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      1 # Run this TCL script using "testfixture" in order get a report that shows
      2 # how much disk space is used by a particular data to actually store data
      3 # versus how much space is unused.
      4 #
      6 if {[catch {
      8 # Get the name of the database to analyze
      9 #
     10 #set argv $argv0
     11 if {[llength $argv]!=1} {
     12   puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 database-name"
     13   exit 1
     14 }
     15 set file_to_analyze [lindex $argv 0]
     16 if {![file exists $file_to_analyze]} {
     17   puts stderr "No such file: $file_to_analyze"
     18   exit 1
     19 }
     20 if {![file readable $file_to_analyze]} {
     21   puts stderr "File is not readable: $file_to_analyze"
     22   exit 1
     23 }
     24 if {[file size $file_to_analyze]<512} {
     25   puts stderr "Empty or malformed database: $file_to_analyze"
     26   exit 1
     27 }
     29 # Open the database
     30 #
     31 sqlite3 db [lindex $argv 0]
     32 register_dbstat_vtab db
     34 set pageSize [db one {PRAGMA page_size}]
     36 #set DB [btree_open [lindex $argv 0] 1000 0]
     38 # In-memory database for collecting statistics. This script loops through
     39 # the tables and indices in the database being analyzed, adding a row for each
     40 # to an in-memory database (for which the schema is shown below). It then
     41 # queries the in-memory db to produce the space-analysis report.
     42 #
     43 sqlite3 mem :memory:
     44 set tabledef\
     45 {CREATE TABLE space_used(
     46    name clob,        -- Name of a table or index in the database file
     47    tblname clob,     -- Name of associated table
     48    is_index boolean, -- TRUE if it is an index, false for a table
     49    nentry int,       -- Number of entries in the BTree
     50    leaf_entries int, -- Number of leaf entries
     51    payload int,      -- Total amount of data stored in this table or index
     52    ovfl_payload int, -- Total amount of data stored on overflow pages
     53    ovfl_cnt int,     -- Number of entries that use overflow
     54    mx_payload int,   -- Maximum payload size
     55    int_pages int,    -- Number of interior pages used
     56    leaf_pages int,   -- Number of leaf pages used
     57    ovfl_pages int,   -- Number of overflow pages used
     58    int_unused int,   -- Number of unused bytes on interior pages
     59    leaf_unused int,  -- Number of unused bytes on primary pages
     60    ovfl_unused int,  -- Number of unused bytes on overflow pages
     61    gap_cnt int       -- Number of gaps in the page layout
     62 );}
     63 mem eval $tabledef
     65 # Create a temporary "dbstat" virtual table.
     66 #
     67 db eval {
     68   CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE temp.stat USING dbstat;
     69   CREATE TEMP TABLE dbstat AS SELECT * FROM temp.stat ORDER BY name, path;
     70   DROP TABLE temp.stat;
     71 }
     73 proc isleaf {pagetype is_index} {
     74   return [expr {$pagetype == "leaf" || ($pagetype == "internal" && $is_index)}]
     75 }
     76 proc isoverflow {pagetype is_index} {
     77   return [expr {$pagetype == "overflow"}]
     78 }
     79 proc isinternal {pagetype is_index} {
     80   return [expr {$pagetype == "internal" && $is_index==0}]
     81 }
     83 db func isleaf isleaf
     84 db func isinternal isinternal
     85 db func isoverflow isoverflow
     87 set sql { SELECT name, tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE rootpage>0 }
     88 foreach {name tblname} [concat sqlite_master sqlite_master [db eval $sql]] {
     90   set is_index [expr {$name!=$tblname}]
     91   db eval {
     92     SELECT
     93       sum(ncell) AS nentry,
     94       sum(isleaf(pagetype, $is_index) * ncell) AS leaf_entries,
     95       sum(payload) AS payload,
     96       sum(isoverflow(pagetype, $is_index) * payload) AS ovfl_payload,
     97       sum(path LIKE '%+000000') AS ovfl_cnt,
     98       max(mx_payload) AS mx_payload,
     99       sum(isinternal(pagetype, $is_index)) AS int_pages,
    100       sum(isleaf(pagetype, $is_index)) AS leaf_pages,
    101       sum(isoverflow(pagetype, $is_index)) AS ovfl_pages,
    102       sum(isinternal(pagetype, $is_index) * unused) AS int_unused,
    103       sum(isleaf(pagetype, $is_index) * unused) AS leaf_unused,
    104       sum(isoverflow(pagetype, $is_index) * unused) AS ovfl_unused
    105     FROM temp.dbstat WHERE name = $name
    106   } break
    108   # Column 'gap_cnt' is set to the number of non-contiguous entries in the
    109   # list of pages visited if the b-tree structure is traversed in a top-down
    110   # fashion (each node visited before its child-tree is passed). Any overflow
    111   # chains present are traversed from start to finish before any child-tree
    112   # is.
