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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      3 import os
      4 import sys
      5 import re
      6 import gc
      7 import locale
      8 import shutil
      9 import time
     10 import unittest
     11 import doctest
     12 import operator
     13 import subprocess
     14 import tempfile
     15 import traceback
     16 import warnings
     18 try:
     19     import platform
     20     IS_PYPY = platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy'
     21     IS_CPYTHON = platform.python_implementation() == 'CPython'
     22 except (ImportError, AttributeError):
     23     IS_CPYTHON = True
     24     IS_PYPY = False
     26 try:
     27     from StringIO import StringIO
     28 except ImportError:
     29     from io import StringIO
     31 try:
     32     import cPickle as pickle
     33 except ImportError:
     34     import pickle
     36 try:
     37     from io import open as io_open
     38 except ImportError:
     39     from codecs import open as io_open
     41 try:
     42     import threading
     43 except ImportError: # No threads, no problems
     44     threading = None
     46 try:
     47     from collections import defaultdict
     48 except ImportError:
     49     class defaultdict(object):
     50         def __init__(self, default_factory=lambda : None):
     51             self._dict = {}
     52             self.default_factory = default_factory
     53         def __getitem__(self, key):
     54             if key not in self._dict:
     55                 self._dict[key] = self.default_factory()
     56             return self._dict[key]
     57         def __setitem__(self, key, value):
     58             self._dict[key] = value
     59         def __contains__(self, key):
     60             return key in self._dict
     61         def __repr__(self):
     62             return repr(self._dict)
     63         def __nonzero__(self):
     64             return bool(self._dict)
     66 try:
     67     basestring
     68 except NameError:
     69     basestring = str
     71 WITH_CYTHON = True
     72 CY3_DIR = None
     74 from distutils.dist import Distribution
     75 from distutils.core import Extension
     76 from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
     77 from distutils import sysconfig
     78 distutils_distro = Distribution()
     81 if sys.platform == 'win32':
     82     # TODO: Figure out why this hackery (see http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.cython.devel/8280/).
     83     config_files = distutils_distro.find_config_files()
     84     try: config_files.remove('setup.cfg')
     85     except ValueError: pass
     86     distutils_distro.parse_config_files(config_files)
     88     cfgfiles = distutils_distro.find_config_files()
     89     try: cfgfiles.remove('setup.cfg')
     90     except ValueError: pass
     91     distutils_distro.parse_config_files(cfgfiles)
     93 EXT_DEP_MODULES = {
     94     'tag:numpy' : 'numpy',
     95     'tag:pstats': 'pstats',
     96     'tag:posix' : 'posix',
     97     'tag:array' : 'array',
     98 }
    100 def patch_inspect_isfunction():
    101     import inspect
    102     orig_isfunction = inspect.isfunction
    103     def isfunction(obj):
    104         return orig_isfunction(obj) or type(obj).__name__ == 'cython_function_or_method'
    105     isfunction._orig_isfunction = orig_isfunction
    106     inspect.isfunction = isfunction
    108 def unpatch_inspect_isfunction():
    109     import inspect
    110     try:
    111         orig_isfunction = inspect.isfunction._orig_isfunction
    112     except AttributeError:
    113         pass
    114     else:
    115         inspect.isfunction = orig_isfunction
    117 def update_linetrace_extension(ext):
    118     ext.define_macros.append(('CYTHON_TRACE', 1))
    119     return ext
    121 def update_numpy_extension(ext):
    122     import numpy
    123     from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_info
    125     ext.include_dirs.append(numpy.get_include())
    127     # We need the npymath library for numpy.math.
    128     # This is typically a static-only library.
    129     for attr, value in get_info('npymath').items():
    130         getattr(ext, attr).extend(value)
    132 def update_openmp_extension(ext):
    133     ext.openmp = True
    134     language = ext.language
    136     if language == 'cpp':
    137         flags = OPENMP_CPP_COMPILER_FLAGS
    138     else:
    139         flags = OPENMP_C_COMPILER_FLAGS
    141     if flags:
    142         compile_flags, link_flags = flags
    144         ext.extra_compile_args.extend(compile_flags.split())
    145         ext.extra_link_args.extend(link_flags.split())
    146         return ext
    147     elif sys.platform == 'win32':
    148         return ext
    150     return EXCLUDE_EXT
    152 def get_openmp_compiler_flags(language):
    153     """
    154     As of gcc 4.2, it supports OpenMP 2.5. Gcc 4.4 implements 3.0. We don't
    155     (currently) check for other compilers.
