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      1 @echo off
      2 @rem This file must use CRLF linebreaks to function properly
      3 @rem and requires both pcretest and pcregrep
      4 @rem  This file was originally contributed by Ralf Junker, and touched up by
      5 @rem  Daniel Richard G. Tests 10-12 added by Philip H.
      6 @rem  Philip H also changed test 3 to use "wintest" files.
      7 @rem
      8 @rem  Updated by Tom Fortmann to support explicit test numbers on the command line.
      9 @rem  Added argument validation and added error reporting.
     10 @rem
     11 @rem  MS Windows batch file to run pcretest on testfiles with the correct
     12 @rem  options.
     13 @rem
     14 @rem Sheri Pierce added logic to skip feature dependent tests
     15 @rem tests 4 5 9 15 and 18 require utf support
     16 @rem tests 6 7 10 16 and 19 require ucp support
     17 @rem 11 requires ucp and link size 2
     18 @rem 12 requires presence of jit support
     19 @rem 13 requires absence of jit support
     20 @rem Sheri P also added override tests for study and jit testing
     21 @rem Zoltan Herczeg added libpcre16 support
     22 @rem Zoltan Herczeg added libpcre32 support
     24 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
     25 if [%srcdir%]==[] (
     26 if exist testdata\ set srcdir=.)
     27 if [%srcdir%]==[] (
     28 if exist ..\testdata\ set srcdir=..)
     29 if [%srcdir%]==[] (
     30 if exist ..\..\testdata\ set srcdir=..\..)
     31 if NOT exist %srcdir%\testdata\ (
     32 Error: echo distribution testdata folder not found!
     33 call :conferror
     34 exit /b 1
     35 goto :eof
     36 )
     38 if [%pcretest%]==[] set pcretest=.\pcretest.exe
     40 echo source dir is %srcdir%
     41 echo pcretest=%pcretest%
     43 if NOT exist %pcretest% (
     44 echo Error: %pcretest% not found!
     45 echo.
     46 call :conferror
     47 exit /b 1
     48 )
     50 %pcretest% -C linksize >NUL
     51 set link_size=%ERRORLEVEL%
     52 %pcretest% -C pcre8 >NUL
     53 set support8=%ERRORLEVEL%
     54 %pcretest% -C pcre16 >NUL
     55 set support16=%ERRORLEVEL%
     56 %pcretest% -C pcre32 >NUL
     57 set support32=%ERRORLEVEL%
     58 %pcretest% -C utf >NUL
     59 set utf=%ERRORLEVEL%
     60 %pcretest% -C ucp >NUL
     61 set ucp=%ERRORLEVEL%
     62 %pcretest% -C jit >NUL
     63 set jit=%ERRORLEVEL%
     65 if %support8% EQU 1 (
     66 if not exist testout8 md testout8
     67 if not exist testoutstudy8 md testoutstudy8
     68 if not exist testoutjit8 md testoutjit8
     69 )
     71 if %support16% EQU 1 (
     72 if not exist testout16 md testout16
     73 if not exist testoutstudy16 md testoutstudy16
     74 if not exist testoutjit16 md testoutjit16
     75 )
     77 if %support16% EQU 1 (
     78 if not exist testout32 md testout32
     79 if not exist testoutstudy32 md testoutstudy32
     80 if not exist testoutjit32 md testoutjit32
     81 )
     83 set do1=no
     84 set do2=no
     85 set do3=no
     86 set do4=no
     87 set do5=no
     88 set do6=no
     89 set do7=no
     90 set do8=no
     91 set do9=no
     92 set do10=no
     93 set do11=no
     94 set do12=no
     95 set do13=no
     96 set do14=no
     97 set do15=no
     98 set do16=no
     99 set do17=no
    100 set do18=no
    101 set do19=no
    102 set do20=no
    103 set do21=no
    104 set do22=no
    105 set do23=no
    106 set do24=no
    107 set do25=no
    108 set do26=no
    109 set all=yes
    111 for %%a in (%*) do (
    112   set valid=no
    113   for %%v in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26) do if %%v == %%a set valid=yes
    114   if "!valid!" == "yes" (
    115     set do%%a=yes
    116     set all=no
    117 ) else (
    118     echo Invalid test number - %%a!
    119         echo Usage %0 [ test_number ] ...
