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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_manager.h"
      7 #include <string>
      8 #include <vector>
     10 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
     11 #include "base/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
     12 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
     13 #include "base/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
     14 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     15 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     16 #include "components/password_manager/core/browser/mock_password_store.h"
     17 #include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_autofill_manager.h"
     18 #include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_manager_driver.h"
     19 #include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store.h"
     20 #include "components/password_manager/core/browser/stub_password_manager_client.h"
     21 #include "components/password_manager/core/browser/stub_password_manager_driver.h"
     22 #include "components/password_manager/core/common/password_manager_pref_names.h"
     23 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
     24 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     26 class PasswordGenerationManager;
     28 using autofill::PasswordForm;
     29 using base::ASCIIToUTF16;
     30 using testing::_;
     31 using testing::AnyNumber;
     32 using testing::DoAll;
     33 using testing::Exactly;
     34 using testing::Return;
     35 using testing::WithArg;
     37 namespace autofill {
     38 class AutofillManager;
     39 }
     41 namespace password_manager {
     43 namespace {
     45 class MockPasswordManagerClient : public StubPasswordManagerClient {
     46  public:
     47   MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(IsPasswordManagerEnabledForCurrentPage, bool());
     48   MOCK_CONST_METHOD2(IsSyncAccountCredential,
     49                      bool(const std::string&, const std::string&));
     50   MOCK_METHOD1(PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr, void(PasswordFormManager*));
     51   MOCK_METHOD1(AutomaticPasswordSavePtr, void(PasswordFormManager*));
     52   MOCK_METHOD0(GetPasswordStore, PasswordStore*());
     53   MOCK_METHOD0(GetPrefs, PrefService*());
     54   MOCK_METHOD0(GetDriver, PasswordManagerDriver*());
     56   // Workaround for scoped_ptr<> lacking a copy constructor.
     57   virtual bool PromptUserToSavePassword(
     58       scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> manager) OVERRIDE {
     59     PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(manager.release());
     60     return false;
     61   }
     62   virtual void AutomaticPasswordSave(
     63       scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> manager) OVERRIDE {
     64     AutomaticPasswordSavePtr(manager.release());
     65   }
     66 };
     68 class MockPasswordManagerDriver : public StubPasswordManagerDriver {
     69  public:
     70   MOCK_METHOD1(FillPasswordForm, void(const autofill::PasswordFormFillData&));
     71   MOCK_METHOD0(GetPasswordManager, PasswordManager*());
     72   MOCK_METHOD0(GetPasswordAutofillManager, PasswordAutofillManager*());
     73   MOCK_METHOD0(DidLastPageLoadEncounterSSLErrors, bool());
     74 };
     76 ACTION_P(InvokeConsumer, forms) { arg0->OnGetPasswordStoreResults(forms); }
     78 ACTION_P(SaveToScopedPtr, scoped) { scoped->reset(arg0); }
     80 class TestPasswordManager : public PasswordManager {
     81  public:
     82   explicit TestPasswordManager(PasswordManagerClient* client)
     83       : PasswordManager(client) {}
     84   virtual ~TestPasswordManager() {}
     86  private:
     87   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestPasswordManager);
     88 };
     90 }  // namespace
     92 class PasswordManagerTest : public testing::Test {
     93  protected:
     94   virtual void SetUp() {
     95     prefs_.registry()->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kPasswordManagerSavingEnabled,
     96                                            true);
     98     store_ = new MockPasswordStore;
     99     EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), ReportMetrics(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
    100     CHECK(store_->Init(syncer::SyncableService::StartSyncFlare(), ""));
    102     EXPECT_CALL(client_, IsPasswordManagerEnabledForCurrentPage())
    103         .WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
    104     EXPECT_CALL(client_, IsSyncAccountCredential(_, _))
    105         .WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
    106     EXPECT_CALL(client_, GetPasswordStore())
    107         .WillRepeatedly(Return(store_.get()));
    108     EXPECT_CALL(client_, GetPrefs()).WillRepeatedly(Return(&prefs_));
    109     EXPECT_CALL(client_, GetDriver()).WillRepeatedly(Return(&driver_));
    111     manager_.reset(new TestPasswordManager(&client_));
    112     password_autofill_manager_.reset(
