1 :: AH 20-12-06 modified for new PCRE-7.0 and VP/BCC 2 :: PH 19-03-07 renamed !compile.txt and !linklib.txt as makevp-compile.txt and 3 :: makevp-linklib.txt 4 :: PH 26-03-07 re-renamed !compile.txt and !linklib.txt as makevp-c.txt and 5 :: makevp-l.txt 6 :: PH 29-03-07 hopefully the final rename to makevp_c and makevp_l 7 :: AH 27.08.08 updated for new PCRE-7.7 8 :: required PCRE.H and CONFIG.H will be generated if not existing 9 10 @echo off 11 echo. 12 echo Compiling PCRE with BORLAND C++ for VIRTUAL PASCAL 13 echo. 14 15 REM This file was contributed by Alexander Tokarev for building PCRE for use 16 REM with Virtual Pascal. It has not been tested with the latest PCRE release. 17 18 REM This file has been modified and extended to compile with newer PCRE releases 19 REM by Stefan Weber (Angels Holocaust). 20 21 REM CHANGE THIS FOR YOUR BORLAND C++ COMPILER PATH 22 SET BORLAND=f:\bcc 23 REM location of the TASM binaries, if compiling with the -B BCC switch 24 SET TASM=f:\tasm 25 26 SET PATH=%PATH%;%BORLAND%\bin;%TASM%\bin 27 SET PCRE_VER=77 28 SET COMPILE_DEFAULTS=-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DPCRE_STATIC -I%BORLAND%\include 29 30 del pcre%PCRE_VER%.lib >nul 2>nul 31 32 :: sh configure 33 34 :: check for needed header files 35 if not exist pcre.h copy pcre.h.generic pcre.h 36 if not exist config.h copy config.h.generic config.h 37 38 bcc32 -DDFTABLES %COMPILE_DEFAULTS% -L%BORLAND%\lib dftables.c 39 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR 40 41 :: dftables > chartables.c 42 dftables pcre_chartables.c 43 44 REM compile and link the PCRE library into lib: option -B for ASM compile works too 45 bcc32 -a4 -c -RT- -y- -v- -u- -R- -Q- -X -d -fp -ff -P- -O2 -Oc -Ov -3 -w-8004 -w-8064 -w-8065 -w-8012 -UDFTABLES -DVPCOMPAT %COMPILE_DEFAULTS% @makevp_c.txt 46 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR 47 48 tlib %BORLAND%\lib\cw32.lib *calloc *del *strncmp *memcpy *memmove *memset *memcmp *strlen 49 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR 50 tlib pcre%PCRE_VER%.lib @makevp_l.txt +calloc.obj +del.obj +strncmp.obj +memcpy.obj +memmove.obj +memset.obj +memcmp.obj +strlen.obj 51 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR 52 53 del *.obj *.tds *.bak >nul 2>nul 54 55 echo --- 56 echo Now the library should be complete. Please check all messages above. 57 echo Don't care for warnings, it's OK. 58 goto END 59 60 :ERROR 61 echo --- 62 echo Error while compiling PCRE. Aborting... 63 pause 64 goto END 65 66 :END 67