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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "ash/wm/window_resizer.h"
      7 #include "ash/screen_util.h"
      8 #include "ash/shell.h"
      9 #include "ash/shell_window_ids.h"
     10 #include "ash/wm/coordinate_conversion.h"
     11 #include "ash/wm/dock/docked_window_layout_manager.h"
     12 #include "ash/wm/window_state.h"
     13 #include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
     14 #include "ui/aura/client/aura_constants.h"
     15 #include "ui/aura/window.h"
     16 #include "ui/aura/window_delegate.h"
     17 #include "ui/aura/window_event_dispatcher.h"
     18 #include "ui/base/hit_test.h"
     19 #include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
     20 #include "ui/compositor/scoped_layer_animation_settings.h"
     21 #include "ui/gfx/display.h"
     22 #include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
     23 #include "ui/wm/core/coordinate_conversion.h"
     25 namespace ash {
     27 namespace {
     29 // Returns true for resize components along the right edge, where a drag in
     30 // positive x will make the window larger.
     31 bool IsRightEdge(int window_component) {
     32   return window_component == HTTOPRIGHT ||
     33       window_component == HTRIGHT ||
     34       window_component == HTBOTTOMRIGHT ||
     35       window_component == HTGROWBOX;
     36 }
     38 }  // namespace
     40 // static
     41 const int WindowResizer::kBoundsChange_None = 0;
     42 // static
     43 const int WindowResizer::kBoundsChange_Repositions = 1;
     44 // static
     45 const int WindowResizer::kBoundsChange_Resizes = 2;
     47 // static
     48 const int WindowResizer::kBoundsChangeDirection_None = 0;
     49 // static
     50 const int WindowResizer::kBoundsChangeDirection_Horizontal = 1;
     51 // static
     52 const int WindowResizer::kBoundsChangeDirection_Vertical = 2;
     54 WindowResizer::WindowResizer() {
     55 }
     57 WindowResizer::WindowResizer(wm::WindowState* window_state)
     58     : window_state_(window_state) {
     59   DCHECK(window_state_->drag_details());
     60 }
     62 WindowResizer::~WindowResizer() {
     63 }
     65 // static
     66 int WindowResizer::GetBoundsChangeForWindowComponent(int component) {
     67   int bounds_change = WindowResizer::kBoundsChange_None;
     68   switch (component) {
     69     case HTTOPLEFT:
     70     case HTTOP:
     71     case HTTOPRIGHT:
     72     case HTLEFT:
     73     case HTBOTTOMLEFT:
     74       bounds_change |= WindowResizer::kBoundsChange_Repositions |
     75                       WindowResizer::kBoundsChange_Resizes;
     76       break;
     77     case HTCAPTION:
     78       bounds_change |= WindowResizer::kBoundsChange_Repositions;
     79       break;
     80     case HTRIGHT:
     81     case HTBOTTOMRIGHT:
     82     case HTBOTTOM:
     83     case HTGROWBOX:
     84       bounds_change |= WindowResizer::kBoundsChange_Resizes;
     85       break;
     86     default:
     87       break;
     88   }
     89   return bounds_change;
     90 }
     92 //static
     93 int WindowResizer::GetPositionChangeDirectionForWindowComponent(
     94     int window_component) {
     95   int pos_change_direction = WindowResizer::kBoundsChangeDirection_None;
     96   switch (window_component) {
     97     case HTTOPLEFT:
     98     case HTBOTTOMRIGHT:
     99     case HTGROWBOX:
    100     case HTCAPTION:
    101       pos_change_direction |=
    102           WindowResizer::kBoundsChangeDirection_Horizontal |
    103           WindowResizer::kBoundsChangeDirection_Vertical;
    104       break;
    105     case HTTOP:
    106     case HTTOPRIGHT:
    107     case HTBOTTOM:
    108       pos_change_direction |= WindowResizer::kBoundsChangeDirection_Vertical;
    109       break;
    110     case HTBOTTOMLEFT:
    111     case HTRIGHT:
    112     case HTLEFT:
    113       pos_change_direction |= WindowResizer::kBoundsChangeDirection_Horizontal;
    114       break;
    115     default:
    116       break;
    117   }
    118   return pos_change_direction;
    119 }
    121 gfx::Rect WindowResizer::CalculateBoundsForDrag(
    122     const gfx::Point& passed_location) {
    123   if (!details().is_resizable)
    124     return details().initial_bounds_in_parent;
    126   gfx::Point location = passed_location;
    127   int delta_x = location.x() - details().initial_location_in_parent.x();
    128   int delta_y = location.y() - details().initial_location_in_parent.y();
    130   AdjustDeltaForTouchResize(&delta_x, &delta_y);
    132   // The minimize size constraint may limit how much we change the window
    133   // position.  For example, dragging the left edge to the right should stop
    134   // repositioning the window when the minimize size is reached.
