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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Integration with OS X native spellchecker.
      7 #include "chrome/browser/spellchecker/spellcheck_platform_mac.h"
      9 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
     11 #include "base/bind.h"
     12 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
     13 #include "base/logging.h"
     14 #include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
     15 #include "base/mac/scoped_nsexception_enabler.h"
     16 #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
     17 #include "base/time/time.h"
     18 #include "chrome/common/spellcheck_common.h"
     19 #include "chrome/common/spellcheck_messages.h"
     20 #include "chrome/common/spellcheck_result.h"
     21 #include "content/public/browser/browser_message_filter.h"
     22 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
     24 using base::TimeTicks;
     25 using content::BrowserMessageFilter;
     26 using content::BrowserThread;
     28 namespace {
     29 // The number of characters in the first part of the language code.
     30 const unsigned int kShortLanguageCodeSize = 2;
     32 // +[NSSpellChecker sharedSpellChecker] can throw exceptions depending
     33 // on the state of the pasteboard, or possibly as a result of
     34 // third-party code (when setting up services entries).  The following
     35 // receives nil if an exception is thrown, in which case
     36 // spell-checking will not work, but it also will not crash the
     37 // browser.
     38 NSSpellChecker* SharedSpellChecker() {
     39   return base::mac::ObjCCastStrict<NSSpellChecker>(
     40       base::mac::RunBlockIgnoringExceptions(^{
     41           return [NSSpellChecker sharedSpellChecker];
     42       }));
     43 }
     45 // A private utility function to convert hunspell language codes to OS X
     46 // language codes.
     47 NSString* ConvertLanguageCodeToMac(const std::string& hunspell_lang_code) {
     48   NSString* whole_code = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(hunspell_lang_code);
     50   if ([whole_code length] > kShortLanguageCodeSize) {
     51     NSString* lang_code = [whole_code
     52                            substringToIndex:kShortLanguageCodeSize];
     53     // Add 1 here to skip the underscore.
     54     NSString* region_code = [whole_code
     55                              substringFromIndex:(kShortLanguageCodeSize + 1)];
     57     // Check for the special case of en-US and pt-PT, since OS X lists these
     58     // as just en and pt respectively.
     59     // TODO(pwicks): Find out if there are other special cases for languages
     60     // not installed on the system by default. Are there others like pt-PT?
     61     if (([lang_code isEqualToString:@"en"] &&
     62        [region_code isEqualToString:@"US"]) ||
     63         ([lang_code isEqualToString:@"pt"] &&
     64        [region_code isEqualToString:@"PT"])) {
     65       return lang_code;
     66     }
     68     // Otherwise, just build a string that uses an underscore instead of a
     69     // dash between the language and the region code, since this is the
     70     // format that OS X uses.
     71     NSString* os_x_language =
     72         [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", lang_code, region_code];
     73     return os_x_language;
     74   } else {
     75     // Special case for Polish.
     76     if ([whole_code isEqualToString:@"pl"]) {
     77       return @"pl_PL";
     78     }
     79     // This is just a language code with the same format as OS X
     80     // language code.
     81     return whole_code;
     82   }
     83 }
     85 std::string ConvertLanguageCodeFromMac(NSString* lang_code) {
     86   // TODO(pwicks):figure out what to do about Multilingual
     87   // Guards for strange cases.
     88   if ([lang_code isEqualToString:@"en"]) return std::string("en-US");
     89   if ([lang_code isEqualToString:@"pt"]) return std::string("pt-PT");
     90   if ([lang_code isEqualToString:@"pl_PL"]) return std::string("pl");
     92   if ([lang_code length] > kShortLanguageCodeSize &&
     93       [lang_code characterAtIndex:kShortLanguageCodeSize] == '_') {
     94     return base::SysNSStringToUTF8([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@",
     95                 [lang_code substringToIndex:kShortLanguageCodeSize],
     96                 [lang_code substringFromIndex:(kShortLanguageCodeSize + 1)]]);
     97   }
     98   return base::SysNSStringToUTF8(lang_code);
     99 }
    101 } // namespace
    103 namespace spellcheck_mac {
    105 void GetAvailableLanguages(std::vector<std::string>* spellcheck_languages) {
    106   NSArray* availableLanguages = [SharedSpellChecker() availableLanguages];
    107   for (NSString* lang_code in availableLanguages) {
    108     spellcheck_languages->push_back(
    109               ConvertLanguageCodeFromMac(lang_code));
    110   }
    111 }
    113 bool SpellCheckerAvailable() {
    114   // If this file was compiled, then we know that we are on OS X 10.5 at least
    115   // and can safely return true here.
