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      1 <h1>Formats: Locale-Specific Messages</h1>
      4 <p>
      5 Each internationalized extension or app has at least one
      6 file named <code>messages.json</code>
      7 that provides locale-specific strings.
      8 This page describes the format of <code>messages.json</code> files.
      9 For information on how to internationalize and localize,
     10 see the <a href="i18n">Internationalization</a> page.
     11 </p>
     13 <h2 id="overview"> Field summary </h2>
     15 <p>
     16 The following code shows the supported fields for
     17 <code>messages.json</code>.
     18 Only the "<em>name</em>" and "message" fields are required.
     19 </p>
     21 <pre data-filename="manifest.json">
     22 {
     23   "<a href="#name"><em>name</em></a>": {
     24     "<a href="#message">message</a>": "<em>Message text, with optional placeholders.</em>",
     25     "<a href="#description">description</a>": "<em>Translator-aimed description of the message.</em>",
     26     "<a href="#placeholders">placeholders</a>": {
     27       "<em>placeholder_name</em>": {
     28         "content": "<em>A string to be placed within the message.</em>",
     29         "example": "<em>Translator-aimed example of the placeholder string.</em>"
     30       },
     31       ...
     32     }
     33   },
     34   ...
     35 }
     36 </pre>
     38 <h2 id="example"> Example </h2>
     40 <p>
     41 Here's a <code>messages.json</code> file
     42 that defines three messages
     43 named "prompt_for_name", "hello", and "bye":
     44 </p>
     46 <pre data-filename="messages.json">
     47 {
     48   "prompt_for_name": {
     49     "message": "What's your name?",
     50     "description": "Ask for the user's name"
     51   },
     52   "hello": {
     53     "message": "Hello, $USER$",
     54     "description": "Greet the user",
     55     "placeholders": {
     56       "user": {
     57         "content": "$1",
     58         "example": "Cira"
     59       }
     60     }
     61   },
     62   "bye": {
     63     "message": "Goodbye, $USER$. Come back to $OUR_SITE$ soon!",
     64     "description": "Say goodbye to the user",
     65     "placeholders": {
     66       "our_site": {
     67         "content": "Example.com",
     68       },
     69       "user": {
     70         "content": "$1",
     71         "example": "Cira"
     72       }
     73     }
     74   }
     75 }
     76 </pre>
     79 <h2 id="field_details">Field details</h2>
     81 <p>
     82 This section describes each field
     83 that can appear in a <code>messages.json</code> file.
     84 For details on how the messages file is used &mdash;
     85 for example, what happens when a locale doesn't define
     86 all the messages &mdash;
     87 see <a href="i18n">Internationalization</a>.
     88 </p>
     91 <h3 id="name">name</h3>
     93 <p>
     94 Actually, there's no field called "name".
     95 This field's name is the name of the message &mdash;
     96 the same <em>name</em> that you see in
     97 <code>__MSG_<em>name</em>__</code>
     98 or <code>getMessage("<em>name</em>")</code>.
     99 </p>
    101 <p>
    102 The name is a case-insensitive key
    103 that lets you retrieve the localized message text.
    104 The name can include the following characters:
    105 </p>
    107 <ul>
    108   <li> A-Z </li>
    109   <li> a-z </li>
    110   <li> 0-9 </li>
    111   <li> _ (underscore) </li>
    112   <li> @ </li>
    113 </ul>
    115 <p class="note">
    116 <b>Note:</b>
    117 Don't define names that begin with "@@".
    118 Those names are reserved for
    119 <a href="i18n#overview-predefined">predefined messages</a>.
    120 </p>
    122 <p>
    123 Here are three examples of names,
    124 taken from the <a href="#example">Example</a> section:
    125 </p>
    127 <pre>
    128 "prompt_for_name": {
    129   ...
    130 },
    131 "hello": {
    132   ...
    133 },
    134 "bye": {
    135   ...
    136 }
    137 </pre>
    139 <p>
    140 For more examples of using names, see the
    141 <a href="i18n">Internationalization</a> page.
    142 </p>
    145 <h3 id="message">message</h3>
    147 <p>
    148 The translated message,
    149 in the form of a string that can contain
    150 <a href="#placeholders">placeholders</a>.
    151 Use <code>$<em>placeholder_name</em>$</code>
    152 (case insensitive)
    153 to refer to a particular placeholder.
    154 For example, you can refer to a placeholder named "our_site" as
    155 <code>$our_site$</code>, <code>$OUR_SITE$</code>, or <code>$oUR_sITe$</code>.
    156 </p>
    158 <p>
    159 Here are three examples of messages,
    160 taken from the <a href="#example">Example</a> section:
    161 </p>
    163 <pre>
    164 "message": "What's your name?"
    165 ...
    166 "message": "Hello, $USER$"
    167 ...
    168 "message": "Goodbye, $USER$. Come back to $OUR_SITE$ soon!"
