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     20 <h1>Alpha Checkers</h1>
     21 Experimental checkers in addition to the <a href = "available_checks.html">
     22 Default Checkers</a>. These are checkers with known issues or limitations that
     23 keep them from being on by default. They are likely to have false positives.
     24 Bug reports are welcome but will likely not be investigated for some time.
     25 Patches welcome!
     26 <ul>
     27 <li><a href="#core_alpha_checkers">Core Alpha Checkers</a></li>
     28 <li><a href="#cplusplus_alpha_checkers">C++ Alpha Checkers</a></li>
     29 <li><a href="#deadcode_alpha_checkers">Dead Code Alpha Checkers</a></li>
     30 <li><a href="#osx_alpha_checkers">OS X Alpha Checkers</a></li>
     31 <li><a href="#security_alpha_checkers">Security Alpha Checkers</a></li>
     32 <li><a href="#unix_alpha_checkers">Unix Alpha Checkers</a></li>
     33 </ul>
     35 <!------------------------------ core alpha ----------------------------------->
     36 <h3 id="core_alpha_checkers">Core Alpha Checkers</h3>
     37 <table class="checkers">
     38 <colgroup><col class="namedescr"><col class="example"></colgroup>
     39 <thead><tr><td>Name, Description</td><td>Example</td></tr></thead>
     41 <tbody>
     42 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
     43 alpha.core.BoolAssignment</span><span class="lang">
     44 (ObjC)</span><div class="descr">
     45 Warn about assigning non-{0,1} values to boolean variables.</div></div></td>
     46 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
     47 <div class="example"><pre>
     48 void test() {
     49   BOOL b = -1; // warn
     50 }
     51 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
     54 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
     55 alpha.core.CastSize</span><span class="lang">
     56 (C)</span><div class="descr">
     57 Check when casting a malloc'ed type T, whether the size is a multiple of the 
     58 size of T (Works only with <span class="name">unix.Malloc</span>
     59 or <span class="name">alpha.unix.MallocWithAnnotations</span> 
     60 checks enabled).</div></div></td>
     61 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
     62 <div class="example"><pre>
     63 void test() {
     64   int *x = (int *)malloc(11); // warn
     65 }
     66 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
     69 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
     70 alpha.core.CastToStruct</span><span class="lang">
     71 (C, C++)</span><div class="descr">
     72 Check for cast from non-struct pointer to struct pointer.</div></div></td>
     73 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
     74 <div class="example"><pre>
     75 // C
     76 struct s {};
     78 void test(int *p) {
     79   struct s *ps = (struct s *) p; // warn
     80 }
     81 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
     82 <div class="example"><pre>
     83 // C++
     84 class c {};
     86 void test(int *p) {
     87   c *pc = (c *) p; // warn
     88 }
     89 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
     92 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
     93 alpha.core.FixedAddr</span><span class="lang">
     94 (C)</span><div class="descr">
     95 Check for assignment of a fixed address to a pointer.</div></div></td>
     96 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
     97 <div class="example"><pre>
     98 void test() {
     99   int *p;
    100   p = (int *) 0x10000; // warn
    101 }
    102 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    105 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    106 alpha.core.IdenticalExpr</span><span class="lang">
    107 (C, C++)</span><div class="descr">
    108 Warn about suspicious uses of identical expressions.</div></div></td>
    109 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    110 <div class="example"><pre>
    111 // C
    112 void test() {
    113   int a = 5;
    114   int b = a | 4 | a; // warn: identical expr on both sides
    115 }
    116 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    117 <div class="example"><pre>
    118 // C++
    119 bool f(void);
    121 void test(bool b) {
    122   int i = 10;
    123   if (f()) { // warn: true and false branches are identical
    124     do {
    125       i--;
    126     } while (f());
    127   } else {
    128     do {
    129       i--;
    130     } while (f());
    131   }
    132 }
    133 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    136 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    137 alpha.core.PointerArithm</span><span class="lang">
    138 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    139 Check for pointer arithmetic on locations other than array 
    140 elements.</div></div></td>
    141 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    142 <div class="example"><pre>
    143 void test() {
