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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.contacts.common.model;
     19 import android.content.ContentValues;
     20 import android.content.Context;
     21 import android.database.Cursor;
     22 import android.net.Uri;
     23 import android.os.Bundle;
     24 import android.provider.ContactsContract;
     25 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.BaseTypes;
     26 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email;
     27 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Event;
     28 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership;
     29 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Im;
     30 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Nickname;
     31 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Note;
     32 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization;
     33 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone;
     34 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo;
     35 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Relation;
     36 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.SipAddress;
     37 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName;
     38 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal;
     39 import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Website;
     40 import android.provider.ContactsContract.Data;
     41 import android.provider.ContactsContract.Intents;
     42 import android.provider.ContactsContract.Intents.Insert;
     43 import android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts;
     44 import android.text.TextUtils;
     45 import android.util.Log;
     46 import android.util.SparseArray;
     47 import android.util.SparseIntArray;
     49 import com.android.contacts.common.ContactsUtils;
     50 import com.android.contacts.common.model.AccountTypeManager;
     51 import com.android.contacts.common.model.ValuesDelta;
     52 import com.android.contacts.common.util.CommonDateUtils;
     53 import com.android.contacts.common.util.DateUtils;
     54 import com.android.contacts.common.util.NameConverter;
     55 import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountType;
     56 import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountType.EditField;
     57 import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountType.EditType;
     58 import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountType.EventEditType;
     59 import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.GoogleAccountType;
     60 import com.android.contacts.common.model.dataitem.DataKind;
     61 import com.android.contacts.common.model.dataitem.PhoneDataItem;
     62 import com.android.contacts.common.model.dataitem.StructuredNameDataItem;
     64 import java.text.ParsePosition;
     65 import java.util.ArrayList;
     66 import java.util.Arrays;
     67 import java.util.Calendar;
     68 import java.util.Date;
     69 import java.util.HashSet;
     70 import java.util.Iterator;
     71 import java.util.List;
     72 import java.util.Locale;
     73 import java.util.Set;
     75 /**
     76  * Helper methods for modifying an {@link RawContactDelta}, such as inserting
     77  * new rows, or enforcing {@link AccountType}.
     78  */
     79 public class RawContactModifier {
     80     private static final String TAG = RawContactModifier.class.getSimpleName();
     82     /** Set to true in order to view logs on entity operations */
     83     private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
     85     /**
     86      * For the given {@link RawContactDelta}, determine if the given
     87      * {@link DataKind} could be inserted under specific
     88      * {@link AccountType}.
     89      */
     90     public static boolean canInsert(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind) {
     91         // Insert possible when have valid types and under overall maximum
     92         final int visibleCount = state.getMimeEntriesCount(kind.mimeType, true);
     93         final boolean validTypes = hasValidTypes(state, kind);
     94         final boolean validOverall = (kind.typeOverallMax == -1)
     95                 || (visibleCount < kind.typeOverallMax);
     96         return (validTypes && validOverall);
     97     }
     99     public static boolean hasValidTypes(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind) {
    100         if (RawContactModifier.hasEditTypes(kind)) {
    101             return (getValidTypes(state, kind).size() > 0);
    102         } else {
    103             return true;
    104         }
    105     }
    107     /**
    108      * Ensure that at least one of the given {@link DataKind} exists in the
    109      * given {@link RawContactDelta} state, and try creating one if none exist.
    110      * @return The child (either newly created or the first existing one), or null if the
    111      *     account doesn't support this {@link DataKind}.
    112      */
    113     public static ValuesDelta ensureKindExists(
    114             RawContactDelta state, AccountType accountType, String mimeType) {
    115         final DataKind kind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(mimeType);
    116         final boolean hasChild = state.getMimeEntriesCount(mimeType, true) > 0;
    118         if (kind != null) {
    119             if (hasChild) {
    120                 // Return the first entry.
    121                 return state.getMimeEntries(mimeType).get(0);
    122             } else {
    123                 // Create child when none exists and valid kind
    124                 final ValuesDelta child = insertChild(state, kind);
    125                 if (kind.mimeType.equals(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE)) {
    126                     child.setFromTemplate(true);
    127                 }
    128                 return child;
    129             }
    130         }
    131         return null;
    132     }
    134     /**
    135      * For the given {@link RawContactDelta} and {@link DataKind}, return the
    136      * list possible {@link EditType} options available based on
    137      * {@link AccountType}.
    138      */
    139     public static ArrayList<EditType> getValidTypes(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind) {
    140         return getValidTypes(state, kind, null, true, null);
    141     }
    143     /**
    144      * For the given {@link RawContactDelta} and {@link DataKind}, return the
    145      * list possible {@link EditType} options available based on
    146      * {@link AccountType}.
    147      *
    148      * @param forceInclude Always include this {@link EditType} in the returned
    149      *            list, even when an otherwise-invalid choice. This is useful
    150      *            when showing a dialog that includes the current type.
    151      */
    152     public static ArrayList<EditType> getValidTypes(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind,
    153             EditType forceInclude) {
    154         return getValidTypes(state, kind, forceInclude, true, null);
    155     }
    157     /**
    158      * For the given {@link RawContactDelta} and {@link DataKind}, return the
    159      * list possible {@link EditType} options available based on
    160      * {@link AccountType}.
    161      *
    162      * @param forceInclude Always include this {@link EditType} in the returned
    163      *            list, even when an otherwise-invalid choice. This is useful
    164      *            when showing a dialog that includes the current type.
    165      * @param includeSecondary If true, include any valid types marked as
    166      *            {@link EditType#secondary}.
    167      * @param typeCount When provided, will be used for the frequency count of
    168      *            each {@link EditType}, otherwise built using
    169      *            {@link #getTypeFrequencies(RawContactDelta, DataKind)}.
    170      */
    171     private static ArrayList<EditType> getValidTypes(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind,
    172             EditType forceInclude, boolean includeSecondary, SparseIntArray typeCount) {
    173         final ArrayList<EditType> validTypes = new ArrayList<EditType>();
    175         // Bail early if no types provided
    176         if (!hasEditTypes(kind)) return validTypes;
    178         if (typeCount == null) {
    179             // Build frequency counts if not provided
    180             typeCount = getTypeFrequencies(state, kind);
    181         }
    183         // Build list of valid types
    184         final int overallCount = typeCount.get(FREQUENCY_TOTAL);
    185         for (EditType type : kind.typeList) {
    186             final boolean validOverall = (kind.typeOverallMax == -1 ? true
    187                     : overallCount < kind.typeOverallMax);
    188             final boolean validSpecific = (type.specificMax == -1 ? true : typeCount
    189                     .get(type.rawValue) < type.specificMax);
    190             final boolean validSecondary = (includeSecondary ? true : !type.secondary);
    191             final boolean forcedInclude = type.equals(forceInclude);
    192             if (forcedInclude || (validOverall && validSpecific && validSecondary)) {
    193                 // Type is valid when no limit, under limit, or forced include
    194                 validTypes.add(type);
    195             }
    196         }
    198         return validTypes;
    199     }
    201     private static final int FREQUENCY_TOTAL = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    203     /**
    204      * Count up the frequency that each {@link EditType} appears in the given
    205      * {@link RawContactDelta}. The returned {@link SparseIntArray} maps from
    206      * {@link EditType#rawValue} to counts, with the total overall count stored
    207      * as {@link #FREQUENCY_TOTAL}.
