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      1 \documentclass{article}
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      6 \begin{document}
      8 \begin{Name}{3}{libunwind}{David Mosberger-Tang}{Programming Library}{Introduction to libunwind}libunwind -- a (mostly) platform-independent unwind API
      9 \end{Name}
     11 \section{Synopsis}
     13 \File{\#include $<$libunwind.h$>$}\\
     15 \noindent
     16 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_getcontext}(\Type{unw\_context\_t~*});\\
     17 \noindent
     18 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_init\_local}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*}, \Type{unw\_context\_t~*});\\
     19 \noindent
     20 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_init\_remote}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*}, \Type{unw\_addr\_space\_t}, \Type{void~*});\\
     21 \noindent
     22 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_step}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*});\\
     23 \noindent
     24 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_get\_reg}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*}, \Type{unw\_regnum\_t}, \Type{unw\_word\_t~*});\\
     25 \noindent
     26 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_get\_fpreg}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*}, \Type{unw\_regnum\_t}, \Type{unw\_fpreg\_t~*});\\
     27 \noindent
     28 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_set\_reg}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*}, \Type{unw\_regnum\_t}, \Type{unw\_word\_t});\\
     29 \noindent
     30 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_set\_fpreg}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*}, \Type{unw\_regnum\_t}, \Type{unw\_fpreg\_t});\\
     31 \noindent
     32 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_resume}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*});\\
     34 \noindent
     35 \Type{unw\_addr\_space\_t} \Var{unw\_local\_addr\_space};\\
     36 \noindent
     37 \Type{unw\_addr\_space\_t} \Func{unw\_create\_addr\_space}(\Type{unw\_accessors\_t}, \Type{int});\\
     38 \noindent
     39 \Type{void} \Func{unw\_destroy\_addr\_space}(\Type{unw\_addr\_space\_t});\\
     40 \noindent
     41 \Type{unw\_accessors\_t} \Func{unw\_get\_accessors}(\Type{unw\_addr\_space\_t});\\
     42 \noindent
     43 \Type{void} \Func{unw\_flush\_cache}(\Type{unw\_addr\_space\_t}, \Type{unw\_word\_t}, \Type{unw\_word\_t});\\
     44 \noindent
     45 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_set\_caching\_policy}(\Type{unw\_addr\_space\_t}, \Type{unw\_caching\_policy\_t});\\
     47 \noindent
     48 \Type{const char *}\Func{unw\_regname}(\Type{unw\_regnum\_t});\\
     49 \noindent
     50 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_get\_proc\_info}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*}, \Type{unw\_proc\_info\_t~*});\\
     51 \noindent
     52 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_get\_save\_loc}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*}, \Type{int}, \Type{unw\_save\_loc\_t~*});\\
     53 \noindent
     54 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_is\_fpreg}(\Type{unw\_regnum\_t});\\
     55 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_is\_signal\_frame}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*});\\
     56 \noindent
     57 \Type{int} \Func{unw\_get\_proc\_name}(\Type{unw\_cursor\_t~*}, \Type{char~*}, \Type{size\_t}, \Type{unw\_word\_t~*});\\
     59 \noindent
     60 \Type{void} \Func{\_U\_dyn\_register}(\Type{unw\_dyn\_info\_t~*});\\
     61 \noindent
     62 \Type{void} \Func{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}(\Type{unw\_dyn\_info\_t~*});\\
     64 \section{Local Unwinding}
     66 \Prog{Libunwind} is very easy to use when unwinding a stack from
     67 within a running program.  This is called \emph{local} unwinding.  Say
     68 you want to unwind the stack while executing in some function
     69 \Func{F}().  In this function, you would call \Func{unw\_getcontext}()
     70 to get a snapshot of the CPU registers (machine-state).  Then you
     71 initialize an \emph{unwind~cursor} based on this snapshot.  This is
     72 done with a call to \Func{unw\_init\_local}().  The cursor now points
     73 to the current frame, that is, the stack frame that corresponds to the
     74 current activation of function \Func{F}().  The unwind cursor can then
     75 be moved ``up'' (towards earlier stack frames) by calling
     76 \Func{unw\_step}().  By repeatedly calling this routine, you can
     77 uncover the entire call-chain that led to the activation of function
     78 \Func{F}().  A positive return value from \Func{unw\_step}() indicates
     79 that there are more frames in the chain, zero indicates that the end
     80 of the chain has been reached, and any negative value indicates that
     81 some sort of error has occurred.