    144   int x;
    145   int *p;
    146   p = &amp;x + 1; // warn
    147 }
    148 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    151 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    152 alpha.core.PointerSub</span><span class="lang">
    153 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    154 Check for pointer subtractions on two pointers pointing to different memory 
    155 chunks.</div></div></td>
    156 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    157 <div class="example"><pre>
    158 void test() {
    159   int x, y;
    160   int d = &amp;y - &amp;x; // warn
    161 }
    162 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    165 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    166 alpha.core.SizeofPtr</span><span class="lang">
    167 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    168 Warn about unintended use of <code>sizeof()</code> on pointer 
    169 expressions.</div></div></td>
    170 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    171 <div class="example"><pre>
    172 struct s {};
    174 int test(struct s *p) {
    175   return sizeof(p); 
    176     // warn: sizeof(ptr) can produce an unexpected result
    177 }
    178 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    180 </tbody></table>
    182 <!--------------------------- cplusplus alpha --------------------------------->
    183 <h3 id="cplusplus_alpha_checkers">C++ Alpha Checkers</h3>
    184 <table class="checkers">
    185 <colgroup><col class="namedescr"><col class="example"></colgroup>
    186 <thead><tr><td>Name, Description</td><td>Example</td></tr></thead>
    188 <tbody>
    189 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    190 alpha.cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks</span><span class="lang">
    191 (C++)</span><div class="descr">
    192 Check for memory leaks. Traces memory managed by <code>new</code>/<code>
    193 delete</code>.</div></div></td>
    194 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    195 <div class="example"><pre>
    196 void test() {
    197   int *p = new int;
    198 } // warn
    199 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    202 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    203 alpha.cplusplus.VirtualCall</span><span class="lang">
    204 (C++)</span><div class="descr">
    205 Check virtual member function calls during construction or 
    206 destruction.</div></div></td>
    207 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    208 <div class="example"><pre>
    209 class A {
    210 public:
    211   A() { 
    212     f(); // warn
    213   }
    214   virtual void f();
    215 };
    216 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    217 <div class="example"><pre>
    218 class A {
    219 public:
    220   ~A() {
    221     this-&gt;f(); // warn
    222   }
    223   virtual void f();
    224 };
    225 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    227 </tbody></table>
    229 <!--------------------------- dead code alpha --------------------------------->
    230 <h3 id="deadcode_alpha_checkers">Dead Code Alpha Checkers</h3>
    231 <table class="checkers">
    232 <colgroup><col class="namedescr"><col class="example"></colgroup>
    233 <thead><tr><td>Name, Description</td><td>Example</td></tr></thead>
    235 <tbody>
    236 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    237 alpha.deadcode.UnreachableCode</span><span class="lang">
    238 (C, C++, ObjC)</span><div class="descr">
    239 Check unreachable code.</div></div></td>
    240 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    241 <div class="example"><pre>
    242 // C
    243 int test() {
    244   int x = 1;
    245   while(x);
    246   return x; // warn
    247 }
    248 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    249 <div class="example"><pre>
    250 // C++
    251 void test() {
    252   int a = 2;
    254   while (a > 1)
    255     a--;
    257   if (a > 1)
    258     a++; // warn
    259 }
    260 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    261 <div class="example"><pre>
    262 // Objective-C
    263 void test(id x) {
    264   return;
    265   [x retain]; // warn
    266 }
    267 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    268 </tbody></table>
    270 <!---------------------------- OS X alpha -------------------------------------->
    271 <h3 id="osx_alpha_checkers">OS X Alpha Checkers</h3>
    272 <table class="checkers">
    273 <colgroup><col class="namedescr"><col class="example"></colgroup>
    274 <thead><tr><td>Name, Description</td><td>Example</td></tr></thead>
    276 <tbody>
    277 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    278 alpha.osx.cocoa.Dealloc</span><span class="lang">
    279 (ObjC)</span><div class="descr">
    280 Warn about Objective-C classes that lack a correct implementation 
    281 of <code>-dealloc</code>.