    120         echo Where test_number is one or more optional test numbers 1 through 26, default is all tests.
    121         exit /b 1
    122 )
    123 )
    124 set failed="no"
    126 if "%all%" == "yes" (
    127   set do1=yes
    128   set do2=yes
    129   set do3=yes
    130   set do4=yes
    131   set do5=yes
    132   set do6=yes
    133   set do7=yes
    134   set do8=yes
    135   set do9=yes
    136   set do10=yes
    137   set do11=yes
    138   set do12=yes
    139   set do13=yes
    140   set do14=yes
    141   set do15=yes
    142   set do16=yes
    143   set do17=yes
    144   set do18=yes
    145   set do19=yes
    146   set do20=yes
    147   set do21=yes
    148   set do22=yes
    149   set do23=yes
    150   set do24=yes
    151   set do25=yes
    152   set do26=yes
    153 )
    155 @echo RunTest.bat's pcretest output is written to newly created subfolders named
    156 @echo testout, testoutstudy and testoutjit.
    157 @echo.
    159 set mode=
    160 set bits=8
    162 :nextMode
    163 if "%mode%" == "" (
    164   if %support8% EQU 0 goto modeSkip
    165   echo.
    166   echo ---- Testing 8-bit library ----
    167   echo.
    168 )
    169 if "%mode%" == "-16" (
    170   if %support16% EQU 0 goto modeSkip
    171   echo.
    172   echo ---- Testing 16-bit library ----
    173   echo.
    174 )
    175 if "%mode%" == "-32" (
    176   if %support32% EQU 0 goto modeSkip
    177   echo.
    178   echo ---- Testing 32-bit library ----
    179   echo.
    180 )
    181 if "%do1%" == "yes" call :do1
    182 if "%do2%" == "yes" call :do2
    183 if "%do3%" == "yes" call :do3
    184 if "%do4%" == "yes" call :do4
    185 if "%do5%" == "yes" call :do5
    186 if "%do6%" == "yes" call :do6
    187 if "%do7%" == "yes" call :do7
    188 if "%do8%" == "yes" call :do8
    189 if "%do9%" == "yes" call :do9
    190 if "%do10%" == "yes" call :do10
    191 if "%do11%" == "yes" call :do11
    192 if "%do12%" == "yes" call :do12
    193 if "%do13%" == "yes" call :do13
    194 if "%do14%" == "yes" call :do14
    195 if "%do15%" == "yes" call :do15
    196 if "%do16%" == "yes" call :do16
    197 if "%do17%" == "yes" call :do17
    198 if "%do18%" == "yes" call :do18
    199 if "%do19%" == "yes" call :do19
    200 if "%do20%" == "yes" call :do20
    201 if "%do21%" == "yes" call :do21
    202 if "%do22%" == "yes" call :do22
    203 if "%do23%" == "yes" call :do23
    204 if "%do24%" == "yes" call :do24
    205 if "%do25%" == "yes" call :do25
    206 if "%do26%" == "yes" call :do26
    207 :modeSkip
    208 if "%mode%" == "" (
    209   set mode=-16
    210   set bits=16
    211   goto nextMode
    212 )
    213 if "%mode%" == "-16" (
    214   set mode=-32
    215   set bits=32
    216   goto nextMode
    217 )
    219 @rem If mode is -32, testing is finished
    220 if %failed% == "yes" (
    221 echo In above output, one or more of the various tests failed!
    222 exit /b 1
    223 )
    224 echo All OK
    225 goto :eof
    227 :runsub
    228 @rem Function to execute pcretest and compare the output
    229 @rem Arguments are as follows:
    230 @rem
    231 @rem       1 = test number
    232 @rem       2 = outputdir
    233 @rem       3 = test name use double quotes
    234 @rem   4 - 9 = pcretest options
    236 if [%1] == [] (
    237   echo Missing test number argument!
    238   exit /b 1
    239 )
    241 if [%2] == [] (
    242   echo Missing outputdir!
    243   exit /b 1
    244 )
    246 if [%3] == [] (
    247   echo Missing test name argument!
