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      1 import itertools
      2 from time import time
      4 import Errors
      5 import DebugFlags
      6 import Options
      7 from Visitor import CythonTransform
      8 from Errors import CompileError, InternalError, AbortError
      9 import Naming
     11 #
     12 # Really small pipeline stages
     13 #
     14 def dumptree(t):
     15     # For quick debugging in pipelines
     16     print t.dump()
     17     return t
     19 def abort_on_errors(node):
     20     # Stop the pipeline if there are any errors.
     21     if Errors.num_errors != 0:
     22         raise AbortError("pipeline break")
     23     return node
     25 def parse_stage_factory(context):
     26     def parse(compsrc):
     27         source_desc = compsrc.source_desc
     28         full_module_name = compsrc.full_module_name
     29         initial_pos = (source_desc, 1, 0)
     30         saved_cimport_from_pyx, Options.cimport_from_pyx = Options.cimport_from_pyx, False
     31         scope = context.find_module(full_module_name, pos = initial_pos, need_pxd = 0,
     32                                     check_module_name = not Options.embed)
     33         Options.cimport_from_pyx = saved_cimport_from_pyx
     34         tree = context.parse(source_desc, scope, pxd = 0, full_module_name = full_module_name)
     35         tree.compilation_source = compsrc
     36         tree.scope = scope
     37         tree.is_pxd = False
     38         return tree
     39     return parse
     41 def parse_pxd_stage_factory(context, scope, module_name):
     42     def parse(source_desc):
     43         tree = context.parse(source_desc, scope, pxd=True,
     44                              full_module_name=module_name)
     45         tree.scope = scope
     46         tree.is_pxd = True
     47         return tree
     48     return parse
     50 def generate_pyx_code_stage_factory(options, result):
     51     def generate_pyx_code_stage(module_node):
     52         module_node.process_implementation(options, result)
     53         result.compilation_source = module_node.compilation_source
     54         return result
     55     return generate_pyx_code_stage
     57 def inject_pxd_code_stage_factory(context):
     58     def inject_pxd_code_stage(module_node):
     59         from textwrap import dedent
     60         stats = module_node.body.stats
     61         for name, (statlistnode, scope) in context.pxds.iteritems():
     62             module_node.merge_in(statlistnode, scope)
     63         return module_node
     64     return inject_pxd_code_stage
     66 def use_utility_code_definitions(scope, target, seen=None):
     67     if seen is None:
     68         seen = set()
     70     for entry in scope.entries.itervalues():
     71         if entry in seen:
     72             continue
     74         seen.add(entry)
     75         if entry.used and entry.utility_code_definition:
     76             target.use_utility_code(entry.utility_code_definition)
     77             for required_utility in entry.utility_code_definition.requires:
     78                 target.use_utility_code(required_utility)
     79         elif entry.as_module:
     80             use_utility_code_definitions(entry.as_module, target, seen)
     82 def inject_utility_code_stage_factory(context):
     83     def inject_utility_code_stage(module_node):
     84         use_utility_code_definitions(context.cython_scope, module_node.scope)
     85         added = []
     86         # Note: the list might be extended inside the loop (if some utility code
     87         # pulls in other utility code, explicitly or implicitly)
     88         for utilcode in module_node.scope.utility_code_list:
     89             if utilcode in added: continue
     90             added.append(utilcode)
     91             if utilcode.requires:
     92                 for dep in utilcode.requires:
     93                     if not dep in added and not dep in module_node.scope.utility_code_list:
     94                         module_node.scope.utility_code_list.append(dep)
     95             tree = utilcode.get_tree()
     96             if tree:
     97                 module_node.merge_in(tree.body, tree.scope, merge_scope=True)
     98         return module_node
     99     return inject_utility_code_stage
    101 class UseUtilityCodeDefinitions(CythonTransform):
    102     # Temporary hack to use any utility code in nodes' "utility_code_definitions".
    103     # This should be moved to the code generation phase of the relevant nodes once
    104     # it is safe to generate CythonUtilityCode at code generation time.