    113         new PasswordAutofillManager(&client_, NULL));
    115     EXPECT_CALL(driver_, GetPasswordManager())
    116         .WillRepeatedly(Return(manager_.get()));
    117     EXPECT_CALL(driver_, GetPasswordAutofillManager())
    118         .WillRepeatedly(Return(password_autofill_manager_.get()));
    119     EXPECT_CALL(driver_, DidLastPageLoadEncounterSSLErrors())
    120         .WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
    121   }
    123   virtual void TearDown() {
    124     store_->Shutdown();
    125     store_ = NULL;
    126   }
    128   PasswordForm MakeSimpleForm() {
    129     PasswordForm form;
    130     form.origin = GURL("http://www.google.com/a/LoginAuth");
    131     form.action = GURL("http://www.google.com/a/Login");
    132     form.username_element = ASCIIToUTF16("Email");
    133     form.password_element = ASCIIToUTF16("Passwd");
    134     form.username_value = ASCIIToUTF16("google");
    135     form.password_value = ASCIIToUTF16("password");
    136     // Default to true so we only need to add tests in autocomplete=off cases.
    137     form.password_autocomplete_set = true;
    138     form.submit_element = ASCIIToUTF16("signIn");
    139     form.signon_realm = "http://www.google.com";
    140     return form;
    141   }
    143   // Create a sign-up form that only has a new password field.
    144   PasswordForm MakeFormWithOnlyNewPasswordField() {
    145     PasswordForm form = MakeSimpleForm();
    146     form.new_password_element.swap(form.password_element);
    147     form.new_password_value.swap(form.password_value);
    148     return form;
    149   }
    151   // Reproduction of the form present on twitter's login page.
    152   PasswordForm MakeTwitterLoginForm() {
    153     PasswordForm form;
    154     form.origin = GURL("https://twitter.com/");
    155     form.action = GURL("https://twitter.com/sessions");
    156     form.username_element = ASCIIToUTF16("Email");
    157     form.password_element = ASCIIToUTF16("Passwd");
    158     form.username_value = ASCIIToUTF16("twitter");
    159     form.password_value = ASCIIToUTF16("password");
    160     form.password_autocomplete_set = true;
    161     form.submit_element = ASCIIToUTF16("signIn");
    162     form.signon_realm = "https://twitter.com";
    163     return form;
    164   }
    166   // Reproduction of the form present on twitter's failed login page.
    167   PasswordForm MakeTwitterFailedLoginForm() {
    168     PasswordForm form;
    169     form.origin = GURL("https://twitter.com/login/error?redirect_after_login");
    170     form.action = GURL("https://twitter.com/sessions");
    171     form.username_element = ASCIIToUTF16("EmailField");
    172     form.password_element = ASCIIToUTF16("PasswdField");
    173     form.username_value = ASCIIToUTF16("twitter");
    174     form.password_value = ASCIIToUTF16("password");
    175     form.password_autocomplete_set = true;
    176     form.submit_element = ASCIIToUTF16("signIn");
    177     form.signon_realm = "https://twitter.com";
    178     return form;
    179   }
    181   PasswordForm MakeSimpleFormWithOnlyPasswordField() {
    182     PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    183     form.username_element.clear();
    184     form.username_value.clear();
    185     return form;
    186   }
    188   bool FormsAreEqual(const autofill::PasswordForm& lhs,
    189                      const autofill::PasswordForm& rhs) {
    190     if (lhs.origin != rhs.origin)
    191       return false;
    192     if (lhs.action != rhs.action)
    193       return false;
    194     if (lhs.username_element != rhs.username_element)
    195       return false;
    196     if (lhs.password_element != rhs.password_element)
    197       return false;
    198     if (lhs.new_password_element != rhs.new_password_element)
    199       return false;
    200     if (lhs.username_value != rhs.username_value)
    201       return false;
    202     if (lhs.password_value != rhs.password_value)
    203       return false;
    204     if (lhs.new_password_value != rhs.new_password_value)
    205       return false;
    206     if (lhs.password_autocomplete_set != rhs.password_autocomplete_set)
    207       return false;
    208     if (lhs.submit_element != rhs.submit_element)
    209       return false;
    210     if (lhs.signon_realm != rhs.signon_realm)
    211       return false;
    212     return true;
    213   }
    215   TestPasswordManager* manager() { return manager_.get(); }
    217   void OnPasswordFormSubmitted(const autofill::PasswordForm& form) {
    218     manager()->OnPasswordFormSubmitted(form);
    219   }
    221   PasswordManager::PasswordSubmittedCallback SubmissionCallback() {
    222     return base::Bind(&PasswordManagerTest::FormSubmitted,
    223                       base::Unretained(this));
    224   }
    226   void FormSubmitted(const autofill::PasswordForm& form) {
    227     submitted_form_ = form;
    228   }
    230   TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs_;
