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      1 //===-- GDBRemoteCommunication.cpp ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     11 #include "GDBRemoteCommunication.h"
     13 // C Includes
     14 #include <limits.h>
     15 #include <string.h>
     17 // C++ Includes
     18 // Other libraries and framework includes
     19 #include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
     20 #include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
     21 #include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h"
     22 #include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h"
     23 #include "lldb/Host/Host.h"
     24 #include "lldb/Host/TimeValue.h"
     25 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
     27 // Project includes
     28 #include "ProcessGDBRemoteLog.h"
     30 #define DEBUGSERVER_BASENAME    "debugserver"
     32 using namespace lldb;
     33 using namespace lldb_private;
     35 GDBRemoteCommunication::History::History (uint32_t size) :
     36     m_packets(),
     37     m_curr_idx (0),
     38     m_total_packet_count (0),
     39     m_dumped_to_log (false)
     40 {
     41     m_packets.resize(size);
     42 }
     44 GDBRemoteCommunication::History::~History ()
     45 {
     46 }
     48 void
     49 GDBRemoteCommunication::History::AddPacket (char packet_char,
     50                                             PacketType type,
     51                                             uint32_t bytes_transmitted)
     52 {
     53     const size_t size = m_packets.size();
     54     if (size > 0)
     55     {
     56         const uint32_t idx = GetNextIndex();
     57         m_packets[idx].packet.assign (1, packet_char);
     58         m_packets[idx].type = type;
     59         m_packets[idx].bytes_transmitted = bytes_transmitted;
     60         m_packets[idx].packet_idx = m_total_packet_count;
     61         m_packets[idx].tid = Host::GetCurrentThreadID();
     62     }
     63 }
     65 void
     66 GDBRemoteCommunication::History::AddPacket (const std::string &src,
     67                                             uint32_t src_len,
     68                                             PacketType type,
     69                                             uint32_t bytes_transmitted)
     70 {
     71     const size_t size = m_packets.size();
     72     if (size > 0)
     73     {
     74         const uint32_t idx = GetNextIndex();
     75         m_packets[idx].packet.assign (src, 0, src_len);
     76         m_packets[idx].type = type;
     77         m_packets[idx].bytes_transmitted = bytes_transmitted;
     78         m_packets[idx].packet_idx = m_total_packet_count;
     79         m_packets[idx].tid = Host::GetCurrentThreadID();
     80     }
     81 }
     83 void
     84 GDBRemoteCommunication::History::Dump (lldb_private::Stream &strm) const
     85 {
     86     const uint32_t size = GetNumPacketsInHistory ();
     87     const uint32_t first_idx = GetFirstSavedPacketIndex ();
     88     const uint32_t stop_idx = m_curr_idx + size;
     89     for (uint32_t i = first_idx;  i < stop_idx; ++i)
     90     {
     91         const uint32_t idx = NormalizeIndex (i);
     92         const Entry &entry = m_packets[idx];
     93         if (entry.type == ePacketTypeInvalid || entry.packet.empty())
     94             break;
     95         strm.Printf ("history[%u] tid=0x%4.4" PRIx64 " <%4u> %s packet: %s\n",
     96                      entry.packet_idx,
     97                      entry.tid,
     98                      entry.bytes_transmitted,
     99                      (entry.type == ePacketTypeSend) ? "send" : "read",
    100                      entry.packet.c_str());
    101     }
    102 }
    104 void
    105 GDBRemoteCommunication::History::Dump (lldb_private::Log *log) const
    106 {
    107     if (log && !m_dumped_to_log)
    108     {
    109         m_dumped_to_log = true;
    110         const uint32_t size = GetNumPacketsInHistory ();
    111         const uint32_t first_idx = GetFirstSavedPacketIndex ();
    112         const uint32_t stop_idx = m_curr_idx + size;
    113         for (uint32_t i = first_idx;  i < stop_idx; ++i)
    114         {
    115             const uint32_t idx = NormalizeIndex (i);
    116             const Entry &entry = m_packets[idx];
    117             if (entry.type == ePacketTypeInvalid || entry.packet.empty())
    118                 break;
