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      1 ; RUN: llc < %s -march=arm64 -aarch64-neon-syntax=apple -mcpu=cyclone | FileCheck %s
      2 %struct.X = type <{ i32, i64, i64 }>
      4 define void @foo1(i32* %p, i64 %val) nounwind {
      5 ; CHECK-LABEL: foo1:
      6 ; CHECK: 	stur	w1, [x0, #-4]
      7 ; CHECK-NEXT: 	ret
      8   %tmp1 = trunc i64 %val to i32
      9   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds i32* %p, i64 -1
     10   store i32 %tmp1, i32* %ptr, align 4
     11   ret void
     12 }
     13 define void @foo2(i16* %p, i64 %val) nounwind {
     14 ; CHECK-LABEL: foo2:
     15 ; CHECK: 	sturh	w1, [x0, #-2]
     16 ; CHECK-NEXT: 	ret
     17   %tmp1 = trunc i64 %val to i16
     18   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds i16* %p, i64 -1
     19   store i16 %tmp1, i16* %ptr, align 2
     20   ret void
     21 }
     22 define void @foo3(i8* %p, i64 %val) nounwind {
     23 ; CHECK-LABEL: foo3:
     24 ; CHECK: 	sturb	w1, [x0, #-1]
     25 ; CHECK-NEXT: 	ret
     26   %tmp1 = trunc i64 %val to i8
     27   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds i8* %p, i64 -1
     28   store i8 %tmp1, i8* %ptr, align 1
     29   ret void
     30 }
     31 define void @foo4(i16* %p, i32 %val) nounwind {
     32 ; CHECK-LABEL: foo4:
     33 ; CHECK: 	sturh	w1, [x0, #-2]
     34 ; CHECK-NEXT: 	ret
     35   %tmp1 = trunc i32 %val to i16
     36   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds i16* %p, i32 -1
     37   store i16 %tmp1, i16* %ptr, align 2
     38   ret void
     39 }
     40 define void @foo5(i8* %p, i32 %val) nounwind {
     41 ; CHECK-LABEL: foo5:
     42 ; CHECK: 	sturb	w1, [x0, #-1]
     43 ; CHECK-NEXT: 	ret
     44   %tmp1 = trunc i32 %val to i8
     45   %ptr = getelementptr inbounds i8* %p, i32 -1
     46   store i8 %tmp1, i8* %ptr, align 1
     47   ret void
     48 }
     50 define void @foo(%struct.X* nocapture %p) nounwind optsize ssp {
     51 ; CHECK-LABEL: foo:
     52 ; CHECK-NOT: str
     53 ; CHECK: stur    xzr, [x0, #12]
     54 ; CHECK-NEXT: stur    xzr, [x0, #4]
     55 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret
     56   %B = getelementptr inbounds %struct.X* %p, i64 0, i32 1
     57   %val = bitcast i64* %B to i8*
     58   call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* %val, i8 0, i64 16, i32 1, i1 false)
     59   ret void
     60 }
     62 declare void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8, i64, i32, i1) nounwind
     64 ; Unaligned 16b stores are split into 8b stores for performance.
     65 ; radar://15424193
     67 ; CHECK-LABEL: unaligned:
     68 ; CHECK-NOT: str q0
     69 ; CHECK: str     d[[REG:[0-9]+]], [x0]
     70 ; CHECK: ext.16b v[[REG2:[0-9]+]], v[[REG]], v[[REG]], #8
     71 ; CHECK: str     d[[REG2]], [x0, #8]
     72 define void @unaligned(<4 x i32>* %p, <4 x i32> %v) nounwind {
     73   store <4 x i32> %v, <4 x i32>* %p, align 4
     74   ret void
     75 }
     77 ; CHECK-LABEL: aligned:
     78 ; CHECK: str q0
     79 define void @aligned(<4 x i32>* %p, <4 x i32> %v) nounwind {
     80   store <4 x i32> %v, <4 x i32>* %p
     81   ret void
     82 }
     84 ; Don't split one and two byte aligned stores.
     85 ; radar://16349308
     87 ; CHECK-LABEL: twobytealign:
     88 ; CHECK: str q0
     89 define void @twobytealign(<4 x i32>* %p, <4 x i32> %v) nounwind {
     90   store <4 x i32> %v, <4 x i32>* %p, align 2
     91   ret void
     92 }
     93 ; CHECK-LABEL: onebytealign:
     94 ; CHECK: str q0
     95 define void @onebytealign(<4 x i32>* %p, <4 x i32> %v) nounwind {
     96   store <4 x i32> %v, <4 x i32>* %p, align 1
     97   ret void
     98 }