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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "ui/gfx/codec/jpeg_codec.h"
      7 #include <setjmp.h>
      9 #include "base/logging.h"
     10 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     11 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
     12 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorPriv.h"
     14 extern "C" {
     15 #if defined(USE_SYSTEM_LIBJPEG)
     16 #include <jpeglib.h>
     17 #elif defined(USE_LIBJPEG_TURBO)
     18 #include "third_party/libjpeg_turbo/jpeglib.h"
     19 #else
     20 #include "third_party/libjpeg/jpeglib.h"
     21 #endif
     22 }
     24 namespace gfx {
     26 // Encoder/decoder shared stuff ------------------------------------------------
     28 namespace {
     30 // used to pass error info through the JPEG library
     31 struct CoderErrorMgr {
     32   jpeg_error_mgr pub;
     33   jmp_buf setjmp_buffer;
     34 };
     36 void ErrorExit(jpeg_common_struct* cinfo) {
     37   CoderErrorMgr *err = reinterpret_cast<CoderErrorMgr*>(cinfo->err);
     39   // Return control to the setjmp point.
     40   longjmp(err->setjmp_buffer, false);
     41 }
     43 }  // namespace
     45 // This method helps identify at run time which library chromium is using.
     46 JPEGCodec::LibraryVariant JPEGCodec::JpegLibraryVariant() {
     47 #if defined(USE_SYSTEM_LIBJPEG)
     48   return SYSTEM_LIBJPEG;
     49 #elif defined(USE_LIBJPEG_TURBO)
     50   return LIBJPEG_TURBO;
     51 #else
     52   return IJG_LIBJPEG;
     53 #endif
     54 }
     56 // Encoder ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     57 //
     58 // This code is based on nsJPEGEncoder from Mozilla.
     59 // Copyright 2005 Google Inc. (Brett Wilson, contributor)
     61 namespace {
     63 // Initial size for the output buffer in the JpegEncoderState below.
     64 static const int initial_output_buffer_size = 8192;
     66 struct JpegEncoderState {
     67   explicit JpegEncoderState(std::vector<unsigned char>* o)
     68       : out(o),
     69         image_buffer_used(0) {
     70   }
     72   // Output buffer, of which 'image_buffer_used' bytes are actually used (this
     73   // will often be less than the actual size of the vector because we size it
     74   // so that libjpeg can write directly into it.
     75   std::vector<unsigned char>* out;
     77   // Number of bytes in the 'out' buffer that are actually used (see above).
     78   size_t image_buffer_used;
     79 };
     81 // Initializes the JpegEncoderState for encoding, and tells libjpeg about where
     82 // the output buffer is.
     83 //
     84 // From the JPEG library:
     85 //  "Initialize destination. This is called by jpeg_start_compress() before
     86 //   any data is actually written. It must initialize next_output_byte and
     87 //   free_in_buffer. free_in_buffer must be initialized to a positive value."
     88 void InitDestination(jpeg_compress_struct* cinfo) {
     89   JpegEncoderState* state = static_cast<JpegEncoderState*>(cinfo->client_data);
     90   DCHECK(state->image_buffer_used == 0) << "initializing after use";
     92   state->out->resize(initial_output_buffer_size);
     93   state->image_buffer_used = 0;
     95   cinfo->dest->next_output_byte = &(*state->out)[0];
     96   cinfo->dest->free_in_buffer = initial_output_buffer_size;
     97 }
     99 // Resize the buffer that we give to libjpeg and update our and its state.
    100 //
    101 // From the JPEG library:
    102 //  "Callback used by libjpeg whenever the buffer has filled (free_in_buffer
    103 //   reaches zero). In typical applications, it should write out the *entire*
    104 //   buffer (use the saved start address and buffer length; ignore the current
    105 //   state of next_output_byte and free_in_buffer). Then reset the pointer &
    106 //   count to the start of the buffer, and return TRUE indicating that the
    107 //   buffer has been dumped. free_in_buffer must be set to a positive value
    108 //   when TRUE is returned. A FALSE return should only be used when I/O
    109 //   suspension is desired (this operating mode is discussed in the next
    110 //   section)."