    113   #
    114   set gap_cnt 0
    115   set pglist [db eval {
    116     SELECT pageno FROM temp.dbstat WHERE name = $name ORDER BY rowid
    117   }]
    118   set prev [lindex $pglist 0]
    119   foreach pgno [lrange $pglist 1 end] {
    120     if {$pgno != $prev+1} {incr gap_cnt}
    121     set prev $pgno
    122   }
    124   mem eval {
    125     INSERT INTO space_used VALUES(
    126       $name,
    127       $tblname,
    128       $is_index,
    129       $nentry,
    130       $leaf_entries,
    131       $payload,
    132       $ovfl_payload,
    133       $ovfl_cnt,
    134       $mx_payload,
    135       $int_pages,
    136       $leaf_pages,
    137       $ovfl_pages,
    138       $int_unused,
    139       $leaf_unused,
    140       $ovfl_unused,
    141       $gap_cnt
    142     );
    143   }
    144 }
    146 proc integerify {real} {
    147   if {[string is double -strict $real]} {
    148     return [expr {int($real)}]
    149   } else {
    150     return 0
    151   }
    152 }
    153 mem function int integerify
    155 # Quote a string for use in an SQL query. Examples:
    156 #
    157 # [quote {hello world}]   == {'hello world'}
    158 # [quote {hello world's}] == {'hello world''s'}
    159 #
    160 proc quote {txt} {
    161   regsub -all ' $txt '' q
    162   return '$q'
    163 }
    165 # Generate a single line of output in the statistics section of the
    166 # report.
    167 #
    168 proc statline {title value {extra {}}} {
    169   set len [string length $title]
    170   set dots [string range {......................................} $len end]
    171   set len [string length $value]
    172   set sp2 [string range {          } $len end]
    173   if {$extra ne ""} {
    174     set extra " $extra"
    175   }
    176   puts "$title$dots $value$sp2$extra"
    177 }
    179 # Generate a formatted percentage value for $num/$denom
    180 #
    181 proc percent {num denom {of {}}} {
    182   if {$denom==0.0} {return ""}
    183   set v [expr {$num*100.0/$denom}]
    184   set of {}
    185   if {$v==100.0 || $v<0.001 || ($v>1.0 && $v<99.0)} {
    186     return [format {%5.1f%% %s} $v $of]
    187   } elseif {$v<0.1 || $v>99.9} {
    188     return [format {%7.3f%% %s} $v $of]
    189   } else {
    190     return [format {%6.2f%% %s} $v $of]
    191   }
    192 }
    194 proc divide {num denom} {
    195   if {$denom==0} {return 0.0}
    196   return [format %.2f [expr double($num)/double($denom)]]
    197 }
    199 # Generate a subreport that covers some subset of the database.
    200 # the $where clause determines which subset to analyze.
    201 #
    202 proc subreport {title where} {
    203   global pageSize file_pgcnt
    205   # Query the in-memory database for the sum of various statistics
    206   # for the subset of tables/indices identified by the WHERE clause in
    207   # $where. Note that even if the WHERE clause matches no rows, the
    208   # following query returns exactly one row (because it is an aggregate).
    209   #
    210   # The results of the query are stored directly by SQLite into local
    211   # variables (i.e. $nentry, $nleaf etc.).
