Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in renderer_host
      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/chrome_resource_dispatcher_host_delegate.h"
      7 #include <string>
      8 #include <vector>
     10 #include "base/base64.h"
     11 #include "base/guid.h"
     12 #include "base/logging.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
     14 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
     15 #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/component_updater_resource_throttle.h"
     16 #include "chrome/browser/content_settings/host_content_settings_map.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/download/download_request_limiter.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/download/download_resource_throttle.h"
     19 #include "chrome/browser/net/resource_prefetch_predictor_observer.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/prefetch/prefetch.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_manager.h"
     22 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_manager_factory.h"
     23 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_pending_swap_throttle.h"
     24 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_resource_throttle.h"
     25 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_tracker.h"
     26 #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_util.h"
     27 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     28 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_io_data.h"
     29 #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/safe_browsing_resource_throttle_factory.h"
     30 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_service.h"
     31 #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_header_helper.h"
     32 #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_util.h"
     33 #include "chrome/browser/ui/login/login_prompt.h"
     34 #include "chrome/browser/ui/sync/one_click_signin_helper.h"
     35 #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h"
     36 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
     37 #include "components/google/core/browser/google_util.h"
     38 #include "components/variations/variations_http_header_provider.h"
     39 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
     40 #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
     41 #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
     42 #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
     43 #include "content/public/browser/resource_context.h"
     44 #include "content/public/browser/resource_dispatcher_host.h"
     45 #include "content/public/browser/resource_request_info.h"
     46 #include "content/public/browser/stream_handle.h"
     47 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
     48 #include "content/public/common/resource_response.h"
     49 #include "net/base/load_flags.h"
     50 #include "net/base/load_timing_info.h"
     51 #include "net/base/request_priority.h"
     52 #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
     53 #include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
     55 #if !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
     56 #include "chrome/browser/component_updater/pnacl/pnacl_component_installer.h"
     57 #endif
     60 #include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/policy_header_io_helper.h"
     61 #endif
     63 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
     64 #include "chrome/browser/apps/app_url_redirector.h"
     65 #include "chrome/browser/apps/ephemeral_app_throttle.h"
     66 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/streams_private/streams_private_api.h"
     67 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/user_script_listener.h"
     68 #include "chrome/common/extensions/manifest_handlers/mime_types_handler.h"
     69 #include "extensions/browser/guest_view/web_view/web_view_renderer_state.h"
     70 #include "extensions/browser/info_map.h"
     71 #include "extensions/common/constants.h"
     72 #include "extensions/common/extension_urls.h"
     73 #include "extensions/common/user_script.h"
     74 #endif
     76 #if defined(ENABLE_MANAGED_USERS)
     77 #include "chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_user_resource_throttle.h"
     78 #endif
     80 #if defined(USE_SYSTEM_PROTOBUF)
     81 #include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
     82 #else
     83 #include "third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h"
     84 #endif
     86 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
     87 #include "chrome/browser/android/intercept_download_resource_throttle.h"
     88 #include "chrome/browser/ui/android/infobars/auto_login_prompter.h"
     89 #include "components/navigation_interception/intercept_navigation_delegate.h"
     90 #endif
     92 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
     93 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/signin/merge_session_throttle.h"
     94 // TODO(oshima): Enable this for other platforms.