    111 boolean EmptyOutputBuffer(jpeg_compress_struct* cinfo) {
    112   JpegEncoderState* state = static_cast<JpegEncoderState*>(cinfo->client_data);
    114   // note the new size, the buffer is full
    115   state->image_buffer_used = state->out->size();
    117   // expand buffer, just double size each time
    118   state->out->resize(state->out->size() * 2);
    120   // tell libjpeg where to write the next data
    121   cinfo->dest->next_output_byte = &(*state->out)[state->image_buffer_used];
    122   cinfo->dest->free_in_buffer = state->out->size() - state->image_buffer_used;
    123   return 1;
    124 }
    126 // Cleans up the JpegEncoderState to prepare for returning in the final form.
    127 //
    128 // From the JPEG library:
    129 //  "Terminate destination --- called by jpeg_finish_compress() after all data
    130 //   has been written. In most applications, this must flush any data
    131 //   remaining in the buffer. Use either next_output_byte or free_in_buffer to
    132 //   determine how much data is in the buffer."
    133 void TermDestination(jpeg_compress_struct* cinfo) {
    134   JpegEncoderState* state = static_cast<JpegEncoderState*>(cinfo->client_data);
    135   DCHECK(state->out->size() >= state->image_buffer_used);
    137   // update the used byte based on the next byte libjpeg would write to
    138   state->image_buffer_used = cinfo->dest->next_output_byte - &(*state->out)[0];
    139   DCHECK(state->image_buffer_used < state->out->size()) <<
    140     "JPEG library busted, got a bad image buffer size";
    142   // update our buffer so that it exactly encompases the desired data
    143   state->out->resize(state->image_buffer_used);
    144 }
    146 #if !defined(JCS_EXTENSIONS)
    147 // Converts RGBA to RGB (removing the alpha values) to prepare to send data to
    148 // libjpeg. This converts one row of data in rgba with the given width in
    149 // pixels the the given rgb destination buffer (which should have enough space
    150 // reserved for the final data).
    151 void StripAlpha(const unsigned char* rgba, int pixel_width, unsigned char* rgb)
    152 {
    153   for (int x = 0; x < pixel_width; x++)
    154     memcpy(&rgb[x * 3], &rgba[x * 4], 3);
    155 }
    157 // Converts BGRA to RGB by reordering the color components and dropping the
    158 // alpha. This converts  one row of data in rgba with the given width in
    159 // pixels the the given rgb destination buffer (which should have enough space
    160 // reserved for the final data).
    161 void BGRAtoRGB(const unsigned char* bgra, int pixel_width, unsigned char* rgb)
    162 {
    163   for (int x = 0; x < pixel_width; x++) {
    164     const unsigned char* pixel_in = &bgra[x * 4];
    165     unsigned char* pixel_out = &rgb[x * 3];
    166     pixel_out[0] = pixel_in[2];
    167     pixel_out[1] = pixel_in[1];
    168     pixel_out[2] = pixel_in[0];
    169   }
    170 }
    171 #endif  // !defined(JCS_EXTENSIONS)
    173 // This class destroys the given jpeg_compress object when it goes out of
    174 // scope. It simplifies the error handling in Encode (and even applies to the
    175 // success case).
    176 class CompressDestroyer {
    177  public:
    178   CompressDestroyer() : cinfo_(NULL) {
    179   }
    180   ~CompressDestroyer() {
    181     DestroyManagedObject();
    182   }
    183   void SetManagedObject(jpeg_compress_struct* ci) {
    184     DestroyManagedObject();
    185     cinfo_ = ci;
    186   }
    187   void DestroyManagedObject() {
    188     if (cinfo_) {
    189       jpeg_destroy_compress(cinfo_);
    190       cinfo_ = NULL;
    191     }
    192   }
    193  private:
    194   jpeg_compress_struct* cinfo_;
    195 };
    197 }  // namespace
    199 bool JPEGCodec::Encode(const unsigned char* input, ColorFormat format,
    200                        int w, int h, int row_byte_width,
    201                        int quality, std::vector<unsigned char>* output) {
    202   jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
    203   CompressDestroyer destroyer;
    204   destroyer.SetManagedObject(&cinfo);
    205   output->clear();
    206 #if !defined(JCS_EXTENSIONS)
    207   unsigned char* row_buffer = NULL;
    208 #endif
    210   // We set up the normal JPEG error routines, then override error_exit.