    119             log->Printf ("history[%u] tid=0x%4.4" PRIx64 " <%4u> %s packet: %s",
    120                          entry.packet_idx,
    121                          entry.tid,
    122                          entry.bytes_transmitted,
    123                          (entry.type == ePacketTypeSend) ? "send" : "read",
    124                          entry.packet.c_str());
    125         }
    126     }
    127 }
    129 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    130 // GDBRemoteCommunication constructor
    131 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    132 GDBRemoteCommunication::GDBRemoteCommunication(const char *comm_name,
    133                                                const char *listener_name,
    134                                                bool is_platform) :
    135     Communication(comm_name),
    136     m_packet_timeout (1),
    137     m_sequence_mutex (Mutex::eMutexTypeRecursive),
    138     m_public_is_running (false),
    139     m_private_is_running (false),
    140     m_history (512),
    141     m_send_acks (true),
    142     m_is_platform (is_platform)
    143 {
    144 }
    146 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    147 // Destructor
    148 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    149 GDBRemoteCommunication::~GDBRemoteCommunication()
    150 {
    151     if (IsConnected())
    152     {
    153         Disconnect();
    154     }
    155 }
    157 char
    158 GDBRemoteCommunication::CalculcateChecksum (const char *payload, size_t payload_length)
    159 {
    160     int checksum = 0;
    162     // We only need to compute the checksum if we are sending acks
    163     if (GetSendAcks ())
    164     {
    165         for (size_t i = 0; i < payload_length; ++i)
    166             checksum += payload[i];
    167     }
    168     return checksum & 255;
    169 }
    171 size_t
    172 GDBRemoteCommunication::SendAck ()
    173 {
    174     Log *log (ProcessGDBRemoteLog::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (GDBR_LOG_PACKETS));
    175     ConnectionStatus status = eConnectionStatusSuccess;
    176     char ch = '+';
    177     const size_t bytes_written = Write (&ch, 1, status, NULL);
    178     if (log)
    179         log->Printf ("<%4zu> send packet: %c", bytes_written, ch);
    180     m_history.AddPacket (ch, History::ePacketTypeSend, bytes_written);
    181     return bytes_written;
    182 }
    184 size_t
    185 GDBRemoteCommunication::SendNack ()
    186 {
    187     Log *log (ProcessGDBRemoteLog::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (GDBR_LOG_PACKETS));
    188     ConnectionStatus status = eConnectionStatusSuccess;
    189     char ch = '-';
    190     const size_t bytes_written = Write (&ch, 1, status, NULL);
    191     if (log)
    192         log->Printf ("<%4zu> send packet: %c", bytes_written, ch);
    193     m_history.AddPacket (ch, History::ePacketTypeSend, bytes_written);
    194     return bytes_written;
    195 }
    197 size_t
    198 GDBRemoteCommunication::SendPacket (const char *payload, size_t payload_length)
    199 {
    200     Mutex::Locker locker(m_sequence_mutex);
    201     return SendPacketNoLock (payload, payload_length);
    202 }
    204 size_t
    205 GDBRemoteCommunication::SendPacketNoLock (const char *payload, size_t payload_length)
    206 {
    207     if (IsConnected())
    208     {
    209         StreamString packet(0, 4, eByteOrderBig);
    211         packet.PutChar('$');
    212         packet.Write (payload, payload_length);
    213         packet.PutChar('#');
    214         packet.PutHex8(CalculcateChecksum (payload, payload_length));
    216         Log *log (ProcessGDBRemoteLog::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (GDBR_LOG_PACKETS));
    217         ConnectionStatus status = eConnectionStatusSuccess;
    218         size_t bytes_written = Write (packet.GetData(), packet.GetSize(), status, NULL);
    219         if (log)
    220         {
    221             // If logging was just enabled and we have history, then dump out what
    222             // we have to the log so we get the historical context. The Dump() call that
    223             // logs all of the packet will set a boolean so that we don't dump this more
    224             // than once
    225             if (!m_history.DidDumpToLog ())
    226                 m_history.Dump (log);