    212   #
    213   mem eval "
    214     SELECT
    215       int(sum(nentry)) AS nentry,
    216       int(sum(leaf_entries)) AS nleaf,
    217       int(sum(payload)) AS payload,
    218       int(sum(ovfl_payload)) AS ovfl_payload,
    219       max(mx_payload) AS mx_payload,
    220       int(sum(ovfl_cnt)) as ovfl_cnt,
    221       int(sum(leaf_pages)) AS leaf_pages,
    222       int(sum(int_pages)) AS int_pages,
    223       int(sum(ovfl_pages)) AS ovfl_pages,
    224       int(sum(leaf_unused)) AS leaf_unused,
    225       int(sum(int_unused)) AS int_unused,
    226       int(sum(ovfl_unused)) AS ovfl_unused,
    227       int(sum(gap_cnt)) AS gap_cnt
    228     FROM space_used WHERE $where" {} {}
    230   # Output the sub-report title, nicely decorated with * characters.
    231   #
    232   puts ""
    233   set len [string length $title]
    234   set stars [string repeat * [expr 65-$len]]
    235   puts "*** $title $stars"
    236   puts ""
    238   # Calculate statistics and store the results in TCL variables, as follows:
    239   #
    240   # total_pages: Database pages consumed.
    241   # total_pages_percent: Pages consumed as a percentage of the file.
    242   # storage: Bytes consumed.
    243   # payload_percent: Payload bytes used as a percentage of $storage.
    244   # total_unused: Unused bytes on pages.
    245   # avg_payload: Average payload per btree entry.
    246   # avg_fanout: Average fanout for internal pages.
    247   # avg_unused: Average unused bytes per btree entry.
    248   # ovfl_cnt_percent: Percentage of btree entries that use overflow pages.
    249   #
    250   set total_pages [expr {$leaf_pages+$int_pages+$ovfl_pages}]
    251   set total_pages_percent [percent $total_pages $file_pgcnt]
    252   set storage [expr {$total_pages*$pageSize}]
    253   set payload_percent [percent $payload $storage {of storage consumed}]
    254   set total_unused [expr {$ovfl_unused+$int_unused+$leaf_unused}]
    255   set avg_payload [divide $payload $nleaf]
    256   set avg_unused [divide $total_unused $nleaf]
    257   if {$int_pages>0} {
    258     # TODO: Is this formula correct?
    259     set nTab [mem eval "
    260       SELECT count(*) FROM (
    261           SELECT DISTINCT tblname FROM space_used WHERE $where AND is_index=0
    262       )
    263     "]
    264     set avg_fanout [mem eval "
    265       SELECT (sum(leaf_pages+int_pages)-$nTab)/sum(int_pages) FROM space_used
    266           WHERE $where AND is_index = 0
    267     "]
    268     set avg_fanout [format %.2f $avg_fanout]
    269   }
    270   set ovfl_cnt_percent [percent $ovfl_cnt $nleaf {of all entries}]
    272   # Print out the sub-report statistics.
    273   #
    274   statline {Percentage of total database} $total_pages_percent
    275   statline {Number of entries} $nleaf
    276   statline {Bytes of storage consumed} $storage
    277   statline {Bytes of payload} $payload $payload_percent
    278   statline {Average payload per entry} $avg_payload
    279   statline {Average unused bytes per entry} $avg_unused
    280   if {[info exists avg_fanout]} {
    281     statline {Average fanout} $avg_fanout
    282   }
    283   if {$total_pages>1} {
    284     set fragmentation [percent $gap_cnt [expr {$total_pages-1}] {fragmentation}]
    285     statline {Fragmentation} $fragmentation
    286   }
    287   statline {Maximum payload per entry} $mx_payload
    288   statline {Entries that use overflow} $ovfl_cnt $ovfl_cnt_percent
    289   if {$int_pages>0} {
    290     statline {Index pages used} $int_pages
    291   }
    292   statline {Primary pages used} $leaf_pages
    293   statline {Overflow pages used} $ovfl_pages
    294   statline {Total pages used} $total_pages
    295   if {$int_unused>0} {
    296     set int_unused_percent \
    297          [percent $int_unused [expr {$int_pages*$pageSize}] {of index space}]
    298     statline "Unused bytes on index pages" $int_unused $int_unused_percent
    299   }
    300   statline "Unused bytes on primary pages" $leaf_unused \
    301      [percent $leaf_unused [expr {$leaf_pages*$pageSize}] {of primary space}]
    302   statline "Unused bytes on overflow pages" $ovfl_unused \
    303      [percent $ovfl_unused [expr {$ovfl_pages*$pageSize}] {of overflow space}]
    304   statline "Unused bytes on all pages" $total_unused \
    305                [percent $total_unused $storage {of all space}]
    306   return 1
    307 }
    309 # Calculate the overhead in pages caused by auto-vacuum.