    282 </div></div></td>
    283 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    284 <div class="example"><pre>
    285 @interface MyObject : NSObject {
    286   id _myproperty;  
    287 }
    288 @end
    290 @implementation MyObject // warn: lacks 'dealloc'
    291 @end
    292 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    293 <div class="example"><pre>
    294 @interface MyObject : NSObject {}
    295 @property(assign) id myproperty;
    296 @end
    298 @implementation MyObject // warn: does not send 'dealloc' to super
    299 - (void)dealloc {
    300   self.myproperty = 0;
    301 }
    302 @end
    303 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    304 <div class="example"><pre>
    305 @interface MyObject : NSObject {
    306   id _myproperty;
    307 }
    308 @property(retain) id myproperty;
    309 @end
    311 @implementation MyObject
    312 @synthesize myproperty = _myproperty;
    313   // warn: var was retained but wasn't released
    314 - (void)dealloc {
    315   [super dealloc];
    316 }
    317 @end
    318 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    319 <div class="example"><pre>
    320 @interface MyObject : NSObject {
    321   id _myproperty;
    322 }
    323 @property(assign) id myproperty;
    324 @end
    326 @implementation MyObject
    327 @synthesize myproperty = _myproperty;
    328   // warn: var wasn't retained but was released
    329 - (void)dealloc {
    330   [_myproperty release];
    331   [super dealloc];
    332 }
    333 @end
    334 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    337 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    338 alpha.osx.cocoa.DirectIvarAssignment</span><span class="lang">
    339 (ObjC)</span><div class="descr">
    340 Check that Objective C properties follow the following rule: the property 
    341 should be set with the setter, not though a direct assignment.</div></div></td>
    342 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    343 <div class="example"><pre>
    344 @interface MyClass : NSObject {}
    345 @property (readonly) id A;
    346 - (void) foo;
    347 @end
    349 @implementation MyClass
    350 - (void) foo {
    351   _A = 0; // warn
    352 }
    353 @end
    354 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    357 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    358 alpha.osx.cocoa.DirectIvarAssignmentForAnnotatedFunctions</span><span class="lang">
    359 (ObjC)</span><div class="descr">
    360 Check for direct assignments to instance variables in the methods annotated 
    361 with <code>objc_no_direct_instance_variable_assignment</code>.</div></div></td>
    362 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    363 <div class="example"><pre>
    364 @interface MyClass : NSObject {}
    365 @property (readonly) id A;
    366 - (void) fAnnotated __attribute__((
    367     annotate("objc_no_direct_instance_variable_assignment")));
    368 - (void) fNotAnnotated;
    369 @end
    371 @implementation MyClass
    372 - (void) fAnnotated {
    373   _A = 0; // warn
    374 }
    375 - (void) fNotAnnotated {
    376   _A = 0; // no warn
    377 }
    378 @end
    379 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    382 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    383 alpha.osx.cocoa.InstanceVariableInvalidation</span><span class="lang">
    384 (ObjC)</span><div class="descr">
    385 Check that the invalidatable instance variables are invalidated in the methods
    386 annotated with <code>objc_instance_variable_invalidator</code>.</div></div></td>
    387 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    388 <div class="example"><pre>
    389 @protocol Invalidation &lt;NSObject&gt;
    390 - (void) invalidate 
    391   __attribute__((annotate("objc_instance_variable_invalidator")));
    392 @end 
    394 @interface InvalidationImpObj : NSObject &lt;Invalidation&gt;
    395 @end
    397 @interface SubclassInvalidationImpObj : InvalidationImpObj {
    398   InvalidationImpObj *var;
    399 }
    400 - (void)invalidate;
    401 @end
    403 @implementation SubclassInvalidationImpObj
    404 - (void) invalidate {}
    405 @end
    406 // warn: var needs to be invalidated or set to nil
    407 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    410 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    411 alpha.osx.cocoa.MissingInvalidationMethod</span><span class="lang">
    412 (ObjC)</span><div class="descr">
    413 Check that the invalidation methods are present in classes that contain 
    414 invalidatable instance variables.</div></div></td>
    415 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    416 <div class="example"><pre>
    417 @protocol Invalidation &lt;NSObject&gt;
    418 - (void)invalidate 
    419   __attribute__((annotate("objc_instance_variable_invalidator")));
    420 @end
    422 @interface NeedInvalidation : NSObject &lt;Invalidation&gt;
    423 @end
    425 @interface MissingInvalidationMethodDecl : NSObject {
    426   NeedInvalidation *Var; // warn
    427 }
    428 @end
    430 @implementation MissingInvalidationMethodDecl
    431 @end
    432 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    434 </tbody></table>
    436 <!------------------------- security alpha ------------------------------------>
    437 <h3 id="security_alpha_checkers">Security Alpha Checkers</h3>
    438 <table class="checkers">
    439 <colgroup><col class="namedescr"><col class="example"></colgroup>
    440 <thead><tr><td>Name, Description</td><td>Example</td></tr></thead>
    442 <tbody>
    443 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    444 alpha.security.ArrayBound</span><span class="lang">
    445 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    446 Warn about buffer overflows (older checker).</div></div></td>
    447 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    448 <div class="example"><pre>
    449 void test() {
    450   char *s = "";
    451   char c = s[1]; // warn
    452 }
    453 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    454 <div class="example"><pre>
    455 struct seven_words {
    456   int c[7];
    457 };
    459 void test() {
    460   struct seven_words a, *p;
    461   p = &a;
    462   p[0] = a;
    463   p[1] = a;
    464   p[2] = a; // warn
    465 }
    466 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    467 <div class="example"><pre>
    468 // note: requires unix.Malloc or 
    469 // alpha.unix.MallocWithAnnotations checks enabled.