    116   return true;
    117 }
    119 bool SpellCheckerProvidesPanel() {
    120   // OS X has a Spelling Panel, so we can return true here.
    121   return true;
    122 }
    124 bool SpellingPanelVisible() {
    125   // This should only be called from the main thread.
    126   DCHECK([NSThread currentThread] == [NSThread mainThread]);
    127   return [[SharedSpellChecker() spellingPanel] isVisible];
    128 }
    130 void ShowSpellingPanel(bool show) {
    131   if (show) {
    132     [[SharedSpellChecker() spellingPanel]
    133         performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(makeKeyAndOrderFront:)
    134                          withObject:nil
    135                       waitUntilDone:YES];
    136   } else {
    137     [[SharedSpellChecker() spellingPanel]
    138         performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(close)
    139                          withObject:nil
    140                       waitUntilDone:YES];
    141   }
    142 }
    144 void UpdateSpellingPanelWithMisspelledWord(const base::string16& word) {
    145   NSString * word_to_display = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(word);
    146   [SharedSpellChecker()
    147       performSelectorOnMainThread:
    148         @selector(updateSpellingPanelWithMisspelledWord:)
    149                        withObject:word_to_display
    150                     waitUntilDone:YES];
    151 }
    153 bool PlatformSupportsLanguage(const std::string& current_language) {
    154   // First, convert the language to an OS X language code.
    155   NSString* mac_lang_code = ConvertLanguageCodeToMac(current_language);
    157   // Then grab the languages available.
    158   NSArray* availableLanguages = [SharedSpellChecker() availableLanguages];
    160   // Return true if the given language is supported by OS X.
    161   return [availableLanguages containsObject:mac_lang_code];
    162 }
    164 void SetLanguage(const std::string& lang_to_set) {
    165   // Do not set any language right now, since Chrome should honor the
    166   // system spellcheck settings. (http://crbug.com/166046)
    167   // Fix this once Chrome actually allows setting a spellcheck language
    168   // in chrome://settings.
    169   //  NSString* NS_lang_to_set = ConvertLanguageCodeToMac(lang_to_set);
    170   //  [SharedSpellChecker() setLanguage:NS_lang_to_set];
    171 }
    173 static int last_seen_tag_;
    175 bool CheckSpelling(const base::string16& word_to_check, int tag) {
    176   last_seen_tag_ = tag;
    178   // -[NSSpellChecker checkSpellingOfString] returns an NSRange that
    179   // we can look at to determine if a word is misspelled.
    180   NSRange spell_range = {0,0};
    182   // Convert the word to an NSString.
    183   NSString* NS_word_to_check = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(word_to_check);
    184   // Check the spelling, starting at the beginning of the word.
    185   spell_range = [SharedSpellChecker()
    186                   checkSpellingOfString:NS_word_to_check startingAt:0
    187                   language:nil wrap:NO inSpellDocumentWithTag:tag
    188                   wordCount:NULL];
    190   // If the length of the misspelled word == 0,
    191   // then there is no misspelled word.
    192   bool word_correct = (spell_range.length == 0);
    193   return word_correct;
    194 }
    196 void FillSuggestionList(const base::string16& wrong_word,
    197                         std::vector<base::string16>* optional_suggestions) {
    198   NSString* NS_wrong_word = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(wrong_word);
    199   // The suggested words for |wrong_word|.
