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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/incident_reporting/module_integrity_verifier_win.h"
      7 #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
      8 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
      9 #include "base/files/memory_mapped_file.h"
     10 #include "base/metrics/sparse_histogram.h"
     11 #include "base/scoped_native_library.h"
     12 #include "base/win/pe_image.h"
     13 #include "build/build_config.h"
     15 namespace safe_browsing {
     17 struct ModuleVerificationState {
     18   explicit ModuleVerificationState(HMODULE hModule);
     19   ~ModuleVerificationState();
     21   base::win::PEImageAsData disk_peimage;
     23   // The module's preferred base address minus the base address it actually
     24   // loaded at.
     25   intptr_t image_base_delta;
     27   // The location of the disk_peimage module's code section minus that of the
     28   // mem_peimage module's code section.
     29   intptr_t code_section_delta;
     31   // The bytes corrected by relocs.
     32   base::hash_set<uintptr_t> reloc_addr;
     34   // Set true if the relocation table contains a reloc of type that we don't
     35   // currently handle.
     36   bool unknown_reloc_type;
     38  private:
     39   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ModuleVerificationState);
     40 };
     42 ModuleVerificationState::ModuleVerificationState(HMODULE hModule)
     43     : disk_peimage(hModule),
     44       image_base_delta(0),
     45       code_section_delta(0),
     46       reloc_addr(),
     47       unknown_reloc_type(false) {
     48 }
     50 ModuleVerificationState::~ModuleVerificationState() {
     51 }
     53 namespace {
     55 struct Export {
     56   Export(void* addr, const std::string& name);
     57   ~Export();
     59   bool operator<(const Export& other) const;
     61   void* addr;
     62   std::string name;
     63 };
     65 Export::Export(void* addr, const std::string& name) : addr(addr), name(name) {
     66 }
     68 Export::~Export() {
     69 }
     71 bool Export::operator<(const Export& other) const {
     72   return addr < other.addr;
     73 }
     75 bool ByteAccountedForByReloc(uint8_t* byte_addr,
     76                              const ModuleVerificationState& state) {
     77   return ((state.reloc_addr.count(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(byte_addr))) > 0);
     78 }
     80 // Checks each byte in the module's code section again the corresponding byte on
     81 // disk, returning the number of bytes differing between the two.  Also adds the
     82 // names of any modfied functions exported by name to |modified_exports|.
     83 // |exports| must be sorted.
     84 int ExamineBytesDiffInMemory(uint8_t* disk_code_start,
     85                              uint8_t* mem_code_start,
     86                              uint32_t code_size,
     87                              const std::vector<Export>& exports,
     88                              const ModuleVerificationState& state,
     89                              std::set<std::string>* modified_exports) {
     90   int bytes_different = 0;
     91   std::vector<Export>::const_iterator export_it = exports.begin();
     93   for (uint8_t* end = mem_code_start + code_size; mem_code_start != end;
     94        ++mem_code_start) {
     95     if ((*disk_code_start++ != *mem_code_start) &&
     96         !ByteAccountedForByReloc(mem_code_start, state)) {
     97       // We get the largest export address still smaller than |addr|.  It is
     98       // possible that |addr| belongs to some nonexported function located
     99       // between this export and the following one.
    100       Export addr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(mem_code_start), std::string());
    101       std::vector<Export>::const_iterator modified_export_it =
    102           std::upper_bound(export_it, exports.end(), addr);
    104       if (modified_export_it != exports.begin())
    105         modified_exports->insert((modified_export_it - 1)->name);
    106       ++bytes_different;
    108       // No later byte can belong to an earlier export.
    109       export_it = modified_export_it;
    110     }
    111   }
    112   return bytes_different;
    113 }
    115 // Adds to |state->reloc_addr| the bytes of the pointer at |address| that are
    116 // corrected by adding |image_base_delta|.