    470 void test() {
    471   int *p = malloc(12);
    472   p[3] = 4; // warn
    473 }
    474 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    475 <div class="example"><pre>
    476 void test() {
    477   char a[2];
    478   int *b = (int*)a;
    479   b[1] = 3; // warn
    480 }
    481 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    484 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    485 alpha.security.ArrayBoundV2</span><span class="lang">
    486 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    487 Warn about buffer overflows (newer checker).</div></div></td>
    488 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    489 <div class="example"><pre>
    490 void test() {
    491   char *s = "";
    492   char c = s[1]; // warn
    493 }
    494 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    495 <div class="example"><pre>
    496 void test() {
    497   int buf[100];
    498   int *p = buf;
    499   p = p + 99;
    500   p[1] = 1; // warn
    501 }
    502 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    503 <div class="example"><pre>
    504 // note: compiler has internal check for this.
    505 // Use -Wno-array-bounds to suppress compiler warning.
    506 void test() {
    507   int buf[100][100];
    508   buf[0][-1] = 1; // warn
    509 }
    510 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    511 <div class="example"><pre>
    512 // note: requires alpha.security.taint check turned on.
    513 void test() {
    514   char s[] = "abc";
    515   int x = getchar();
    516   char c = s[x]; // warn: index is tainted
    517 }
    518 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    521 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    522 alpha.security.MallocOverflow</span><span class="lang">
    523 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    524 Check for overflows in the arguments to <code>malloc()</code>.</div></div></td>
    525 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    526 <div class="example"><pre>
    527 void test(int n) {
    528   void *p = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); // warn
    529 }
    530 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    533 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    534 alpha.security.ReturnPtrRange</span><span class="lang">
    535 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    536 Check for an out-of-bound pointer being returned to callers.</div></div></td>
    537 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    538 <div class="example"><pre>
    539 static int A[10];
    541 int *test() {
    542   int *p = A + 10;
    543   return p; // warn
    544 }
    545 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    546 <div class="example"><pre>
    547 int test(void) {
    548   int x;
    549   return x; // warn: undefined or garbage returned
    550 }
    551 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    554 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    555 alpha.security.taint.TaintPropagation</span><span class="lang">
    556 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    557 Generate taint information used by other checkers.</div></div></td>
    558 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    559 <div class="example"><pre>
    560 void test() {
    561   char x = getchar(); // 'x' marked as tainted
    562   system(&x); // warn: untrusted data is passed to a system call
    563 }
    564 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    565 <div class="example"><pre>
    566 // note: compiler internally checks if the second param to
    567 // sprintf is a string literal or not. 
    568 // Use -Wno-format-security to suppress compiler warning.