    169 </pre>
    171 <p>
    172 To put a dollar sign (<code>$</code>) into the string,
    173 use <code>$$</code>.
    174 For example, use the following code to specify the message
    175 <b>Amount (in $)</b>:
    177 <pre>
    178 "message": "Amount (in $$)"
    179 </pre>
    181 <p>
    182 Although placeholders such as <code>$USER$</code> are
    183 the preferred way of referring to <em>substitution strings</em>
    184 (strings specified using the <em>substitutions</em> parameter of
    185 $(ref:i18n.getMessage))
    186 you can also refer to substitution strings directly
    187 within the message.
    188 For example, the following message
    189 refers to the first three substitution strings passed into
    190 <code>getMessage()</code>:
    191 </p>
    193 <pre>
    194 "message": "Params: $1, $2, $3"
    195 </pre>
    197 <p>
    198 Despite that example,
    199 we recommend that you stick to using placeholders
    200 instead of <code>$<em>n</em></code> strings
    201 within your messages.
    202 Think of placeholders as good variable names.
    203 A week after you write your code,
    204 you'll probably forget what <code>$1</code> refers to,
    205 but you'll know what your placeholders refer to.
    206 For more information on placeholders and substitution strings, see
    207 the <a href="#placeholders">placeholders</a> section.
    208 </p>
    210 <h3 id="description">description</h3>
    212 <p>
    213 <em>Optional.</em>
    214 A description of the message,
    215 intended to give context
    216 or details to help the translator
    217 make the best possible translation.
    218 </p>
    220 <p>
    221 Here are three examples of descriptions,
    222 taken from the <a href="#example">Example</a> section:
    223 </p>
    225 <pre>
    226 "description": "Ask for the user's name"
    227 ...
    228 "description": "Greet the user"
    229 ...
    230 "description": "Say goodbye to the user"
    231 </pre>
    233 <h3 id="placeholders">placeholders</h3>
    235 <p>
    236 <em>Optional.</em>
    237 Defines one or more substrings
    238 to be used within the message.
    239 Here are two reasons you might want to use a placeholder:
    240 </p>
    242 <ul>
    243   <li>
    244     To define the text
    245     for a part of your message
    246     that shouldn't be translated.
    247     Examples: HTML code, trademarked names, formatting specifiers.
    248   </li>
    249   <li>
    250     To refer to a substitution string passed into
    251     <code>getMessage()</code>.
    252     Example: <code>$1</code>.
    253   </li>
    254 </ul>
    256 <p>
    257 Each placeholder has a name,
    258 a "content" item,
    259 and an optional "example" item.
    260 A placeholder's name is case-insensitive
    261 and can contain the same characters
    262 as a <a href="#name">message name</a>.
    263 </p>
    265 <p>
    266 The "content" item's value is a string
    267 that can refer to substitution strings, which are
    268 specified using the
    269 $(ref:i18n.getMessage) method's
    270 <em>substitutions</em> parameter.
    271 The value of a "content" item is typically something like
    272 "Example.com" or "$1".
    273 If you refer to
    274 a substitution string that doesn't exist,
    275 you get an empty string.
    276 The following table shows how
    277 <code>$<em>n</em></code> strings correspond to
    278 strings specified by the <em>substitutions</em> parameter.
    279 </p>
    281 <table class="simple">
    282 <tr>
    283 <th> <em>substitutions</em> parameter </th>
    284 <th> Value of $1</th>
    285 <th> Value of $2</th>
    286 <th> Value of $3</th>
    287 </tr>
    288 <tr>
    289   <td> <code>userName</code> </td>
    290   <td> value of <code>userName</code> </td>
    291   <td> <code>""</code> </td>
    292   <td> <code>""</code> </td>
    293 </tr>
    294 <tr>
    295   <td> <code>["Cira", "Kathy"]</code> </td>
    296   <td> <code>"Cira"</code> </td>
    297   <td> <code>"Kathy"</code> </td>
    298   <td> <code>""</code> </td>
    299 </tr>
    300 </table>
    302 <p>
    303 The "example" item
    304 (optional, but highly recommended)
    305 helps translators by showing how the content appears to the end user.
    306 For example, a placeholder
    307 for a dollar amount
    308 should have an example like <code>"$23.45"</code>.
    309 </p>
    311 <p>
    312 The following snippet,
    313 taken from the <a href="#example">Example</a> section,
    314 shows a "placeholders" item that contains two placeholders
    315 named "our_site" and "user".
    316 The "our_site" placeholder has no "example" item
    317 because its value is obvious from the "content" field.
    318 </p>
    320 <pre>
    321 "placeholders": {
    322   "our_site": {
    323     "content": "Example.com",
    324   },
    325   "user": {
    326     "content": "$1",
    327     "example": "Cira"
    328   }
    329 }
    330 </pre>