    211   // This must be done before the call to create_compress.
    212   CoderErrorMgr errmgr;
    213   cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&errmgr.pub);
    214   errmgr.pub.error_exit = ErrorExit;
    216   // Establish the setjmp return context for ErrorExit to use.
    217   if (setjmp(errmgr.setjmp_buffer)) {
    218     // If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error.
    219     // MSDN notes: "if you intend your code to be portable, do not rely on
    220     // correct destruction of frame-based objects when executing a nonlocal
    221     // goto using a call to longjmp."  So we delete the CompressDestroyer's
    222     // object manually instead.
    223     destroyer.DestroyManagedObject();
    224 #if !defined(JCS_EXTENSIONS)
    225     delete[] row_buffer;
    226 #endif
    227     return false;
    228   }
    230   // The destroyer will destroy() cinfo on exit.
    231   jpeg_create_compress(&cinfo);
    233   cinfo.image_width = w;
    234   cinfo.image_height = h;
    235   cinfo.input_components = 3;
    236 #ifdef JCS_EXTENSIONS
    237   // Choose an input colorspace and return if it is an unsupported one. Since
    238   // libjpeg-turbo supports all input formats used by Chromium (i.e. RGB, RGBA,
    239   // and BGRA), we just map the input parameters to a colorspace used by
    240   // libjpeg-turbo.
    241   if (format == FORMAT_RGB) {
    242     cinfo.input_components = 3;
    243     cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
    244   } else if (format == FORMAT_RGBA ||
    245              (format == FORMAT_SkBitmap && SK_R32_SHIFT == 0)) {
    246     cinfo.input_components = 4;
    247     cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_EXT_RGBX;
    248   } else if (format == FORMAT_BGRA ||
    249              (format == FORMAT_SkBitmap && SK_B32_SHIFT == 0)) {
    250     cinfo.input_components = 4;
    251     cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_EXT_BGRX;
    252   } else {
    253     // We can exit this function without calling jpeg_destroy_compress() because
    254     // CompressDestroyer automaticaly calls it.
    255     NOTREACHED() << "Invalid pixel format";
    256     return false;
    257   }
    258 #else
    259   cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
    260 #endif
    261   cinfo.data_precision = 8;
    263   jpeg_set_defaults(&cinfo);
    264   jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, 1);  // quality here is 0-100
    266   // set up the destination manager
    267   jpeg_destination_mgr destmgr;
    268   destmgr.init_destination = InitDestination;
    269   destmgr.empty_output_buffer = EmptyOutputBuffer;
    270   destmgr.term_destination = TermDestination;
    271   cinfo.dest = &destmgr;
    273   JpegEncoderState state(output);
    274   cinfo.client_data = &state;
    276   jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, 1);
    278   // feed it the rows, doing necessary conversions for the color format
    279 #ifdef JCS_EXTENSIONS
    280   // This function already returns when the input format is not supported by
    281   // libjpeg-turbo and needs conversion. Therefore, we just encode lines without
    282   // conversions.
    283   while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
    284     const unsigned char* row = &input[cinfo.next_scanline * row_byte_width];
    285     jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, const_cast<unsigned char**>(&row), 1);
    286   }
    287 #else
    288   if (format == FORMAT_RGB) {
    289     // no conversion necessary
    290     while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
    291       const unsigned char* row = &input[cinfo.next_scanline * row_byte_width];
    292       jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, const_cast<unsigned char**>(&row), 1);
    293     }
    294   } else {
    295     // get the correct format converter
    296     void (*converter)(const unsigned char* in, int w, unsigned char* rgb);
    297     if (format == FORMAT_RGBA ||
    298         (format == FORMAT_SkBitmap && SK_R32_SHIFT == 0)) {
    299       converter = StripAlpha;
    300     } else if (format == FORMAT_BGRA ||
    301                (format == FORMAT_SkBitmap && SK_B32_SHIFT == 0)) {
    302       converter = BGRAtoRGB;
    303     } else {
    304       NOTREACHED() << "Invalid pixel format";
    305       return false;
    306     }
    308     // output row after converting
    309     row_buffer = new unsigned char[w * 3];
    311     while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
    312       converter(&input[cinfo.next_scanline * row_byte_width], w, row_buffer);
    313       jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, &row_buffer, 1);
    314     }
    315     delete[] row_buffer;
    316   }
    317 #endif
    319   jpeg_finish_compress(&cinfo);
    320   return true;
    321 }
    323 // Decoder --------------------------------------------------------------------
    325 namespace {
    327 struct JpegDecoderState {
    328   JpegDecoderState(const unsigned char* in, size_t len)
    329       : input_buffer(in), input_buffer_length(len) {
    330   }
    332   const unsigned char* input_buffer;
    333   size_t input_buffer_length;
    334 };
    336 // Callback to initialize the source.
