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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 """This script searches for unused art assets listed in a .grd file.
      8 It uses git grep to look for references to the IDR resource id or the base
      9 filename. If neither is found, the file is reported unused.
     11 Requires a git checkout. Must be run from your checkout's "src" root.
     13 Example:
     14   cd /work/chrome/src
     15   tools/resources/find_unused_resouces.py ash/resources/ash_resources.grd
     16 """
     18 __author__ = 'jamescook (at] chromium.org (James Cook)'
     21 import os
     22 import re
     23 import subprocess
     24 import sys
     27 def GetBaseResourceId(resource_id):
     28   """Removes common suffixes from a resource ID.
     30   Removes suffixies that may be added by macros like IMAGE_GRID or IMAGE_BORDER.
     31   For example, converts IDR_FOO_LEFT and IDR_FOO_RIGHT to just IDR_FOO.
     33   Args:
     34     resource_id: String resource ID.
     36   Returns:
     37     A string with the base part of the resource ID.
     38   """
     39   suffixes = [
     40       '_TOP_LEFT', '_TOP', '_TOP_RIGHT',
     41       '_LEFT', '_CENTER', '_RIGHT',
     42       '_BOTTOM_LEFT', '_BOTTOM', '_BOTTOM_RIGHT',
     43       '_TL', '_T', '_TR',
     44       '_L', '_M', '_R',
     45       '_BL', '_B', '_BR']
     46   # Note: This does not check _HOVER, _PRESSED, _HOT, etc. as those are never
     47   # used in macros.
     48   for suffix in suffixes:
     49     if resource_id.endswith(suffix):
     50       resource_id = resource_id[:-len(suffix)]
     51   return resource_id
     54 def FindFilesWithContents(string_a, string_b):
     55   """Returns list of paths of files that contain |string_a| or |string_b|.
     57   Uses --name-only to print the file paths. The default behavior of git grep
     58   is to OR together multiple patterns.
     60   Args:
     61     string_a: A string to search for (not a regular expression).
     62     string_b: As above.
     64   Returns:
     65     A list of file paths as strings.
     66   """
     67   matching_files = subprocess.check_output([
     68       'git', 'grep', '--name-only', '--fixed-strings', '-e', string_a,
     69       '-e', string_b])
     70   files_list = matching_files.split('\n')
     71   # The output ends in a newline, so slice that off.
     72   files_list = files_list[:-1]
     73   return files_list
     76 def GetUnusedResources(grd_filepath):
     77   """Returns a list of resources that are unused in the code.
     79   Prints status lines to the console because this function is quite slow.
     81   Args:
     82     grd_filepath: Path to a .grd file listing resources.
     84   Returns:
     85     A list of pairs of [resource_id, filepath] for the unused resources.
     86   """
     87   unused_resources = []
     88   grd_file = open(grd_filepath, 'r')
     89   grd_data = grd_file.read()
     90   print 'Checking:'
     91   # Match the resource id and file path out of substrings like:
     92   # ...name="IDR_FOO_123" file="common/foo.png"...
     93   # by matching between the quotation marks.
     94   pattern = re.compile(
     95       r"""name="([^"]*)"  # Match resource ID between quotes.
     96       \s*                 # Run of whitespace, including newlines.
     97       file="([^"]*)"      # Match file path between quotes.""",
     98       re.VERBOSE)
     99   # Use finditer over the file contents because there may be newlines between
    100   # the name and file attributes.
    101   searched = set()
    102   for result in pattern.finditer(grd_data):
    103     # Extract the IDR resource id and file path.
    104     resource_id = result.group(1)
    105     filepath = result.group(2)
    106     filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
    107     base_resource_id = GetBaseResourceId(resource_id)
    109     # Do not bother repeating searches.
    110     key = (base_resource_id, filename)
    111     if key in searched:
    112       continue
    113     searched.add(key)
    115     # Print progress as we go along.
    116     print resource_id
    118     # Ensure the resource isn't used anywhere by checking both for the resource
    119     # id (which should appear in C++ code) and the raw filename (in case the
    120     # file is referenced in a script, test HTML file, etc.).
    121     matching_files = FindFilesWithContents(base_resource_id, filename)
    123     # Each file is matched once in the resource file itself. If there are no
    124     # other matching files, it is unused.
    125     if len(matching_files) == 1:
    126       # Give the user some happy news.
    127       print 'Unused!'
    128       unused_resources.append([resource_id, filepath])
    130   return unused_resources
    133 def GetScaleDirectories(resources_path):
    134   """Returns a list of paths to per-scale-factor resource directories.
    136   Assumes the directory names end in '_percent', for example,
    137   ash/resources/default_200_percent or
    138   chrome/app/theme/resources/touch_140_percent
    140   Args:
    141     resources_path: The base path of interest.
    143   Returns:
    144     A list of paths relative to the 'src' directory.
    145   """
    146   file_list = os.listdir(resources_path)
    147   scale_directories = []
    148   for file_entry in file_list:
    149     file_path = os.path.join(resources_path, file_entry)
    150     if os.path.isdir(file_path) and file_path.endswith('_percent'):
    151       scale_directories.append(file_path)
    153   scale_directories.sort()
    154   return scale_directories
    157 def main():
    158   # The script requires exactly one parameter, the .grd file path.
    159   if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    160     print 'Usage: tools/resources/find_unused_resources.py <path/to/grd>'
    161     sys.exit(1)
    162   grd_filepath = sys.argv[1]
    164   # Try to ensure we are in a source checkout.
    165   current_dir = os.getcwd()
    166   if os.path.basename(current_dir) != 'src':
    167     print 'Script must be run in your "src" directory.'
    168     sys.exit(1)
    170   # We require a git checkout to use git grep.
    171   if not os.path.exists(current_dir + '/.git'):
    172     print 'You must use a git checkout for this script to run.'
    173     print current_dir + '/.git', 'not found.'
    174     sys.exit(1)
    176   # Look up the scale-factor directories.
    177   resources_path = os.path.dirname(grd_filepath)
    178   scale_directories = GetScaleDirectories(resources_path)
    179   if not scale_directories:
    180     print 'No scale directories (like "default_100_percent") found.'
    181     sys.exit(1)
    183   # |unused_resources| stores pairs of [resource_id, filepath] for resource ids
    184   # that are not referenced in the code.
    185   unused_resources = GetUnusedResources(grd_filepath)
    186   if not unused_resources:
    187     print 'All resources are used.'
    188     sys.exit(0)
    190   # Dump our output for the user.
    191   print
    192   print 'Unused resource ids:'
    193   for resource_id, filepath in unused_resources:
    194     print resource_id
    195   # Print a list of 'git rm' command lines to remove unused assets.
    196   print
    197   print 'Unused files:'
    198   for resource_id, filepath in unused_resources:
    199     for directory in scale_directories:
    200       print 'git rm ' + os.path.join(directory, filepath)
    203 if __name__ == '__main__':
    204   main()