    105     def __call__(self, node):
    106         self.scope = node.scope
    107         return super(UseUtilityCodeDefinitions, self).__call__(node)
    109     def process_entry(self, entry):
    110         if entry:
    111             for utility_code in (entry.utility_code, entry.utility_code_definition):
    112                 if utility_code:
    113                     self.scope.use_utility_code(utility_code)
    115     def visit_AttributeNode(self, node):
    116         self.process_entry(node.entry)
    117         return node
    119     def visit_NameNode(self, node):
    120         self.process_entry(node.entry)
    121         self.process_entry(node.type_entry)
    122         return node
    124 #
    125 # Pipeline factories
    126 #
    128 def create_pipeline(context, mode, exclude_classes=()):
    129     assert mode in ('pyx', 'py', 'pxd')
    130     from Visitor import PrintTree
    131     from ParseTreeTransforms import WithTransform, NormalizeTree, PostParse, PxdPostParse
    132     from ParseTreeTransforms import ForwardDeclareTypes, AnalyseDeclarationsTransform
    133     from ParseTreeTransforms import AnalyseExpressionsTransform, FindInvalidUseOfFusedTypes
    134     from ParseTreeTransforms import CreateClosureClasses, MarkClosureVisitor, DecoratorTransform
    135     from ParseTreeTransforms import InterpretCompilerDirectives, TransformBuiltinMethods
    136     from ParseTreeTransforms import ExpandInplaceOperators, ParallelRangeTransform
    137     from ParseTreeTransforms import CalculateQualifiedNamesTransform
    138     from TypeInference import MarkParallelAssignments, MarkOverflowingArithmetic
    139     from ParseTreeTransforms import AdjustDefByDirectives, AlignFunctionDefinitions
    140     from ParseTreeTransforms import RemoveUnreachableCode, GilCheck
    141     from FlowControl import ControlFlowAnalysis
    142     from AnalysedTreeTransforms import AutoTestDictTransform
    143     from AutoDocTransforms import EmbedSignature
    144     from Optimize import FlattenInListTransform, SwitchTransform, IterationTransform
    145     from Optimize import EarlyReplaceBuiltinCalls, OptimizeBuiltinCalls
    146     from Optimize import InlineDefNodeCalls
    147     from Optimize import ConstantFolding, FinalOptimizePhase
    148     from Optimize import DropRefcountingTransform
    149     from Optimize import ConsolidateOverflowCheck
    150     from Buffer import IntroduceBufferAuxiliaryVars
    151     from ModuleNode import check_c_declarations, check_c_declarations_pxd
    154     if mode == 'pxd':
    155         _check_c_declarations = check_c_declarations_pxd
    156         _specific_post_parse = PxdPostParse(context)
    157     else:
    158         _check_c_declarations = check_c_declarations
    159         _specific_post_parse = None
    161     if mode == 'py':
    162         _align_function_definitions = AlignFunctionDefinitions(context)
    163     else:
    164         _align_function_definitions = None
    166     # NOTE: This is the "common" parts of the pipeline, which is also
    167     # code in pxd files. So it will be run multiple times in a
    168     # compilation stage.
