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      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 # The following limits are chosen such that they cover all supported platforms.
      5 # Pointer sizes.
      6 lg_zarr="2 3"
      8 # Quanta.
      9 lg_qarr="3 4"
     11 # The range of tiny size classes is [2^lg_tmin..2^(lg_q-1)].
     12 lg_tmin=3
     14 # Maximum lookup size.
     15 lg_kmax=12
     17 # Page sizes.
     18 lg_parr="12 13 16"
     20 # Size class group size (number of size classes for each size doubling).
     21 lg_g=2
     23 pow2() {
     24   e=$1
     25   pow2_result=1
     26   while [ ${e} -gt 0 ] ; do
     27     pow2_result=$((${pow2_result} + ${pow2_result}))
     28     e=$((${e} - 1))
     29   done
     30 }
     32 lg() {
     33   x=$1
     34   lg_result=0
     35   while [ ${x} -gt 1 ] ; do
     36     lg_result=$((${lg_result} + 1))
     37     x=$((${x} / 2))
     38   done
     39 }
     41 size_class() {
     42   index=$1
     43   lg_grp=$2
     44   lg_delta=$3
     45   ndelta=$4
     46   lg_p=$5
     47   lg_kmax=$6
     49   lg ${ndelta}; lg_ndelta=${lg_result}; pow2 ${lg_ndelta}
     50   if [ ${pow2_result} -lt ${ndelta} ] ; then
     51     rem="yes"
     52   else
     53     rem="no"
     54   fi
     56   lg_size=${lg_grp}
     57   if [ $((${lg_delta} + ${lg_ndelta})) -eq ${lg_grp} ] ; then
     58     lg_size=$((${lg_grp} + 1))
     59   else
     60     lg_size=${lg_grp}
     61     rem="yes"
     62   fi
     64   if [ ${lg_size} -lt ${lg_p} ] ; then
     65     bin="yes"
     66   else
     67     bin="no"
     68   fi
     69   if [ ${lg_size} -lt ${lg_kmax} \
     70       -o ${lg_size} -eq ${lg_kmax} -a ${rem} = "no" ] ; then
     71     lg_delta_lookup=${lg_delta}
     72   else
     73     lg_delta_lookup="no"
     74   fi
     75   printf '    SC(%3d, %6d, %8d, %6d, %3s, %2s) \\\n' ${index} ${lg_grp} ${lg_delta} ${ndelta} ${bin} ${lg_delta_lookup}
     76   # Defined upon return:
     77   # - lg_delta_lookup (${lg_delta} or "no")
     78   # - bin ("yes" or "no")
     79 }
     81 sep_line() {
     82   echo "                                               \\"
     83 }
     85 size_classes() {
     86   lg_z=$1
     87   lg_q=$2
     88   lg_t=$3
     89   lg_p=$4
     90   lg_g=$5
     92   pow2 $((${lg_z} + 3)); ptr_bits=${pow2_result}
     93   pow2 ${lg_g}; g=${pow2_result}
     95   echo "#define	SIZE_CLASSES \\"
     96   echo "  /* index, lg_grp, lg_delta, ndelta, bin, lg_delta_lookup */ \\"
     98   ntbins=0
     99   nlbins=0
    100   lg_tiny_maxclass='"NA"'
    101   nbins=0
    103   # Tiny size classes.
    104   ndelta=0
    105   index=0
    106   lg_grp=${lg_t}
    107   lg_delta=${lg_grp}
    108   while [ ${lg_grp} -lt ${lg_q} ] ; do
    109     size_class ${index} ${lg_grp} ${lg_delta} ${ndelta} ${lg_p} ${lg_kmax}
    110     if [ ${lg_delta_lookup} != "no" ] ; then
    111       nlbins=$((${index} + 1))
    112     fi
    113     if [ ${bin} != "no" ] ; then
    114       nbins=$((${index} + 1))
    115     fi
    116     ntbins=$((${ntbins} + 1))
    117     lg_tiny_maxclass=${lg_grp} # Final written value is correct.
    118     index=$((${index} + 1))
    119     lg_delta=${lg_grp}
    120     lg_grp=$((${lg_grp} + 1))
    121   done
    123   # First non-tiny group.
    124   if [ ${ntbins} -gt 0 ] ; then
    125     sep_line
    126     # The first size class has an unusual encoding, because the size has to be
    127     # split between grp and delta*ndelta.
    128     lg_grp=$((${lg_grp} - 1))
    129     ndelta=1
    130     size_class ${index} ${lg_grp} ${lg_delta} ${ndelta} ${lg_p} ${lg_kmax}
    131     index=$((${index} + 1))
    132     lg_grp=$((${lg_grp} + 1))
    133     lg_delta=$((${lg_delta} + 1))
    134   fi
    135   while [ ${ndelta} -lt ${g} ] ; do
    136     size_class ${index} ${lg_grp} ${lg_delta} ${ndelta} ${lg_p} ${lg_kmax}
    137     index=$((${index} + 1))
    138     ndelta=$((${ndelta} + 1))
    139   done
    141   # All remaining groups.