     95 #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/offline_resource_throttle.h"
     96 #endif
     98 using content::BrowserThread;
     99 using content::RenderViewHost;
    100 using content::ResourceDispatcherHostLoginDelegate;
    101 using content::ResourceRequestInfo;
    102 using content::ResourceType;
    104 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    105 using extensions::Extension;
    106 using extensions::StreamsPrivateAPI;
    107 #endif
    109 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    110 using navigation_interception::InterceptNavigationDelegate;
    111 #endif
    113 namespace {
    115 ExternalProtocolHandler::Delegate* g_external_protocol_handler_delegate = NULL;
    117 void NotifyDownloadInitiatedOnUI(int render_process_id, int render_view_id) {
    118   RenderViewHost* rvh = RenderViewHost::FromID(render_process_id,
    119                                                render_view_id);
    120   if (!rvh)
    121     return;
    123   content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
    125       content::Source<RenderViewHost>(rvh),
    126       content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
    127 }
    129 prerender::PrerenderManager* GetPrerenderManager(int render_process_id,
    130                                                  int render_view_id) {
    131   DCHECK(content::BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(content::BrowserThread::UI));
    133   content::WebContents* web_contents =
    134       tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_id, render_view_id);
    135   if (!web_contents)
    136     return NULL;
    138   content::BrowserContext* browser_context = web_contents->GetBrowserContext();
    139   if (!browser_context)
    140     return NULL;
    142   Profile* profile = Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context);
    143   if (!profile)
    144     return NULL;
    146   return prerender::PrerenderManagerFactory::GetForProfile(profile);
    147 }
    149 void UpdatePrerenderNetworkBytesCallback(int render_process_id,
    150                                          int render_view_id,
    151                                          int64 bytes) {
    152   DCHECK(content::BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(content::BrowserThread::UI));
    154   content::WebContents* web_contents =
    155       tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_id, render_view_id);
    156   // PrerenderContents::FromWebContents handles the NULL case.
    157   prerender::PrerenderContents* prerender_contents =
    158       prerender::PrerenderContents::FromWebContents(web_contents);
    160   if (prerender_contents)
    161     prerender_contents->AddNetworkBytes(bytes);
    163   prerender::PrerenderManager* prerender_manager =
    164       GetPrerenderManager(render_process_id, render_view_id);
    165   if (prerender_manager)
    166     prerender_manager->AddProfileNetworkBytesIfEnabled(bytes);
    167 }
    169 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    170 void SendExecuteMimeTypeHandlerEvent(scoped_ptr<content::StreamHandle> stream,
    171                                      int64 expected_content_size,
    172                                      int render_process_id,
    173                                      int render_view_id,
    174                                      const std::string& extension_id,
    175                                      const std::string& view_id) {
    176   DCHECK(content::BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(content::BrowserThread::UI));
    178   content::WebContents* web_contents =
    179       tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_id, render_view_id);
    180   if (!web_contents)
    181     return;
    183   // If the request was for a prerender, abort the prerender and do not
    184   // continue.
    185   prerender::PrerenderContents* prerender_contents =
    186       prerender::PrerenderContents::FromWebContents(web_contents);
    187   if (prerender_contents) {
    188     prerender_contents->Destroy(prerender::FINAL_STATUS_DOWNLOAD);
    189     return;
    190   }
    192   Profile* profile =
    193       Profile::FromBrowserContext(web_contents->GetBrowserContext());
    195   StreamsPrivateAPI* streams_private = StreamsPrivateAPI::Get(profile);
    196   if (!streams_private)
    197     return;
    198   streams_private->ExecuteMimeTypeHandler(
    199       extension_id, web_contents, stream.Pass(), view_id,
    200       expected_content_size);
    201 }
    202 #endif  // !defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    204 #if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
    205 void LaunchURL(const GURL& url, int render_process_id, int render_view_id) {
    206   // If there is no longer a WebContents, the request may have raced with tab
    207   // closing. Don't fire the external request. (It may have been a prerender.)
    208   content::WebContents* web_contents =
    209       tab_util::GetWebContentsByID(render_process_id, render_view_id);
    210   if (!web_contents)
    211     return;
    213   // Do not launch external requests attached to unswapped prerenders.
    214   prerender::PrerenderContents* prerender_contents =
    215       prerender::PrerenderContents::FromWebContents(web_contents);
    216   if (prerender_contents) {
    217     prerender_contents->Destroy(prerender::FINAL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME);
    218     prerender::ReportPrerenderExternalURL();
    219     return;
    220   }
    222   ExternalProtocolHandler::LaunchUrlWithDelegate(
    223       url,
    224       render_process_id,
    225       render_view_id,
    226       g_external_protocol_handler_delegate);
    227 }
    228 #endif  // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
    230 #if !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
    231 void AppendComponentUpdaterThrottles(
    232     net::URLRequest* request,
    233     content::ResourceContext* resource_context,
    234     ResourceType resource_type,
    235     ScopedVector<content::ResourceThrottle>* throttles) {
    236   const char* crx_id = NULL;
    237   component_updater::ComponentUpdateService* cus =
    238       g_browser_process->component_updater();
    239   if (!cus)
    240     return;
    241   // Check for PNaCl pexe request.
