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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "media/formats/mp2t/ts_section_pes.h"
      7 #include "base/logging.h"
      8 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
      9 #include "media/base/bit_reader.h"
     10 #include "media/base/buffers.h"
     11 #include "media/formats/mp2t/es_parser.h"
     12 #include "media/formats/mp2t/mp2t_common.h"
     13 #include "media/formats/mp2t/timestamp_unroller.h"
     15 static const int kPesStartCode = 0x000001;
     17 static bool IsTimestampSectionValid(int64 timestamp_section) {
     18   // |pts_section| has 40 bits:
     19   // - starting with either '0010' or '0011' or '0001'
     20   // - and ending with a marker bit.
     21   // See ITU H.222 standard - PES section.
     23   // Verify that all the marker bits are set to one.
     24   return ((timestamp_section & 0x1) != 0) &&
     25          ((timestamp_section & 0x10000) != 0) &&
     26          ((timestamp_section & 0x100000000) != 0);
     27 }
     29 static int64 ConvertTimestampSectionToTimestamp(int64 timestamp_section) {
     30   return (((timestamp_section >> 33) & 0x7) << 30) |
     31          (((timestamp_section >> 17) & 0x7fff) << 15) |
     32          (((timestamp_section >> 1) & 0x7fff) << 0);
     33 }
     35 namespace media {
     36 namespace mp2t {
     38 TsSectionPes::TsSectionPes(scoped_ptr<EsParser> es_parser,
     39                            TimestampUnroller* timestamp_unroller)
     40   : es_parser_(es_parser.release()),
     41     wait_for_pusi_(true),
     42     timestamp_unroller_(timestamp_unroller) {
     43   DCHECK(es_parser_);
     44   DCHECK(timestamp_unroller_);
     45 }
     47 TsSectionPes::~TsSectionPes() {
     48 }
     50 bool TsSectionPes::Parse(bool payload_unit_start_indicator,
     51                              const uint8* buf, int size) {
     52   // Ignore partial PES.
     53   if (wait_for_pusi_ && !payload_unit_start_indicator)
     54     return true;
     56   bool parse_result = true;
     57   if (payload_unit_start_indicator) {
     58     // Try emitting a packet since we might have a pending PES packet
     59     // with an undefined size.
     60     // In this case, a unit is emitted when the next unit is coming.
     61     int raw_pes_size;
     62     const uint8* raw_pes;
     63     pes_byte_queue_.Peek(&raw_pes, &raw_pes_size);
     64     if (raw_pes_size > 0)
     65       parse_result = Emit(true);
     67     // Reset the state.
     68     ResetPesState();
     70     // Update the state.
     71     wait_for_pusi_ = false;
     72   }
     74   // Add the data to the parser state.
     75   if (size > 0)
     76     pes_byte_queue_.Push(buf, size);
     78   // Try emitting the current PES packet.
     79   return (parse_result && Emit(false));
     80 }
     82 void TsSectionPes::Flush() {
     83   // Try emitting a packet since we might have a pending PES packet
     84   // with an undefined size.
     85   Emit(true);
     87   // Flush the underlying ES parser.
     88   es_parser_->Flush();
     89 }
     91 void TsSectionPes::Reset() {
     92   ResetPesState();
     93   es_parser_->Reset();
     94 }
     96 bool TsSectionPes::Emit(bool emit_for_unknown_size) {
     97   int raw_pes_size;
     98   const uint8* raw_pes;
     99   pes_byte_queue_.Peek(&raw_pes, &raw_pes_size);
    101   // A PES should be at least 6 bytes.
    102   // Wait for more data to come if not enough bytes.
    103   if (raw_pes_size < 6)
    104     return true;
    106   // Check whether we have enough data to start parsing.
    107   int pes_packet_length =
    108       (static_cast<int>(raw_pes[4]) << 8) |
    109       (static_cast<int>(raw_pes[5]));
    110   if ((pes_packet_length == 0 && !emit_for_unknown_size) ||
    111       (pes_packet_length != 0 && raw_pes_size < pes_packet_length + 6)) {
    112     // Wait for more data to come either because:
    113     // - there are not enough bytes,
    114     // - or the PES size is unknown and the "force emit" flag is not set.
    115     //   (PES size might be unknown for video PES packet).
    116     return true;
    117   }
    118   DVLOG(LOG_LEVEL_PES) << "pes_packet_length=" << pes_packet_length;
    120   // Parse the packet.
    121   bool parse_result = ParseInternal(raw_pes, raw_pes_size);
    123   // Reset the state.
    124   ResetPesState();
    126   return parse_result;
    127 }
    129 bool TsSectionPes::ParseInternal(const uint8* raw_pes, int raw_pes_size) {
    130   BitReader bit_reader(raw_pes, raw_pes_size);
    132   // Read up to the pes_packet_length (6 bytes).
