1 ; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs < %s -mtriple=aarch64-none-linux-gnu -tailcallopt | FileCheck %s 2 3 declare fastcc void @callee_stack0() 4 declare fastcc void @callee_stack8([8 x i32], i64) 5 declare fastcc void @callee_stack16([8 x i32], i64, i64) 6 7 define fastcc void @caller_to0_from0() nounwind { 8 ; CHECK-LABEL: caller_to0_from0: 9 ; CHECK-NEXT: // BB 10 11 tail call fastcc void @callee_stack0() 12 ret void 13 14 ; CHECK-NEXT: b callee_stack0 15 } 16 17 define fastcc void @caller_to0_from8([8 x i32], i64) { 18 ; CHECK-LABEL: caller_to0_from8: 19 20 tail call fastcc void @callee_stack0() 21 ret void 22 23 ; CHECK: add sp, sp, #16 24 ; CHECK-NEXT: b callee_stack0 25 } 26 27 define fastcc void @caller_to8_from0() { 28 ; CHECK-LABEL: caller_to8_from0: 29 ; CHECK: sub sp, sp, #32 30 31 ; Key point is that the "42" should go #16 below incoming stack 32 ; pointer (we didn't have arg space to reuse). 33 tail call fastcc void @callee_stack8([8 x i32] undef, i64 42) 34 ret void 35 36 ; CHECK: str {{x[0-9]+}}, [sp, #16]! 37 ; CHECK-NEXT: b callee_stack8 38 } 39 40 define fastcc void @caller_to8_from8([8 x i32], i64 %a) { 41 ; CHECK-LABEL: caller_to8_from8: 42 ; CHECK: sub sp, sp, #16 43 44 ; Key point is that the "%a" should go where at SP on entry. 45 tail call fastcc void @callee_stack8([8 x i32] undef, i64 42) 46 ret void 47 48 ; CHECK: str {{x[0-9]+}}, [sp, #16]! 49 ; CHECK-NEXT: b callee_stack8 50 } 51 52 define fastcc void @caller_to16_from8([8 x i32], i64 %a) { 53 ; CHECK-LABEL: caller_to16_from8: 54 ; CHECK: sub sp, sp, #16 55 56 ; Important point is that the call reuses the "dead" argument space 57 ; above %a on the stack. If it tries to go below incoming-SP then the 58 ; callee will not deallocate the space, even in fastcc. 59 tail call fastcc void @callee_stack16([8 x i32] undef, i64 42, i64 2) 60 61 ; CHECK: stp {{x[0-9]+}}, {{x[0-9]+}}, [sp, #16] 62 ; CHECK-NEXT: add sp, sp, #16 63 ; CHECK-NEXT: b callee_stack16 64 ret void 65 } 66 67 68 define fastcc void @caller_to8_from24([8 x i32], i64 %a, i64 %b, i64 %c) { 69 ; CHECK-LABEL: caller_to8_from24: 70 ; CHECK: sub sp, sp, #16 71 72 ; Key point is that the "%a" should go where at #16 above SP on entry. 73 tail call fastcc void @callee_stack8([8 x i32] undef, i64 42) 74 ret void 75 76 ; CHECK: str {{x[0-9]+}}, [sp, #32]! 77 ; CHECK-NEXT: b callee_stack8 78 } 79 80 81 define fastcc void @caller_to16_from16([8 x i32], i64 %a, i64 %b) { 82 ; CHECK-LABEL: caller_to16_from16: 83 ; CHECK: sub sp, sp, #16 84 85 ; Here we want to make sure that both loads happen before the stores: 86 ; otherwise either %a or %b will be wrongly clobbered. 87 tail call fastcc void @callee_stack16([8 x i32] undef, i64 %b, i64 %a) 88 ret void 89 90 ; CHECK: ldp {{x[0-9]+}}, {{x[0-9]+}}, [sp, #16] 91 ; CHECK: stp {{x[0-9]+}}, {{x[0-9]+}}, [sp, #16] 92 ; CHECK-NEXT: add sp, sp, #16 93 ; CHECK-NEXT: b callee_stack16 94 } 95