    135   gfx::Size size = GetSizeForDrag(&delta_x, &delta_y);
    136   gfx::Point origin = GetOriginForDrag(delta_x, delta_y);
    137   gfx::Rect new_bounds(origin, size);
    139   // Sizing has to keep the result on the screen. Note that this correction
    140   // has to come first since it might have an impact on the origin as well as
    141   // on the size.
    142   if (details().bounds_change & kBoundsChange_Resizes) {
    143     gfx::Rect work_area =
    144         Shell::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow(GetTarget()).work_area();
    145     aura::Window* dock_container = Shell::GetContainer(
    146         GetTarget()->GetRootWindow(), kShellWindowId_DockedContainer);
    147     DockedWindowLayoutManager* dock_layout =
    148         static_cast<DockedWindowLayoutManager*>(
    149             dock_container->layout_manager());
    151     work_area.Union(dock_layout->docked_bounds());
    152     work_area = ScreenUtil::ConvertRectFromScreen(GetTarget()->parent(),
    153                                                  work_area);
    154     if (details().size_change_direction & kBoundsChangeDirection_Horizontal) {
    155       if (IsRightEdge(details().window_component) &&
    156           new_bounds.right() < work_area.x() + kMinimumOnScreenArea) {
    157         int delta = work_area.x() + kMinimumOnScreenArea - new_bounds.right();
    158         new_bounds.set_width(new_bounds.width() + delta);
    159       } else if (new_bounds.x() > work_area.right() - kMinimumOnScreenArea) {
    160         int width = new_bounds.right() - work_area.right() +
    161                     kMinimumOnScreenArea;
    162         new_bounds.set_x(work_area.right() - kMinimumOnScreenArea);
    163         new_bounds.set_width(width);
    164       }
    165     }
    166     if (details().size_change_direction & kBoundsChangeDirection_Vertical) {
    167       if (!IsBottomEdge(details().window_component) &&
    168           new_bounds.y() > work_area.bottom() - kMinimumOnScreenArea) {
    169         int height = new_bounds.bottom() - work_area.bottom() +
    170                      kMinimumOnScreenArea;
    171         new_bounds.set_y(work_area.bottom() - kMinimumOnScreenArea);
    172         new_bounds.set_height(height);
    173       } else if (details().window_component == HTBOTTOM ||
    174                  details().window_component == HTBOTTOMRIGHT ||
    175                  details().window_component == HTBOTTOMLEFT) {
    176         // Update bottom edge to stay in the work area when we are resizing
    177         // by dragging the bottom edge or corners.
    178         if (new_bounds.bottom() > work_area.bottom())
    179           new_bounds.Inset(0, 0, 0,
    180                            new_bounds.bottom() - work_area.bottom());
    181       }
    182     }
    183     if (details().bounds_change & kBoundsChange_Repositions &&
    184         new_bounds.y() < 0) {
    185       int delta = new_bounds.y();
    186       new_bounds.set_y(0);
    187       new_bounds.set_height(new_bounds.height() + delta);
    188     }
    189   }
    191   if (details().bounds_change & kBoundsChange_Repositions) {
    192     // When we might want to reposition a window which is also restored to its
    193     // previous size, to keep the cursor within the dragged window.