    117 void AddBytesCorrectedByReloc(uintptr_t address,
    118                               ModuleVerificationState* state) {
    119 #if defined(ARCH_CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
    120 #  define OFFSET(i) i
    121 #else
    122 #  define OFFSET(i) (sizeof(uintptr_t) - i)
    123 #endif
    125   uintptr_t orig_mem_value = *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(address);
    126   uintptr_t fixed_mem_value = orig_mem_value + state->image_base_delta;
    127   uintptr_t disk_value =
    128       *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(address + state->code_section_delta);
    130   uintptr_t diff_before = orig_mem_value ^ disk_value;
    131   uintptr_t shared_after = ~(fixed_mem_value ^ disk_value);
    132   int i = 0;
    133   for (uintptr_t fixed = diff_before & shared_after; fixed; fixed >>= 8, ++i) {
    134     if (fixed & 0xFF)
    135       state->reloc_addr.insert(address + OFFSET(i));
    136   }
    137 #undef OFFSET
    138 }
    140 bool AddrIsInCodeSection(void* address,
    141                          uint8_t* code_addr,
    142                          uint32_t code_size) {
    143   return (code_addr <= address && address < code_addr + code_size);
    144 }
    146 bool EnumRelocsCallback(const base::win::PEImage& mem_peimage,
    147                         WORD type,
    148                         void* address,
    149                         void* cookie) {
    150   ModuleVerificationState* state =
    151       reinterpret_cast<ModuleVerificationState*>(cookie);
    153   uint8_t* mem_code_addr = NULL;
    154   uint8_t* disk_code_addr = NULL;
    155   uint32_t code_size = 0;
    156   if (!GetCodeAddrsAndSize(mem_peimage,
    157                            state->disk_peimage,
    158                            &mem_code_addr,
    159                            &disk_code_addr,
    160                            &code_size))
    161     return false;
    163   // If not in the code section return true to continue to the next reloc.
    164   if (!AddrIsInCodeSection(address, mem_code_addr, code_size))
    165     return true;
    167   switch (type) {
    168     case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE:  // 0
    169       // Absolute type relocations are a noop, sometimes used to pad a section
    170       // of relocations.
    171       break;
    172     case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW:  // 3
    173       // The base relocation applies all 32 bits of the difference to the 32-bit
    174       // field at offset.
    175       AddBytesCorrectedByReloc(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(address), state);
    176       break;
    177     case IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64:  // 10
    178       // The base relocation applies the difference to the 64-bit field at
    179       // offset.
    180       // TODO(robertshield): Handle this type of reloc.
    181       break;
    182     default:
    183       // TODO(robertshield): Find a reliable description of the behaviour of the
    184       // remaining types of relocation and handle them.
    185       UMA_HISTOGRAM_SPARSE_SLOWLY("SafeBrowsing.ModuleBaseRelocation", type);
    186       state->unknown_reloc_type = true;
    187       break;
    188   }
    189   return true;
    190 }
    192 bool EnumExportsCallback(const base::win::PEImage& mem_peimage,
    193                          DWORD ordinal,
    194                          DWORD hint,
    195                          LPCSTR name,
    196                          PVOID function_addr,
    197                          LPCSTR forward,
    198                          PVOID cookie) {
    199   std::vector<Export>* exports = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<Export>*>(cookie);
    200   if (name)
    201     exports->push_back(Export(function_addr, std::string(name)));
    202   return true;
    203 }
    205 }  // namespace
    207 bool GetCodeAddrsAndSize(const base::win::PEImage& mem_peimage,
    208                          const base::win::PEImageAsData& disk_peimage,
    209                          uint8_t** mem_code_addr,
    210                          uint8_t** disk_code_addr,
    211                          uint32_t* code_size) {
    212   DWORD base_of_code = mem_peimage.GetNTHeaders()->OptionalHeader.BaseOfCode;
    214   // Get the address and size of the code section in the loaded module image.