    231   scoped_refptr<MockPasswordStore> store_;
    232   MockPasswordManagerClient client_;
    233   MockPasswordManagerDriver driver_;
    234   scoped_ptr<PasswordAutofillManager> password_autofill_manager_;
    235   scoped_ptr<TestPasswordManager> manager_;
    236   PasswordForm submitted_form_;
    237 };
    239 MATCHER_P(FormMatches, form, "") {
    240   return form.signon_realm == arg.signon_realm && form.origin == arg.origin &&
    241          form.action == arg.action &&
    242          form.username_element == arg.username_element &&
    243          form.password_element == arg.password_element &&
    244          form.new_password_element == arg.new_password_element &&
    245          form.password_autocomplete_set == arg.password_autocomplete_set &&
    246          form.submit_element == arg.submit_element;
    247 }
    249 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSubmitEmptyStore) {
    250   // Test that observing a newly submitted form shows the save password bar.
    251   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    252   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    253   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    254       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    255   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    256   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    257   observed.push_back(form);
    258   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    259   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    261   // And the form submit contract is to call ProvisionallySavePassword.
    262   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    264   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save;
    265   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_))
    266       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&form_to_save)));
    268   // Now the password manager waits for the navigation to complete.
    269   observed.clear();
    270   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The post-navigation load.
    271   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    272                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    274   ASSERT_TRUE(form_to_save.get());
    275   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(form)));
    277   // Simulate saving the form, as if the info bar was accepted.
    278   form_to_save->Save();
    279 }
    281 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSubmitWithOnlyNewPasswordField) {
    282   // This test is the same as FormSubmitEmptyStore, except that it simulates the
    283   // user entering credentials into a sign-up form that only has a new password
    284   // field.
    285   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    286   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    287   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    288       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    289   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    290   PasswordForm form(MakeFormWithOnlyNewPasswordField());
    291   observed.push_back(form);
    292   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    293   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    295   // And the form submit contract is to call ProvisionallySavePassword.
    296   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    298   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save;
    299   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_))
    300       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&form_to_save)));
    302   // Now the password manager waits for the navigation to complete.
    303   observed.clear();
    304   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    305   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    307   ASSERT_TRUE(form_to_save.get());
    309   // Simulate saving the form, as if the info bar was accepted.
    310   PasswordForm saved_form;
    311   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(_))
    312       .WillOnce(testing::SaveArg<0>(&saved_form));
    313   form_to_save->Save();
    315   // The value of the new password field should have been promoted to, and saved
    316   // to the password store as the current password, and no password element name
    317   // should have been saved.
    318   PasswordForm expected_form(form);
    319   expected_form.password_value.swap(expected_form.new_password_value);
    320   expected_form.new_password_element.clear();
    321   EXPECT_THAT(saved_form, FormMatches(expected_form));
    322   EXPECT_EQ(expected_form.password_value, saved_form.password_value);
    323   EXPECT_EQ(expected_form.new_password_value, saved_form.new_password_value);
    324 }
    326 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, GeneratedPasswordFormSubmitEmptyStore) {
    327   // This test is the same as FormSubmitEmptyStore, except that it simulates the
    328   // user generating the password through the browser.