    337 //
    338 // From the JPEG library:
    339 //  "Initialize source. This is called by jpeg_read_header() before any data is
    340 //   actually read. May leave bytes_in_buffer set to 0 (in which case a
    341 //   fill_input_buffer() call will occur immediately)."
    342 void InitSource(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
    343   JpegDecoderState* state = static_cast<JpegDecoderState*>(cinfo->client_data);
    344   cinfo->src->next_input_byte = state->input_buffer;
    345   cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = state->input_buffer_length;
    346 }
    348 // Callback to fill the buffer. Since our buffer already contains all the data,
    349 // we should never need to provide more data. If libjpeg thinks it needs more
    350 // data, our input is probably corrupt.
    351 //
    352 // From the JPEG library:
    353 //  "This is called whenever bytes_in_buffer has reached zero and more data is
    354 //   wanted. In typical applications, it should read fresh data into the buffer
    355 //   (ignoring the current state of next_input_byte and bytes_in_buffer), reset
    356 //   the pointer & count to the start of the buffer, and return TRUE indicating
    357 //   that the buffer has been reloaded. It is not necessary to fill the buffer
    358 //   entirely, only to obtain at least one more byte. bytes_in_buffer MUST be
    359 //   set to a positive value if TRUE is returned. A FALSE return should only
    360 //   be used when I/O suspension is desired."
    361 boolean FillInputBuffer(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
    362   return false;
    363 }
    365 // Skip data in the buffer. Since we have all the data at once, this operation
    366 // is easy. It is not clear if this ever gets called because the JPEG library
    367 // should be able to do the skip itself (it has all the data).
    368 //
    369 // From the JPEG library:
    370 //  "Skip num_bytes worth of data. The buffer pointer and count should be
    371 //   advanced over num_bytes input bytes, refilling the buffer as needed. This
    372 //   is used to skip over a potentially large amount of uninteresting data
    373 //   (such as an APPn marker). In some applications it may be possible to
    374 //   optimize away the reading of the skipped data, but it's not clear that
    375 //   being smart is worth much trouble; large skips are uncommon.
    376 //   bytes_in_buffer may be zero on return. A zero or negative skip count
    377 //   should be treated as a no-op."
    378 void SkipInputData(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes) {
    379   if (num_bytes > static_cast<long>(cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer)) {
    380     // Since all our data should be in the buffer, trying to skip beyond it
    381     // means that there is some kind of error or corrupt input data. A 0 for
    382     // bytes left means it will call FillInputBuffer which will then fail.
    383     cinfo->src->next_input_byte += cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer;
    384     cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = 0;
    385   } else if (num_bytes > 0) {
    386     cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer -= static_cast<size_t>(num_bytes);
    387     cinfo->src->next_input_byte += num_bytes;
    388   }
    389 }
    391 // Our source doesn't need any cleanup, so this is a NOP.
    392 //
    393 // From the JPEG library:
    394 //  "Terminate source --- called by jpeg_finish_decompress() after all data has
    395 //   been read to clean up JPEG source manager. NOT called by jpeg_abort() or
    396 //   jpeg_destroy()."
    397 void TermSource(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
    398 }
    400 #if !defined(JCS_EXTENSIONS)
    401 // Converts one row of rgb data to rgba data by adding a fully-opaque alpha
    402 // value.
    403 void AddAlpha(const unsigned char* rgb, int pixel_width, unsigned char* rgba) {
    404   for (int x = 0; x < pixel_width; x++) {
    405     memcpy(&rgba[x * 4], &rgb[x * 3], 3);
    406     rgba[x * 4 + 3] = 0xff;
    407   }
    408 }
    410 // Converts one row of RGB data to BGRA by reordering the color components and
    411 // adding alpha values of 0xff.