    157     returns a two-tuple of (CFLAGS, LDFLAGS) to build the OpenMP extension
    158     """
    159     if language == 'cpp':
    160         cc = sysconfig.get_config_var('CXX')
    161     else:
    162         cc = sysconfig.get_config_var('CC')
    164     if not cc:
    165         if sys.platform == 'win32':
    166             return '/openmp', ''
    167         return None
    169     # For some reason, cc can be e.g. 'gcc -pthread'
    170     cc = cc.split()[0]
    172     # Force english output
    173     env = os.environ.copy()
    174     env['LC_MESSAGES'] = 'C'
    176     matcher = re.compile(r"gcc version (\d+\.\d+)").search
    177     try:
    178         p = subprocess.Popen([cc, "-v"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
    179     except EnvironmentError:
    180         # Be compatible with Python 3
    181         warnings.warn("Unable to find the %s compiler: %s: %s" %
    182                       (language, os.strerror(sys.exc_info()[1].errno), cc))
    183         return None
    184     _, output = p.communicate()
    186     output = output.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding() or 'ASCII', 'replace')
    188     gcc_version = matcher(output)
    189     if not gcc_version:
    190         return None # not gcc - FIXME: do something about other compilers
    192     compiler_version = gcc_version.group(1)
    193     if compiler_version and compiler_version.split('.') >= ['4', '2']:
    194         return '-fopenmp', '-fopenmp'
    196 try:
    197     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
    198 except locale.Error:
    199     pass
    201 OPENMP_C_COMPILER_FLAGS = get_openmp_compiler_flags('c')
    202 OPENMP_CPP_COMPILER_FLAGS = get_openmp_compiler_flags('cpp')
    204 # Return this from the EXT_EXTRAS matcher callback to exclude the extension
    205 EXCLUDE_EXT = object()
    207 EXT_EXTRAS = {
    208     'tag:numpy' : update_numpy_extension,
    209     'tag:openmp': update_openmp_extension,
    210     'tag:trace' : update_linetrace_extension,
    211 }
    214 def _is_py3_before_32(excluded, version):
    215     return version[0] >= 3 and version < (3,2)
    218 # TODO: use tags
    219 VER_DEP_MODULES = {
    220     # tests are excluded if 'CurrentPythonVersion OP VersionTuple', i.e.
    221     # (2,4) : (operator.lt, ...) excludes ... when PyVer < 2.4.x
    222     (2,4) : (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['run.extern_builtins_T258',
    223                                           'run.builtin_sorted',
    224                                           'run.reversed_iteration',
    225                                           ]),
    226     (2,5) : (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['run.any',
    227                                           'run.all',
    228                                           'run.yield_from_pep380',  # GeneratorExit
    229                                           'run.generator_frame_cycle', # yield in try-finally
    230                                           'run.generator_expressions_in_class',
    231                                           'run.absolute_import',
    232                                           'run.relativeimport_T542',
    233                                           'run.relativeimport_star_T542',
    234                                           'run.initial_file_path',  # relative import
    235                                           'run.pynumber_subtype_conversion',  # bug in Py2.4
    236                                           'build.cythonize_script',  # python2.4 -m a.b.c
    237                                           'build.cythonize_script_excludes',  # python2.4 -m a.b.c
    238                                           'build.cythonize_script_package',  # python2.4 -m a.b.c
    239                                           ]),
    240     (2,6) : (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['run.print_function',
    241                                           'run.language_level', # print function
    242                                           'run.cython3',
    243                                           'run.property_decorator_T593', # prop.setter etc.
    244                                           'run.generators_py', # generators, with statement
    245                                           'run.pure_py', # decorators, with statement
    246                                           'run.purecdef',
    247                                           'run.struct_conversion',
    248                                           'run.bytearray_coercion',
    249                                           'run.bytearraymethods',
    250                                           'run.bytearray_ascii_auto_encoding',
    251                                           'run.bytearray_default_auto_encoding',
    252                                           # memory views require buffer protocol
    253                                           'memoryview.relaxed_strides',
    254                                           'memoryview.cythonarray',
    255                                           'memoryview.memslice',
    256                                           'memoryview.numpy_memoryview',
    257                                           'memoryview.memoryviewattrs',
    258                                           'memoryview.memoryview',
    259                                           'run.withstat_py',
    260                                           ]),
    261     (2,7) : (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['run.withstat_py27', # multi context with statement
    262                                           'run.yield_inside_lambda',
    263                                           'run.test_dictviews',
    264                                           'run.pyclass_special_methods',
    265                                           ]),
    266     # The next line should start (3,); but this is a dictionary, so
    267     # we can only have one (3,) key.  Since 2.7 is supposed to be the
    268     # last 2.x release, things would have to change drastically for this
    269     # to be unsafe...