    329   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    330   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    331   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    332       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    333   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    334   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    335   observed.push_back(form);
    336   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    337   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    339   // Simulate the user generating the password and submitting the form.
    340   manager()->SetFormHasGeneratedPassword(form);
    341   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    343   // The user should not be presented with an infobar as they have already given
    344   // consent by using the generated password. The form should be saved once
    345   // navigation occurs. The client will be informed that automatic saving has
    346   // occured.
    347   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    348   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(form)));
    349   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> saved_form_manager;
    350   EXPECT_CALL(client_, AutomaticPasswordSavePtr(_)).Times(Exactly(1))
    351       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&saved_form_manager)));
    353   // Now the password manager waits for the navigation to complete.
    354   observed.clear();
    355   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The post-navigation load.
    356   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    357                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    358 }
    360 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSubmitNoGoodMatch) {
    361   // Same as above, except with an existing form for the same signon realm,
    362   // but different origin.  Detailed cases like this are covered by
    363   // PasswordFormManagerTest.
    364   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;
    365   PasswordForm* existing_different = new PasswordForm(MakeSimpleForm());
    366   existing_different->username_value = ASCIIToUTF16("google2");
    367   result.push_back(existing_different);
    368   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_));
    369   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    370       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    372   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    373   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    374   observed.push_back(form);
    375   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    376   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    377   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    379   // We still expect an add, since we didn't have a good match.
    380   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save;
    381   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_))
    382       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&form_to_save)));
    384   // Now the password manager waits for the navigation to complete.
    385   observed.clear();
    386   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The post-navigation load.
    387   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    388                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    390   ASSERT_TRUE(form_to_save.get());
    391   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(form)));
    393   // Simulate saving the form.
    394   form_to_save->Save();
    395 }
    397 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSeenThenLeftPage) {
    398   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    399   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    400   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    401       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    402   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    403   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    404   observed.push_back(form);
    405   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    406   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    408   // No message from the renderer that a password was submitted. No
    409   // expected calls.
    410   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_)).Times(0);
    411   observed.clear();
    412   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The post-navigation load.
    413   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    414                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    415 }
    417 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSubmitAfterNavigateInPage) {
    418   // Test that navigating in the page does not prevent us from showing the save
    419   // password infobar.
    420   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    421   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    422   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    423       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    424   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    425   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    426   observed.push_back(form);
    427   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    428   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    430   // Simulate navigating in the page.
    431   manager()->DidNavigateMainFrame(true);
    433   // Simulate submitting the password.
    434   OnPasswordFormSubmitted(form);
    436   // Now the password manager waits for the navigation to complete.
    437   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save;
    438   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_))
    439       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&form_to_save)));
    441   observed.clear();
    442   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The post-navigation load.
    443   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    444                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    446   ASSERT_FALSE(NULL == form_to_save.get());
    447   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(form)));
    449   // Simulate saving the form, as if the info bar was accepted.
    450   form_to_save->Save();
    451 }
    453 // This test verifies a fix for http://crbug.com/236673
    454 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSubmitWithFormOnPreviousPage) {
    455   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    456   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    457   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    458       .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    459   PasswordForm first_form(MakeSimpleForm());
    460   first_form.origin = GURL("http://www.nytimes.com/");
    461   first_form.action = GURL("https://myaccount.nytimes.com/auth/login");
    462   first_form.signon_realm = "http://www.nytimes.com/";
    463   PasswordForm second_form(MakeSimpleForm());
    464   second_form.origin = GURL("https://myaccount.nytimes.com/auth/login");
    465   second_form.action = GURL("https://myaccount.nytimes.com/auth/login");
    466   second_form.signon_realm = "https://myaccount.nytimes.com/";
    468   // Pretend that the form is hidden on the first page.
    469   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    470   observed.push_back(first_form);
    471   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    472   observed.clear();
    473   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    475   // Now navigate to a second page.