    248   exit /b 1
    249 )
    251 set testinput=testinput%1
    252 set testoutput=testoutput%1
    253 if exist %srcdir%\testdata\win%testinput% (
    254   set testinput=wintestinput%1
    255   set testoutput=wintestoutput%1
    256 )
    258 echo Test %1: %3
    259 %pcretest% %mode% %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %srcdir%\testdata\%testinput% >%2%bits%\%testoutput%
    260 if errorlevel 1 (
    261   echo.          failed executing command-line:
    262   echo.            %pcretest% %mode% %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %srcdir%\testdata\%testinput% ^>%2%bits%\%testoutput%
    263   set failed="yes"
    264   goto :eof
    265 )
    267 set type=
    268 if [%1]==[11] (
    269   set type=-%bits%
    270 )
    271 if [%1]==[18] (
    272   set type=-%bits%
    273 )
    274 if [%1]==[21] (
    275   set type=-%bits%
    276 )
    277 if [%1]==[22] (
    278   set type=-%bits%
    279 )
    281 fc /n %srcdir%\testdata\%testoutput%%type% %2%bits%\%testoutput% >NUL
    283 if errorlevel 1 (
    284   echo.          failed comparison: fc /n %srcdir%\testdata\%testoutput% %2%bits%\%testoutput%
    285   if [%1]==[2] (
    286     echo.
    287     echo ** Test 2 requires a lot of stack. PCRE can be configured to
    288     echo ** use heap for recursion. Otherwise, to pass Test 2
    289     echo ** you generally need to allocate 8 mb stack to PCRE.
    290     echo ** See the 'pcrestack' page for a discussion of PCRE's
    291     echo ** stack usage.
    292     echo.
    293 )
    294   if [%1]==[3] (
    295     echo.
    296     echo ** Test 3 failure usually means french locale is not
    297     echo ** available on the system, rather than a bug or problem with PCRE.
    298     echo.
    299     goto :eof
    300 )
    302   set failed="yes"
    303   goto :eof
    304 )
    306 echo.          Passed.
    307 goto :eof
    309 :do1
    310 call :runsub 1 testout "Main functionality (Compatible with Perl >= 5.10)" -q
    311 call :runsub 1 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    312 if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 1 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    313 goto :eof
    315 :do2
    316   call :runsub 2 testout "API, errors, internals, and non-Perl stuff" -q
    317   call :runsub 2 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    318   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 2 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    319 goto :eof
    321 :do3
    322   call :runsub 3 testout "Locale-specific features" -q
    323   call :runsub 3 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    324   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 3 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    325 goto :eof
    327 :do4
    328 if %utf% EQU 0 (
    329   echo Test 4 Skipped due to absence of UTF-%bits% support.
    330   goto :eof
    331 )
    332   call :runsub 4 testout "UTF-%bits% support - (Compatible with Perl >= 5.10)" -q
    333   call :runsub 4 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    334   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 4 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    335 goto :eof
    337 :do5
    338 if %utf% EQU 0 (
    339   echo Test 5 Skipped due to absence of UTF-%bits% support.
    340   goto :eof
    341 )
    342   call :runsub 5 testout "API, internals, and non-Perl stuff for UTF-%bits%" -q
    343   call :runsub 5 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    344   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 5 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    345 goto :eof
    347 :do6
    348 if %ucp% EQU 0 (
    349   echo Test 6 Skipped due to absence of Unicode property support.
    350   goto :eof
    351 )
    352   call :runsub 6 testout "Unicode property support (Compatible with Perl >= 5.10)" -q
    353   call :runsub 6 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    354   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 6 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    355 goto :eof
    357 :do7
    358 if %ucp% EQU 0 (
    359   echo Test 7 Skipped due to absence of Unicode property support.
    360   goto :eof
    361 )
    362   call :runsub 7 testout "API, internals, and non-Perl stuff for Unicode property support" -q
    363   call :runsub 7 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    364   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 7 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    365 goto :eof
    367 :do8
    368   call :runsub 8 testout "DFA matching main functionality" -q -dfa
    369   call :runsub 8 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -dfa -s
    370 goto :eof
    372 :do9
    373 if %utf% EQU 0 (
    374   echo Test 9 Skipped due to absence of UTF-%bits% support.
    375   goto :eof
    376 )
    377   call :runsub 9 testout "DFA matching with UTF-%bits%" -q -dfa
    378   call :runsub 9 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -dfa -s
    379   goto :eof
    381 :do10
    382 if %ucp% EQU 0 (
    383   echo Test 10 Skipped due to absence of Unicode property support.