    133   int packet_start_code_prefix;
    134   int stream_id;
    135   int pes_packet_length;
    136   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(24, &packet_start_code_prefix));
    137   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(8, &stream_id));
    138   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(16, &pes_packet_length));
    140   RCHECK(packet_start_code_prefix == kPesStartCode);
    141   DVLOG(LOG_LEVEL_PES) << "stream_id=" << std::hex << stream_id << std::dec;
    142   if (pes_packet_length == 0)
    143     pes_packet_length = bit_reader.bits_available() / 8;
    145   // Ignore the PES for unknown stream IDs.
    146   // See ITU H.222 Table 2-22 "Stream_id assignments"
    147   bool is_audio_stream_id = ((stream_id & 0xe0) == 0xc0);
    148   bool is_video_stream_id = ((stream_id & 0xf0) == 0xe0);
    149   if (!is_audio_stream_id && !is_video_stream_id)
    150     return true;
    152   // Read up to "pes_header_data_length".
    153   int dummy_2;
    154   int PES_scrambling_control;
    155   int PES_priority;
    156   int data_alignment_indicator;
    157   int copyright;
    158   int original_or_copy;
    159   int pts_dts_flags;
    160   int escr_flag;
    161   int es_rate_flag;
    162   int dsm_trick_mode_flag;
    163   int additional_copy_info_flag;
    164   int pes_crc_flag;
    165   int pes_extension_flag;
    166   int pes_header_data_length;
    167   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(2, &dummy_2));
    168   RCHECK(dummy_2 == 0x2);
    169   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(2, &PES_scrambling_control));
    170   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &PES_priority));
    171   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &data_alignment_indicator));
    172   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &copyright));
    173   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &original_or_copy));
    174   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(2, &pts_dts_flags));
    175   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &escr_flag));
    176   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &es_rate_flag));
    177   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &dsm_trick_mode_flag));
    178   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &additional_copy_info_flag));
    179   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &pes_crc_flag));
    180   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(1, &pes_extension_flag));
    181   RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(8, &pes_header_data_length));
    182   int pes_header_start_size = bit_reader.bits_available() / 8;
    184   // Compute the size and the offset of the ES payload.
    185   // "6" for the 6 bytes read before and including |pes_packet_length|.
    186   // "3" for the 3 bytes read before and including |pes_header_data_length|.
    187   int es_size = pes_packet_length - 3 - pes_header_data_length;
    188   int es_offset = 6 + 3 + pes_header_data_length;
    189   RCHECK(es_size >= 0);
    190   RCHECK(es_offset + es_size <= raw_pes_size);
    192   // Read the timing information section.
    193   bool is_pts_valid = false;
    194   bool is_dts_valid = false;
    195   int64 pts_section = 0;
    196   int64 dts_section = 0;
    197   if (pts_dts_flags == 0x2) {
    198     RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(40, &pts_section));
    199     RCHECK((((pts_section >> 36) & 0xf) == 0x2) &&
    200            IsTimestampSectionValid(pts_section));
    201     is_pts_valid = true;
    202   }
    203   if (pts_dts_flags == 0x3) {
    204     RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(40, &pts_section));
    205     RCHECK(bit_reader.ReadBits(40, &dts_section));
    206     RCHECK((((pts_section >> 36) & 0xf) == 0x3) &&
    207            IsTimestampSectionValid(pts_section));
    208     RCHECK((((dts_section >> 36) & 0xf) == 0x1) &&
    209            IsTimestampSectionValid(dts_section));
    210     is_pts_valid = true;
    211     is_dts_valid = true;
    212   }
    214   // Convert and unroll the timestamps.
    215   base::TimeDelta media_pts(kNoTimestamp());
    216   DecodeTimestamp media_dts(kNoDecodeTimestamp());
    217   if (is_pts_valid) {
    218     int64 pts = timestamp_unroller_->GetUnrolledTimestamp(
    219         ConvertTimestampSectionToTimestamp(pts_section));
    220     media_pts = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds((1000 * pts) / 90);
    221   }
    222   if (is_dts_valid) {
    223     int64 dts = timestamp_unroller_->GetUnrolledTimestamp(
    224         ConvertTimestampSectionToTimestamp(dts_section));
    225     media_dts = DecodeTimestamp::FromMicroseconds((1000 * dts) / 90);
    226   }
    228   // Discard the rest of the PES packet header.
    229   // TODO(damienv): check if some info of the PES packet header are useful.
    230   DCHECK_EQ(bit_reader.bits_available() % 8, 0);
    231   int pes_header_remaining_size = pes_header_data_length -
    232       (pes_header_start_size - bit_reader.bits_available() / 8);
    233   RCHECK(pes_header_remaining_size >= 0);
    235   // Read the PES packet.
    237       << "Emit a reassembled PES:"
    238       << " size=" << es_size
    239       << " pts=" << media_pts.InMilliseconds()
    240       << " dts=" << media_dts.InMilliseconds()
    241       << " data_alignment_indicator=" << data_alignment_indicator;
    242   return es_parser_->Parse(&raw_pes[es_offset], es_size, media_pts, media_dts);
    243 }
    245 void TsSectionPes::ResetPesState() {
    246   pes_byte_queue_.Reset();
    247   wait_for_pusi_ = true;
    248 }
    250 }  // namespace mp2t
    251 }  // namespace media