    200   NSArray* guesses = [SharedSpellChecker() guessesForWord:NS_wrong_word];
    201   for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>([guesses count]); ++i) {
    202     if (i < chrome::spellcheck_common::kMaxSuggestions) {
    203       optional_suggestions->push_back(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(
    204                                       [guesses objectAtIndex:i]));
    205     }
    206   }
    207 }
    209 void AddWord(const base::string16& word) {
    210     NSString* word_to_add = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(word);
    211   [SharedSpellChecker() learnWord:word_to_add];
    212 }
    214 void RemoveWord(const base::string16& word) {
    215   NSString *word_to_remove = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(word);
    216   [SharedSpellChecker() unlearnWord:word_to_remove];
    217 }
    219 int GetDocumentTag() {
    220   NSInteger doc_tag = [NSSpellChecker uniqueSpellDocumentTag];
    221   return static_cast<int>(doc_tag);
    222 }
    224 void IgnoreWord(const base::string16& word) {
    225   [SharedSpellChecker() ignoreWord:base::SysUTF16ToNSString(word)
    226             inSpellDocumentWithTag:last_seen_tag_];
    227 }
    229 void CloseDocumentWithTag(int tag) {
    230   [SharedSpellChecker() closeSpellDocumentWithTag:static_cast<NSInteger>(tag)];
    231 }
    233 void RequestTextCheck(int document_tag,
    234                       const base::string16& text,
    235                       TextCheckCompleteCallback callback) {
    236   NSString* text_to_check = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(text);
    237   NSRange range_to_check = NSMakeRange(0, [text_to_check length]);
    239   [SharedSpellChecker()
    240       requestCheckingOfString:text_to_check
    241                         range:range_to_check
    242                         types:NSTextCheckingTypeSpelling
    243                       options:nil
    244        inSpellDocumentWithTag:document_tag
    245             completionHandler:^(NSInteger,
    246                                 NSArray *results,
    247                                 NSOrthography*,
    248                                 NSInteger) {
    249           std::vector<SpellCheckResult> check_results;
    250           for (NSTextCheckingResult* result in results) {
    251             // Deliberately ignore non-spelling results. OSX at the very least
    252             // delivers a result of NSTextCheckingTypeOrthography for the
    253             // whole fragment, which underlines the entire checked range.
    254             if ([result resultType] != NSTextCheckingTypeSpelling)
    255               continue;
    257             // In this use case, the spell checker should never
    258             // return anything but a single range per result.
    259             check_results.push_back(SpellCheckResult(
    260                 SpellCheckResult::SPELLING,
    261                 [result range].location,
    262                 [result range].length));
    263           }
    264           // TODO(groby): Verify we don't need to post from here.
    265           callback.Run(check_results);
    266       }];
    267 }
    269 class SpellcheckerStateInternal {
    270  public:
    271   SpellcheckerStateInternal();
    272   ~SpellcheckerStateInternal();
    274  private:
    275   BOOL automaticallyIdentifiesLanguages_;
    276   NSString* language_;
    277 };
    279 SpellcheckerStateInternal::SpellcheckerStateInternal() {
    280   language_ = [SharedSpellChecker() language];
    281   automaticallyIdentifiesLanguages_ =
    282       [SharedSpellChecker() automaticallyIdentifiesLanguages];
    283   [SharedSpellChecker() setLanguage:@"en"];
    284   [SharedSpellChecker() setAutomaticallyIdentifiesLanguages:NO];
    285 }
    287 SpellcheckerStateInternal::~SpellcheckerStateInternal() {
    288   [SharedSpellChecker() setLanguage:language_];
    289   [SharedSpellChecker() setAutomaticallyIdentifiesLanguages:
    290       automaticallyIdentifiesLanguages_];
    291 }
    293 ScopedEnglishLanguageForTest::ScopedEnglishLanguageForTest()
    294     : state_(new SpellcheckerStateInternal) {
    295 }
    297 ScopedEnglishLanguageForTest::~ScopedEnglishLanguageForTest() {
    298   delete state_;
    299 }
    301 }  // namespace spellcheck_mac