    270     (2,999): (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['run.special_methods_T561_py3',
    271                                            'run.test_raisefrom',
    272                                            ]),
    273     (3,): (operator.ge, lambda x: x in ['run.non_future_division',
    274                                         'compile.extsetslice',
    275                                         'compile.extdelslice',
    276                                         'run.special_methods_T561_py2'
    277                                         ]),
    278     (3,1): (_is_py3_before_32, lambda x: x in ['run.pyclass_special_methods',
    279                                                ]),
    280     (3,3) : (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['build.package_compilation',
    281                                           ]),
    282     (3,4,0,'beta',3) : (operator.le, lambda x: x in ['run.py34_signature',
    283                                           ]),
    284 }
    286 # files that should not be converted to Python 3 code with 2to3
    287 KEEP_2X_FILES = [
    288     os.path.join('Cython', 'Debugger', 'Tests', 'test_libcython_in_gdb.py'),
    289     os.path.join('Cython', 'Debugger', 'Tests', 'test_libpython_in_gdb.py'),
    290     os.path.join('Cython', 'Debugger', 'libcython.py'),
    291     os.path.join('Cython', 'Debugger', 'libpython.py'),
    292 ]
    294 COMPILER = None
    295 INCLUDE_DIRS = [ d for d in os.getenv('INCLUDE', '').split(os.pathsep) if d ]
    296 CFLAGS = os.getenv('CFLAGS', '').split()
    297 CCACHE = os.getenv('CYTHON_RUNTESTS_CCACHE', '').split()
    298 TEST_SUPPORT_DIR = 'testsupport'
    300 BACKENDS = ['c', 'cpp']
    302 UTF8_BOM_BYTES = r'\xef\xbb\xbf'.encode('ISO-8859-1').decode('unicode_escape')
    305 def memoize(f):
    306     uncomputed = object()
    307     f._cache = {}
    308     def func(*args):
    309         res = f._cache.get(args, uncomputed)
    310         if res is uncomputed:
    311             res = f._cache[args] = f(*args)
    312         return res
    313     return func
    316 @memoize
    317 def parse_tags(filepath):
    318     tags = defaultdict(list)
    319     parse_tag = re.compile(r'#\s*(\w+)\s*:(.*)$').match
    320     f = io_open(filepath, encoding='ISO-8859-1', errors='ignore')
    321     try:
    322         for line in f:
    323             # ignore BOM-like bytes and whitespace
    324             line = line.lstrip(UTF8_BOM_BYTES).strip()
    325             if not line:
    326                 if tags:
    327                     break  # assume all tags are in one block
    328                 else:
    329                     continue
    330             if line[0] != '#':
    331                 break
    332             parsed = parse_tag(line)
    333             if parsed:
    334                 tag, values = parsed.groups()
    335                 if tag in ('coding', 'encoding'):
    336                     continue
    337                 if tag == 'tags':
    338                     tag = 'tag'
    339                     print("WARNING: test tags use the 'tag' directive, not 'tags' (%s)" % filepath)
    340                 if tag not in ('mode', 'tag', 'ticket', 'cython', 'distutils'):
    341                     print("WARNING: unknown test directive '%s' found (%s)" % (tag, filepath))
    342                 values = values.split(',')
    343                 tags[tag].extend(filter(None, [value.strip() for value in values]))
    344             elif tags:
    345                 break  # assume all tags are in one block
    346     finally:
    347         f.close()
    348     return tags
    351 list_unchanging_dir = memoize(lambda x: os.listdir(x))
    354 @memoize
    355 def _list_pyregr_data_files(test_directory):
    356     is_data_file = re.compile('(?:[.](txt|pem|db|html)|^bad.*[.]py)$').search
    357     return ['__init__.py'] + [
    358         filename for filename in list_unchanging_dir(test_directory)
    359         if is_data_file(filename)]
    362 def import_ext(module_name, file_path=None):
    363     if file_path:
    364         import imp
    365         return imp.load_dynamic(module_name, file_path)
    366     else:
    367         try:
    368             from importlib import invalidate_caches
    369         except ImportError:
    370             pass
    371         else:
    372             invalidate_caches()
    373         return __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), ['*'])
    376 class build_ext(_build_ext):
    377     def build_extension(self, ext):
    378         try:
    379             try: # Py2.7+ & Py3.2+
    380                 compiler_obj = self.compiler_obj
    381             except AttributeError:
    382                 compiler_obj = self.compiler
    383             if ext.language == 'c++':
    384                 compiler_obj.compiler_so.remove('-Wstrict-prototypes')
    385             if CCACHE:
    386                 compiler_obj.compiler_so = CCACHE + compiler_obj.compiler_so
    387             if getattr(ext, 'openmp', None) and compiler_obj.compiler_type == 'msvc':
    388                 ext.extra_compile_args.append('/openmp')