    242   if (resource_type == content::RESOURCE_TYPE_OBJECT) {
    243     const net::HttpRequestHeaders& headers = request->extra_request_headers();
    244     std::string accept_headers;
    245     if (headers.GetHeader("Accept", &accept_headers)) {
    246       if (accept_headers.find("application/x-pnacl") != std::string::npos &&
    247           pnacl::NeedsOnDemandUpdate())
    248         crx_id = "hnimpnehoodheedghdeeijklkeaacbdc";
    249     }
    250   }
    252   if (crx_id) {
    253     // We got a component we need to install, so throttle the resource
    254     // until the component is installed.
    255     throttles->push_back(
    256         component_updater::GetOnDemandResourceThrottle(cus, crx_id));
    257   }
    258 }
    259 #endif  // !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
    261 }  // namespace
    263 ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate(
    264     prerender::PrerenderTracker* prerender_tracker)
    265     : download_request_limiter_(g_browser_process->download_request_limiter()),
    266       safe_browsing_(g_browser_process->safe_browsing_service()),
    267 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    268       user_script_listener_(new extensions::UserScriptListener()),
    269 #endif
    270       prerender_tracker_(prerender_tracker) {
    271 }
    273 ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::~ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate() {
    274 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    275   CHECK(stream_target_info_.empty());
    276 #endif
    277 }
    279 bool ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::ShouldBeginRequest(
    280     const std::string& method,
    281     const GURL& url,
    282     ResourceType resource_type,
    283     content::ResourceContext* resource_context) {
    284   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    286   // Handle a PREFETCH resource type. If prefetch is disabled, squelch the
    287   // request.  Otherwise, do a normal request to warm the cache.
    288   if (resource_type == content::RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFETCH) {
    289     // All PREFETCH requests should be GETs, but be defensive about it.
    290     if (method != "GET")
    291       return false;
    293     // If prefetch is disabled, kill the request.
    294     if (!prefetch::IsPrefetchEnabled(resource_context))
    295       return false;
    296   }
    298   return true;
    299 }
    301 void ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::RequestBeginning(
    302     net::URLRequest* request,
    303     content::ResourceContext* resource_context,
    304     content::AppCacheService* appcache_service,
    305     ResourceType resource_type,
    306     ScopedVector<content::ResourceThrottle>* throttles) {
    307   const ResourceRequestInfo* info = ResourceRequestInfo::ForRequest(request);
    308   bool is_prerendering =
    309       info->GetVisibilityState() == blink::WebPageVisibilityStatePrerender;
    310   if (is_prerendering) {
    311     // Requests with the IGNORE_LIMITS flag set (i.e., sync XHRs)
    312     // should remain at MAXIMUM_PRIORITY.
    313     if (request->load_flags() & net::LOAD_IGNORE_LIMITS) {
    314       DCHECK_EQ(request->priority(), net::MAXIMUM_PRIORITY);
    315     } else {
    316       request->SetPriority(net::IDLE);
    317     }
    318   }
    320   ProfileIOData* io_data = ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(
    321       resource_context);
    323 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    324   // TODO(davidben): This is insufficient to integrate with prerender properly.
    325   // https://crbug.com/370595
    326   if (resource_type == content::RESOURCE_TYPE_MAIN_FRAME && !is_prerendering) {
    327     throttles->push_back(
    328         InterceptNavigationDelegate::CreateThrottleFor(request));
    329   }
    330 #else
    331   if (resource_type == content::RESOURCE_TYPE_MAIN_FRAME) {
    332     // Redirect some navigations to apps that have registered matching URL
    333     // handlers ('url_handlers' in the manifest).
    334     content::ResourceThrottle* url_to_app_throttle =
    335         AppUrlRedirector::MaybeCreateThrottleFor(request, io_data);
    336     if (url_to_app_throttle)
    337       throttles->push_back(url_to_app_throttle);
    339     if (!is_prerendering) {
    340       // Experimental: Launch ephemeral apps from search results.
    341       content::ResourceThrottle* ephemeral_app_throttle =
    342           EphemeralAppThrottle::MaybeCreateThrottleForLaunch(
    343               request, io_data);
    344       if (ephemeral_app_throttle)
    345         throttles->push_back(ephemeral_app_throttle);
    346     }
    347   }
    348 #endif
    350 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    351   // Check if we need to add offline throttle. This should be done only
    352   // for main frames.