    215   PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER mem_code_header =
    216       mem_peimage.GetImageSectionFromAddr(mem_peimage.RVAToAddr(base_of_code));
    217   if (mem_code_header == NULL)
    218     return false;
    219   *mem_code_addr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
    220       mem_peimage.RVAToAddr(mem_code_header->VirtualAddress));
    221   // If the section is padded with zeros when mapped then |VirtualSize| can be
    222   // larger.  Alternatively, |SizeOfRawData| can be rounded up to align
    223   // according to OptionalHeader.FileAlignment.
    224   *code_size = std::min(mem_code_header->Misc.VirtualSize,
    225                         mem_code_header->SizeOfRawData);
    227   // Get the address of the code section in the module mapped as data from disk.
    228   DWORD disk_code_offset = 0;
    229   if (!mem_peimage.ImageAddrToOnDiskOffset(
    230           reinterpret_cast<void*>(*mem_code_addr), &disk_code_offset))
    231     return false;
    232   *disk_code_addr =
    233       reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(disk_peimage.module()) + disk_code_offset;
    234   return true;
    235 }
    237 ModuleState VerifyModule(const wchar_t* module_name,
    238                          std::set<std::string>* modified_exports) {
    239   // Get module handle, load a copy from disk as data and create PEImages.
    240   HMODULE module_handle = NULL;
    241   if (!GetModuleHandleEx(0, module_name, &module_handle))
    242     return MODULE_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    243   base::ScopedNativeLibrary native_library(module_handle);
    245   WCHAR module_path[MAX_PATH] = {};
    246   DWORD length =
    247       GetModuleFileName(module_handle, module_path, arraysize(module_path));
    248   if (!length || length == arraysize(module_path))
    249     return MODULE_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    251   base::MemoryMappedFile mapped_module;
    252   if (!mapped_module.Initialize(base::FilePath(module_path)))
    253     return MODULE_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    254   ModuleVerificationState state(
    255       reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(const_cast<uint8*>(mapped_module.data())));
    257   base::win::PEImage mem_peimage(module_handle);
    258   if (!mem_peimage.VerifyMagic() || !state.disk_peimage.VerifyMagic())
    259     return MODULE_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    261   // Get the list of exports.
    262   std::vector<Export> exports;
    263   mem_peimage.EnumExports(EnumExportsCallback, &exports);
    264   std::sort(exports.begin(), exports.end());
    266   // Get the addresses of the code sections then calculate |code_section_delta|
    267   // and |image_base_delta|.
    268   uint8_t* mem_code_addr = NULL;
    269   uint8_t* disk_code_addr = NULL;
    270   uint32_t code_size = 0;
    271   if (!GetCodeAddrsAndSize(mem_peimage,
    272                            state.disk_peimage,
    273                            &mem_code_addr,
    274                            &disk_code_addr,
    275                            &code_size))
    276     return MODULE_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    278   state.code_section_delta = disk_code_addr - mem_code_addr;
    280   uint8_t* preferred_image_base = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
    281       state.disk_peimage.GetNTHeaders()->OptionalHeader.ImageBase);
    282   state.image_base_delta =
    283       preferred_image_base - reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mem_peimage.module());
    285   // Get the relocations.
    286   mem_peimage.EnumRelocs(EnumRelocsCallback, &state);
    287   if (state.unknown_reloc_type)
    288     return MODULE_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    290   // Count the modified bytes (after accounting for relocs) and get the set of
    291   // modified functions.
    292   int num_bytes_different = ExamineBytesDiffInMemory(disk_code_addr,
    293                                                      mem_code_addr,
    294                                                      code_size,
    295                                                      exports,
    296                                                      state,
    297                                                      modified_exports);
    299   return num_bytes_different ? MODULE_STATE_MODIFIED : MODULE_STATE_UNMODIFIED;
    300 }
    302 }  // namespace safe_browsing