    389         except Exception:
    390             pass
    391         _build_ext.build_extension(self, ext)
    393 class ErrorWriter(object):
    394     match_error = re.compile('(warning:)?(?:.*:)?\s*([-0-9]+)\s*:\s*([-0-9]+)\s*:\s*(.*)').match
    395     def __init__(self):
    396         self.output = []
    397         self.write = self.output.append
    399     def _collect(self, collect_errors, collect_warnings):
    400         s = ''.join(self.output)
    401         result = []
    402         for line in s.split('\n'):
    403             match = self.match_error(line)
    404             if match:
    405                 is_warning, line, column, message = match.groups()
    406                 if (is_warning and collect_warnings) or \
    407                         (not is_warning and collect_errors):
    408                     result.append( (int(line), int(column), message.strip()) )
    409         result.sort()
    410         return [ "%d:%d: %s" % values for values in result ]
    412     def geterrors(self):
    413         return self._collect(True, False)
    415     def getwarnings(self):
    416         return self._collect(False, True)
    418     def getall(self):
    419         return self._collect(True, True)
    421 class TestBuilder(object):
    422     def __init__(self, rootdir, workdir, selectors, exclude_selectors, annotate,
    423                  cleanup_workdir, cleanup_sharedlibs, cleanup_failures,
    424                  with_pyregr, cython_only, languages, test_bugs, fork, language_level):
    425         self.rootdir = rootdir
    426         self.workdir = workdir
    427         self.selectors = selectors
    428         self.exclude_selectors = exclude_selectors
    429         self.annotate = annotate
    430         self.cleanup_workdir = cleanup_workdir
    431         self.cleanup_sharedlibs = cleanup_sharedlibs
    432         self.cleanup_failures = cleanup_failures
    433         self.with_pyregr = with_pyregr
    434         self.cython_only = cython_only
    435         self.languages = languages
    436         self.test_bugs = test_bugs
    437         self.fork = fork
    438         self.language_level = language_level
    440     def build_suite(self):
    441         suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    442         filenames = os.listdir(self.rootdir)
    443         filenames.sort()
    444         for filename in filenames:
    445             path = os.path.join(self.rootdir, filename)
    446             if os.path.isdir(path) and filename != TEST_SUPPORT_DIR:
    447                 if filename == 'pyregr' and not self.with_pyregr:
    448                     continue
    449                 if filename == 'broken' and not self.test_bugs:
    450                     continue
    451                 suite.addTest(
    452                     self.handle_directory(path, filename))
    453         if sys.platform not in ['win32']:
    454             # Non-Windows makefile.
    455             if [1 for selector in self.selectors if selector("embedded")] \
    456                 and not [1 for selector in self.exclude_selectors if selector("embedded")]:
    457                 suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(EmbedTest))
    458         return suite
    460     def handle_directory(self, path, context):
    461         workdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, context)
    462         if not os.path.exists(workdir):
    463             os.makedirs(workdir)
    465         suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    466         filenames = list_unchanging_dir(path)
    467         filenames.sort()
    468         for filename in filenames:
    469             filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
    470             module, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    471             if ext not in ('.py', '.pyx', '.srctree'):
    472                 continue
    473             if filename.startswith('.'):
    474                 continue # certain emacs backup files
    475             if context == 'pyregr':
    476                 tags = defaultdict(list)
    477             else:
    478                 tags = parse_tags(filepath)
    479             fqmodule = "%s.%s" % (context, module)
    480             if not [ 1 for match in self.selectors
    481                      if match(fqmodule, tags) ]:
    482                 continue
    483             if self.exclude_selectors:
    484                 if [1 for match in self.exclude_selectors 
    485                         if match(fqmodule, tags)]:
    486                     continue
    488             mode = 'run' # default
    489             if tags['mode']:
    490                 mode = tags['mode'][0]
    491             elif context == 'pyregr':
    492                 mode = 'pyregr'
    494             if ext == '.srctree':
    495                 if 'cpp' not in tags['tag'] or 'cpp' in self.languages:
    496                     suite.addTest(EndToEndTest(filepath, workdir, self.cleanup_workdir))
    497                 continue
    499             # Choose the test suite.