    353   if (resource_type == content::RESOURCE_TYPE_MAIN_FRAME) {
    354     // We check offline first, then check safe browsing so that we still can
    355     // block unsafe site after we remove offline page.
    356     throttles->push_back(new OfflineResourceThrottle(request,
    357                                                      appcache_service));
    358   }
    360   // Check if we need to add merge session throttle. This throttle will postpone
    361   // loading of main frames and XHR request.
    362   if (resource_type == content::RESOURCE_TYPE_MAIN_FRAME ||
    363       resource_type == content::RESOURCE_TYPE_XHR) {
    364     // Add interstitial page while merge session process (cookie
    365     // reconstruction from OAuth2 refresh token in ChromeOS login) is still in
    366     // progress while we are attempting to load a google property.
    367     if (!MergeSessionThrottle::AreAllSessionMergedAlready() &&
    368         request->url().SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS()) {
    369       throttles->push_back(new MergeSessionThrottle(request, resource_type));
    370     }
    371   }
    372 #endif
    374   // Don't attempt to append headers to requests that have already started.
    375   // TODO(stevet): Remove this once the request ordering issues are resolved
    376   // in crbug.com/128048.
    377   if (!request->is_pending()) {
    378     net::HttpRequestHeaders headers;
    379     headers.CopyFrom(request->extra_request_headers());
    380     bool is_off_the_record = io_data->IsOffTheRecord();
    381     variations::VariationsHttpHeaderProvider::GetInstance()->
    382         AppendHeaders(request->url(),
    383                       is_off_the_record,
    384                       !is_off_the_record &&
    385                           io_data->GetMetricsEnabledStateOnIOThread(),
    386                       &headers);
    387     request->SetExtraRequestHeaders(headers);
    388   }
    390 #if defined(ENABLE_ONE_CLICK_SIGNIN)
    391   AppendChromeSyncGaiaHeader(request, resource_context);
    392 #endif
    395   if (io_data->policy_header_helper())
    396     io_data->policy_header_helper()->AddPolicyHeaders(request->url(), request);
    397 #endif
    399   signin::AppendMirrorRequestHeaderIfPossible(
    400       request, GURL() /* redirect_url */, io_data);
    402   AppendStandardResourceThrottles(request,
    403                                   resource_context,
    404                                   resource_type,
    405                                   throttles);
    406 #if !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
    407   if (!is_prerendering) {
    408     AppendComponentUpdaterThrottles(request,
    409                                     resource_context,
    410                                     resource_type,
    411                                     throttles);
    412   }
    413 #endif
    415   if (io_data->resource_prefetch_predictor_observer()) {
    416     io_data->resource_prefetch_predictor_observer()->OnRequestStarted(
    417         request, resource_type, info->GetChildID(), info->GetRenderFrameID());
    418   }
    419 }
    421 void ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::DownloadStarting(
    422     net::URLRequest* request,
    423     content::ResourceContext* resource_context,
    424     int child_id,
    425     int route_id,
    426     int request_id,
    427     bool is_content_initiated,
    428     bool must_download,
    429     ScopedVector<content::ResourceThrottle>* throttles) {
    430   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    431       BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
    432       base::Bind(&NotifyDownloadInitiatedOnUI, child_id, route_id));
    434   // If it's from the web, we don't trust it, so we push the throttle on.
    435   if (is_content_initiated) {
    436     throttles->push_back(
    437         new DownloadResourceThrottle(download_request_limiter_.get(),
    438                                      child_id,
    439                                      route_id,
    440                                      request->url(),
    441                                      request->method()));
    442 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    443     throttles->push_back(
    444         new chrome::InterceptDownloadResourceThrottle(
    445             request, child_id, route_id, request_id));
    446 #endif
    447   }
    449   // If this isn't a new request, we've seen this before and added the standard
    450   //  resource throttles already so no need to add it again.
