1 #!/usr/bin/env bash 2 3 ############################################################################## 4 ## 5 ## GitHub Upate script for Android Samples 6 ## 7 ############################################################################## 8 9 ##replace with auth token for google-automerger GitHub account 10 TOKEN=herpderp 11 12 ##make temporary dir to pull code into - delete at end. 13 mkdir github-temp 14 cd github-temp 15 16 ##iterate through samples 17 for i in $(ls ../prebuilts/gradle); 18 19 20 ##for testing 21 #foo="ActionBarCompat-Basic" 22 #foo="ActionBarCompat-Basic herpderp" 23 #foo="ActionBarCompat-Basic ActionBarCompat-ListPopupMenu" 24 #foo="MediaBrowserService MessagingService" 25 #for i in $foo; 26 27 do 28 echo " 29 $i" 30 31 URL=https://github.com/googlesamples/android-$i 32 33 result=$(curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "$URL") 34 #echo "$result $URL" 35 36 ##checking to see if the repo exists 37 if [ "$result" != "200" ]; then 38 echo "Cannot access repo for $i, it may not exist yet" 39 else 40 echo "Updating repo for $i" 41 42 git clone $URL.git 43 ##check to make sure it worked and the folder is there 44 if [ -d "android-$i" ]; then 45 rsync -az --delete --exclude '*.git' ../prebuilts/gradle/$i/ ./android-$i/ 46 47 cd ./android-$i/ 48 49 git config user.name "google-automerger" 50 git config user.email automerger@google.com 51 52 git add . 53 git status 54 git commit -m "Auto-update" 55 56 git remote set-url origin "https://$TOKEN@github.com/googlesamples/android-$i.git" 57 git push origin master 58 59 cd .. 60 else 61 "Something went wrong when cloning $i - result directory does not exist." 62 fi 63 64 fi 65 done 66 67 ##cleanup 68 cd .. 69 rm -rf ./github-temp 70