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      1 /*
      2 ********************************************************************************
      3 *   Copyright (C) 2012-2014, International Business Machines
      4 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 ********************************************************************************
      6 *
      8 ********************************************************************************
      9 */
     11 #ifndef __COMPACT_DECIMAL_FORMAT_H__
     12 #define __COMPACT_DECIMAL_FORMAT_H__
     14 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     15 /**
     16  * \file
     17  * \brief C++ API: Formats decimal numbers in compact form.
     18  */
     22 #include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
     24 struct UHashtable;
     28 class PluralRules;
     30 /**
     31  * The CompactDecimalFormat produces abbreviated numbers, suitable for display in
     32  * environments will limited real estate. For example, 'Hits: 1.2B' instead of
     33  * 'Hits: 1,200,000,000'. The format will be appropriate for the given language,
     34  * such as "1,2 Mrd." for German.
     35  * <p>
     36  * For numbers under 1000 trillion (under 10^15, such as 123,456,789,012,345),
     37  * the result will be short for supported languages. However, the result may
     38  * sometimes exceed 7 characters, such as when there are combining marks or thin
     39  * characters. In such cases, the visual width in fonts should still be short.
     40  * <p>
     41  * By default, there are 3 significant digits. After creation, if more than
     42  * three significant digits are set (with setMaximumSignificantDigits), or if a
     43  * fixed number of digits are set (with setMaximumIntegerDigits or
     44  * setMaximumFractionDigits), then result may be wider.
     45  * <p>
     46  * At this time, parsing is not supported, and will produce a U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
     47  * Resetting the pattern prefixes or suffixes is not supported; the method calls
     48  * are ignored.
     49  * <p>
     50  * @stable ICU 51
     51  */
     52 class U_I18N_API CompactDecimalFormat : public DecimalFormat {
     53 public:
     55      /**
     56       * Returns a compact decimal instance for specified locale.
     57       * @param inLocale the given locale.
     58       * @param style whether to use short or long style.
     59       * @param status error code returned  here.
     60       * @stable ICU 51
     61       */
     62      static CompactDecimalFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(
     63           const Locale& inLocale, UNumberCompactStyle style, UErrorCode& status);
     65     /**
     66      * Copy constructor.
     67      *
     68      * @param source    the DecimalFormat object to be copied from.
     69      * @stable ICU 51
     70       */
     71     CompactDecimalFormat(const CompactDecimalFormat& source);
     73     /**
     74      * Destructor.
     75      * @stable ICU 51
     76      */
     77     virtual ~CompactDecimalFormat();
     79     /**
     80      * Assignment operator.
     81      *
     82      * @param rhs    the DecimalFormat object to be copied.
     83      * @stable ICU 51
     84      */
     85     CompactDecimalFormat& operator=(const CompactDecimalFormat& rhs);
     87     /**
     88      * Clone this Format object polymorphically. The caller owns the
     89      * result and should delete it when done.
     90      *
     91      * @return    a polymorphic copy of this CompactDecimalFormat.
     92      * @stable ICU 51
     93      */
     94     virtual Format* clone() const;
     96     /**
     97      * Return TRUE if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
     98      * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
     99      *
    100      * @param other    the object to be compared with.
    101      * @return         TRUE if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
    102      * @stable ICU 51
    103      */
    104     virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
    107     using DecimalFormat::format;
    109     /**
    110      * Format a double or long number using base-10 representation.
    111      *
    112      * @param number    The value to be formatted.
    113      * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
    114      *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
    115      * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
    116      *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
    117      * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
    118      * @stable ICU 51
    119      */
    120     virtual UnicodeString& format(double number,
    121                                   UnicodeString& appendTo,
    122                                   FieldPosition& pos) const;
    124     /**
    125      * Format a double or long number using base-10 representation.
    126      * Currently sets status to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
    127      *
    128      * @param number    The value to be formatted.
    129      * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
    130      *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
    131      * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
    132      *                  of fields generated by this format call.
    133      *                  Can be NULL.
    134      * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
    135      * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
    136      * @internal
    137      */
    138     virtual UnicodeString& format(double number,
    139                                   UnicodeString& appendTo,
    140                                   FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
    141                                   UErrorCode& status) const;
    143     /**
    144      * Format an int64 number using base-10 representation.
    145      *
    146      * @param number    The value to be formatted.
    147      * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
    148      *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
    149      * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
    150      *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
    151      * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
    152      * @stable ICU 51
    153      */
    154     virtual UnicodeString& format(int64_t number,
    155                                   UnicodeString& appendTo,
    156                                   FieldPosition& pos) const;
    158     /**
    159      * Format an int64 number using base-10 representation.
    160      * Currently sets status to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
    161      *
    162      * @param number    The value to be formatted.
    163      * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
    164      *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
    165      * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
    166      *                  of fields generated by this format call.
    167      *                  Can be NULL.
    168      * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
    169      * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
    170      * @internal
    171      */
    172     virtual UnicodeString& format(int64_t number,
    173                                   UnicodeString& appendTo,
    174                                   FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
    175                                   UErrorCode& status) const;
    177     /**
    178      * Format a decimal number. Currently sets status to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
    179      * The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string"
    180      * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
    181      * http://speleotrove.com/decimal
    182      *
    183      * @param number    The unformatted number, as a string.