    194     if (!details().restore_bounds.IsEmpty()) {
    195       // However - it is not desirable to change the origin if the window would
    196       // be still hit by the cursor.
    197       if (details().initial_location_in_parent.x() >
    198           details().initial_bounds_in_parent.x() +
    199           details().restore_bounds.width())
    200         new_bounds.set_x(location.x() - details().restore_bounds.width() / 2);
    201     }
    203     // Make sure that |new_bounds| doesn't leave any of the displays.  Note that
    204     // the |work_area| above isn't good for this check since it is the work area
    205     // for the current display but the window can move to a different one.
    206     aura::Window* parent = GetTarget()->parent();
    207     gfx::Point passed_location_in_screen(passed_location);
    208     ::wm::ConvertPointToScreen(parent, &passed_location_in_screen);
    209     gfx::Rect near_passed_location(passed_location_in_screen, gfx::Size());
    210     // Use a pointer location (matching the logic in DragWindowResizer) to
    211     // calculate the target display after the drag.
    212     const gfx::Display& display =
    213         Shell::GetScreen()->GetDisplayMatching(near_passed_location);
    214     aura::Window* dock_container =
    215         Shell::GetContainer(wm::GetRootWindowMatching(near_passed_location),
    216                             kShellWindowId_DockedContainer);
    217     DockedWindowLayoutManager* dock_layout =
    218         static_cast<DockedWindowLayoutManager*>(
    219             dock_container->layout_manager());
    221     gfx::Rect screen_work_area = display.work_area();
    222     screen_work_area.Union(dock_layout->docked_bounds());
    223     screen_work_area.Inset(kMinimumOnScreenArea, 0);
    224     gfx::Rect new_bounds_in_screen =
    225         ScreenUtil::ConvertRectToScreen(parent, new_bounds);
    226     if (!screen_work_area.Intersects(new_bounds_in_screen)) {
    227       // Make sure that the x origin does not leave the current display.
    228       new_bounds_in_screen.set_x(
    229           std::max(screen_work_area.x() - new_bounds.width(),
    230                    std::min(screen_work_area.right(),
    231                             new_bounds_in_screen.x())));
    232       new_bounds =
    233           ScreenUtil::ConvertRectFromScreen(parent, new_bounds_in_screen);
    234     }
    235   }
    237   return new_bounds;
    238 }
    240 // static
    241 bool WindowResizer::IsBottomEdge(int window_component) {
    242   return window_component == HTBOTTOMLEFT ||
    243       window_component == HTBOTTOM ||
    244       window_component == HTBOTTOMRIGHT ||
    245       window_component == HTGROWBOX;
    246 }
    248 void WindowResizer::AdjustDeltaForTouchResize(int* delta_x, int* delta_y) {
    249   if (details().source != aura::client::WINDOW_MOVE_SOURCE_TOUCH ||
    250       !(details().bounds_change & kBoundsChange_Resizes))
    251     return;
    253   if (details().size_change_direction & kBoundsChangeDirection_Horizontal) {
    254     if (IsRightEdge(details().window_component)) {
    255       *delta_x += details().initial_location_in_parent.x() -
    256           details().initial_bounds_in_parent.right();
    257     } else {
    258       *delta_x += details().initial_location_in_parent.x() -
    259           details().initial_bounds_in_parent.x();
    260     }
    261   }
    262   if (details().size_change_direction & kBoundsChangeDirection_Vertical) {
    263     if (IsBottomEdge(details().window_component)) {
    264       *delta_y += details().initial_location_in_parent.y() -
    265           details().initial_bounds_in_parent.bottom();
    266     } else {
    267       *delta_y += details().initial_location_in_parent.y() -
    268           details().initial_bounds_in_parent.y();
    269     }
    270   }
    271 }
    273 gfx::Point WindowResizer::GetOriginForDrag(int delta_x, int delta_y) {
