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      1 <p>
      2     This sample is the test application for the <a href="../Alarm/index.html">Alarm</a>
      3     sample application. It tests the application's <code>AlarmService</code> service.
      4 </p>
      5 <p>
      6     The test application uses the
      7     <a href="../../../reference/android/test/ServiceTestCase.html">
      8     <code>ServiceTestCase</code></a>  test case class,
      9     which extends the JUnit <a href="../../../reference/junit/framework/TestCase.html">
     10     <code>TestCase</code></a> class. The test runner is
     11     <a href="../../../reference/android/test/InstrumentationTestRunner.html">
     12     <code>InstrumentationTestRunner</code></a>.
     13 </p>
     14 <p>
     15     The application shows how to set up a test application project,
     16     how to create the <a href="AndroidManifest.html"><code>AndroidManifest.xml</code></a>
     17     file for a test application, and how to set up a test case class for a service. The
     18     test case class, <a href="src/com/android/example/newalarm/ServiceAlarmTest.html">
     19     <code>AlarmServiceTest</code></a>, contains tests that demonstrate the following
     20     Android test patterns:
     21 </p>
     22     <ul>
     23         <li>
     24             Test setup: The <code>setUp()</code> method re-initializes the state of the
     25             service under test before each test is run.
     26         </li>
     27         <li>
     28             Service start: The <code>Service.testServiceCreate()</code> test confirms that the
     29             service starts correctly and initializes the variables it needs to provide its
     30             services.
     31         </li>
     32     </ul>
     33 <p>
     34     The <a href="AndroidManifest.html">manifest</a> declares an <code>&lt;instrumentation&gt;</code>
     35     element that links the test application with the application under test. Specifically, the
     36     element's <code>android:name</code> attribute specifies <code>InstrumentationTestRunner</code>
     37     as the instrumentation to use. The <code>android:targetPackage</code> attribute specifies
     38     <code>com.android.example.newalarm</code> as the name of the Android package that contains the
     39     service under test.
     40 </p>
     41 <p class="note">
     42     <strong>Note:</strong> <code>AlarmServiceTest.java</code> uses the Java package name
     43     <code>com.example.android.newalarm</code>, which is the same package used by service under
     44     test, <code>AlarmService.java</code>. This allows the test class to access members in the
     45     service under test that are defined with package visibility. To prevent conflicts, though,
     46     the generated java file <code>R.java</code> for <code>AlarmServiceTest</code> uses the
     47     Java package name <code>com.example.android.newalarm.test</code>. For the same reason, the
     48     Android package name for the test application (specified in the manifest file), is
     49     <code>com.example.android.newalarm.test</code>.
     50 </p>