    569 void test() {
    570   char s[10], buf[10];
    571   fscanf(stdin, "%s", s); // 's' marked as tainted
    573   sprintf(buf, s); // warn: untrusted data as a format string
    574 }
    575 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    576 <div class="example"><pre>
    577 void test() {
    578   size_t ts;
    579   scanf("%zd", &ts); // 'ts' marked as tainted
    580   int *p = (int *)malloc(ts * sizeof(int)); 
    581     // warn: untrusted data as bufer size
    582 }
    583 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    585 </tbody></table>
    587 <!--------------------------- unix alpha -------------------------------------->
    588 <h3 id="unix_alpha_checkers">Unix Alpha Checkers</h3>
    589 <table class="checkers">
    590 <colgroup><col class="namedescr"><col class="example"></colgroup>
    591 <thead><tr><td>Name, Description</td><td>Example</td></tr></thead>
    593 <tbody>
    594 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    595 alpha.unix.Chroot</span><span class="lang">
    596 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    597 Check improper use of <code>chroot</code>.</div></div></td>
    598 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    599 <div class="example"><pre>
    600 void f();
    602 void test() {
    603   chroot("/usr/local");
    604   f(); // warn: no call of chdir("/") immediately after chroot
    605 }
    606 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    609 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    610 alpha.unix.MallocWithAnnotations</span><span class="lang">
    611 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    612 Check for memory leaks, double free, and use-after-free problems. Assumes that
    613 all user-defined functions which might free a pointer are
    614 annotated.</div></div></td>
    615 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    616 <div class="example"><pre>
    617 void __attribute((ownership_returns(malloc))) *my_malloc(size_t);
    619 void test() {
    620   int *p = my_malloc(1);
    621 } // warn: potential leak
    622 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    623 <div class="example"><pre>
    624 void __attribute((ownership_returns(malloc))) *my_malloc(size_t);
    625 void __attribute((ownership_takes(malloc, 1))) my_free(void *);
    627 void test() {
    628   int *p = my_malloc(1);
    629   my_free(p);
    630   my_free(p); // warn: attempt to free released
    631 }
    632 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    633 <div class="example"><pre>
    634 void __attribute((ownership_returns(malloc))) *my_malloc(size_t);
    635 void __attribute((ownership_holds(malloc, 1))) my_hold(void *);
    637 void test() {
    638   int *p = my_malloc(1);
    639   my_hold(p);
    640   free(p); // warn: attempt to free non-owned memory
    641 }
    642 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    643 <div class="example"><pre>
    644 void __attribute((ownership_takes(malloc, 1))) my_free(void *);
    646 void test() {
    647   int *p = malloc(1);
    648   my_free(p);
    649   *p = 1; // warn: use after free
    650 }
    651 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    654 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    655 alpha.unix.PthreadLock</span><span class="lang">
    656 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    657 Simple lock -> unlock checker; applies to:<div class=functions>
    658 pthread_mutex_lock<br>
    659 pthread_rwlock_rdlock<br>
    660 pthread_rwlock_wrlock<br>
    661 lck_mtx_lock<br>
    662 lck_rw_lock_exclusive<br>
    663 lck_rw_lock_shared<br>
    664 pthread_mutex_trylock<br>
    665 pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock<br>
    666 pthread_rwlock_tryrwlock<br>
    667 lck_mtx_try_lock<br>
    668 lck_rw_try_lock_exclusive<br>
    669 lck_rw_try_lock_shared<br>
    670 pthread_mutex_unlock<br>
    671 pthread_rwlock_unlock<br>
    672 lck_mtx_unlock<br>
    673 lck_rw_done</div></div></div></td>
    674 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    675 <div class="example"><pre>
    676 pthread_mutex_t mtx;
    678 void test() {
    679   pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx);
    680   pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx); 
    681     // warn: this lock has already been acquired
    682 }
    683 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    684 <div class="example"><pre>
    685 lck_mtx_t lck1, lck2;
    687 void test() {
    688   lck_mtx_lock(&lck1);
    689   lck_mtx_lock(&lck2);
    690   lck_mtx_unlock(&lck1); 
    691     // warn: this was not the most recently acquired lock
    692 }
    693 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    694 <div class="example"><pre>
    695 lck_mtx_t lck1, lck2;
    697 void test() {
    698   if (lck_mtx_try_lock(&lck1) == 0)
    699     return;
    701   lck_mtx_lock(&lck2);
    702   lck_mtx_unlock(&lck1);
    703     // warn: this was not the most recently acquired lock