    310 #
    311 # This procedure calculates and returns the number of pages used by the
    312 # auto-vacuum 'pointer-map'. If the database does not support auto-vacuum,
    313 # then 0 is returned. The two arguments are the size of the database file in
    314 # pages and the page size used by the database (in bytes).
    315 proc autovacuum_overhead {filePages pageSize} {
    317   # Set $autovacuum to non-zero for databases that support auto-vacuum.
    318   set autovacuum [db one {PRAGMA auto_vacuum}]
    320   # If the database is not an auto-vacuum database or the file consists
    321   # of one page only then there is no overhead for auto-vacuum. Return zero.
    322   if {0==$autovacuum || $filePages==1} {
    323     return 0
    324   }
    326   # The number of entries on each pointer map page. The layout of the
    327   # database file is one pointer-map page, followed by $ptrsPerPage other
    328   # pages, followed by a pointer-map page etc. The first pointer-map page
    329   # is the second page of the file overall.
    330   set ptrsPerPage [expr double($pageSize/5)]
    332   # Return the number of pointer map pages in the database.
    333   return [expr int(ceil( ($filePages-1.0)/($ptrsPerPage+1.0) ))]
    334 }
    337 # Calculate the summary statistics for the database and store the results
    338 # in TCL variables. They are output below. Variables are as follows:
    339 #
    340 # pageSize:      Size of each page in bytes.
    341 # file_bytes:    File size in bytes.
    342 # file_pgcnt:    Number of pages in the file.
    343 # file_pgcnt2:   Number of pages in the file (calculated).
    344 # av_pgcnt:      Pages consumed by the auto-vacuum pointer-map.
    345 # av_percent:    Percentage of the file consumed by auto-vacuum pointer-map.
    346 # inuse_pgcnt:   Data pages in the file.
    347 # inuse_percent: Percentage of pages used to store data.
    348 # free_pgcnt:    Free pages calculated as (<total pages> - <in-use pages>)
    349 # free_pgcnt2:   Free pages in the file according to the file header.
    350 # free_percent:  Percentage of file consumed by free pages (calculated).
    351 # free_percent2: Percentage of file consumed by free pages (header).
    352 # ntable:        Number of tables in the db.
    353 # nindex:        Number of indices in the db.
    354 # nautoindex:    Number of indices created automatically.
    355 # nmanindex:     Number of indices created manually.
    356 # user_payload:  Number of bytes of payload in table btrees
    357 #                (not including sqlite_master)
    358 # user_percent:  $user_payload as a percentage of total file size.
    360 set file_bytes  [file size $file_to_analyze]
    361 set file_pgcnt  [expr {$file_bytes/$pageSize}]
    363 set av_pgcnt    [autovacuum_overhead $file_pgcnt $pageSize]
    364 set av_percent  [percent $av_pgcnt $file_pgcnt]
    366 set sql {SELECT sum(leaf_pages+int_pages+ovfl_pages) FROM space_used}
    367 set inuse_pgcnt   [expr int([mem eval $sql])]
    368 set inuse_percent [percent $inuse_pgcnt $file_pgcnt]
    370 set free_pgcnt    [expr $file_pgcnt-$inuse_pgcnt-$av_pgcnt]
    371 set free_percent  [percent $free_pgcnt $file_pgcnt]
    372 set free_pgcnt2   [db one {PRAGMA freelist_count}]
    373 set free_percent2 [percent $free_pgcnt2 $file_pgcnt]
    375 set file_pgcnt2 [expr {$inuse_pgcnt+$free_pgcnt2+$av_pgcnt}]
    377 set ntable [db eval {SELECT count(*)+1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'}]
    378 set nindex [db eval {SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index'}]
    379 set sql {SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE name LIKE 'sqlite_autoindex%'}
    380 set nautoindex [db eval $sql]
    381 set nmanindex [expr {$nindex-$nautoindex}]
    383 # set total_payload [mem eval "SELECT sum(payload) FROM space_used"]
    384 set user_payload [mem one {SELECT int(sum(payload)) FROM space_used
    385      WHERE NOT is_index AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_master'}]
    386 set user_percent [percent $user_payload $file_bytes]
    388 # Output the summary statistics calculated above.