    208      */
    209     private static SparseIntArray getTypeFrequencies(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind) {
    210         final SparseIntArray typeCount = new SparseIntArray();
    212         // Find all entries for this kind, bailing early if none found
    213         final List<ValuesDelta> mimeEntries = state.getMimeEntries(kind.mimeType);
    214         if (mimeEntries == null) return typeCount;
    216         int totalCount = 0;
    217         for (ValuesDelta entry : mimeEntries) {
    218             // Only count visible entries
    219             if (!entry.isVisible()) continue;
    220             totalCount++;
    222             final EditType type = getCurrentType(entry, kind);
    223             if (type != null) {
    224                 final int count = typeCount.get(type.rawValue);
    225                 typeCount.put(type.rawValue, count + 1);
    226             }
    227         }
    228         typeCount.put(FREQUENCY_TOTAL, totalCount);
    229         return typeCount;
    230     }
    232     /**
    233      * Check if the given {@link DataKind} has multiple types that should be
    234      * displayed for users to pick.
    235      */
    236     public static boolean hasEditTypes(DataKind kind) {
    237         return kind.typeList != null && kind.typeList.size() > 0;
    238     }
    240     /**
    241      * Find the {@link EditType} that describes the given
    242      * {@link ValuesDelta} row, assuming the given {@link DataKind} dictates
    243      * the possible types.
    244      */
    245     public static EditType getCurrentType(ValuesDelta entry, DataKind kind) {
    246         final Long rawValue = entry.getAsLong(kind.typeColumn);
    247         if (rawValue == null) return null;
    248         return getType(kind, rawValue.intValue());
    249     }
    251     /**
    252      * Find the {@link EditType} that describes the given {@link ContentValues} row,
    253      * assuming the given {@link DataKind} dictates the possible types.
    254      */
    255     public static EditType getCurrentType(ContentValues entry, DataKind kind) {
    256         if (kind.typeColumn == null) return null;
    257         final Integer rawValue = entry.getAsInteger(kind.typeColumn);
    258         if (rawValue == null) return null;
    259         return getType(kind, rawValue);
    260     }
    262     /**
    263      * Find the {@link EditType} that describes the given {@link Cursor} row,
    264      * assuming the given {@link DataKind} dictates the possible types.
    265      */
    266     public static EditType getCurrentType(Cursor cursor, DataKind kind) {
    267         if (kind.typeColumn == null) return null;
    268         final int index = cursor.getColumnIndex(kind.typeColumn);
    269         if (index == -1) return null;
    270         final int rawValue = cursor.getInt(index);
    271         return getType(kind, rawValue);
    272     }
    274     /**
    275      * Find the {@link EditType} with the given {@link EditType#rawValue}.
    276      */
    277     public static EditType getType(DataKind kind, int rawValue) {
    278         for (EditType type : kind.typeList) {
    279             if (type.rawValue == rawValue) {
    280                 return type;
    281             }
    282         }
    283         return null;
    284     }
    286     /**
    287      * Return the precedence for the the given {@link EditType#rawValue}, where
    288      * lower numbers are higher precedence.
    289      */
    290     public static int getTypePrecedence(DataKind kind, int rawValue) {
    291         for (int i = 0; i < kind.typeList.size(); i++) {
    292             final EditType type = kind.typeList.get(i);
    293             if (type.rawValue == rawValue) {
    294                 return i;
    295             }
    296         }
    297         return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    298     }
    300     /**
    301      * Find the best {@link EditType} for a potential insert. The "best" is the
    302      * first primary type that doesn't already exist. When all valid types
    303      * exist, we pick the last valid option.
    304      */
    305     public static EditType getBestValidType(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind,
    306             boolean includeSecondary, int exactValue) {
    307         // Shortcut when no types
    308         if (kind == null || kind.typeColumn == null) return null;
    310         // Find type counts and valid primary types, bail if none
    311         final SparseIntArray typeCount = getTypeFrequencies(state, kind);
    312         final ArrayList<EditType> validTypes = getValidTypes(state, kind, null, includeSecondary,
    313                 typeCount);
    314         if (validTypes.size() == 0) return null;
    316         // Keep track of the last valid type
    317         final EditType lastType = validTypes.get(validTypes.size() - 1);
    319         // Remove any types that already exist
    320         Iterator<EditType> iterator = validTypes.iterator();
    321         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    322             final EditType type = iterator.next();
    323             final int count = typeCount.get(type.rawValue);
    325             if (exactValue == type.rawValue) {
    326                 // Found exact value match
    327                 return type;
    328             }
    330             if (count > 0) {
    331                 // Type already appears, so don't consider
    332                 iterator.remove();
    333             }
    334         }
    336         // Use the best remaining, otherwise the last valid
    337         if (validTypes.size() > 0) {
    338             return validTypes.get(0);
    339         } else {
    340             return lastType;
    341         }
    342     }
    344     /**
    345      * Insert a new child of kind {@link DataKind} into the given
    346      * {@link RawContactDelta}. Tries using the best {@link EditType} found using
    347      * {@link #getBestValidType(RawContactDelta, DataKind, boolean, int)}.
    348      */
    349     public static ValuesDelta insertChild(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind) {
    350         // Bail early if invalid kind
    351         if (kind == null) return null;
    352         // First try finding a valid primary
    353         EditType bestType = getBestValidType(state, kind, false, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
    354         if (bestType == null) {
    355             // No valid primary found, so expand search to secondary
    356             bestType = getBestValidType(state, kind, true, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
    357         }
    358         return insertChild(state, kind, bestType);
    359     }
    361     /**
    362      * Insert a new child of kind {@link DataKind} into the given
    363      * {@link RawContactDelta}, marked with the given {@link EditType}.
    364      */
    365     public static ValuesDelta insertChild(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind, EditType type) {
    366         // Bail early if invalid kind
    367         if (kind == null) return null;
    368         final ContentValues after = new ContentValues();
    370         // Our parent CONTACT_ID is provided later
    371         after.put(Data.MIMETYPE, kind.mimeType);
    373         // Fill-in with any requested default values
    374         if (kind.defaultValues != null) {
    375             after.putAll(kind.defaultValues);
    376         }
    378         if (kind.typeColumn != null && type != null) {
    379             // Set type, if provided
    380             after.put(kind.typeColumn, type.rawValue);
    381         }
    383         final ValuesDelta child = ValuesDelta.fromAfter(after);
    384         state.addEntry(child);
    385         return child;
    386     }
    388     /**
    389      * Processing to trim any empty {@link ValuesDelta} and {@link RawContactDelta}
    390      * from the given {@link RawContactDeltaList}, assuming the given {@link AccountTypeManager}
    391      * dictates the structure for various fields. This method ignores rows not
    392      * described by the {@link AccountType}.