    384   goto :eof
    385 )
    386   call :runsub 10 testout "DFA matching with Unicode properties" -q -dfa
    387   call :runsub 10 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -dfa -s
    388 goto :eof
    390 :do11
    391 if NOT %link_size% EQU 2 (
    392   echo Test 11 Skipped because link size is not 2.
    393   goto :eof
    394 )
    395 if %ucp% EQU 0 (
    396   echo Test 11 Skipped due to absence of Unicode property support.
    397   goto :eof
    398 )
    399   call :runsub 11 testout "Internal offsets and code size tests" -q
    400   call :runsub 11 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    401 goto :eof
    403 :do12
    404 if %jit% EQU 0 (
    405   echo Test 12 Skipped due to absence of JIT support.
    406   goto :eof
    407 )
    408   call :runsub 12 testout "JIT-specific features (JIT available)" -q
    409 goto :eof
    411 :do13
    412 if %jit% EQU 1 (
    413   echo Test 13 Skipped due to presence of JIT support.
    414   goto :eof
    415 )
    416   call :runsub 13 testout "JIT-specific features (JIT not available)" -q
    417 goto :eof
    419 :do14
    420 if NOT %bits% EQU 8 (
    421   echo Test 14 Skipped when running 16/32-bit tests.
    422   goto :eof
    423 )
    424   copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved16 testsaved16
    425   copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved32 testsaved32
    426   call :runsub 14 testout "Specials for the basic 8-bit library" -q
    427   call :runsub 14 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    428   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 14 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    429 goto :eof
    431 :do15
    432 if NOT %bits% EQU 8 (
    433   echo Test 15 Skipped when running 16/32-bit tests.
    434   goto :eof
    435 )
    436 if %utf% EQU 0 (
    437   echo Test 15 Skipped due to absence of UTF-%bits% support.
    438   goto :eof
    439 )
    440   call :runsub 15 testout "Specials for the 8-bit library with UTF-%bits% support" -q
    441   call :runsub 15 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    442   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 15 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    443 goto :eof
    445 :do16
    446 if NOT %bits% EQU 8 (
    447   echo Test 16 Skipped when running 16/32-bit tests.
    448   goto :eof
    449 )
    450 if %ucp% EQU 0 (
    451   echo Test 16 Skipped due to absence of Unicode property support.
    452   goto :eof
    453 )
    454   call :runsub 16 testout "Specials for the 8-bit library with Unicode propery support" -q
    455   call :runsub 16 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    456   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 16 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    457 goto :eof
    459 :do17
    460 if %bits% EQU 8 (
    461   echo Test 17 Skipped when running 8-bit tests.
    462   goto :eof
    463 )
    464   call :runsub 17 testout "Specials for the basic 16/32-bit library" -q
    465   call :runsub 17 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    466   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 17 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    467 goto :eof
    469 :do18
    470 if %bits% EQU 8 (
    471   echo Test 18 Skipped when running 8-bit tests.
    472   goto :eof
    473 )
    474 if %utf% EQU 0 (
    475   echo Test 18 Skipped due to absence of UTF-%bits% support.
    476   goto :eof
    477 )
    478   call :runsub 18 testout "Specials for the 16/32-bit library with UTF-%bits% support" -q
    479   call :runsub 18 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    480   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 18 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    481 goto :eof
    483 :do19
    484 if %bits% EQU 8 (
    485   echo Test 19 Skipped when running 8-bit tests.
    486   goto :eof
    487 )
    488 if %ucp% EQU 0 (
    489   echo Test 19 Skipped due to absence of Unicode property support.
    490   goto :eof
    491 )
    492   call :runsub 19 testout "Specials for the 16/32-bit library with Unicode property support" -q
    493   call :runsub 19 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    494   if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 19 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    495 goto :eof
    497 :do20
    498 if %bits% EQU 8 (
    499   echo Test 20 Skipped when running 8-bit tests.
    500   goto :eof
    501 )
    502   call :runsub 20 testout "DFA specials for the basic 16/32-bit library" -q -dfa
    503   call :runsub 20 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -dfa -s
    504 goto :eof
    506 :do21
    507 if %bits% EQU 8 (
    508   echo Test 21 Skipped when running 8-bit tests.
    509   goto :eof
    510 )
    511 if NOT %link_size% EQU 2 (
    512   echo Test 21 Skipped because link size is not 2.