    500             if mode == 'pyregr':
    501                 if not filename.startswith('test_'):
    502                     continue
    503                 test_class = CythonPyregrTestCase
    504             elif mode == 'run':
    505                 if module.startswith("test_"):
    506                     test_class = CythonUnitTestCase
    507                 else:
    508                     test_class = CythonRunTestCase
    509             else:
    510                 test_class = CythonCompileTestCase
    512             for test in self.build_tests(test_class, path, workdir,
    513                                          module, mode == 'error', tags):
    514                 suite.addTest(test)
    515             if mode == 'run' and ext == '.py' and not self.cython_only:
    516                 # additionally test file in real Python
    517                 suite.addTest(PureDoctestTestCase(module, os.path.join(path, filename)))
    519         return suite
    521     def build_tests(self, test_class, path, workdir, module, expect_errors, tags):
    522         if 'werror' in tags['tag']:
    523             warning_errors = True
    524         else:
    525             warning_errors = False
    527         if expect_errors:
    528             if 'cpp' in tags['tag'] and 'cpp' in self.languages:
    529                 languages = ['cpp']
    530             else:
    531                 languages = self.languages[:1]
    532         else:
    533             languages = self.languages
    535         if 'cpp' in tags['tag'] and 'c' in languages:
    536             languages = list(languages)
    537             languages.remove('c')
    538         elif 'no-cpp' in tags['tag'] and 'cpp' in self.languages:
    539             languages = list(languages)
    540             languages.remove('cpp')
    541         tests = [ self.build_test(test_class, path, workdir, module, tags,
    542                                   language, expect_errors, warning_errors)
    543                   for language in languages ]
    544         return tests
    546     def build_test(self, test_class, path, workdir, module, tags,
    547                    language, expect_errors, warning_errors):
    548         language_workdir = os.path.join(workdir, language)
    549         if not os.path.exists(language_workdir):
    550             os.makedirs(language_workdir)
    551         workdir = os.path.join(language_workdir, module)
    552         return test_class(path, workdir, module, tags,
    553                           language=language,
    554                           expect_errors=expect_errors,
    555                           annotate=self.annotate,
    556                           cleanup_workdir=self.cleanup_workdir,
    557                           cleanup_sharedlibs=self.cleanup_sharedlibs,
    558                           cleanup_failures=self.cleanup_failures,
    559                           cython_only=self.cython_only,
    560                           fork=self.fork,
    561                           language_level=self.language_level,
    562                           warning_errors=warning_errors)
    564 class CythonCompileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    565     def __init__(self, test_directory, workdir, module, tags, language='c',
    566                  expect_errors=False, annotate=False, cleanup_workdir=True,
    567                  cleanup_sharedlibs=True, cleanup_failures=True, cython_only=False,
    568                  fork=True, language_level=2, warning_errors=False):
    569         self.test_directory = test_directory
    570         self.tags = tags
    571         self.workdir = workdir
    572         self.module = module
    573         self.language = language
    574         self.expect_errors = expect_errors
    575         self.annotate = annotate
    576         self.cleanup_workdir = cleanup_workdir
    577         self.cleanup_sharedlibs = cleanup_sharedlibs
    578         self.cleanup_failures = cleanup_failures
    579         self.cython_only = cython_only
    580         self.fork = fork
    581         self.language_level = language_level
    582         self.warning_errors = warning_errors
    583         unittest.TestCase.__init__(self)
    585     def shortDescription(self):
    586         return "compiling (%s) %s" % (self.language, self.module)
    588     def setUp(self):
    589         from Cython.Compiler import Options
    590         self._saved_options = [ (name, getattr(Options, name))
    591                                 for name in ('warning_errors',
    592                                              'clear_to_none',
    593                                              'error_on_unknown_names',
    594                                              'error_on_uninitialized') ]
    595         self._saved_default_directives = Options.directive_defaults.items()
    596         Options.warning_errors = self.warning_errors
    597         if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