    451   if (!request->is_pending()) {
    452     AppendStandardResourceThrottles(request,
    453                                     resource_context,
    454                                     content::RESOURCE_TYPE_MAIN_FRAME,
    455                                     throttles);
    456   }
    457 }
    459 ResourceDispatcherHostLoginDelegate*
    460     ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::CreateLoginDelegate(
    461         net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info, net::URLRequest* request) {
    462   return CreateLoginPrompt(auth_info, request);
    463 }
    465 bool ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::HandleExternalProtocol(
    466     const GURL& url,
    467     int child_id,
    468     int route_id) {
    469 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    470   // Android use a resource throttle to handle external as well as internal
    471   // protocols.
    472   return false;
    473 #else
    475 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    476   if (extensions::WebViewRendererState::GetInstance()->IsGuest(child_id))
    477     return false;
    479 #endif  // defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    481   BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI,
    482                           FROM_HERE,
    483                           base::Bind(&LaunchURL, url, child_id, route_id));
    484   return true;
    485 #endif
    486 }
    488 void ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::AppendStandardResourceThrottles(
    489     net::URLRequest* request,
    490     content::ResourceContext* resource_context,
    491     ResourceType resource_type,
    492     ScopedVector<content::ResourceThrottle>* throttles) {
    493   ProfileIOData* io_data = ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(resource_context);
    494 #if defined(FULL_SAFE_BROWSING) || defined(MOBILE_SAFE_BROWSING)
    495   // Insert safe browsing at the front of the list, so it gets to decide on
    496   // policies first.
    497   if (io_data->safe_browsing_enabled()->GetValue()
    498 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    499       || io_data->IsDataReductionProxyEnabled()
    500 #endif
    501   ) {
    502     content::ResourceThrottle* throttle =
    503         SafeBrowsingResourceThrottleFactory::Create(request,
    504                                                     resource_context,
    505                                                     resource_type,
    506                                                     safe_browsing_.get());
    507     if (throttle)
    508       throttles->push_back(throttle);
    509   }
    510 #endif
    512 #if defined(ENABLE_MANAGED_USERS)
    513   bool is_subresource_request =
    514       resource_type != content::RESOURCE_TYPE_MAIN_FRAME;
    515   throttles->push_back(new SupervisedUserResourceThrottle(
    516         request, !is_subresource_request,
    517         io_data->supervised_user_url_filter()));
    518 #endif
    520 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    521   content::ResourceThrottle* throttle =
    522       user_script_listener_->CreateResourceThrottle(request->url(),
    523                                                     resource_type);
    524   if (throttle)
    525     throttles->push_back(throttle);
    526 #endif
    528   const ResourceRequestInfo* info = ResourceRequestInfo::ForRequest(request);
    529   if (info->GetVisibilityState() == blink::WebPageVisibilityStatePrerender) {
    530     throttles->push_back(new prerender::PrerenderResourceThrottle(request));
    531   }
    532   if (prerender_tracker_->IsPendingSwapRequestOnIOThread(
    533           info->GetChildID(), info->GetRenderFrameID(), request->url())) {
    534     throttles->push_back(new prerender::PrerenderPendingSwapThrottle(
    535         request, prerender_tracker_));
    536   }
    537 }
    539 #if defined(ENABLE_ONE_CLICK_SIGNIN)
    540 void ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::AppendChromeSyncGaiaHeader(
    541     net::URLRequest* request,
    542     content::ResourceContext* resource_context) {
    543   static const char kAllowChromeSignIn[] = "Allow-Chrome-SignIn";
    545   ProfileIOData* io_data = ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(resource_context);
    546   OneClickSigninHelper::Offer offer =
    547       OneClickSigninHelper::CanOfferOnIOThread(request, io_data);
    548   switch (offer) {
    549     case OneClickSigninHelper::CAN_OFFER:
    550       request->SetExtraRequestHeaderByName(kAllowChromeSignIn, "1", false);
    551       break;
    552     case OneClickSigninHelper::DONT_OFFER:
    553       request->RemoveRequestHeaderByName(kAllowChromeSignIn);
    554       break;
    555     case OneClickSigninHelper::IGNORE_REQUEST:
    556       break;
    557   }
    558 }
    559 #endif
    561 bool ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::ShouldForceDownloadResource(
    562     const GURL& url, const std::string& mime_type) {
    563 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    564   // Special-case user scripts to get downloaded instead of viewed.