    393      */
    394     public static void trimEmpty(RawContactDeltaList set, AccountTypeManager accountTypes) {
    395         for (RawContactDelta state : set) {
    396             ValuesDelta values = state.getValues();
    397             final String accountType = values.getAsString(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE);
    398             final String dataSet = values.getAsString(RawContacts.DATA_SET);
    399             final AccountType type = accountTypes.getAccountType(accountType, dataSet);
    400             trimEmpty(state, type);
    401         }
    402     }
    404     public static boolean hasChanges(RawContactDeltaList set, AccountTypeManager accountTypes) {
    405         if (set.isMarkedForSplitting() || set.isMarkedForJoining()) {
    406             return true;
    407         }
    409         for (RawContactDelta state : set) {
    410             ValuesDelta values = state.getValues();
    411             final String accountType = values.getAsString(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE);
    412             final String dataSet = values.getAsString(RawContacts.DATA_SET);
    413             final AccountType type = accountTypes.getAccountType(accountType, dataSet);
    414             if (hasChanges(state, type)) {
    415                 return true;
    416             }
    417         }
    418         return false;
    419     }
    421     /**
    422      * Processing to trim any empty {@link ValuesDelta} rows from the given
    423      * {@link RawContactDelta}, assuming the given {@link AccountType} dictates
    424      * the structure for various fields. This method ignores rows not described
    425      * by the {@link AccountType}.
    426      */
    427     public static void trimEmpty(RawContactDelta state, AccountType accountType) {
    428         boolean hasValues = false;
    430         // Walk through entries for each well-known kind
    431         for (DataKind kind : accountType.getSortedDataKinds()) {
    432             final String mimeType = kind.mimeType;
    433             final ArrayList<ValuesDelta> entries = state.getMimeEntries(mimeType);
    434             if (entries == null) continue;
    436             for (ValuesDelta entry : entries) {
    437                 // Skip any values that haven't been touched
    438                 final boolean touched = entry.isInsert() || entry.isUpdate();
    439                 if (!touched) {
    440                     hasValues = true;
    441                     continue;
    442                 }
    444                 // Test and remove this row if empty and it isn't a photo from google
    445                 final boolean isGoogleAccount = TextUtils.equals(GoogleAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE,
    446                         state.getValues().getAsString(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE));
    447                 final boolean isPhoto = TextUtils.equals(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, kind.mimeType);
    448                 final boolean isGooglePhoto = isPhoto && isGoogleAccount;
    450                 if (RawContactModifier.isEmpty(entry, kind) && !isGooglePhoto) {
    451                     if (DEBUG) {
    452                         Log.v(TAG, "Trimming: " + entry.toString());
    453                     }
    454                     entry.markDeleted();
    455                 } else if (!entry.isFromTemplate()) {
    456                     hasValues = true;
    457                 }
    458             }
    459         }
    460         if (!hasValues) {
    461             // Trim overall entity if no children exist
    462             state.markDeleted();
    463         }
    464     }
    466     private static boolean hasChanges(RawContactDelta state, AccountType accountType) {
    467         for (DataKind kind : accountType.getSortedDataKinds()) {
    468             final String mimeType = kind.mimeType;
    469             final ArrayList<ValuesDelta> entries = state.getMimeEntries(mimeType);
    470             if (entries == null) continue;
    472             for (ValuesDelta entry : entries) {
    473                 // An empty Insert must be ignored, because it won't save anything (an example
    474                 // is an empty name that stays empty)
    475                 final boolean isRealInsert = entry.isInsert() && !isEmpty(entry, kind);
    476                 if (isRealInsert || entry.isUpdate() || entry.isDelete()) {
    477                     return true;
    478                 }
    479             }
    480         }
    481         return false;
    482     }
    484     /**
    485      * Test if the given {@link ValuesDelta} would be considered "empty" in
    486      * terms of {@link DataKind#fieldList}.
    487      */
    488     public static boolean isEmpty(ValuesDelta values, DataKind kind) {
    489         if (Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(kind.mimeType)) {
    490             return values.isInsert() && values.getAsByteArray(Photo.PHOTO) == null;
    491         }
    493         // No defined fields mean this row is always empty
    494         if (kind.fieldList == null) return true;
    496         for (EditField field : kind.fieldList) {
    497             // If any field has values, we're not empty
    498             final String value = values.getAsString(field.column);
    499             if (ContactsUtils.isGraphic(value)) {
    500                 return false;
    501             }
    502         }
    504         return true;
    505     }
    507     /**
    508      * Compares corresponding fields in values1 and values2. Only the fields
    509      * declared by the DataKind are taken into consideration.
    510      */
    511     protected static boolean areEqual(ValuesDelta values1, ContentValues values2, DataKind kind) {
    512         if (kind.fieldList == null) return false;
    514         for (EditField field : kind.fieldList) {
    515             final String value1 = values1.getAsString(field.column);
    516             final String value2 = values2.getAsString(field.column);
    517             if (!TextUtils.equals(value1, value2)) {
    518                 return false;
    519             }
    520         }
    522         return true;
    523     }
    525     /**
    526      * Parse the given {@link Bundle} into the given {@link RawContactDelta} state,
    527      * assuming the extras defined through {@link Intents}.
    528      */
    529     public static void parseExtras(Context context, AccountType accountType, RawContactDelta state,
    530             Bundle extras) {
    531         if (extras == null || extras.size() == 0) {
    532             // Bail early if no useful data
    533             return;
    534         }
    536         parseStructuredNameExtra(context, accountType, state, extras);
    537         parseStructuredPostalExtra(accountType, state, extras);
    539         {
    540             // Phone
    541             final DataKind kind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
    542             parseExtras(state, kind, extras, Insert.PHONE_TYPE, Insert.PHONE, Phone.NUMBER);
    543             parseExtras(state, kind, extras, Insert.SECONDARY_PHONE_TYPE, Insert.SECONDARY_PHONE,
    544                     Phone.NUMBER);
    545             parseExtras(state, kind, extras, Insert.TERTIARY_PHONE_TYPE, Insert.TERTIARY_PHONE,
    546                     Phone.NUMBER);
    547         }
    549         {
    550             // Email
    551             final DataKind kind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
    552             parseExtras(state, kind, extras, Insert.EMAIL_TYPE, Insert.EMAIL, Email.DATA);
    553             parseExtras(state, kind, extras, Insert.SECONDARY_EMAIL_TYPE, Insert.SECONDARY_EMAIL,
    554                     Email.DATA);
    555             parseExtras(state, kind, extras, Insert.TERTIARY_EMAIL_TYPE, Insert.TERTIARY_EMAIL,
    556                     Email.DATA);
    557         }
    559         {
    560             // Im
    561             final DataKind kind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Im.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
    562             fixupLegacyImType(extras);
    563             parseExtras(state, kind, extras, Insert.IM_PROTOCOL, Insert.IM_HANDLE, Im.DATA);
    564         }
    566         // Organization
    567         final boolean hasOrg = extras.containsKey(Insert.COMPANY)
    568                 || extras.containsKey(Insert.JOB_TITLE);
    569         final DataKind kindOrg = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Organization.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
    570         if (hasOrg && RawContactModifier.canInsert(state, kindOrg)) {
    571             final ValuesDelta child = RawContactModifier.insertChild(state, kindOrg);
    573             final String company = extras.getString(Insert.COMPANY);
    574             if (ContactsUtils.isGraphic(company)) {
    575                 child.put(Organization.COMPANY, company);
    576             }
    578             final String title = extras.getString(Insert.JOB_TITLE);
    579             if (ContactsUtils.isGraphic(title)) {
    580                 child.put(Organization.TITLE, title);
    581             }
    582         }
    584         // Notes
    585         final boolean hasNotes = extras.containsKey(Insert.NOTES);
    586         final DataKind kindNotes = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Note.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
    587         if (hasNotes && RawContactModifier.canInsert(state, kindNotes)) {
    588             final ValuesDelta child = RawContactModifier.insertChild(state, kindNotes);