    389 #
    390 puts "/** Disk-Space Utilization Report For $file_to_analyze"
    391 catch {
    392   puts "*** As of [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S}]"
    393 }
    394 puts ""
    395 statline {Page size in bytes} $pageSize
    396 statline {Pages in the whole file (measured)} $file_pgcnt
    397 statline {Pages in the whole file (calculated)} $file_pgcnt2
    398 statline {Pages that store data} $inuse_pgcnt $inuse_percent
    399 statline {Pages on the freelist (per header)} $free_pgcnt2 $free_percent2
    400 statline {Pages on the freelist (calculated)} $free_pgcnt $free_percent
    401 statline {Pages of auto-vacuum overhead} $av_pgcnt $av_percent
    402 statline {Number of tables in the database} $ntable
    403 statline {Number of indices} $nindex
    404 statline {Number of named indices} $nmanindex
    405 statline {Automatically generated indices} $nautoindex
    406 statline {Size of the file in bytes} $file_bytes
    407 statline {Bytes of user payload stored} $user_payload $user_percent
    409 # Output table rankings
    410 #
    411 puts ""
    412 puts "*** Page counts for all tables with their indices ********************"
    413 puts ""
    414 mem eval {SELECT tblname, count(*) AS cnt,
    415               int(sum(int_pages+leaf_pages+ovfl_pages)) AS size
    416           FROM space_used GROUP BY tblname ORDER BY size+0 DESC, tblname} {} {
    417   statline [string toupper $tblname] $size [percent $size $file_pgcnt]
    418 }
    420 # Output subreports
    421 #
    422 if {$nindex>0} {
    423   subreport {All tables and indices} 1
    424 }
    425 subreport {All tables} {NOT is_index}
    426 if {$nindex>0} {
    427   subreport {All indices} {is_index}
    428 }
    429 foreach tbl [mem eval {SELECT name FROM space_used WHERE NOT is_index
    430                        ORDER BY name}] {
    431   regsub ' $tbl '' qn
    432   set name [string toupper $tbl]
    433   set n [mem eval "SELECT count(*) FROM space_used WHERE tblname='$qn'"]
    434   if {$n>1} {
    435     subreport "Table $name and all its indices" "tblname='$qn'"
    436     subreport "Table $name w/o any indices" "name='$qn'"
    437     subreport "Indices of table $name" "tblname='$qn' AND is_index"
    438   } else {
    439     subreport "Table $name" "name='$qn'"
    440   }
    441 }
    443 # Output instructions on what the numbers above mean.
    444 #
    445 puts {
    446 *** Definitions ******************************************************
    448 Page size in bytes
    450     The number of bytes in a single page of the database file.
    451     Usually 1024.
    453 Number of pages in the whole file
    454 }
    455 puts \
    456 "    The number of $pageSize-byte pages that go into forming the complete
    457     database"
    458 puts \
    459 {
    460 Pages that store data
    462     The number of pages that store data, either as primary B*Tree pages or
    463     as overflow pages.  The number at the right is the data pages divided by
    464     the total number of pages in the file.
    466 Pages on the freelist
    468     The number of pages that are not currently in use but are reserved for
    469     future use.  The percentage at the right is the number of freelist pages
    470     divided by the total number of pages in the file.
    472 Pages of auto-vacuum overhead
    474     The number of pages that store data used by the database to facilitate
    475     auto-vacuum. This is zero for databases that do not support auto-vacuum.
