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      1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -verify -fexceptions
      2 class A {
      3   void f() __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 2 {{'f' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
      4   void g(A* a);
      5   void h(A* a) __attribute__((deprecated));
      7   int b __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 2 {{'b' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
      8 };
     10 void A::g(A* a)
     11 {
     12   f(); // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}}
     13   a->f(); // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}}
     15   (void)b; // expected-warning{{'b' is deprecated}}
     16   (void)a->b; // expected-warning{{'b' is deprecated}}
     17 }
     19 void A::h(A* a)
     20 {
     21   f();
     22   a->f();
     24   (void)b;
     25   (void)a->b;
     26 }
     28 struct B {
     29   virtual void f() __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 4 {{'f' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
     30   void g();
     31 };
     33 void B::g() {
     34   f();
     35   B::f(); // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}}
     36 }
     38 struct C : B {
     39   virtual void f();
     40   void g();
     41 };
     43 void C::g() {
     44   f();
     45   C::f();
     46   B::f(); // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}}
     47 }
     49 void f(B* b, C *c) {
     50   b->f();
     51   b->B::f(); // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}}
     53   c->f();
     54   c->C::f();
     55   c->B::f(); // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}}
     56 }
     58 struct D {
     59   virtual void f() __attribute__((deprecated));
     60 };
     62 void D::f() { }
     64 void f(D* d) {
     65   d->f();
     66 }
     69 // Overloaded namespace members.
     70 namespace test1 {
     71   void foo(int) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'foo' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
     72   void test1() { foo(10); } // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
     73   void foo(short) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'foo' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
     74   void test2(short s) { foo(s); } // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
     75   void foo(long);
     76   void test3(long l) { foo(l); }
     77   struct A {
     78     friend void foo(A*) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'foo' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
     79   };
     80   void test4(A *a) { foo(a); } // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
     82   namespace ns {
     83     struct Foo {};
     84     void foo(const Foo &f) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'foo' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
     85   }
     86   void test5() {
     87     foo(ns::Foo()); // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
     88   }
     89 }
     91 // Overloaded class members.
     92 namespace test2 {
     93   struct A {
     94     void foo(int) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 2 {{'foo' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
     95     void foo(long);
     96     static void bar(int) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 3 {{'bar' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
     97     static void bar(long);
     99     void test2(int i, long l);
    100   };
    101   void test1(int i, long l) {
    102     A a;
    103     a.foo(i); // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    104     a.foo(l);
    105     a.bar(i); // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    106     a.bar(l);
    107     A::bar(i); // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    108     A::bar(l);
    109   }
    111   void A::test2(int i, long l) {
    112     foo(i); // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    113     foo(l);
    114     bar(i); // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    115     bar(l);
    116   }
    117 }
    119 // Overloaded operators.
    120 namespace test3 {
    121   struct A {
    122     void operator*(const A &);
    123     void operator*(int) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'operator*' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    124     void operator-(const A &) const;
    125   };
    126   void operator+(const A &, const A &);
    127   void operator+(const A &, int) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'operator+' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    128   void operator-(const A &, int) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'operator-' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    130   void test() {
    131     A a, b;
    132     a + b;
    133     a + 1; // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    134     a - b;
    135     a - 1; // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    136     a * b;
    137     a * 1; // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    138   }
    139 }
    141 // Overloaded operator call.
    142 namespace test4 {
    143   struct A {
    144     typedef void (*intfn)(int);
    145     typedef void (*unintfn)(unsigned);
    146     operator intfn() __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'operator void (*)(int)' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    147     operator unintfn();
    148     void operator ()(A &) __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'operator()' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    149     void operator ()(const A &);
    150   };
    152   void test() {
    153     A a;
    154     a(1); // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    155     a(1U);
    157     A &b = a;
    158     const A &c = a;
    159     a(b); // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    160     a(c);
    161   }
    162 }
    164 namespace test5 {
    165   struct A {
    166     operator int() __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 3 {{'operator int' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    167     operator long();
    168   };
    169   void test1(A a) {
    170     int i = a; // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    171     long l = a;
    172   }
    174   void foo(int);
    175   void foo(void*);
    176   void bar(long);
    177   void bar(void*);
    178   void test2(A a) {
    179     foo(a); // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    180     bar(a);
    181   }
    183   struct B {
    184     int myInt;
    185     long myLong;
    187     B(A &a) :
    188       myInt(a), // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
    189       myLong(a)
    190     {}
    191   };
    192 }
    194 // rdar://problem/8518751
    195 namespace test6 {
    196   enum __attribute__((deprecated)) A { // expected-note {{'A' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    197     a0 // expected-note {{'a0' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    198   };
    199   void testA() {
    200     A x; // expected-warning {{'A' is deprecated}}
    201     x = a0; // expected-warning {{'a0' is deprecated}}
    202   }
    204   enum B {
    205     b0 __attribute__((deprecated)), // expected-note {{'b0' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    206     b1
    207   };
    208   void testB() {
    209     B x;
    210     x = b0; // expected-warning {{'b0' is deprecated}}
    211     x = b1;
    212   }
    214   template <class T> struct C {
    215     enum __attribute__((deprecated)) Enum { // expected-note {{'Enum' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    216       c0 // expected-note {{'c0' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    217     };
    218   };
    219   void testC() {
    220     C<int>::Enum x; // expected-warning {{'Enum' is deprecated}}
    221     x = C<int>::c0; // expected-warning {{'c0' is deprecated}}
    222   }
    224   template <class T> struct D {
    225     enum Enum {
    226       d0,
    227       d1 __attribute__((deprecated)), // expected-note {{'d1' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    228     };
    229   };
    230   void testD() {
    231     D<int>::Enum x;
    232     x = D<int>::d0;
    233     x = D<int>::d1; // expected-warning {{'d1' is deprecated}}
    234   }
    235 }
    237 namespace test7 {
    238   struct X {
    239     void* operator new(typeof(sizeof(void*))) __attribute__((deprecated));  // expected-note{{'operator new' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    240     void operator delete(void *) __attribute__((deprecated));  // expected-note{{'operator delete' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    241   };
    243   void test() {
    244     X *x = new X;  // expected-warning{{'operator new' is deprecated}} expected-warning{{'operator delete' is deprecated}}
    245   }
    246 }
    248 // rdar://problem/15044218
    249 typedef struct TDS {
    250 } TDS __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'TDS' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}}
    251 TDS tds; // expected-warning {{'TDS' is deprecated}}
    252 struct TDS tds2; // no warning, attribute only applies to the typedef.