    590             final String notes = extras.getString(Insert.NOTES);
    591             if (ContactsUtils.isGraphic(notes)) {
    592                 child.put(Note.NOTE, notes);
    593             }
    594         }
    596         // Arbitrary additional data
    597         ArrayList<ContentValues> values = extras.getParcelableArrayList(Insert.DATA);
    598         if (values != null) {
    599             parseValues(state, accountType, values);
    600         }
    601     }
    603     private static void parseStructuredNameExtra(
    604             Context context, AccountType accountType, RawContactDelta state, Bundle extras) {
    605         // StructuredName
    606         RawContactModifier.ensureKindExists(state, accountType, StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
    607         final ValuesDelta child = state.getPrimaryEntry(StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
    609         final String name = extras.getString(Insert.NAME);
    610         if (ContactsUtils.isGraphic(name)) {
    611             final DataKind kind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
    612             boolean supportsDisplayName = false;
    613             if (kind.fieldList != null) {
    614                 for (EditField field : kind.fieldList) {
    615                     if (StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME.equals(field.column)) {
    616                         supportsDisplayName = true;
    617                         break;
    618                     }
    619                 }
    620             }
    622             if (supportsDisplayName) {
    623                 child.put(StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME, name);
    624             } else {
    625                 Uri uri = ContactsContract.AUTHORITY_URI.buildUpon()
    626                         .appendPath("complete_name")
    627                         .appendQueryParameter(StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME, name)
    628                         .build();
    629                 Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri,
    630                         new String[]{
    631                                 StructuredName.PREFIX,
    632                                 StructuredName.GIVEN_NAME,
    633                                 StructuredName.MIDDLE_NAME,
    634                                 StructuredName.FAMILY_NAME,
    635                                 StructuredName.SUFFIX,
    636                         }, null, null, null);
    638                 if (cursor != null) {
    639                     try {
    640                         if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
    641                             child.put(StructuredName.PREFIX, cursor.getString(0));
    642                             child.put(StructuredName.GIVEN_NAME, cursor.getString(1));
    643                             child.put(StructuredName.MIDDLE_NAME, cursor.getString(2));
    644                             child.put(StructuredName.FAMILY_NAME, cursor.getString(3));
    645                             child.put(StructuredName.SUFFIX, cursor.getString(4));
    646                         }
    647                     } finally {
    648                         cursor.close();
    649                     }
    650                 }
    651             }
    652         }
    654         final String phoneticName = extras.getString(Insert.PHONETIC_NAME);
    655         if (ContactsUtils.isGraphic(phoneticName)) {
    656             child.put(StructuredName.PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME, phoneticName);
    657         }
    658     }
    660     private static void parseStructuredPostalExtra(
    661             AccountType accountType, RawContactDelta state, Bundle extras) {
    662         // StructuredPostal
    663         final DataKind kind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(StructuredPostal.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
    664         final ValuesDelta child = parseExtras(state, kind, extras, Insert.POSTAL_TYPE,
    665                 Insert.POSTAL, StructuredPostal.FORMATTED_ADDRESS);
    666         String address = child == null ? null
    667                 : child.getAsString(StructuredPostal.FORMATTED_ADDRESS);
    668         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(address)) {
    669             boolean supportsFormatted = false;
    670             if (kind.fieldList != null) {
    671                 for (EditField field : kind.fieldList) {
    672                     if (StructuredPostal.FORMATTED_ADDRESS.equals(field.column)) {
    673                         supportsFormatted = true;
    674                         break;
    675                     }
    676                 }
    677             }
    679             if (!supportsFormatted) {
    680                 child.put(StructuredPostal.STREET, address);
    681                 child.putNull(StructuredPostal.FORMATTED_ADDRESS);
    682             }
    683         }
    684     }
    686     private static void parseValues(
    687             RawContactDelta state, AccountType accountType,
    688             ArrayList<ContentValues> dataValueList) {
    689         for (ContentValues values : dataValueList) {
    690             String mimeType = values.getAsString(Data.MIMETYPE);
    691             if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mimeType)) {
    692                 Log.e(TAG, "Mimetype is required. Ignoring: " + values);
    693                 continue;
    694             }
    696             // Won't override the contact name
    697             if (StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) {
    698                 continue;
    699             } else if (Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) {
    700                 values.remove(PhoneDataItem.KEY_FORMATTED_PHONE_NUMBER);
    701                 final Integer type = values.getAsInteger(Phone.TYPE);
    702                 // If the provided phone number provides a custom phone type but not a label,
    703                 // replace it with mobile (by default) to avoid the "Enter custom label" from
    704                 // popping up immediately upon entering the ContactEditorFragment
    705                 if (type != null && type == Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM &&
    706                         TextUtils.isEmpty(values.getAsString(Phone.LABEL))) {
    707                     values.put(Phone.TYPE, Phone.TYPE_MOBILE);
    708                 }
    709             }
    711             DataKind kind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(mimeType);
    712             if (kind == null) {
    713                 Log.e(TAG, "Mimetype not supported for account type "
    714                         + accountType.getAccountTypeAndDataSet() + ". Ignoring: " + values);
    715                 continue;
    716             }
    718             ValuesDelta entry = ValuesDelta.fromAfter(values);
    719             if (isEmpty(entry, kind)) {
    720                 continue;
    721             }
    723             ArrayList<ValuesDelta> entries = state.getMimeEntries(mimeType);
    725             if ((kind.typeOverallMax != 1) || GroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) {
    726                 // Check for duplicates
    727                 boolean addEntry = true;
    728                 int count = 0;
    729                 if (entries != null && entries.size() > 0) {
    730                     for (ValuesDelta delta : entries) {
    731                         if (!delta.isDelete()) {
    732                             if (areEqual(delta, values, kind)) {
    733                                 addEntry = false;
    734                                 break;
    735                             }
    736                             count++;
    737                         }
    738                     }
    739                 }
    741                 if (kind.typeOverallMax != -1 && count >= kind.typeOverallMax) {
    742                     Log.e(TAG, "Mimetype allows at most " + kind.typeOverallMax
    743                             + " entries. Ignoring: " + values);
    744                     addEntry = false;
    745                 }
    747                 if (addEntry) {
    748                     addEntry = adjustType(entry, entries, kind);
    749                 }
    751                 if (addEntry) {
    752                     state.addEntry(entry);
    753                 }
    754             } else {
    755                 // Non-list entries should not be overridden
    756                 boolean addEntry = true;
    757                 if (entries != null && entries.size() > 0) {
    758                     for (ValuesDelta delta : entries) {
    759                         if (!delta.isDelete() && !isEmpty(delta, kind)) {
    760                             addEntry = false;
    761                             break;
    762                         }
    763                     }
    764                     if (addEntry) {
    765                         for (ValuesDelta delta : entries) {
    766                             delta.markDeleted();
    767                         }
    768                     }
    769                 }
    771                 if (addEntry) {
    772                     addEntry = adjustType(entry, entries, kind);
    773                 }
    775                 if (addEntry) {
    776                     state.addEntry(entry);
    777                 } else if (Note.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)){
    778                     // Note is most likely to contain large amounts of text
    779                     // that we don't want to drop on the ground.