    565   return extensions::UserScript::IsURLUserScript(url, mime_type);
    566 #else
    567   return false;
    568 #endif
    569 }
    571 bool ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::ShouldInterceptResourceAsStream(
    572     net::URLRequest* request,
    573     const std::string& mime_type,
    574     GURL* origin,
    575     std::string* payload) {
    576 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    577   const ResourceRequestInfo* info = ResourceRequestInfo::ForRequest(request);
    578   ProfileIOData* io_data =
    579       ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(info->GetContext());
    580   bool profile_is_off_the_record = io_data->IsOffTheRecord();
    581   const scoped_refptr<const extensions::InfoMap> extension_info_map(
    582       io_data->GetExtensionInfoMap());
    583   std::vector<std::string> whitelist = MimeTypesHandler::GetMIMETypeWhitelist();
    584   // Go through the white-listed extensions and try to use them to intercept
    585   // the URL request.
    586   for (size_t i = 0; i < whitelist.size(); ++i) {
    587     const char* extension_id = whitelist[i].c_str();
    588     const Extension* extension =
    589         extension_info_map->extensions().GetByID(extension_id);
    590     // The white-listed extension may not be installed, so we have to NULL check
    591     // |extension|.
    592     if (!extension ||
    593         (profile_is_off_the_record &&
    594          !extension_info_map->IsIncognitoEnabled(extension_id))) {
    595       continue;
    596     }
    598     MimeTypesHandler* handler = MimeTypesHandler::GetHandler(extension);
    599     if (handler && handler->CanHandleMIMEType(mime_type)) {
    600       StreamTargetInfo target_info;
    601       *origin = Extension::GetBaseURLFromExtensionId(extension_id);
    602       target_info.extension_id = extension_id;
    603       if (!handler->handler_url().empty()) {
    604         target_info.view_id = base::GenerateGUID();
    605         *payload = origin->spec() + handler->handler_url() +
    606             "?id=" + target_info.view_id;
    607       }
    608       stream_target_info_[request] = target_info;
    609       return true;
    610     }
    611   }
    612 #endif
    613   return false;
    614 }
    616 void ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::OnStreamCreated(
    617     net::URLRequest* request,
    618     scoped_ptr<content::StreamHandle> stream) {
    619 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    620   const ResourceRequestInfo* info = ResourceRequestInfo::ForRequest(request);
    621   std::map<net::URLRequest*, StreamTargetInfo>::iterator ix =
    622       stream_target_info_.find(request);
    623   CHECK(ix != stream_target_info_.end());
    624   content::BrowserThread::PostTask(
    625       content::BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
    626       base::Bind(&SendExecuteMimeTypeHandlerEvent, base::Passed(&stream),
    627                  request->GetExpectedContentSize(),
    628                  info->GetChildID(), info->GetRouteID(),
    629                  ix->second.extension_id, ix->second.view_id));
    630   stream_target_info_.erase(request);
    631 #endif
    632 }
    634 void ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::OnResponseStarted(
    635     net::URLRequest* request,
    636     content::ResourceContext* resource_context,
    637     content::ResourceResponse* response,
    638     IPC::Sender* sender) {
    639   const ResourceRequestInfo* info = ResourceRequestInfo::ForRequest(request);
    641 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    642   // See if the response contains the X-Auto-Login header.  If so, this was
    643   // a request for a login page, and the server is allowing the browser to
    644   // suggest auto-login, if available.
    645   AutoLoginPrompter::ShowInfoBarIfPossible(request, info->GetChildID(),
    646                                            info->GetRouteID());
    647 #endif
    649   ProfileIOData* io_data = ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(resource_context);
    651 #if defined(ENABLE_ONE_CLICK_SIGNIN)
    652   // See if the response contains the Google-Accounts-SignIn header.  If so,
    653   // then the user has just finished signing in, and the server is allowing the
    654   // browser to suggest connecting the user's profile to the account.
    655   OneClickSigninHelper::ShowInfoBarIfPossible(request, io_data,
    656                                               info->GetChildID(),
    657                                               info->GetRouteID());
    658 #endif
    660   // See if the response contains the X-Chrome-Manage-Accounts header. If so
    661   // show the profile avatar bubble so that user can complete signin/out action
    662   // the native UI.