     83 While it is not possible to directly move the unwind cursor in the
     84 ``down'' direction (towards newer stack frames), this effect can be
     85 achieved by making copies of an unwind cursor.  For example, a program
     86 that sometimes has to move ``down'' by one stack frame could maintain
     87 two cursor variables: ``\Var{curr}'' and ``\Var{prev}''.  The former
     88 would be used as the current cursor and \Var{prev} would be maintained
     89 as the ``previous frame'' cursor by copying the contents of \Var{curr}
     90 to \Var{prev} right before calling \Func{unw\_step}().  With this
     91 approach, the program could move one step ``down'' simply by copying
     92 back \Var{prev} to \Var{curr} whenever that is necessary.  In the most
     93 extreme case, a program could maintain a separate cursor for each call
     94 frame and that way it could move up and down the callframe-chain at
     95 will.
     97 Given an unwind cursor, it is possible to read and write the CPU
     98 registers that were preserved for the current stack frame (as
     99 identified by the cursor).  \Prog{Libunwind} provides several routines
    100 for this purpose: \Func{unw\_get\_reg}() reads an integer (general)
    101 register, \Func{unw\_get\_fpreg}() reads a floating-point register,
    102 \Func{unw\_set\_reg}() writes an integer register, and
    103 \Func{unw\_set\_fpreg}() writes a floating-point register.  Note that,
    104 by definition, only the \emph{preserved} machine state can be accessed
    105 during an unwind operation.  Normally, this state consists of the
    106 \emph{callee-saved} (``preserved'') registers.  However, in some
    107 special circumstances (e.g., in a signal handler trampoline), even the
    108 \emph{caller-saved} (``scratch'') registers are preserved in the stack
    109 frame and, in those cases, \Prog{libunwind} will grant access to them
    110 as well.  The exact set of registers that can be accessed via the
    111 cursor depends, of course, on the platform.  However, there are two
    112 registers that can be read on all platforms: the instruction pointer
    113 (IP), sometimes also known as the ``program counter'', and the stack
    114 pointer (SP).  In \Prog{libunwind}, these registers are identified by
    115 the macros \Const{UNW\_REG\_IP} and \Const{UNW\_REG\_SP},
    116 respectively.
    118 Besides just moving the unwind cursor and reading/writing saved
    119 registers, \Prog{libunwind} also provides the ability to resume
    120 execution at an arbitrary stack frame.  As you might guess, this is
    121 useful for implementing non-local gotos and the exception handling
    122 needed by some high-level languages such as Java.  Resuming execution
    123 with a particular stack frame simply requires calling
    124 \Func{unw\_resume}() and passing the cursor identifying the target
    125 frame as the only argument.
    127 Normally, \Prog{libunwind} supports both local and remote unwinding
    128 (the latter will be explained in the next section).  However, if you
    129 tell libunwind that your program only needs local unwinding, then a
    130 special implementation can be selected which may run much faster than
    131 the generic implementation which supports both kinds of unwinding.  To
    132 select this optimized version, simply define the macro
    133 \Const{UNW\_LOCAL\_ONLY} before including the headerfile
    134 \File{$<$libunwind.h$>$}.  It is perfectly OK for a single program to
    135 employ both local-only and generic unwinding.  That is, whether or not
    136 \Const{UNW\_LOCAL\_ONLY} is defined is a choice that each source-file
    137 (compilation-unit) can make on its own.  Independent of the setting(s)
    138 of \Const{UNW\_LOCAL\_ONLY}, you'll always link the same library into
    139 the program (normally \Opt{-l}\File{unwind}).  Furthermore, the
    140 portion of \Prog{libunwind} that manages unwind-info for dynamically
    141 generated code is not affected by the setting of
    142 \Const{UNW\_LOCAL\_ONLY}.
    144 If we put all of the above together, here is how we could use
    145 \Prog{libunwind} to write a function ``\Func{show\_backtrace}()''
    146 which prints a classic stack trace:
    148 \begin{verbatim}
    149 #define UNW_LOCAL_ONLY
    150 #include <libunwind.h>
    152 void show_backtrace (void) {
    153   unw_cursor_t cursor; unw_context_t uc;
    154   unw_word_t ip, sp;
    156   unw_getcontext(&uc);
    157   unw_init_local(&cursor, &uc);
    158   while (unw_step(&cursor) > 0) {
    159     unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP, &ip);
    160     unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_SP, &sp);
    161     printf ("ip = %lx, sp = %lx\n", (long) ip, (long) sp);
    162   }
    163 }
    164 \end{verbatim}
    167 \section{Remote Unwinding}
    169 \Prog{Libunwind} can also be used to unwind a stack in a ``remote''
    170 process.  Here, ``remote'' may mean another process on the same
    171 machine or even a process on a completely different machine from the
    172 one that is running \Prog{libunwind}.  Remote unwinding is typically
    173 used by debuggers and instruction-set simulators, for example.