    704 }
    705 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    708 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    709 alpha.unix.SimpleStream</span><span class="lang">
    710 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    711 Check for misuses of stream APIs:<div class=functions>
    712 fopen<br>
    713 fclose</div>(demo checker, the subject of the demo
    714 (<a href="http://llvm.org/devmtg/2012-11/Zaks-Rose-Checker24Hours.pdf">Slides</a>
    715 ,<a href="http://llvm.org/devmtg/2012-11/videos/Zaks-Rose-Checker24Hours.mp4">Video</a>) 
    716 by Anna Zaks and Jordan Rose presented at the <a href="http://llvm.org/devmtg/2012-11/">
    717 2012 LLVM Developers' Meeting).</a></div></div></td>
    718 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    719 <div class="example"><pre>
    720 void test() {
    721   FILE *F = fopen("myfile.txt", "w");
    722 } // warn: opened file is never closed
    723 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    724 <div class="example"><pre>
    725 void test() {
    726   FILE *F = fopen("myfile.txt", "w");
    728   if (F)
    729     fclose(F);
    731   fclose(F); // warn: closing a previously closed file stream
    732 }
    733 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    736 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    737 alpha.unix.Stream</span><span class="lang">
    738 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    739 Check stream handling functions:<div class=functions>fopen<br>
    740 tmpfile<br>
    741 fclose<br>
    742 fread<br>
    743 fwrite<br>
    744 fseek<br>
    745 ftell<br>
    746 rewind<br>
    747 fgetpos<br>
    748 fsetpos<br>
    749 clearerr<br>
    750 feof<br>
    751 ferror<br>
    752 fileno</div></div></div></td>
    753 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    754 <div class="example"><pre>
    755 void test() {
    756   FILE *p = fopen("foo", "r");
    757 } // warn: opened file is never closed
    758 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    759 <div class="example"><pre>
    760 void test() {
    761   FILE *p = fopen("foo", "r");
    762   fseek(p, 1, SEEK_SET); // warn: stream pointer might be NULL
    763   fclose(p); 
    764 }
    765 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    766 <div class="example"><pre>
    767 void test() {
    768   FILE *p = fopen("foo", "r");
    770   if (p)
    771     fseek(p, 1, 3);
    772      // warn: third arg should be SEEK_SET, SEEK_END, or SEEK_CUR
    774   fclose(p); 
    775 }
    776 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    777 <div class="example"><pre>
    778 void test() {
    779   FILE *p = fopen("foo", "r");
    780   fclose(p); 
    781   fclose(p); // warn: already closed
    782 }
    783 </pre></div><div class="separator"></div>
    784 <div class="example"><pre>
    785 void test() {
    786   FILE *p = tmpfile();
    787   ftell(p); // warn: stream pointer might be NULL
    788   fclose(p);
    789 }
    790 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    793 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    794 alpha.unix.cstring.BufferOverlap</span><span class="lang">
    795 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    796 Checks for overlap in two buffer arguments; applies to:<div class=functions>
    797 memcpy<br>
    798 mempcpy</div></div></div></td>
    799 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    800 <div class="example"><pre>
    801 void test() {
    802   int a[4] = {0};
    803   memcpy(a + 2, a + 1, 8); // warn
    804 }
    805 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    808 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    809 alpha.unix.cstring.NotNullTerminated</span><span class="lang">
    810 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    811 Check for arguments which are not null-terminated strings; applies
    812 to:<div class=functions>
    813 strlen<br>
    814 strnlen<br>
    815 strcpy<br>
    816 strncpy<br>
    817 strcat<br>
    818 strncat</div></div></div></td>
    819 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    820 <div class="example"><pre>
    821 void test() {
    822   int y = strlen((char *)&test); // warn
    823 }
    824 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    827 <tr><td><div class="namedescr expandable"><span class="name">
    828 alpha.unix.cstring.OutOfBounds</span><span class="lang">
    829 (C)</span><div class="descr">
    830 Check for out-of-bounds access in string functions; applies
    831 to:<div class=functions>
    832 strncopy<br>
    833 strncat</div></div></div></td>
    834 <td><div class="exampleContainer expandable">
    835 <div class="example"><pre>
    836 void test(char *y) {
    837   char x[4];
    838   if (strlen(y) == 4)
    839     strncpy(x, y, 5); // warn
    840 }
    841 </pre></div></div></td></tr>
    843 </tbody></table>
    845 </div> <!-- page -->
    846 </div> <!-- content -->
    847 </body>
    848 </html>