    780                     for (ValuesDelta delta : entries) {
    781                         if (!isEmpty(delta, kind)) {
    782                             delta.put(Note.NOTE, delta.getAsString(Note.NOTE) + "\n"
    783                                     + values.getAsString(Note.NOTE));
    784                             break;
    785                         }
    786                     }
    787                 } else {
    788                     Log.e(TAG, "Will not override mimetype " + mimeType + ". Ignoring: "
    789                             + values);
    790                 }
    791             }
    792         }
    793     }
    795     /**
    796      * Checks if the data kind allows addition of another entry (e.g. Exchange only
    797      * supports two "work" phone numbers).  If not, tries to switch to one of the
    798      * unused types.  If successful, returns true.
    799      */
    800     private static boolean adjustType(
    801             ValuesDelta entry, ArrayList<ValuesDelta> entries, DataKind kind) {
    802         if (kind.typeColumn == null || kind.typeList == null || kind.typeList.size() == 0) {
    803             return true;
    804         }
    806         Integer typeInteger = entry.getAsInteger(kind.typeColumn);
    807         int type = typeInteger != null ? typeInteger : kind.typeList.get(0).rawValue;
    809         if (isTypeAllowed(type, entries, kind)) {
    810             entry.put(kind.typeColumn, type);
    811             return true;
    812         }
    814         // Specified type is not allowed - choose the first available type that is allowed
    815         int size = kind.typeList.size();
    816         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    817             EditType editType = kind.typeList.get(i);
    818             if (isTypeAllowed(editType.rawValue, entries, kind)) {
    819                 entry.put(kind.typeColumn, editType.rawValue);
    820                 return true;
    821             }
    822         }
    824         return false;
    825     }
    827     /**
    828      * Checks if a new entry of the specified type can be added to the raw
    829      * contact. For example, Exchange only supports two "work" phone numbers, so
    830      * addition of a third would not be allowed.
    831      */
    832     private static boolean isTypeAllowed(int type, ArrayList<ValuesDelta> entries, DataKind kind) {
    833         int max = 0;
    834         int size = kind.typeList.size();
    835         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    836             EditType editType = kind.typeList.get(i);
    837             if (editType.rawValue == type) {
    838                 max = editType.specificMax;
    839                 break;
    840             }
    841         }
    843         if (max == 0) {
    844             // This type is not allowed at all
    845             return false;
    846         }
    848         if (max == -1) {
    849             // Unlimited instances of this type are allowed
    850             return true;
    851         }
    853         return getEntryCountByType(entries, kind.typeColumn, type) < max;
    854     }
    856     /**
    857      * Counts occurrences of the specified type in the supplied entry list.
    858      *
    859      * @return The count of occurrences of the type in the entry list. 0 if entries is
    860      * {@literal null}
    861      */
    862     private static int getEntryCountByType(ArrayList<ValuesDelta> entries, String typeColumn,
    863             int type) {
    864         int count = 0;
    865         if (entries != null) {
    866             for (ValuesDelta entry : entries) {
    867                 Integer typeInteger = entry.getAsInteger(typeColumn);
    868                 if (typeInteger != null && typeInteger == type) {
    869                     count++;
    870                 }
    871             }
    872         }
    873         return count;
    874     }
    876     /**
    877      * Attempt to parse legacy {@link Insert#IM_PROTOCOL} values, replacing them
    878      * with updated values.
    879      */
    880     @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
    881     private static void fixupLegacyImType(Bundle bundle) {
    882         final String encodedString = bundle.getString(Insert.IM_PROTOCOL);
    883         if (encodedString == null) return;
    885         try {
    886             final Object protocol = android.provider.Contacts.ContactMethods
    887                     .decodeImProtocol(encodedString);
    888             if (protocol instanceof Integer) {
    889                 bundle.putInt(Insert.IM_PROTOCOL, (Integer)protocol);
    890             } else {
    891                 bundle.putString(Insert.IM_PROTOCOL, (String)protocol);
    892             }
    893         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    894             // Ignore exception when legacy parser fails
    895         }
    896     }
    898     /**
    899      * Parse a specific entry from the given {@link Bundle} and insert into the
    900      * given {@link RawContactDelta}. Silently skips the insert when missing value
    901      * or no valid {@link EditType} found.
    902      *
    903      * @param typeExtra {@link Bundle} key that holds the incoming
    904      *            {@link EditType#rawValue} value.
    905      * @param valueExtra {@link Bundle} key that holds the incoming value.
    906      * @param valueColumn Column to write value into {@link ValuesDelta}.
    907      */
    908     public static ValuesDelta parseExtras(RawContactDelta state, DataKind kind, Bundle extras,
    909             String typeExtra, String valueExtra, String valueColumn) {
    910         final CharSequence value = extras.getCharSequence(valueExtra);
    912         // Bail early if account type doesn't handle this MIME type
    913         if (kind == null) return null;
    915         // Bail when can't insert type, or value missing
    916         final boolean canInsert = RawContactModifier.canInsert(state, kind);
    917         final boolean validValue = (value != null && TextUtils.isGraphic(value));
    918         if (!validValue || !canInsert) return null;
    920         // Find exact type when requested, otherwise best available type
    921         final boolean hasType = extras.containsKey(typeExtra);
    922         final int typeValue = extras.getInt(typeExtra, hasType ? BaseTypes.TYPE_CUSTOM
    923                 : Integer.MIN_VALUE);
    924         final EditType editType = RawContactModifier.getBestValidType(state, kind, true, typeValue);
    926         // Create data row and fill with value
    927         final ValuesDelta child = RawContactModifier.insertChild(state, kind, editType);
    928         child.put(valueColumn, value.toString());
    930         if (editType != null && editType.customColumn != null) {
    931             // Write down label when custom type picked
    932             final String customType = extras.getString(typeExtra);
    933             child.put(editType.customColumn, customType);
    934         }
    936         return child;
    937     }
    939     /**
    940      * Generic mime types with type support (e.g. TYPE_HOME).
    941      * Here, "type support" means if the data kind has CommonColumns#TYPE or not. Data kinds which
    942      * have their own migrate methods aren't listed here.
    943      */
    944     private static final Set<String> sGenericMimeTypesWithTypeSupport = new HashSet<String>(
    945             Arrays.asList(Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,
    946                     Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,
    947                     Im.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,
    948                     Nickname.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,
    949                     Website.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,
    950                     Relation.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,
    951                     SipAddress.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE));
    952     private static final Set<String> sGenericMimeTypesWithoutTypeSupport = new HashSet<String>(
    953             Arrays.asList(Organization.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,
    954                     Note.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,
    955                     Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,
    956                     GroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE));
    957     // CommonColumns.TYPE cannot be accessed as it is protected interface, so use
    958     // Phone.TYPE instead.