    228             log->Printf ("<%4zu> send packet: %.*s", bytes_written, (int)packet.GetSize(), packet.GetData());
    229         }
    231         m_history.AddPacket (packet.GetString(), packet.GetSize(), History::ePacketTypeSend, bytes_written);
    234         if (bytes_written == packet.GetSize())
    235         {
    236             if (GetSendAcks ())
    237             {
    238                 if (GetAck () != '+')
    239                 {
    240                     if (log)
    241                         log->Printf("get ack failed...");
    242                     return 0;
    243                 }
    244             }
    245         }
    246         else
    247         {
    248             if (log)
    249                 log->Printf ("error: failed to send packet: %.*s", (int)packet.GetSize(), packet.GetData());
    250         }
    251         return bytes_written;
    252     }
    253     return 0;
    254 }
    256 char
    257 GDBRemoteCommunication::GetAck ()
    258 {
    259     StringExtractorGDBRemote packet;
    260     if (WaitForPacketWithTimeoutMicroSecondsNoLock (packet, GetPacketTimeoutInMicroSeconds ()) == 1)
    261         return packet.GetChar();
    262     return 0;
    263 }
    265 bool
    266 GDBRemoteCommunication::GetSequenceMutex (Mutex::Locker& locker, const char *failure_message)
    267 {
    268     if (IsRunning())
    269         return locker.TryLock (m_sequence_mutex, failure_message);
    271     locker.Lock (m_sequence_mutex);
    272     return true;
    273 }
    276 bool
    277 GDBRemoteCommunication::WaitForNotRunningPrivate (const TimeValue *timeout_ptr)
    278 {
    279     return m_private_is_running.WaitForValueEqualTo (false, timeout_ptr, NULL);
    280 }
    282 size_t
    283 GDBRemoteCommunication::WaitForPacketWithTimeoutMicroSecondsNoLock (StringExtractorGDBRemote &packet, uint32_t timeout_usec)
    284 {
    285     uint8_t buffer[8192];
    286     Error error;
    288     Log *log (ProcessGDBRemoteLog::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (GDBR_LOG_PACKETS | GDBR_LOG_VERBOSE));
    290     // Check for a packet from our cache first without trying any reading...
    291     if (CheckForPacket (NULL, 0, packet))
    292         return packet.GetStringRef().size();
    294     bool timed_out = false;
    295     while (IsConnected() && !timed_out)
    296     {
    297         lldb::ConnectionStatus status = eConnectionStatusNoConnection;
    298         size_t bytes_read = Read (buffer, sizeof(buffer), timeout_usec, status, &error);
    300         if (log)
    301             log->Printf ("%s: Read (buffer, (sizeof(buffer), timeout_usec = 0x%x, status = %s, error = %s) => bytes_read = %" PRIu64,
    302                          __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
    303                          timeout_usec,
    304                          Communication::ConnectionStatusAsCString (status),
    305                          error.AsCString(),
    306                          (uint64_t)bytes_read);
    308         if (bytes_read > 0)
    309         {
    310             if (CheckForPacket (buffer, bytes_read, packet))
    311                 return packet.GetStringRef().size();
    312         }
    313         else
    314         {
    315             switch (status)
    316             {
    317             case eConnectionStatusTimedOut:
    318                 timed_out = true;
    319                 break;
    320             case eConnectionStatusSuccess:
    321                 //printf ("status = success but error = %s\n", error.AsCString("<invalid>"));
    322                 break;
    324             case eConnectionStatusEndOfFile:
    325             case eConnectionStatusNoConnection:
    326             case eConnectionStatusLostConnection:
    327             case eConnectionStatusError:
    328                 Disconnect();
    329                 break;
    330             }
    331         }
    332     }
    333     packet.Clear ();
    334     return 0;
    335 }
    337 bool
    338 GDBRemoteCommunication::CheckForPacket (const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, StringExtractorGDBRemote &packet)
    339 {
    340     // Put the packet data into the buffer in a thread safe fashion
    341     Mutex::Locker locker(m_bytes_mutex);
    343     Log *log (ProcessGDBRemoteLog::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (GDBR_LOG_PACKETS));