    476   manager()->DidNavigateMainFrame(false);
    478   // This page contains a form with the same markup, but on a different
    479   // URL.
    480   observed.push_back(second_form);
    481   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    482   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    484   // Now submit this form
    485   OnPasswordFormSubmitted(second_form);
    487   // Navigation after form submit.
    488   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save;
    489   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_))
    490       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&form_to_save)));
    491   observed.clear();
    492   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    493   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    495   // Make sure that the saved form matches the second form, not the first.
    496   ASSERT_TRUE(form_to_save.get());
    497   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(second_form)));
    499   // Simulate saving the form, as if the info bar was accepted.
    500   form_to_save->Save();
    501 }
    503 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSubmitFailedLogin) {
    504   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    505   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    506   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    507       .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    508   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    509   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    510   observed.push_back(form);
    511   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    512   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    514   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    516   // The form reappears, and is visible in the layout:
    517   // No expected calls to the PasswordStore...
    518   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    519   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    520 }
    522 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSubmitInvisibleLogin) {
    523   // Tests fix of issue 28911: if the login form reappears on the subsequent
    524   // page, but is invisible, it shouldn't count as a failed login.
    525   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    526   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    527   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    528       .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    529   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    530   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    531   observed.push_back(form);
    532   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    533   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    535   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    537   // Expect info bar to appear:
    538   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save;
    539   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_))
    540       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&form_to_save)));
    542   // The form reappears, but is not visible in the layout:
    543   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    544   observed.clear();
    545   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    547   ASSERT_TRUE(form_to_save.get());
    548   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(form)));
    550   // Simulate saving the form.
    551   form_to_save->Save();
    552 }
    554 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, InitiallyInvisibleForm) {
    555   // Make sure an invisible login form still gets autofilled.
    556   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;
    557   PasswordForm* existing = new PasswordForm(MakeSimpleForm());
    558   result.push_back(existing);
    559   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_));
    560   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    561       .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    562   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    563   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    564   observed.push_back(form);
    565   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);  // The initial load.
    566   observed.clear();
    567   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    569   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The post-navigation load.
    570   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    571                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    572 }
    574 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, SavingDependsOnManagerEnabledPreference) {
    575   // Test that saving passwords depends on the password manager enabled
    576   // preference.
    577   prefs_.SetUserPref(prefs::kPasswordManagerSavingEnabled,
    578                      new base::FundamentalValue(true));
    579   EXPECT_TRUE(manager()->IsSavingEnabledForCurrentPage());
    580   prefs_.SetUserPref(prefs::kPasswordManagerSavingEnabled,
    581                      new base::FundamentalValue(false));
    582   EXPECT_FALSE(manager()->IsSavingEnabledForCurrentPage());
    583 }
    585 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FillPasswordsOnDisabledManager) {
    586   // Test fix for issue 158296: Passwords must be filled even if the password
    587   // manager is disabled.
    588   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;
    589   PasswordForm* existing = new PasswordForm(MakeSimpleForm());
    590   result.push_back(existing);
    591   prefs_.SetUserPref(prefs::kPasswordManagerSavingEnabled,
    592                      new base::FundamentalValue(false));
    593   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_));
    594   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(),
    595               GetLogins(_, testing::Eq(PasswordStore::DISALLOW_PROMPT), _))
    596       .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    597   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    598   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    599   observed.push_back(form);
    600   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    601 }
    603 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSavedWithAutocompleteOff) {
    604   // Test password form with non-generated password will be saved even if
    605   // autocomplete=off.
    606   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    607   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    608   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    609       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    610   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    611   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    612   form.password_autocomplete_set = false;
    613   observed.push_back(form);
    614   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    615   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    617   // And the form submit contract is to call ProvisionallySavePassword.
    618   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    620   // Password form should be saved.
    621   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save;
    622   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_)).Times(Exactly(1))
    623       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&form_to_save)));
    624   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(form))).Times(Exactly(0));
    626   // Now the password manager waits for the navigation to complete.
    627   observed.clear();
    628   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The post-navigation load.