    959     private static final String COLUMN_FOR_TYPE  = Phone.TYPE;
    960     private static final String COLUMN_FOR_LABEL  = Phone.LABEL;
    961     private static final int TYPE_CUSTOM = Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM;
    963     /**
    964      * Migrates old RawContactDelta to newly created one with a new restriction supplied from
    965      * newAccountType.
    966      *
    967      * This is only for account switch during account creation (which must be insert operation).
    968      */
    969     public static void migrateStateForNewContact(Context context,
    970             RawContactDelta oldState, RawContactDelta newState,
    971             AccountType oldAccountType, AccountType newAccountType) {
    972         if (newAccountType == oldAccountType) {
    973             // Just copying all data in oldState isn't enough, but we can still rely on a lot of
    974             // shortcuts.
    975             for (DataKind kind : newAccountType.getSortedDataKinds()) {
    976                 final String mimeType = kind.mimeType;
    977                 // The fields with short/long form capability must be treated properly.
    978                 if (StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) {
    979                     migrateStructuredName(context, oldState, newState, kind);
    980                 } else {
    981                     List<ValuesDelta> entryList = oldState.getMimeEntries(mimeType);
    982                     if (entryList != null && !entryList.isEmpty()) {
    983                         for (ValuesDelta entry : entryList) {
    984                             ContentValues values = entry.getAfter();
    985                             if (values != null) {
    986                                 newState.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(values));
    987                             }
    988                         }
    989                     }
    990                 }
    991             }
    992         } else {
    993             // Migrate data supported by the new account type.
    994             // All the other data inside oldState are silently dropped.
    995             for (DataKind kind : newAccountType.getSortedDataKinds()) {
    996                 if (!kind.editable) continue;
    997                 final String mimeType = kind.mimeType;
    998                 if (DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME.equals(mimeType)
    999                         || DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_PHONETIC_NAME.equals(mimeType)) {
   1000                     // Ignore pseudo data.
   1001                     continue;
   1002                 } else if (StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) {
   1003                     migrateStructuredName(context, oldState, newState, kind);
   1004                 } else if (StructuredPostal.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) {
   1005                     migratePostal(oldState, newState, kind);
   1006                 } else if (Event.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) {
   1007                     migrateEvent(oldState, newState, kind, null /* default Year */);
   1008                 } else if (sGenericMimeTypesWithoutTypeSupport.contains(mimeType)) {
   1009                     migrateGenericWithoutTypeColumn(oldState, newState, kind);
   1010                 } else if (sGenericMimeTypesWithTypeSupport.contains(mimeType)) {
   1011                     migrateGenericWithTypeColumn(oldState, newState, kind);
   1012                 } else {
   1013                     throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected editable mime-type: " + mimeType);
   1014                 }
   1015             }
   1016         }
   1017     }
   1019     /**
   1020      * Checks {@link DataKind#isList} and {@link DataKind#typeOverallMax}, and restricts
   1021      * the number of entries (ValuesDelta) inside newState.
   1022      */
   1023     private static ArrayList<ValuesDelta> ensureEntryMaxSize(RawContactDelta newState,
   1024             DataKind kind, ArrayList<ValuesDelta> mimeEntries) {
   1025         if (mimeEntries == null) {
   1026             return null;
   1027         }
   1029         final int typeOverallMax = kind.typeOverallMax;
   1030         if (typeOverallMax >= 0 && (mimeEntries.size() > typeOverallMax)) {
   1031             ArrayList<ValuesDelta> newMimeEntries = new ArrayList<ValuesDelta>(typeOverallMax);
   1032             for (int i = 0; i < typeOverallMax; i++) {
   1033                 newMimeEntries.add(mimeEntries.get(i));
   1034             }
   1035             mimeEntries = newMimeEntries;
   1036         }
   1037         return mimeEntries;
   1038     }
   1040     /** @hide Public only for testing. */
   1041     public static void migrateStructuredName(
   1042             Context context, RawContactDelta oldState, RawContactDelta newState,
   1043             DataKind newDataKind) {
   1044         final ContentValues values =
   1045                 oldState.getPrimaryEntry(StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE).getAfter();
   1046         if (values == null) {
   1047             return;
   1048         }
   1050         boolean supportDisplayName = false;
   1051         boolean supportPhoneticFullName = false;
   1052         boolean supportPhoneticFamilyName = false;
   1053         boolean supportPhoneticMiddleName = false;
   1054         boolean supportPhoneticGivenName = false;
   1055         for (EditField editField : newDataKind.fieldList) {
   1056             if (StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME.equals(editField.column)) {
   1057                 supportDisplayName = true;
   1058             }
   1059             if (DataKind.PSEUDO_COLUMN_PHONETIC_NAME.equals(editField.column)) {
   1060                 supportPhoneticFullName = true;
   1061             }
   1062             if (StructuredName.PHONETIC_FAMILY_NAME.equals(editField.column)) {
   1063                 supportPhoneticFamilyName = true;
   1064             }
   1065             if (StructuredName.PHONETIC_MIDDLE_NAME.equals(editField.column)) {
   1066                 supportPhoneticMiddleName = true;
   1067             }
   1068             if (StructuredName.PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME.equals(editField.column)) {
   1069                 supportPhoneticGivenName = true;
   1070             }
   1071         }
   1074         final String displayName = values.getAsString(StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME);
   1075         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(displayName)) {
   1076             if (!supportDisplayName) {
   1077                 // Old data has a display name, while the new account doesn't allow it.
   1078                 NameConverter.displayNameToStructuredName(context, displayName, values);
   1080                 // We don't want to migrate unseen data which may confuse users after the creation.
   1081                 values.remove(StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME);
   1082             }
   1083         } else {
   1084             if (supportDisplayName) {
   1085                 // Old data does not have display name, while the new account requires it.
   1086                 values.put(StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME,
   1087                         NameConverter.structuredNameToDisplayName(context, values));
   1088                 for (String field : NameConverter.STRUCTURED_NAME_FIELDS) {
   1089                     values.remove(field);
   1090                 }
   1091             }
   1092         }
   1095         final String phoneticFullName = values.getAsString(DataKind.PSEUDO_COLUMN_PHONETIC_NAME);
   1096         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(phoneticFullName)) {
   1097             if (!supportPhoneticFullName) {
   1098                 // Old data has a phonetic (full) name, while the new account doesn't allow it.
   1099                 final StructuredNameDataItem tmpItem =
   1100                         NameConverter.parsePhoneticName(phoneticFullName, null);
   1101                 values.remove(DataKind.PSEUDO_COLUMN_PHONETIC_NAME);
   1102                 if (supportPhoneticFamilyName) {
   1103                     values.put(StructuredName.PHONETIC_FAMILY_NAME,
   1104                             tmpItem.getPhoneticFamilyName());
   1105                 } else {
   1106                     values.remove(StructuredName.PHONETIC_FAMILY_NAME);
   1107                 }
   1108                 if (supportPhoneticMiddleName) {
   1109                     values.put(StructuredName.PHONETIC_MIDDLE_NAME,
   1110                             tmpItem.getPhoneticMiddleName());
   1111                 } else {
   1112                     values.remove(StructuredName.PHONETIC_MIDDLE_NAME);
   1113                 }
   1114                 if (supportPhoneticGivenName) {
   1115                     values.put(StructuredName.PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME,
   1116                             tmpItem.getPhoneticGivenName());
   1117                 } else {
   1118                     values.remove(StructuredName.PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME);
   1119                 }
   1120             }
   1121         } else {
   1122             if (supportPhoneticFullName) {
   1123                 // Old data does not have a phonetic (full) name, while the new account requires it.