    169     stages = [
    170         NormalizeTree(context),
    171         PostParse(context),
    172         _specific_post_parse,
    173         InterpretCompilerDirectives(context, context.compiler_directives),
    174         ParallelRangeTransform(context),
    175         AdjustDefByDirectives(context),
    176         MarkClosureVisitor(context),
    177         _align_function_definitions,
    178         RemoveUnreachableCode(context),
    179         ConstantFolding(),
    180         FlattenInListTransform(),
    181         WithTransform(context),
    182         DecoratorTransform(context),
    183         ForwardDeclareTypes(context),
    184         AnalyseDeclarationsTransform(context),
    185         AutoTestDictTransform(context),
    186         EmbedSignature(context),
    187         EarlyReplaceBuiltinCalls(context),  ## Necessary?
    188         TransformBuiltinMethods(context),  ## Necessary?
    189         MarkParallelAssignments(context),
    190         ControlFlowAnalysis(context),
    191         RemoveUnreachableCode(context),
    192         # MarkParallelAssignments(context),
    193         MarkOverflowingArithmetic(context),
    194         IntroduceBufferAuxiliaryVars(context),
    195         _check_c_declarations,
    196         InlineDefNodeCalls(context),
    197         AnalyseExpressionsTransform(context),
    198         FindInvalidUseOfFusedTypes(context),
    199         ExpandInplaceOperators(context),
    200         OptimizeBuiltinCalls(context),  ## Necessary?
    201         CreateClosureClasses(context),  ## After all lookups and type inference
    202         CalculateQualifiedNamesTransform(context),
    203         ConsolidateOverflowCheck(context),
    204         IterationTransform(context),
    205         SwitchTransform(),
    206         DropRefcountingTransform(),
    207         FinalOptimizePhase(context),
    208         GilCheck(),
    209         UseUtilityCodeDefinitions(context),
    210         ]
    211     filtered_stages = []
    212     for s in stages:
    213         if s.__class__ not in exclude_classes:
    214             filtered_stages.append(s)
    215     return filtered_stages
    217 def create_pyx_pipeline(context, options, result, py=False, exclude_classes=()):
    218     if py:
    219         mode = 'py'
    220     else:
    221         mode = 'pyx'
    222     test_support = []
    223     if options.evaluate_tree_assertions:
    224         from Cython.TestUtils import TreeAssertVisitor
    225         test_support.append(TreeAssertVisitor())
    227     if options.gdb_debug:
    228         from Cython.Debugger import DebugWriter # requires Py2.5+
    229         from ParseTreeTransforms import DebugTransform
    230         context.gdb_debug_outputwriter = DebugWriter.CythonDebugWriter(
    231             options.output_dir)
    232         debug_transform = [DebugTransform(context, options, result)]
    233     else:
    234         debug_transform = []
    236     return list(itertools.chain(
    237         [parse_stage_factory(context)],
    238         create_pipeline(context, mode, exclude_classes=exclude_classes),
    239         test_support,
    240         [inject_pxd_code_stage_factory(context),
    241          inject_utility_code_stage_factory(context),
    242          abort_on_errors],
    243         debug_transform,
    244         [generate_pyx_code_stage_factory(options, result)]))
    246 def create_pxd_pipeline(context, scope, module_name):
    247     from CodeGeneration import ExtractPxdCode
    249     # The pxd pipeline ends up with a CCodeWriter containing the
    250     # code of the pxd, as well as a pxd scope.
    251     return [
    252         parse_pxd_stage_factory(context, scope, module_name)
    253         ] + create_pipeline(context, 'pxd') + [
    254         ExtractPxdCode()
    255         ]
    257 def create_py_pipeline(context, options, result):
    258     return create_pyx_pipeline(context, options, result, py=True)
    260 def create_pyx_as_pxd_pipeline(context, result):
    261     from ParseTreeTransforms import AlignFunctionDefinitions, \
    262         MarkClosureVisitor, WithTransform, AnalyseDeclarationsTransform
    263     from Optimize import ConstantFolding, FlattenInListTransform
    264     from Nodes import StatListNode
    265     pipeline = []
    266     pyx_pipeline = create_pyx_pipeline(context, context.options, result,
    267                                        exclude_classes=[
    268                                            AlignFunctionDefinitions,
    269                                            MarkClosureVisitor,
    270                                            ConstantFolding,
    271                                            FlattenInListTransform,
    272                                            WithTransform
    273                                            ])
    274     for stage in pyx_pipeline:
    275         pipeline.append(stage)
    276         if isinstance(stage, AnalyseDeclarationsTransform):
    277             # This is the last stage we need.
    278             break
    279     def fake_pxd(root):
    280         for entry in root.scope.entries.values():
    281             if not entry.in_cinclude:
    282                 entry.defined_in_pxd = 1
    283                 if entry.name == entry.cname and entry.visibility != 'extern':
    284                     # Always mangle non-extern cimported entries.
    285                     entry.cname = entry.scope.mangle(Naming.func_prefix, entry.name)
    286         return StatListNode(root.pos, stats=[]), root.scope
    287     pipeline.append(fake_pxd)
    288     return pipeline
    290 def insert_into_pipeline(pipeline, transform, before=None, after=None):
    291     """
    292     Insert a new transform into the pipeline after or before an instance of
    293     the given class. e.g.
    295         pipeline = insert_into_pipeline(pipeline, transform,
    296                                         after=AnalyseDeclarationsTransform)
    297     """
    298     assert before or after
    300     cls = before or after
    301     for i, t in enumerate(pipeline):
    302         if isinstance(t, cls):
    303             break
    305     if after:
    306         i += 1
    308     return pipeline[:i] + [transform] + pipeline[i:]
    310 #
    311 # Running a pipeline
    312 #
    314 def run_pipeline(pipeline, source, printtree=True):
    315     from Cython.Compiler.Visitor import PrintTree
    317     error = None
    318     data = source
    319     try:
    320         try:
    321             for phase in pipeline:
    322                 if phase is not None:
    323                     if DebugFlags.debug_verbose_pipeline:
    324                         t = time()
    325                         print "Entering pipeline phase %r" % phase
    326                     if not printtree and isinstance(phase, PrintTree):
    327                         continue
    328                     data = phase(data)
    329                     if DebugFlags.debug_verbose_pipeline:
    330                         print "    %.3f seconds" % (time() - t)
    331         except CompileError, err:
    332             # err is set
    333             Errors.report_error(err)
    334             error = err
    335     except InternalError, err:
    336         # Only raise if there was not an earlier error
    337         if Errors.num_errors == 0:
    338             raise
    339         error = err
    340     except AbortError, err:
    341         error = err
    342     return (error, data)