    513   goto :eof
    514 )
    515 copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved8 testsaved8
    516 copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved16LE-1 testsaved16LE-1
    517 copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved16BE-1 testsaved16BE-1
    518 copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved32LE-1 testsaved32LE-1
    519 copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved32BE-1 testsaved32BE-1
    520 call :runsub 21 testout "Reloads for the basic 16/32-bit library" -q
    521 call :runsub 21 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    522 if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 21 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    523 goto :eof
    525 :do22
    526 if %bits% EQU 8 (
    527   echo Test 22 Skipped when running 8-bit tests.
    528   goto :eof
    529 )
    530 if %utf% EQU 0 (
    531   echo Test 22 Skipped due to absence of UTF-%bits% support.
    532   goto :eof
    533 )
    534 if NOT %link_size% EQU 2 (
    535   echo Test 22 Skipped because link size is not 2.
    536   goto :eof
    537 )
    538 copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved16LE-2 testsaved16LE-2
    539 copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved16BE-2 testsaved16BE-2
    540 copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved32LE-2 testsaved32LE-2
    541 copy /Y %srcdir%\testdata\saved32BE-2 testsaved32BE-2
    542 call :runsub 22 testout "Reloads for the 16/32-bit library with UTF-16/32 support" -q
    543 call :runsub 22 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    544 if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 22 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    545 goto :eof
    547 :do23
    548 if NOT %bits% EQU 16 (
    549   echo Test 23 Skipped when running 8/32-bit tests.
    550   goto :eof
    551 )
    552 call :runsub 23 testout "Specials for the 16-bit library" -q
    553 call :runsub 23 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    554 if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 23 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    555 goto :eof
    557 :do24
    558 if NOT %bits% EQU 16 (
    559   echo Test 24 Skipped when running 8/32-bit tests.
    560   goto :eof
    561 )
    562 if %utf% EQU 0 (
    563   echo Test 24 Skipped due to absence of UTF-%bits% support.
    564   goto :eof
    565 )
    566 call :runsub 24 testout "Specials for the 16-bit library with UTF-16 support" -q
    567 call :runsub 24 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    568 if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 24 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    569 goto :eof
    571 :do25
    572 if NOT %bits% EQU 32 (
    573   echo Test 25 Skipped when running 8/16-bit tests.
    574   goto :eof
    575 )
    576 call :runsub 25 testout "Specials for the 32-bit library" -q
    577 call :runsub 25 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    578 if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 25 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    579 goto :eof
    581 :do26
    582 if NOT %bits% EQU 32 (
    583   echo Test 26 Skipped when running 8/16-bit tests.
    584   goto :eof
    585 )
    586 if %utf% EQU 0 (
    587   echo Test 26 Skipped due to absence of UTF-%bits% support.
    588   goto :eof
    589 )
    590 call :runsub 26 testout "Specials for the 32-bit library with UTF-32 support" -q
    591 call :runsub 26 testoutstudy "Test with Study Override" -q -s
    592 if %jit% EQU 1 call :runsub 26 testoutjit "Test with JIT Override" -q -s+
    593 goto :eof
    595 :conferror
    596 @echo.
    597 @echo Either your build is incomplete or you have a configuration error.
    598 @echo.
    599 @echo If configured with cmake and executed via "make test" or the MSVC "RUN_TESTS"
    600 @echo project, pcre_test.bat defines variables and automatically calls RunTest.bat.
    601 @echo For manual testing of all available features, after configuring with cmake
    602 @echo and building, you can run the built pcre_test.bat. For best results with
    603 @echo cmake builds and tests avoid directories with full path names that include
    604 @echo spaces for source or build.
    605 @echo.
    606 @echo Otherwise, if the build dir is in a subdir of the source dir, testdata needed
    607 @echo for input and verification should be found automatically when (from the
    608 @echo location of the the built exes) you call RunTest.bat. By default RunTest.bat
    609 @echo runs all tests compatible with the linked pcre library but it can be given
    610 @echo a test number as an argument.
    611 @echo.
    612 @echo If the build dir is not under the source dir you can either copy your exes
    613 @echo to the source folder or copy RunTest.bat and the testdata folder to the
    614 @echo location of your built exes and then run RunTest.bat.
    615 @echo.
    616 goto :eof