   1124                 values.put(DataKind.PSEUDO_COLUMN_PHONETIC_NAME,
   1125                         NameConverter.buildPhoneticName(
   1126                                 values.getAsString(StructuredName.PHONETIC_FAMILY_NAME),
   1127                                 values.getAsString(StructuredName.PHONETIC_MIDDLE_NAME),
   1128                                 values.getAsString(StructuredName.PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME)));
   1129             }
   1130             if (!supportPhoneticFamilyName) {
   1131                 values.remove(StructuredName.PHONETIC_FAMILY_NAME);
   1132             }
   1133             if (!supportPhoneticMiddleName) {
   1134                 values.remove(StructuredName.PHONETIC_MIDDLE_NAME);
   1135             }
   1136             if (!supportPhoneticGivenName) {
   1137                 values.remove(StructuredName.PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME);
   1138             }
   1139         }
   1141         newState.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(values));
   1142     }
   1144     /** @hide Public only for testing. */
   1145     public static void migratePostal(RawContactDelta oldState, RawContactDelta newState,
   1146             DataKind newDataKind) {
   1147         final ArrayList<ValuesDelta> mimeEntries = ensureEntryMaxSize(newState, newDataKind,
   1148                 oldState.getMimeEntries(StructuredPostal.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE));
   1149         if (mimeEntries == null || mimeEntries.isEmpty()) {
   1150             return;
   1151         }
   1153         boolean supportFormattedAddress = false;
   1154         boolean supportStreet = false;
   1155         final String firstColumn = newDataKind.fieldList.get(0).column;
   1156         for (EditField editField : newDataKind.fieldList) {
   1157             if (StructuredPostal.FORMATTED_ADDRESS.equals(editField.column)) {
   1158                 supportFormattedAddress = true;
   1159             }
   1160             if (StructuredPostal.STREET.equals(editField.column)) {
   1161                 supportStreet = true;
   1162             }
   1163         }
   1165         final Set<Integer> supportedTypes = new HashSet<Integer>();
   1166         if (newDataKind.typeList != null && !newDataKind.typeList.isEmpty()) {
   1167             for (EditType editType : newDataKind.typeList) {
   1168                 supportedTypes.add(editType.rawValue);
   1169             }
   1170         }
   1172         for (ValuesDelta entry : mimeEntries) {
   1173             final ContentValues values = entry.getAfter();
   1174             if (values == null) {
   1175                 continue;
   1176             }
   1177             final Integer oldType = values.getAsInteger(StructuredPostal.TYPE);
   1178             if (!supportedTypes.contains(oldType)) {
   1179                 int defaultType;
   1180                 if (newDataKind.defaultValues != null) {
   1181                     defaultType = newDataKind.defaultValues.getAsInteger(StructuredPostal.TYPE);
   1182                 } else {
   1183                     defaultType = newDataKind.typeList.get(0).rawValue;
   1184                 }
   1185                 values.put(StructuredPostal.TYPE, defaultType);
   1186                 if (oldType != null && oldType == StructuredPostal.TYPE_CUSTOM) {
   1187                     values.remove(StructuredPostal.LABEL);
   1188                 }
   1189             }
   1191             final String formattedAddress = values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.FORMATTED_ADDRESS);
   1192             if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(formattedAddress)) {
   1193                 if (!supportFormattedAddress) {
   1194                     // Old data has a formatted address, while the new account doesn't allow it.
   1195                     values.remove(StructuredPostal.FORMATTED_ADDRESS);
   1197                     // Unlike StructuredName we don't have logic to split it, so first
   1198                     // try to use street field and. If the new account doesn't have one,
   1199                     // then select first one anyway.
   1200                     if (supportStreet) {
   1201                         values.put(StructuredPostal.STREET, formattedAddress);
   1202                     } else {
   1203                         values.put(firstColumn, formattedAddress);
   1204                     }
   1205                 }
   1206             } else {
   1207                 if (supportFormattedAddress) {
   1208                     // Old data does not have formatted address, while the new account requires it.
   1209                     // Unlike StructuredName we don't have logic to join multiple address values.
   1210                     // Use poor join heuristics for now.
   1211                     String[] structuredData;
   1212                     final boolean useJapaneseOrder =
   1213                             Locale.JAPANESE.getLanguage().equals(Locale.getDefault().getLanguage());
   1214                     if (useJapaneseOrder) {
   1215                         structuredData = new String[] {
   1216                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.COUNTRY),
   1217                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.POSTCODE),
   1218                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.REGION),
   1219                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.CITY),
   1220                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.NEIGHBORHOOD),
   1221                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.STREET),
   1222                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.POBOX) };
   1223                     } else {
   1224                         structuredData = new String[] {
   1225                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.POBOX),
   1226                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.STREET),
   1227                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.NEIGHBORHOOD),
   1228                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.CITY),
   1229                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.REGION),
   1230                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.POSTCODE),
   1231                                 values.getAsString(StructuredPostal.COUNTRY) };
   1232                     }
   1233                     final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
   1234                     for (String elem : structuredData) {
   1235                         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(elem)) {
   1236                             builder.append(elem + "\n");
   1237                         }
   1238                     }
   1239                     values.put(StructuredPostal.FORMATTED_ADDRESS, builder.toString());
   1241                     values.remove(StructuredPostal.POBOX);
   1242                     values.remove(StructuredPostal.STREET);
   1243                     values.remove(StructuredPostal.NEIGHBORHOOD);
   1244                     values.remove(StructuredPostal.CITY);
   1245                     values.remove(StructuredPostal.REGION);
   1246                     values.remove(StructuredPostal.POSTCODE);
   1247                     values.remove(StructuredPostal.COUNTRY);
   1248                 }
   1249             }
   1251             newState.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(values));
   1252         }
   1253     }
   1255     /** @hide Public only for testing. */
   1256     public static void migrateEvent(RawContactDelta oldState, RawContactDelta newState,
   1257             DataKind newDataKind, Integer defaultYear) {
   1258         final ArrayList<ValuesDelta> mimeEntries = ensureEntryMaxSize(newState, newDataKind,
   1259                 oldState.getMimeEntries(Event.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE));
   1260         if (mimeEntries == null || mimeEntries.isEmpty()) {
   1261             return;
   1262         }
   1264         final SparseArray<EventEditType> allowedTypes = new SparseArray<EventEditType>();
   1265         for (EditType editType : newDataKind.typeList) {
   1266             allowedTypes.put(editType.rawValue, (EventEditType) editType);
   1267         }
   1268         for (ValuesDelta entry : mimeEntries) {
   1269             final ContentValues values = entry.getAfter();
   1270             if (values == null) {
   1271                 continue;
   1272             }
   1273             final String dateString = values.getAsString(Event.START_DATE);
   1274             final Integer type = values.getAsInteger(Event.TYPE);
   1275             if (type != null && (allowedTypes.indexOfKey(type) >= 0)
   1276                     && !TextUtils.isEmpty(dateString)) {
   1277                 EventEditType suitableType = allowedTypes.get(type);
   1279                 final ParsePosition position = new ParsePosition(0);
   1280                 boolean yearOptional = false;
   1281                 Date date = CommonDateUtils.DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT.parse(dateString, position);
   1282                 if (date == null) {
   1283                     yearOptional = true;
   1284                     date = CommonDateUtils.NO_YEAR_DATE_FORMAT.parse(dateString, position);
   1285                 }
   1286                 if (date != null) {
   1287                     if (yearOptional && !suitableType.isYearOptional()) {
   1288                         // The new EditType doesn't allow optional year. Supply default.