    629   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    630                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    632   ASSERT_TRUE(form_to_save.get());
    633 }
    635 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, GeneratedPasswordFormSavedAutocompleteOff) {
    636   // Test password form with generated password will still be saved if
    637   // autocomplete=off.
    638   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    639   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    640   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    641       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    642   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    643   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    644   form.password_autocomplete_set = false;
    645   observed.push_back(form);
    646   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    647   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    649   // Simulate the user generating the password and submitting the form.
    650   manager()->SetFormHasGeneratedPassword(form);
    651   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    653   // The user should not be presented with an infobar as they have already given
    654   // consent by using the generated password. The form should be saved once
    655   // navigation occurs. The client will be informed that automatic saving has
    656   // occured.
    657   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    658   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(form)));
    659   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> saved_form_manager;
    660   EXPECT_CALL(client_, AutomaticPasswordSavePtr(_)).Times(Exactly(1))
    661       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&saved_form_manager)));
    663   // Now the password manager waits for the navigation to complete.
    664   observed.clear();
    665   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The post-navigation load.
    666   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    667                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    668 }
    670 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, SubmissionCallbackTest) {
    671   manager()->AddSubmissionCallback(SubmissionCallback());
    672   PasswordForm form = MakeSimpleForm();
    673   OnPasswordFormSubmitted(form);
    674   EXPECT_TRUE(FormsAreEqual(form, submitted_form_));
    675 }
    677 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, PasswordFormReappearance) {
    678   // Test the heuristic to know if a password form reappears.
    679   // We assume that if we send our credentials and there
    680   // is at least one visible password form in the next page that
    681   // means that our previous login attempt failed.
    682   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    683   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(0);
    684   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    685       .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    686   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    687   PasswordForm login_form(MakeTwitterLoginForm());
    688   observed.push_back(login_form);
    689   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    690   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    692   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(login_form);
    694   PasswordForm failed_login_form(MakeTwitterFailedLoginForm());
    695   observed.clear();
    696   observed.push_back(failed_login_form);
    697   // A PasswordForm appears, and is visible in the layout:
    698   // No expected calls to the PasswordStore...
    699   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    700   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    701 }
    703 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, SavingNotEnabledOnSSLErrors) {
    704   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, DidLastPageLoadEncounterSSLErrors())
    705       .WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
    706   EXPECT_FALSE(manager()->IsSavingEnabledForCurrentPage());
    707 }
    709 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, AutofillingNotEnabledOnSSLErrors) {
    710   // Test that in the presence of SSL errors, the password manager does not
    711   // attempt to autofill forms found on a website.
    712   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, DidLastPageLoadEncounterSSLErrors())
    713       .WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
    715   // Let us pretend some forms were found on a website.
    716   std::vector<PasswordForm> forms;
    717   forms.push_back(MakeSimpleForm());
    719   // Feed those forms to |manager()| and check that it does not try to find
    720   // matching saved credentials for the forms.
    721   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _)).Times(Exactly(0));
    722   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(forms);
    723 }
    725 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, SavingDisabledIfManagerDisabled) {
    726   EXPECT_CALL(client_, IsPasswordManagerEnabledForCurrentPage())
    727       .WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
    728   EXPECT_FALSE(manager()->IsSavingEnabledForCurrentPage());
    729 }
    731 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, AutofillingDisabledIfManagerDisabled) {
    732   EXPECT_CALL(client_, IsPasswordManagerEnabledForCurrentPage())
    733       .WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
    735   // Let us pretend some forms were found on a website.
    736   std::vector<PasswordForm> forms;
    737   forms.push_back(MakeSimpleForm());
    739   // Feed those forms to |manager()| and check that it does not try to find
    740   // matching saved credentials for the forms.
    741   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _)).Times(Exactly(0));
    742   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(forms);
    743 }
    745 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, SyncCredentialsNotSaved) {
    746   EXPECT_CALL(client_, IsSyncAccountCredential(_, _))
    747       .WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
    749   // Simulate loading a simple form with no existing stored password.