    184      * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
    185      *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
    186      * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
    187      *                  of fields generated by this format call.
    188      *                  Can be NULL.
    189      * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
    190      * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
    191      * @internal
    192      */
    193     virtual UnicodeString& format(const StringPiece &number,
    194                                   UnicodeString& appendTo,
    195                                   FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
    196                                   UErrorCode& status) const;
    198     /**
    199      * Format a decimal number. Currently sets status to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
    200      * The number is a DigitList wrapper onto a floating point decimal number.
    201      * The default implementation in NumberFormat converts the decimal number
    202      * to a double and formats that.
    203      *
    204      * @param number    The number, a DigitList format Decimal Floating Point.
    205      * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
    206      *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
    207      * @param posIter   On return, can be used to iterate over positions
    208      *                  of fields generated by this format call.
    209      * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
    210      * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
    211      * @internal
    212      */
    213     virtual UnicodeString& format(const DigitList &number,
    214                                   UnicodeString& appendTo,
    215                                   FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
    216                                   UErrorCode& status) const;
    218     /**
    219      * Format a decimal number. Currently sets status to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
    220      * The number is a DigitList wrapper onto a floating point decimal number.
    221      * The default implementation in NumberFormat converts the decimal number
    222      * to a double and formats that.
    223      *
    224      * @param number    The number, a DigitList format Decimal Floating Point.
    225      * @param appendTo  Output parameter to receive result.
    226      *                  Result is appended to existing contents.
    227      * @param pos       On input: an alignment field, if desired.
    228      *                  On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
    229      * @param status    Output param filled with success/failure status.
    230      * @return          Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
    231      * @internal
    232      */
    233     virtual UnicodeString& format(const DigitList &number,
    234                                   UnicodeString& appendTo,
    235                                   FieldPosition& pos,
    236                                   UErrorCode& status) const;
    238    /**
    239     * CompactDecimalFormat does not support parsing. This implementation
    240     * does nothing.
    241     * @param text           Unused.
    242     * @param result         Does not change.
    243     * @param parsePosition  Does not change.
    244     * @see Formattable
    245     * @stable ICU 51
    246     */
    247     virtual void parse(const UnicodeString& text,
    248                        Formattable& result,
    249                        ParsePosition& parsePosition) const;
    251     /**
    252      * CompactDecimalFormat does not support parsing. This implementation
    253      * sets status to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
    254      *
    255      * @param text      Unused.
    256      * @param result    Does not change.
    257      * @param status    Always set to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
    258      * @stable ICU 51
    259      */
    260     virtual void parse(const UnicodeString& text,
    261                        Formattable& result,
    262                        UErrorCode& status) const;
    264     /**
    265      * Parses text from the given string as a currency amount.  Unlike
    266      * the parse() method, this method will attempt to parse a generic
    267      * currency name, searching for a match of this object's locale's
    268      * currency display names, or for a 3-letter ISO currency code.
    269      * This method will fail if this format is not a currency format,
    270      * that is, if it does not contain the currency pattern symbol
    271      * (U+00A4) in its prefix or suffix. This implementation always returns
    272      * NULL.
    273      *
    274      * @param text the string to parse
    275      * @param pos  input-output position; on input, the position within text
    276      *             to match; must have 0 <= pos.getIndex() < text.length();
    277      *             on output, the position after the last matched character.
    278      *             If the parse fails, the position in unchanged upon output.
    279      * @return     if parse succeeds, a pointer to a newly-created CurrencyAmount
    280      *             object (owned by the caller) containing information about
    281      *             the parsed currency; if parse fails, this is NULL.
    282      * @internal
    283      */
    284     virtual CurrencyAmount* parseCurrency(const UnicodeString& text,
    285                                           ParsePosition& pos) const;
    287     /**
    288      * Return the class ID for this class.  This is useful only for
    289      * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID().  For example:
    290      * <pre>
    291      * .      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
    292      * .      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
    293      * .          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
    294      * </pre>
    295      * @return          The class ID for all objects of this class.
    296      * @stable ICU 51
    297      */
    298     static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
    300     /**
    301      * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY.  Pure virtual override.
    302      * This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all
    303      * C++ compilers support genuine RTTI.  Polymorphic operator==() and
    304      * clone() methods call this method.
    305      *
    306      * @return          The class ID for this object. All objects of a
    307      *                  given class have the same class ID.  Objects of
    308      *                  other classes have different class IDs.
    309      * @stable ICU 51
    310      */
    311     virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
    313 private:
    315     const UHashtable* _unitsByVariant;
    316     const double* _divisors;
    317     PluralRules* _pluralRules;
    319     // Default constructor not implemented.
    320     CompactDecimalFormat(const DecimalFormat &, const UHashtable* unitsByVariant, const double* divisors, PluralRules* pluralRules);
    322     UBool eqHelper(const CompactDecimalFormat& that) const;
    323 };
    327 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
    329 #endif // __COMPACT_DECIMAL_FORMAT_H__
    330 //eof