    345     if (src && src_len > 0)
    346     {
    347         if (log && log->GetVerbose())
    348         {
    349             StreamString s;
    350             log->Printf ("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s adding %u bytes: %.*s",
    351                          __FUNCTION__,
    352                          (uint32_t)src_len,
    353                          (uint32_t)src_len,
    354                          src);
    355         }
    356         m_bytes.append ((const char *)src, src_len);
    357     }
    359     // Parse up the packets into gdb remote packets
    360     if (!m_bytes.empty())
    361     {
    362         // end_idx must be one past the last valid packet byte. Start
    363         // it off with an invalid value that is the same as the current
    364         // index.
    365         size_t content_start = 0;
    366         size_t content_length = 0;
    367         size_t total_length = 0;
    368         size_t checksum_idx = std::string::npos;
    370         switch (m_bytes[0])
    371         {
    372             case '+':       // Look for ack
    373             case '-':       // Look for cancel
    374             case '\x03':    // ^C to halt target
    375                 content_length = total_length = 1;  // The command is one byte long...
    376                 break;
    378             case '$':
    379                 // Look for a standard gdb packet?
    380                 {
    381                     size_t hash_pos = m_bytes.find('#');
    382                     if (hash_pos != std::string::npos)
    383                     {
    384                         if (hash_pos + 2 < m_bytes.size())
    385                         {
    386                             checksum_idx = hash_pos + 1;
    387                             // Skip the dollar sign
    388                             content_start = 1;
    389                             // Don't include the # in the content or the $ in the content length
    390                             content_length = hash_pos - 1;
    392                             total_length = hash_pos + 3; // Skip the # and the two hex checksum bytes
    393                         }
    394                         else
    395                         {
    396                             // Checksum bytes aren't all here yet
    397                             content_length = std::string::npos;
    398                         }
    399                     }
    400                 }
    401                 break;
    403             default:
    404                 {
    405                     // We have an unexpected byte and we need to flush all bad
    406                     // data that is in m_bytes, so we need to find the first
    407                     // byte that is a '+' (ACK), '-' (NACK), \x03 (CTRL+C interrupt),
    408                     // or '$' character (start of packet header) or of course,
    409                     // the end of the data in m_bytes...
    410                     const size_t bytes_len = m_bytes.size();
    411                     bool done = false;
    412                     uint32_t idx;
    413                     for (idx = 1; !done && idx < bytes_len; ++idx)
    414                     {
    415                         switch (m_bytes[idx])
    416                         {
    417                         case '+':
    418                         case '-':
    419                         case '\x03':
    420                         case '$':
    421                             done = true;
    422                             break;
    424                         default:
    425                             break;
    426                         }
    427                     }
    428                     if (log)
    429                         log->Printf ("GDBRemoteCommunication::%s tossing %u junk bytes: '%.*s'",
    430                                      __FUNCTION__, idx, idx, m_bytes.c_str());
    431                     m_bytes.erase(0, idx);
    432                 }
    433                 break;
    434         }
    436         if (content_length == std::string::npos)
    437         {
    438             packet.Clear();
    439             return false;
    440         }
    441         else if (total_length > 0)
    442         {
    444             // We have a valid packet...