    175 Before you can unwind a remote process, you need to create a new
    176 address-space object for that process.  This is achieved with the
    177 \Func{unw\_create\_addr\_space}() routine.  The routine takes two
    178 arguments: a pointer to a set of \emph{accessor} routines and an
    179 integer that specifies the byte-order of the target process.  The
    180 accessor routines provide \Func{libunwind} with the means to
    181 communicate with the remote process.  In particular, there are
    182 callbacks to read and write the process's memory, its registers, and
    183 to access unwind information which may be needed by \Func{libunwind}.
    185 With the address space created, unwinding can be initiated by a call
    186 to \Func{unw\_init\_remote}().  This routine is very similar to
    187 \Func{unw\_init\_local}(), except that it takes an address-space
    188 object and an opaque pointer as arguments.  The routine uses these
    189 arguments to fetch the initial machine state.  \Prog{Libunwind} never
    190 uses the opaque pointer on its own, but instead just passes it on to
    191 the accessor (callback) routines.  Typically, this pointer is used to
    192 select, e.g., the thread within a process that is to be unwound.
    194 Once a cursor has been initialized with \Func{unw\_init\_remote}(),
    195 unwinding works exactly like in the local case.  That is, you can use
    196 \Func{unw\_step}() to move ``up'' in the call-chain, read and write
    197 registers, or resume execution at a particular stack frame by calling
    198 \Func{unw\_resume}.
    201 \section{Cross-platform and Multi-platform Unwinding}
    203 \Prog{Libunwind} has been designed to enable unwinding across
    204 platforms (architectures).  Indeed, a single program can use
    205 \Prog{libunwind} to unwind an arbitrary number of target platforms,
    206 all at the same time!
    208 We call the machine that is running \Prog{libunwind} the \emph{host}
    209 and the machine that is running the process being unwound the
    210 \emph{target}.  If the host and the target platform are the same, we
    211 call it \emph{native} unwinding.  If they differ, we call it
    212 \emph{cross-platform} unwinding.
    214 The principle behind supporting native, cross-platform, and
    215 multi-platform unwinding is very simple: for native unwinding, a
    216 program includes \File{$<$libunwind.h$>$} and uses the linker switch
    217 \Opt{-l}\File{unwind}.  For cross-platform unwinding, a program
    218 includes \File{$<$libunwind-}\Var{PLAT}\File{.h$>$} and uses the linker
    219 switch \Opt{-l}\File{unwind-}\Var{PLAT}, where \Var{PLAT} is the name
    220 of the target platform (e.g., \File{ia64} for IA-64, \File{hppa-elf}
    221 for ELF-based HP PA-RISC, or \File{x86} for 80386).  Multi-platform
    222 unwinding works exactly like cross-platform unwinding, the only
    223 limitation is that a single source file (compilation unit) can include
    224 at most one \Prog{libunwind} header file.  In other words, the
    225 platform-specific support for each supported target needs to be
    226 isolated in separate source files---a limitation that shouldn't be an
    227 issue in practice.
    229 Note that, by definition, local unwinding is possible only for the
    230 native case.  Attempting to call, e.g., \Func{unw\_local\_init}() when
    231 targeting a cross-platform will result in a link-time error
    232 (unresolved references).
    235 \section{Thread- and Signal-Safety}
    238 All \Prog{libunwind} routines are thread-safe.  What this means is
    239 that multiple threads may use \Prog{libunwind} simulatenously.
    240 However, any given cursor may be accessed by only one thread at
    241 any given time.
    243 To ensure thread-safety, some \Prog{libunwind} routines may have to
    244 use locking.  Such routines \emph{must~not} be called from signal
    245 handlers (directly or indirectly) and are therefore \emph{not}
    246 signal-safe.  The manual page for each \Prog{libunwind} routine
    247 identifies whether or not it is signal-safe, but as a general rule,
    248 any routine that may be needed for \emph{local} unwinding is
    249 signal-safe (e.g., \Func{unw\_step}() for local unwinding is
    250 signal-safe).  For remote-unwinding, \emph{none} of the
    251 \Prog{libunwind} routines are guaranteed to be signal-safe.
    254 \section{Unwinding Through Dynamically Generated Code}
    256 \Func{Libunwind} provides the routines \Func{\_U\_dyn\_register}() and
    257 \Func{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}() to register/cancel the information required to
    258 unwind through code that has been generated at runtime (e.g., by a
    259 just-in-time (JIT) compiler).  It is important to register the
    260 information for \emph{all} dynamically generated code because
    261 otherwise, a debugger may not be able to function properly or
    262 high-level language exception handling may not work as expected.