    142   lg_grp=$((${lg_grp} + ${lg_g}))
    143   while [ ${lg_grp} -lt ${ptr_bits} ] ; do
    144     sep_line
    145     ndelta=1
    146     if [ ${lg_grp} -eq $((${ptr_bits} - 1)) ] ; then
    147       ndelta_limit=$((${g} - 1))
    148     else
    149       ndelta_limit=${g}
    150     fi
    151     while [ ${ndelta} -le ${ndelta_limit} ] ; do
    152       size_class ${index} ${lg_grp} ${lg_delta} ${ndelta} ${lg_p} ${lg_kmax}
    153       if [ ${lg_delta_lookup} != "no" ] ; then
    154         nlbins=$((${index} + 1))
    155         # Final written value is correct:
    156         lookup_maxclass="((((size_t)1) << ${lg_grp}) + (((size_t)${ndelta}) << ${lg_delta}))"
    157       fi
    158       if [ ${bin} != "no" ] ; then
    159         nbins=$((${index} + 1))
    160         # Final written value is correct:
    161         small_maxclass="((((size_t)1) << ${lg_grp}) + (((size_t)${ndelta}) << ${lg_delta}))"
    162       fi
    163       index=$((${index} + 1))
    164       ndelta=$((${ndelta} + 1))
    165     done
    166     lg_grp=$((${lg_grp} + 1))
    167     lg_delta=$((${lg_delta} + 1))
    168   done
    169   echo
    171   # Defined upon completion:
    172   # - ntbins
    173   # - nlbins
    174   # - nbins
    175   # - lg_tiny_maxclass
    176   # - lookup_maxclass
    177   # - small_maxclass
    178 }
    180 cat <<EOF
    181 /* This file was automatically generated by size_classes.sh. */
    182 /******************************************************************************/
    183 #ifdef JEMALLOC_H_TYPES
    185 /*
    186  * This header requires LG_SIZEOF_PTR, LG_TINY_MIN, LG_QUANTUM, and LG_PAGE to
    187  * be defined prior to inclusion, and it in turn defines:
    188  *
    189  *   LG_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP: Lg of size class count for each size doubling.
    190  *   SIZE_CLASSES: Complete table of
    191  *                 SC(index, lg_delta, size, bin, lg_delta_lookup) tuples.
    192  *     index: Size class index.
    193  *     lg_grp: Lg group base size (no deltas added).
    194  *     lg_delta: Lg delta to previous size class.
    195  *     ndelta: Delta multiplier.  size == 1<<lg_grp + ndelta<<lg_delta
    196  *     bin: 'yes' if a small bin size class, 'no' otherwise.
    197  *     lg_delta_lookup: Same as lg_delta if a lookup table size class, 'no'
    198  *                      otherwise.
    199  *   NTBINS: Number of tiny bins.
    200  *   NLBINS: Number of bins supported by the lookup table.
    201  *   NBINS: Number of small size class bins.
    202  *   LG_TINY_MAXCLASS: Lg of maximum tiny size class.
    203  *   LOOKUP_MAXCLASS: Maximum size class included in lookup table.
    204  *   SMALL_MAXCLASS: Maximum small size class.
    205  */
    207 #define	LG_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP	${lg_g}
    209 EOF
    211 for lg_z in ${lg_zarr} ; do
    212   for lg_q in ${lg_qarr} ; do
    213     lg_t=${lg_tmin}
    214     while [ ${lg_t} -le ${lg_q} ] ; do
    215       # Iterate through page sizes and compute how many bins there are.
    216       for lg_p in ${lg_parr} ; do
    217         echo "#if (LG_SIZEOF_PTR == ${lg_z} && LG_TINY_MIN == ${lg_t} && LG_QUANTUM == ${lg_q} && LG_PAGE == ${lg_p})"
    218         size_classes ${lg_z} ${lg_q} ${lg_t} ${lg_p} ${lg_g}
    219         echo "#define	SIZE_CLASSES_DEFINED"
    220         echo "#define	NTBINS			${ntbins}"
    221         echo "#define	NLBINS			${nlbins}"
    222         echo "#define	NBINS			${nbins}"
    223         echo "#define	LG_TINY_MAXCLASS	${lg_tiny_maxclass}"
    224         echo "#define	LOOKUP_MAXCLASS		${lookup_maxclass}"
    225         echo "#define	SMALL_MAXCLASS		${small_maxclass}"
    226         echo "#endif"
    227         echo
    228       done
    229       lg_t=$((${lg_t} + 1))
    230     done
    231   done
    232 done
    234 cat <<EOF
    235 #ifndef SIZE_CLASSES_DEFINED
    236 #  error "No size class definitions match configuration"
    237 #endif
    239 /*
    240  * The small_size2bin lookup table uses uint8_t to encode each bin index, so we
    241  * cannot support more than 256 small size classes.  Further constrain NBINS to
    242  * 255 since all small size classes, plus a "not small" size class must be
    243  * stored in 8 bits of arena_chunk_map_t's bits field.
    244  */
    245 #if (NBINS > 255)
    246 #  error "Too many small size classes"
    247 #endif
    249 #endif /* JEMALLOC_H_TYPES */
    250 /******************************************************************************/
    251 #ifdef JEMALLOC_H_STRUCTS
    254 #endif /* JEMALLOC_H_STRUCTS */
    255 /******************************************************************************/
    256 #ifdef JEMALLOC_H_EXTERNS
    259 #endif /* JEMALLOC_H_EXTERNS */
    260 /******************************************************************************/
    261 #ifdef JEMALLOC_H_INLINES
    264 #endif /* JEMALLOC_H_INLINES */
    265 /******************************************************************************/
    266 EOF