   1289                         final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(DateUtils.UTC_TIMEZONE,
   1290                                 Locale.US);
   1291                         if (defaultYear == null) {
   1292                             defaultYear = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
   1293                         }
   1294                         calendar.setTime(date);
   1295                         final int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
   1296                         final int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
   1297                         // Exchange requires 8:00 for birthdays
   1298                         calendar.set(defaultYear, month, day,
   1299                                 CommonDateUtils.DEFAULT_HOUR, 0, 0);
   1300                         values.put(Event.START_DATE,
   1301                                 CommonDateUtils.FULL_DATE_FORMAT.format(calendar.getTime()));
   1302                     }
   1303                 }
   1304                 newState.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(values));
   1305             } else {
   1306                 // Just drop it.
   1307             }
   1308         }
   1309     }
   1311     /** @hide Public only for testing. */
   1312     public static void migrateGenericWithoutTypeColumn(
   1313             RawContactDelta oldState, RawContactDelta newState, DataKind newDataKind) {
   1314         final ArrayList<ValuesDelta> mimeEntries = ensureEntryMaxSize(newState, newDataKind,
   1315                 oldState.getMimeEntries(newDataKind.mimeType));
   1316         if (mimeEntries == null || mimeEntries.isEmpty()) {
   1317             return;
   1318         }
   1320         for (ValuesDelta entry : mimeEntries) {
   1321             ContentValues values = entry.getAfter();
   1322             if (values != null) {
   1323                 newState.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(values));
   1324             }
   1325         }
   1326     }
   1328     /** @hide Public only for testing. */
   1329     public static void migrateGenericWithTypeColumn(
   1330             RawContactDelta oldState, RawContactDelta newState, DataKind newDataKind) {
   1331         final ArrayList<ValuesDelta> mimeEntries = oldState.getMimeEntries(newDataKind.mimeType);
   1332         if (mimeEntries == null || mimeEntries.isEmpty()) {
   1333             return;
   1334         }
   1336         // Note that type specified with the old account may be invalid with the new account, while
   1337         // we want to preserve its data as much as possible. e.g. if a user typed a phone number
   1338         // with a type which is valid with an old account but not with a new account, the user
   1339         // probably wants to have the number with default type, rather than seeing complete data
   1340         // loss.
   1341         //
   1342         // Specifically, this method works as follows:
   1343         // 1. detect defaultType
   1344         // 2. prepare constants & variables for iteration
   1345         // 3. iterate over mimeEntries:
   1346         // 3.1 stop iteration if total number of mimeEntries reached typeOverallMax specified in
   1347         //     DataKind
   1348         // 3.2 replace unallowed types with defaultType
   1349         // 3.3 check if the number of entries is below specificMax specified in AccountType
   1351         // Here, defaultType can be supplied in two ways
   1352         // - via kind.defaultValues
   1353         // - via kind.typeList.get(0).rawValue
   1354         Integer defaultType = null;
   1355         if (newDataKind.defaultValues != null) {
   1356             defaultType = newDataKind.defaultValues.getAsInteger(COLUMN_FOR_TYPE);
   1357         }
   1358         final Set<Integer> allowedTypes = new HashSet<Integer>();
   1359         // key: type, value: the number of entries allowed for the type (specificMax)
   1360         final SparseIntArray typeSpecificMaxMap = new SparseIntArray();
   1361         if (defaultType != null) {
   1362             allowedTypes.add(defaultType);
   1363             typeSpecificMaxMap.put(defaultType, -1);
   1364         }
   1365         // Note: typeList may be used in different purposes when defaultValues are specified.
   1366         // Especially in IM, typeList contains available protocols (e.g. PROTOCOL_GOOGLE_TALK)
   1367         // instead of "types" which we want to treate here (e.g. TYPE_HOME). So we don't add
   1368         // anything other than defaultType into allowedTypes and typeSpecificMapMax.
   1369         if (!Im.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(newDataKind.mimeType) &&
   1370                 newDataKind.typeList != null && !newDataKind.typeList.isEmpty()) {
   1371             for (EditType editType : newDataKind.typeList) {
   1372                 allowedTypes.add(editType.rawValue);
   1373                 typeSpecificMaxMap.put(editType.rawValue, editType.specificMax);
   1374             }
   1375             if (defaultType == null) {
   1376                 defaultType = newDataKind.typeList.get(0).rawValue;
   1377             }
   1378         }
   1380         if (defaultType == null) {
   1381             Log.w(TAG, "Default type isn't available for mimetype " + newDataKind.mimeType);
   1382         }
   1384         final int typeOverallMax = newDataKind.typeOverallMax;
   1386         // key: type, value: the number of current entries.
   1387         final SparseIntArray currentEntryCount = new SparseIntArray();
   1388         int totalCount = 0;
   1390         for (ValuesDelta entry : mimeEntries) {
   1391             if (typeOverallMax != -1 && totalCount >= typeOverallMax) {
   1392                 break;
   1393             }
   1395             final ContentValues values = entry.getAfter();
   1396             if (values == null) {
   1397                 continue;
   1398             }
   1400             final Integer oldType = entry.getAsInteger(COLUMN_FOR_TYPE);
   1401             final Integer typeForNewAccount;
   1402             if (!allowedTypes.contains(oldType)) {
   1403                 // The new account doesn't support the type.
   1404                 if (defaultType != null) {
   1405                     typeForNewAccount = defaultType.intValue();
   1406                     values.put(COLUMN_FOR_TYPE, defaultType.intValue());
   1407                     if (oldType != null && oldType == TYPE_CUSTOM) {
   1408                         values.remove(COLUMN_FOR_LABEL);
   1409                     }
   1410                 } else {
   1411                     typeForNewAccount = null;
   1412                     values.remove(COLUMN_FOR_TYPE);
   1413                 }
   1414             } else {
   1415                 typeForNewAccount = oldType;
   1416             }
   1417             if (typeForNewAccount != null) {
   1418                 final int specificMax = typeSpecificMaxMap.get(typeForNewAccount, 0);
   1419                 if (specificMax >= 0) {
   1420                     final int currentCount = currentEntryCount.get(typeForNewAccount, 0);
   1421                     if (currentCount >= specificMax) {
   1422                         continue;
   1423                     }
   1424                     currentEntryCount.put(typeForNewAccount, currentCount + 1);
   1425                 }
   1426             }
   1427             newState.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(values));
   1428             totalCount++;
   1429         }
   1430     }
   1431 }