenuAction: function(e) {
    118         // Note that upAction may fire _again_ on the actual up event.
    119         this.upAction(e);
    120         this.focusAction();
    121       },
    123       upAction: function() {
    124         this.pressed = false;
    126         if (!this.isToggle) {
    127           this.active = false;
    128         }
    129       },
    131       focusAction: function() {
    132         if (!this.pressed) {
    133           // Only render the "focused" state if the element gains focus due to
    134           // keyboard navigation.
    135           this.focused = true;
    136         }
    137       },
    139       blurAction: function() {
    140         this.focused = false;
    141       }
    143     });
    145   </script>
    146 </polymer-element>