    445             assert (content_length <= m_bytes.size());
    446             assert (total_length <= m_bytes.size());
    447             assert (content_length <= total_length);
    449             bool success = true;
    450             std::string &packet_str = packet.GetStringRef();
    453             if (log)
    454             {
    455                 // If logging was just enabled and we have history, then dump out what
    456                 // we have to the log so we get the historical context. The Dump() call that
    457                 // logs all of the packet will set a boolean so that we don't dump this more
    458                 // than once
    459                 if (!m_history.DidDumpToLog ())
    460                     m_history.Dump (log);
    462                 log->Printf ("<%4zu> read packet: %.*s", total_length, (int)(total_length), m_bytes.c_str());
    463             }
    465             m_history.AddPacket (m_bytes.c_str(), total_length, History::ePacketTypeRecv, total_length);
    467             packet_str.assign (m_bytes, content_start, content_length);
    469             if (m_bytes[0] == '$')
    470             {
    471                 assert (checksum_idx < m_bytes.size());
    472                 if (::isxdigit (m_bytes[checksum_idx+0]) ||
    473                     ::isxdigit (m_bytes[checksum_idx+1]))
    474                 {
    475                     if (GetSendAcks ())
    476                     {
    477                         const char *packet_checksum_cstr = &m_bytes[checksum_idx];
    478                         char packet_checksum = strtol (packet_checksum_cstr, NULL, 16);
    479                         char actual_checksum = CalculcateChecksum (packet_str.c_str(), packet_str.size());
    480                         success = packet_checksum == actual_checksum;
    481                         if (!success)
    482                         {
    483                             if (log)
    484                                 log->Printf ("error: checksum mismatch: %.*s expected 0x%2.2x, got 0x%2.2x",
    485                                              (int)(total_length),
    486                                              m_bytes.c_str(),
    487                                              (uint8_t)packet_checksum,
    488                                              (uint8_t)actual_checksum);
    489                         }
    490                         // Send the ack or nack if needed
    491                         if (!success)
    492                             SendNack();
    493                         else
    494                             SendAck();
    495                     }
    496                 }
    497                 else
    498                 {
    499                     success = false;
    500                     if (log)
    501                         log->Printf ("error: invalid checksum in packet: '%s'\n", m_bytes.c_str());
    502                 }
    503             }
    505             m_bytes.erase(0, total_length);
    506             packet.SetFilePos(0);
    507             return success;
    508         }
    509     }
    510     packet.Clear();
    511     return false;
    512 }
    514 Error
    515 GDBRemoteCommunication::StartDebugserverProcess (const char *debugserver_url,
    516                                                  const char *unix_socket_name,  // For handshaking
    517                                                  lldb_private::ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info)
    518 {
    519     Error error;
    520     // If we locate debugserver, keep that located version around
    521     static FileSpec g_debugserver_file_spec;
    523     // This function will fill in the launch information for the debugserver
    524     // instance that gets launched.
    525     launch_info.Clear();
    527     char debugserver_path[PATH_MAX];
    528     FileSpec &debugserver_file_spec = launch_info.GetExecutableFile();
    530     // Always check to see if we have an environment override for the path
    531     // to the debugserver to use and use it if we do.
    532     const char *env_debugserver_path = getenv("LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_PATH");
    533     if (env_debugserver_path)
    534         debugserver_file_spec.SetFile (env_debugserver_path, false);
    535     else
    536         debugserver_file_spec = g_debugserver_file_spec;
    537     bool debugserver_exists = debugserver_file_spec.Exists();
    538     if (!debugserver_exists)
    539     {
    540         // The debugserver binary is in the LLDB.framework/Resources
    541         // directory.