    264 The interface for registering and canceling dynamic unwind info has
    265 been designed for maximum efficiency, so as to minimize the
    266 performance impact on JIT-compilers.  In particular, both routines are
    267 guaranteed to execute in ``constant time'' (O(1)) and the
    268 data-structure encapsulating the dynamic unwind info has been designed
    269 to facilitate sharing, such that similar procedures can share much of
    270 the underlying information.
    272 For more information on the \Prog{libunwind} support for dynamically
    273 generated code, see \SeeAlso{libunwind-dynamic(3)}.
    276 \section{Caching of Unwind Info}
    278 To speed up execution, \Prog{libunwind} may aggressively cache the
    279 information it needs to perform unwinding.  If a process changes
    280 during its lifetime, this creates a risk of \Prog{libunwind} using
    281 stale data.  For example, this would happen if \Prog{libunwind} were
    282 to cache information about a shared library which later on gets
    283 unloaded (e.g., via \Cmd{dlclose}{3}).
    285 To prevent the risk of using stale data, \Prog{libunwind} provides two
    286 facilities: first, it is possible to flush the cached information
    287 associated with a specific address range in the target process (or the
    288 entire address space, if desired).  This functionality is provided by
    289 \Func{unw\_flush\_cache}().  The second facility is provided by
    290 \Func{unw\_set\_caching\_policy}(), which lets a program
    291 select the exact caching policy in use for a given address-space
    292 object.  In particular, by selecting the policy
    293 \Const{UNW\_CACHE\_NONE}, it is possible to turn off caching
    294 completely, therefore eliminating the risk of stale data alltogether
    295 (at the cost of slower execution).  By default, caching is enabled for
    296 local unwinding only.
    299 \section{Files}
    301 \begin{Description}
    302 \item[\File{libunwind.h}] Headerfile to include for native (same
    303   platform) unwinding.
    304 \item[\File{libunwind-}\Var{PLAT}\File{.h}] Headerfile to include when
    305   the unwind target runs on platform \Var{PLAT}.  For example, to unwind
    306   an IA-64 program, the header file \File{libunwind-ia64.h} should be
    307   included.
    308 \item[\Opt{-l}\File{unwind}] Linker-switch to add when building a
    309   program that does native (same platform) unwinding.
    310 \item[\Opt{-l}\File{unwind-}\Var{PLAT}] Linker-switch to add when
    311   building a program that unwinds a program on platform \Var{PLAT}.
    312   For example, to (cross-)unwind an IA-64 program, the linker switch
    313   \File{-lunwind-ia64} should be added.  Note: multiple such switches
    314   may need to be specified for programs that can unwind programs on
    315   multiple platforms.
    316 \end{Description}
    318 \section{See Also}
    320 \SeeAlso{libunwind-dynamic(3)},
    321 \SeeAlso{libunwind-ia64(3)},
    322 \SeeAlso{libunwind-ptrace(3)},
    323 \SeeAlso{libunwind-setjmp(3)},
    324 \SeeAlso{unw\_create\_addr\_space(3)},
    325 \SeeAlso{unw\_destroy\_addr\_space(3)},
    326 \SeeAlso{unw\_flush\_cache(3)},
    327 \SeeAlso{unw\_get\_accessors(3)},
    328 \SeeAlso{unw\_get\_fpreg(3)},
    329 \SeeAlso{unw\_get\_proc\_info(3)},
    330 \SeeAlso{unw\_get\_proc\_name(3)},
    331 \SeeAlso{unw\_get\_reg(3)},
    332 \SeeAlso{unw\_getcontext(3)},
    333 \SeeAlso{unw\_init\_local(3)},
    334 \SeeAlso{unw\_init\_remote(3)},
    335 \SeeAlso{unw\_is\_fpreg(3)},
    336 \SeeAlso{unw\_is\_signal\_frame(3)},
    337 \SeeAlso{unw\_regname(3)},
    338 \SeeAlso{unw\_resume(3)},
    339 \SeeAlso{unw\_set\_caching\_policy(3)},
    340 \SeeAlso{unw\_set\_fpreg(3)},
    341 \SeeAlso{unw\_set\_reg(3)},
    342 \SeeAlso{unw\_step(3)},
    343 \SeeAlso{unw\_strerror(3)},
    344 \SeeAlso{\_U\_dyn\_register(3)},
    345 \SeeAlso{\_U\_dyn\_cancel(3)}
    347 \section{Author}
    349 \noindent
    350 David Mosberger-Tang\\
    351 Email: \Email{dmosberger (a] gmail.com}\\
    352 WWW: \URL{http://www.nongnu.org/libunwind/}.
    353 \LatexManEnd
    355 \end{document}