    477 Number of tables in the database
    479     The number of tables in the database, including the SQLITE_MASTER table
    480     used to store schema information.
    482 Number of indices
    484     The total number of indices in the database.
    486 Number of named indices
    488     The number of indices created using an explicit CREATE INDEX statement.
    490 Automatically generated indices
    492     The number of indices used to implement PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraints
    493     on tables.
    495 Size of the file in bytes
    497     The total amount of disk space used by the entire database files.
    499 Bytes of user payload stored
    501     The total number of bytes of user payload stored in the database. The
    502     schema information in the SQLITE_MASTER table is not counted when
    503     computing this number.  The percentage at the right shows the payload
    504     divided by the total file size.
    506 Percentage of total database
    508     The amount of the complete database file that is devoted to storing
    509     information described by this category.
    511 Number of entries
    513     The total number of B-Tree key/value pairs stored under this category.
    515 Bytes of storage consumed
    517     The total amount of disk space required to store all B-Tree entries
    518     under this category.  The is the total number of pages used times
    519     the pages size.
    521 Bytes of payload
    523     The amount of payload stored under this category.  Payload is the data
    524     part of table entries and the key part of index entries.  The percentage
    525     at the right is the bytes of payload divided by the bytes of storage
    526     consumed.
    528 Average payload per entry
    530     The average amount of payload on each entry.  This is just the bytes of
    531     payload divided by the number of entries.
    533 Average unused bytes per entry
    535     The average amount of free space remaining on all pages under this
    536     category on a per-entry basis.  This is the number of unused bytes on
    537     all pages divided by the number of entries.
    539 Fragmentation
    541     The percentage of pages in the table or index that are not
    542     consecutive in the disk file.  Many filesystems are optimized
    543     for sequential file access so smaller fragmentation numbers
    544     sometimes result in faster queries, especially for larger
    545     database files that do not fit in the disk cache.
    547 Maximum payload per entry
    549     The largest payload size of any entry.
    551 Entries that use overflow
    553     The number of entries that user one or more overflow pages.
    555 Total pages used
    557     This is the number of pages used to hold all information in the current
    558     category.  This is the sum of index, primary, and overflow pages.
    560 Index pages used
    562     This is the number of pages in a table B-tree that hold only key (rowid)
    563     information and no data.
    565 Primary pages used
    567     This is the number of B-tree pages that hold both key and data.
    569 Overflow pages used
    571     The total number of overflow pages used for this category.
    573 Unused bytes on index pages
    575     The total number of bytes of unused space on all index pages.  The
    576     percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes divided by the
    577     total number of bytes on index pages.
    579 Unused bytes on primary pages
    581     The total number of bytes of unused space on all primary pages.  The
    582     percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes divided by the
    583     total number of bytes on primary pages.
    585 Unused bytes on overflow pages
    587     The total number of bytes of unused space on all overflow pages.  The
    588     percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes divided by the
    589     total number of bytes on overflow pages.
    591 Unused bytes on all pages
    593     The total number of bytes of unused space on all primary and overflow
    594     pages.  The percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes
    595     divided by the total number of bytes.
    596 }
    598 # Output a dump of the in-memory database. This can be used for more
    599 # complex offline analysis.
    600 #
    601 puts "**********************************************************************"
    602 puts "The entire text of this report can be sourced into any SQL database"
    603 puts "engine for further analysis.  All of the text above is an SQL comment."
    604 puts "The data used to generate this report follows:"
    605 puts "*/"
    606 puts "BEGIN;"
    607 puts $tabledef
    608 unset -nocomplain x
    609 mem eval {SELECT * FROM space_used} x {
    610   puts -nonewline "INSERT INTO space_used VALUES"
    611   set sep (
    612   foreach col $x(*) {
    613     set v $x($col)
    614     if {$v=="" || ![string is double $v]} {set v [quote $v]}
    615     puts -nonewline $sep$v
    616     set sep ,
    617   }
    618   puts ");"
    619 }
    620 puts "COMMIT;"
    622 } err]} {
    623   puts "ERROR: $err"
    624   puts $errorInfo
    625   exit 1
    626 }