    412 void RGBtoBGRA(const unsigned char* bgra, int pixel_width, unsigned char* rgb)
    413 {
    414   for (int x = 0; x < pixel_width; x++) {
    415     const unsigned char* pixel_in = &bgra[x * 3];
    416     unsigned char* pixel_out = &rgb[x * 4];
    417     pixel_out[0] = pixel_in[2];
    418     pixel_out[1] = pixel_in[1];
    419     pixel_out[2] = pixel_in[0];
    420     pixel_out[3] = 0xff;
    421   }
    422 }
    423 #endif  // !defined(JCS_EXTENSIONS)
    425 // This class destroys the given jpeg_decompress object when it goes out of
    426 // scope. It simplifies the error handling in Decode (and even applies to the
    427 // success case).
    428 class DecompressDestroyer {
    429  public:
    430   DecompressDestroyer() : cinfo_(NULL) {
    431   }
    432   ~DecompressDestroyer() {
    433     DestroyManagedObject();
    434   }
    435   void SetManagedObject(jpeg_decompress_struct* ci) {
    436     DestroyManagedObject();
    437     cinfo_ = ci;
    438   }
    439   void DestroyManagedObject() {
    440     if (cinfo_) {
    441       jpeg_destroy_decompress(cinfo_);
    442       cinfo_ = NULL;
    443     }
    444   }
    445  private:
    446   jpeg_decompress_struct* cinfo_;
    447 };
    449 }  // namespace
    451 bool JPEGCodec::Decode(const unsigned char* input, size_t input_size,
    452                        ColorFormat format, std::vector<unsigned char>* output,
    453                        int* w, int* h) {
    454   jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
    455   DecompressDestroyer destroyer;
    456   destroyer.SetManagedObject(&cinfo);
    457   output->clear();
    459   // We set up the normal JPEG error routines, then override error_exit.
    460   // This must be done before the call to create_decompress.
    461   CoderErrorMgr errmgr;
    462   cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&errmgr.pub);
    463   errmgr.pub.error_exit = ErrorExit;
    464   // Establish the setjmp return context for ErrorExit to use.
    465   if (setjmp(errmgr.setjmp_buffer)) {
    466     // If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error.
    467     // See note in JPEGCodec::Encode() for why we need to destroy the cinfo
    468     // manually here.
    469     destroyer.DestroyManagedObject();
    470     return false;
    471   }
    473   // The destroyer will destroy() cinfo on exit.  We don't want to set the
    474   // destroyer's object until cinfo is initialized.
    475   jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo);
    477   // set up the source manager
    478   jpeg_source_mgr srcmgr;
    479   srcmgr.init_source = InitSource;
    480   srcmgr.fill_input_buffer = FillInputBuffer;
    481   srcmgr.skip_input_data = SkipInputData;
    482   srcmgr.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart;  // use default routine
    483   srcmgr.term_source = TermSource;
    484   cinfo.src = &srcmgr;
    486   JpegDecoderState state(input, input_size);
    487   cinfo.client_data = &state;
    489   // fill the file metadata into our buffer
    490   if (jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, true) != JPEG_HEADER_OK)
    491     return false;
    493   // we want to always get RGB data out
    494   switch (cinfo.jpeg_color_space) {
    495     case JCS_GRAYSCALE:
    496     case JCS_RGB:
    497     case JCS_YCbCr:
    498 #ifdef JCS_EXTENSIONS
    499       // Choose an output colorspace and return if it is an unsupported one.
    500       // Same as JPEGCodec::Encode(), libjpeg-turbo supports all input formats
    501       // used by Chromium (i.e. RGB, RGBA, and BGRA) and we just map the input
    502       // parameters to a colorspace.
    503       if (format == FORMAT_RGB) {
    504         cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
    505         cinfo.output_components = 3;
    506       } else if (format == FORMAT_RGBA ||
    507                  (format == FORMAT_SkBitmap && SK_R32_SHIFT == 0)) {
    508         cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_EXT_RGBX;
    509         cinfo.output_components = 4;
    510       } else if (format == FORMAT_BGRA ||
    511                  (format == FORMAT_SkBitmap && SK_B32_SHIFT == 0)) {
    512         cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_EXT_BGRX;
    513         cinfo.output_components = 4;
    514       } else {
    515         // We can exit this function without calling jpeg_destroy_decompress()
    516         // because DecompressDestroyer automaticaly calls it.