    274   gfx::Point origin = details().initial_bounds_in_parent.origin();
    275   if (details().bounds_change & kBoundsChange_Repositions) {
    276     int pos_change_direction = GetPositionChangeDirectionForWindowComponent(
    277         details().window_component);
    278     if (pos_change_direction & kBoundsChangeDirection_Horizontal)
    279       origin.Offset(delta_x, 0);
    280     if (pos_change_direction & kBoundsChangeDirection_Vertical)
    281       origin.Offset(0, delta_y);
    282   }
    283   return origin;
    284 }
    286 gfx::Size WindowResizer::GetSizeForDrag(int* delta_x, int* delta_y) {
    287   gfx::Size size = details().initial_bounds_in_parent.size();
    288   if (details().bounds_change & kBoundsChange_Resizes) {
    289     gfx::Size min_size = GetTarget()->delegate()->GetMinimumSize();
    290     size.SetSize(GetWidthForDrag(min_size.width(), delta_x),
    291                  GetHeightForDrag(min_size.height(), delta_y));
    292   } else if (!details().restore_bounds.IsEmpty()) {
    293     size = details().restore_bounds.size();
    294   }
    295   return size;
    296 }
    298 int WindowResizer::GetWidthForDrag(int min_width, int* delta_x) {
    299   int width = details().initial_bounds_in_parent.width();
    300   if (details().size_change_direction & kBoundsChangeDirection_Horizontal) {
    301     // Along the right edge, positive delta_x increases the window size.
    302     int x_multiplier = IsRightEdge(details().window_component) ? 1 : -1;
    303     width += x_multiplier * (*delta_x);
    305     // Ensure we don't shrink past the minimum width and clamp delta_x
    306     // for the window origin computation.
    307     if (width < min_width) {
    308       width = min_width;
    309       *delta_x = -x_multiplier * (details().initial_bounds_in_parent.width() -
    310                                   min_width);
    311     }
    313     // And don't let the window go bigger than the display.
    314     int max_width = Shell::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow(
    315         GetTarget()).bounds().width();
    316     gfx::Size max_size = GetTarget()->delegate()->GetMaximumSize();
    317     if (max_size.width() != 0)
    318       max_width = std::min(max_width, max_size.width());
    319     if (width > max_width) {
    320       width = max_width;
    321       *delta_x = -x_multiplier * (details().initial_bounds_in_parent.width() -
    322                                   max_width);
    323     }
    324   }
    325   return width;
    326 }
    328 int WindowResizer::GetHeightForDrag(int min_height, int* delta_y) {
    329   int height = details().initial_bounds_in_parent.height();
    330   if (details().size_change_direction & kBoundsChangeDirection_Vertical) {
    331     // Along the bottom edge, positive delta_y increases the window size.
    332     int y_multiplier = IsBottomEdge(details().window_component) ? 1 : -1;
    333     height += y_multiplier * (*delta_y);
    335     // Ensure we don't shrink past the minimum height and clamp delta_y
    336     // for the window origin computation.
    337     if (height < min_height) {
    338       height = min_height;
    339       *delta_y = -y_multiplier * (details().initial_bounds_in_parent.height() -
    340                                   min_height);
    341     }
    343     // And don't let the window go bigger than the display.
    344     int max_height = Shell::GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestWindow(
    345         GetTarget()).bounds().height();
    346     gfx::Size max_size = GetTarget()->delegate()->GetMaximumSize();
    347     if (max_size.height() != 0)
    348       max_height = std::min(max_height, max_size.height());
    349     if (height > max_height) {
    350       height = max_height;
    351       *delta_y = -y_multiplier * (details().initial_bounds_in_parent.height() -
    352                                   max_height);
    353     }
    354   }
    355   return height;
    356 }
    358 }  // namespace ash