    663   signin::ProcessMirrorResponseHeaderIfExists(request, io_data,
    664                                               info->GetChildID(),
    665                                               info->GetRouteID());
    667   // Build in additional protection for the chrome web store origin.
    668 #if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
    669   GURL webstore_url(extension_urls::GetWebstoreLaunchURL());
    670   if (request->url().DomainIs(webstore_url.host().c_str())) {
    671     net::HttpResponseHeaders* response_headers = request->response_headers();
    672     if (!response_headers->HasHeaderValue("x-frame-options", "deny") &&
    673         !response_headers->HasHeaderValue("x-frame-options", "sameorigin")) {
    674       response_headers->RemoveHeader("x-frame-options");
    675       response_headers->AddHeader("x-frame-options: sameorigin");
    676     }
    677   }
    678 #endif
    680   if (io_data->resource_prefetch_predictor_observer())
    681     io_data->resource_prefetch_predictor_observer()->OnResponseStarted(request);
    683   // Ignores x-frame-options for the chrome signin UI.
    684   const std::string request_spec(
    685       request->first_party_for_cookies().GetOrigin().spec());
    686 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    687   if (request_spec == chrome::kChromeUIOobeURL ||
    688       request_spec == chrome::kChromeUIChromeSigninURL) {
    689 #else
    690   if (request_spec == chrome::kChromeUIChromeSigninURL) {
    691 #endif
    692     net::HttpResponseHeaders* response_headers = request->response_headers();
    693     if (response_headers && response_headers->HasHeader("x-frame-options"))
    694       response_headers->RemoveHeader("x-frame-options");
    695   }
    697   prerender::URLRequestResponseStarted(request);
    698 }
    700 void ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::OnRequestRedirected(
    701     const GURL& redirect_url,
    702     net::URLRequest* request,
    703     content::ResourceContext* resource_context,
    704     content::ResourceResponse* response) {
    705   ProfileIOData* io_data = ProfileIOData::FromResourceContext(resource_context);
    707 #if defined(ENABLE_ONE_CLICK_SIGNIN)
    708   const ResourceRequestInfo* info = ResourceRequestInfo::ForRequest(request);
    710   // See if the response contains the Google-Accounts-SignIn header.  If so,
    711   // then the user has just finished signing in, and the server is allowing the
    712   // browser to suggest connecting the user's profile to the account.
    713   OneClickSigninHelper::ShowInfoBarIfPossible(request, io_data,
    714                                               info->GetChildID(),
    715                                               info->GetRouteID());
    716   AppendChromeSyncGaiaHeader(request, resource_context);
    717 #endif
    719   // In the Mirror world, Chrome should append a X-Chrome-Connected header to
    720   // all Gaia requests from a connected profile so Gaia could return a 204
    721   // response and let Chrome handle the action with native UI. The only
    722   // exception is requests from gaia webview, since the native profile
    723   // management UI is built on top of it.
    724   signin::AppendMirrorRequestHeaderIfPossible(request, redirect_url, io_data);
    726   if (io_data->resource_prefetch_predictor_observer()) {
    727     io_data->resource_prefetch_predictor_observer()->OnRequestRedirected(
    728         redirect_url, request);
    729   }
    732   if (io_data->policy_header_helper())
    733     io_data->policy_header_helper()->AddPolicyHeaders(redirect_url, request);
    734 #endif
    735 }
    737 // Notification that a request has completed.
    738 void ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::RequestComplete(
    739     net::URLRequest* url_request) {
    740   // Jump on the UI thread and inform the prerender about the bytes.
    741   const ResourceRequestInfo* info =
    742       ResourceRequestInfo::ForRequest(url_request);
    743   if (url_request && !url_request->was_cached()) {
    744     BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI,
    745                             FROM_HERE,
    746                             base::Bind(&UpdatePrerenderNetworkBytesCallback,
    747                                        info->GetChildID(),
    748                                        info->GetRouteID(),
    749                                        url_request->GetTotalReceivedBytes()));
    750   }
    751 }
    753 // static
    754 void ChromeResourceDispatcherHostDelegate::
    755     SetExternalProtocolHandlerDelegateForTesting(
    756     ExternalProtocolHandler::Delegate* delegate) {
    757   g_external_protocol_handler_delegate = delegate;
    758 }