    517         NOTREACHED() << "Invalid pixel format";
    518         return false;
    519       }
    520 #else
    521       cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
    522 #endif
    523       break;
    524     case JCS_CMYK:
    525     case JCS_YCCK:
    526     default:
    527       // Mozilla errors out on these color spaces, so I presume that the jpeg
    528       // library can't do automatic color space conversion for them. We don't
    529       // care about these anyway.
    530       return false;
    531   }
    532 #ifndef JCS_EXTENSIONS
    533   cinfo.output_components = 3;
    534 #endif
    536   jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(&cinfo);
    537   *w = cinfo.output_width;
    538   *h = cinfo.output_height;
    540   jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
    542   // FIXME(brettw) we may want to allow the capability for callers to request
    543   // how to align row lengths as we do for the compressor.
    544   int row_read_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;
    546 #ifdef JCS_EXTENSIONS
    547   // Create memory for a decoded image and write decoded lines to the memory
    548   // without conversions same as JPEGCodec::Encode().
    549   int row_write_stride = row_read_stride;
    550   output->resize(row_write_stride * cinfo.output_height);
    552   for (int row = 0; row < static_cast<int>(cinfo.output_height); row++) {
    553     unsigned char* rowptr = &(*output)[row * row_write_stride];
    554     if (!jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &rowptr, 1))
    555       return false;
    556   }
    557 #else
    558   if (format == FORMAT_RGB) {
    559     // easy case, row needs no conversion
    560     int row_write_stride = row_read_stride;
    561     output->resize(row_write_stride * cinfo.output_height);
    563     for (int row = 0; row < static_cast<int>(cinfo.output_height); row++) {
    564       unsigned char* rowptr = &(*output)[row * row_write_stride];
    565       if (!jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &rowptr, 1))
    566         return false;
    567     }
    568   } else {
    569     // Rows need conversion to output format: read into a temporary buffer and
    570     // expand to the final one. Performance: we could avoid the extra
    571     // allocation by doing the expansion in-place.
    572     int row_write_stride;
    573     void (*converter)(const unsigned char* rgb, int w, unsigned char* out);
    574     if (format == FORMAT_RGBA ||
    575         (format == FORMAT_SkBitmap && SK_R32_SHIFT == 0)) {
    576       row_write_stride = cinfo.output_width * 4;
    577       converter = AddAlpha;
    578     } else if (format == FORMAT_BGRA ||
    579                (format == FORMAT_SkBitmap && SK_B32_SHIFT == 0)) {
    580       row_write_stride = cinfo.output_width * 4;
    581       converter = RGBtoBGRA;
    582     } else {
    583       NOTREACHED() << "Invalid pixel format";
    584       jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo);
    585       return false;
    586     }
    588     output->resize(row_write_stride * cinfo.output_height);
    590     scoped_ptr<unsigned char[]> row_data(new unsigned char[row_read_stride]);
    591     unsigned char* rowptr = row_data.get();
    592     for (int row = 0; row < static_cast<int>(cinfo.output_height); row++) {
    593       if (!jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &rowptr, 1))
    594         return false;
    595       converter(rowptr, *w, &(*output)[row * row_write_stride]);
    596     }
    597   }
    598 #endif
    600   jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
    601   jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo);
    602   return true;
    603 }
    605 // static
    606 SkBitmap* JPEGCodec::Decode(const unsigned char* input, size_t input_size) {
    607   int w, h;
    608   std::vector<unsigned char> data_vector;
    609   if (!Decode(input, input_size, FORMAT_SkBitmap, &data_vector, &w, &h))
    610     return NULL;
    612   // Skia only handles 32 bit images.
    613   int data_length = w * h * 4;
    615   SkBitmap* bitmap = new SkBitmap();
    616   bitmap->allocN32Pixels(w, h);
    617   memcpy(bitmap->getAddr32(0, 0), &data_vector[0], data_length);
    619   return bitmap;
    620 }
    622 }  // namespace gfx