    750   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    751   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    752   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    753       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    754   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    755   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    756   form.password_autocomplete_set = false;
    757   observed.push_back(form);
    758   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);  // The initial load.
    759   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    761   // User should not be prompted and password should not be saved.
    762   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    763   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(form))).Times(Exactly(0));
    765   // Submit form and finish navigation.
    766   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    767   observed.clear();
    768   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    769   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    770 }
    772 // On failed login attempts, the retry-form can have action scheme changed from
    773 // HTTP to HTTPS (see http://crbug.com/400769). Check that such retry-form is
    774 // considered equal to the original login form, and the attempt recognised as a
    775 // failure.
    776 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest,
    777        SeeingFormActionWithOnlyHttpHttpsChangeIsLoginFailure) {
    778   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    779   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    780   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    781       .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    783   PasswordForm first_form(MakeSimpleForm());
    784   first_form.origin = GURL("http://www.xda-developers.com/");
    785   first_form.action = GURL("http://forum.xda-developers.com/login.php");
    787   // |second_form|'s action differs only with it's scheme i.e. *https://*.
    788   PasswordForm second_form(first_form);
    789   second_form.action = GURL("https://forum.xda-developers.com/login.php");
    791   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    792   observed.push_back(first_form);
    793   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    794   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    795   observed.clear();
    797   // Now submit the |first_form|.
    798   OnPasswordFormSubmitted(first_form);
    800   // Simulate loading a page, which contains |second_form| instead of
    801   // |first_form|.
    802   observed.push_back(second_form);
    804   // Verify that no prompt to save the password is shown.
    805   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    806   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);
    807   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);
    808   observed.clear();
    809 }
    811 // Create a form with a new_password_element. Submit the form with the empty
    812 // new password value. It shouldn't overwrite the existing password.
    813 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, DoNotUpdateWithEmptyPassword) {
    814   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    815   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    816       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    817   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    818   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleForm());
    819   form.new_password_element = ASCIIToUTF16("new_password_element");
    820   form.new_password_value.clear();
    821   observed.push_back(form);
    822   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The initial load.
    823   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    825   // And the form submit contract is to call ProvisionallySavePassword.
    826   OnPasswordFormSubmitted(form);
    828   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save;
    829   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_)).Times(0);
    831   // Now the password manager waits for the login to complete successfully.
    832   observed.clear();
    833   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);    // The post-navigation load.
    834   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    835                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    836 }
    838 TEST_F(PasswordManagerTest, FormSubmitWithOnlyPassowrdField) {
    839   // Test to verify that on submitting the HTML password form without having
    840   // username input filed shows password save promt and saves the password to
    841   // store.
    842   std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;  // Empty password store.
    843   EXPECT_CALL(driver_, FillPasswordForm(_)).Times(Exactly(0));
    844   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), GetLogins(_, _, _))
    845       .WillOnce(DoAll(WithArg<2>(InvokeConsumer(result)), Return()));
    846   std::vector<PasswordForm> observed;
    848   // Loads passsword form without username input field.
    849   PasswordForm form(MakeSimpleFormWithOnlyPasswordField());
    850   observed.push_back(form);
    851   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);          // The initial load.
    852   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed, true);  // The initial layout.
    854   // And the form submit contract is to call ProvisionallySavePassword.
    855   manager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(form);
    857   scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save;
    858   EXPECT_CALL(client_, PromptUserToSavePasswordPtr(_))
    859       .WillOnce(WithArg<0>(SaveToScopedPtr(&form_to_save)));
    861   // Now the password manager waits for the navigation to complete.
    862   observed.clear();
    863   manager()->OnPasswordFormsParsed(observed);  // The post-navigation load.
    864   manager()->OnPasswordFormsRendered(observed,
    865                                      true);  // The post-navigation layout.
    867   ASSERT_TRUE(form_to_save.get());
    868   EXPECT_CALL(*store_.get(), AddLogin(FormMatches(form)));
    870   // Simulate saving the form, as if the info bar was accepted.
    871   form_to_save->Save();
    872 }
    874 }  // namespace password_manager