    542         if (Host::GetLLDBPath (ePathTypeSupportExecutableDir, debugserver_file_spec))
    543         {
    544             debugserver_file_spec.GetFilename().SetCString(DEBUGSERVER_BASENAME);
    545             debugserver_exists = debugserver_file_spec.Exists();
    546             if (debugserver_exists)
    547             {
    548                 g_debugserver_file_spec = debugserver_file_spec;
    549             }
    550             else
    551             {
    552                 g_debugserver_file_spec.Clear();
    553                 debugserver_file_spec.Clear();
    554             }
    555         }
    556     }
    558     if (debugserver_exists)
    559     {
    560         debugserver_file_spec.GetPath (debugserver_path, sizeof(debugserver_path));
    562         Args &debugserver_args = launch_info.GetArguments();
    563         debugserver_args.Clear();
    564         char arg_cstr[PATH_MAX];
    566         // Start args with "debugserver /file/path -r --"
    567         debugserver_args.AppendArgument(debugserver_path);
    568         debugserver_args.AppendArgument(debugserver_url);
    569         // use native registers, not the GDB registers
    570         debugserver_args.AppendArgument("--native-regs");
    571         // make debugserver run in its own session so signals generated by
    572         // special terminal key sequences (^C) don't affect debugserver
    573         debugserver_args.AppendArgument("--setsid");
    575         if (unix_socket_name && unix_socket_name[0])
    576         {
    577             debugserver_args.AppendArgument("--unix-socket");
    578             debugserver_args.AppendArgument(unix_socket_name);
    579         }
    581         const char *env_debugserver_log_file = getenv("LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_LOG_FILE");
    582         if (env_debugserver_log_file)
    583         {
    584             ::snprintf (arg_cstr, sizeof(arg_cstr), "--log-file=%s", env_debugserver_log_file);
    585             debugserver_args.AppendArgument(arg_cstr);
    586         }
    588         const char *env_debugserver_log_flags = getenv("LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_LOG_FLAGS");
    589         if (env_debugserver_log_flags)
    590         {
    591             ::snprintf (arg_cstr, sizeof(arg_cstr), "--log-flags=%s", env_debugserver_log_flags);
    592             debugserver_args.AppendArgument(arg_cstr);
    593         }
    594         //            debugserver_args.AppendArgument("--log-file=/tmp/debugserver.txt");
    595         //            debugserver_args.AppendArgument("--log-flags=0x802e0e");
    597         // We currently send down all arguments, attach pids, or attach
    598         // process names in dedicated GDB server packets, so we don't need
    599         // to pass them as arguments. This is currently because of all the
    600         // things we need to setup prior to launching: the environment,
    601         // current working dir, file actions, etc.
    602 #if 0
    603         // Now append the program arguments
    604         if (inferior_argv)
    605         {
    606             // Terminate the debugserver args so we can now append the inferior args
    607             debugserver_args.AppendArgument("--");
    609             for (int i = 0; inferior_argv[i] != NULL; ++i)
    610                 debugserver_args.AppendArgument (inferior_argv[i]);
    611         }
    612         else if (attach_pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID)
    613         {
    614             ::snprintf (arg_cstr, sizeof(arg_cstr), "--attach=%u", attach_pid);
    615             debugserver_args.AppendArgument (arg_cstr);
    616         }
    617         else if (attach_name && attach_name[0])
    618         {
    619             if (wait_for_launch)
    620                 debugserver_args.AppendArgument ("--waitfor");
    621             else
    622                 debugserver_args.AppendArgument ("--attach");
    623             debugserver_args.AppendArgument (attach_name);
    624         }
    625 #endif
    627         // Close STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR. We might need to redirect them
    628         // to "/dev/null" if we run into any problems.
    629 //        launch_info.AppendCloseFileAction (STDIN_FILENO);
    630 //        launch_info.AppendCloseFileAction (STDOUT_FILENO);
    631 //        launch_info.AppendCloseFileAction (STDERR_FILENO);
    633         error = Host::LaunchProcess(launch_info);
    634     }
    635     else
    636     {
    637         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("unable to locate " DEBUGSERVER_BASENAME );
    638     }
    639     return error;
    640 }
    642 void
    643 GDBRemoteCommunication::DumpHistory(Stream &strm)
    644 {
    645     m_history.Dump (strm);
    646 }