    598             Options.directive_defaults['autotestdict'] = False
    600         if not os.path.exists(self.workdir):
    601             os.makedirs(self.workdir)
    602         if self.workdir not in sys.path:
    603             sys.path.insert(0, self.workdir)
    605     def tearDown(self):
    606         from Cython.Compiler import Options
    607         for name, value in self._saved_options:
    608             setattr(Options, name, value)
    609         Options.directive_defaults = dict(self._saved_default_directives)
    610         unpatch_inspect_isfunction()
    612         try:
    613             sys.path.remove(self.workdir)
    614         except ValueError:
    615             pass
    616         try:
    617             del sys.modules[self.module]
    618         except KeyError:
    619             pass
    620         cleanup = self.cleanup_failures or self.success
    621         cleanup_c_files = WITH_CYTHON and self.cleanup_workdir and cleanup
    622         cleanup_lib_files = self.cleanup_sharedlibs and cleanup
    623         if os.path.exists(self.workdir):
    624             if cleanup_c_files and cleanup_lib_files:
    625                 shutil.rmtree(self.workdir, ignore_errors=True)
    626             else:
    627                 for rmfile in os.listdir(self.workdir):
    628                     if not cleanup_c_files:
    629                         if (rmfile[-2:] in (".c", ".h") or
    630                                 rmfile[-4:] == ".cpp" or
    631                                 rmfile.endswith(".html") and rmfile.startswith(self.module)):
    632                             continue
    633                     if not cleanup_lib_files and (rmfile.endswith(".so") or rmfile.endswith(".dll")):
    634                         continue
    635                     try:
    636                         rmfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, rmfile)
    637                         if os.path.isdir(rmfile):
    638                             shutil.rmtree(rmfile, ignore_errors=True)
    639                         else:
    640                             os.remove(rmfile)
    641                     except IOError:
    642                         pass
    644     def runTest(self):
    645         self.success = False
    646         self.runCompileTest()
    647         self.success = True
    649     def runCompileTest(self):
    650         return self.compile(
    651             self.test_directory, self.module, self.workdir,
    652             self.test_directory, self.expect_errors, self.annotate)
    654     def find_module_source_file(self, source_file):
    655         if not os.path.exists(source_file):
    656             source_file = source_file[:-1]
    657         return source_file
    659     def build_target_filename(self, module_name):
    660         target = '%s.%s' % (module_name, self.language)
    661         return target
    663     def related_files(self, test_directory, module_name):
    664         is_related = re.compile('%s_.*[.].*' % module_name).match
    665         return [filename for filename in list_unchanging_dir(test_directory)
    666                 if is_related(filename)]
    668     def copy_files(self, test_directory, target_directory, file_list):
    669         # use symlink on Unix, copy on Windows
    670         try:
    671             copy = os.symlink
    672         except AttributeError:
    673             copy = shutil.copy
    675         join = os.path.join
    676         for filename in file_list:
    677             file_path = join(test_directory, filename)
    678             if os.path.exists(file_path):
    679                 copy(file_path, join(target_directory, filename))
    681     def source_files(self, workdir, module_name, file_list):
    682         return ([self.build_target_filename(module_name)] +
    683             [filename for filename in file_list
    684              if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(workdir, filename))])
    686     def split_source_and_output(self, test_directory, module, workdir):
    687         source_file = self.find_module_source_file(os.path.join(test_directory, module) + '.pyx')
    688         source_and_output = io_open(source_file, 'rU', encoding='ISO-8859-1')
    689         try:
    690             out = io_open(os.path.join(workdir, module + os.path.splitext(source_file)[1]),
    691                               'w', encoding='ISO-8859-1')
    692             for line in source_and_output:
    693                 if line.startswith("_ERRORS"):
    694                     out.close()
    695                     out = ErrorWriter()
    696                 else:
    697                     out.write(line)
    698         finally:
    699             source_and_output.close()
    700         try:
    701             geterrors = out.geterrors
    702         except AttributeError:
    703             out.close()
    704             return []
    705         else:
    706             return geterrors()
    708     def run_cython(self, test_directory, module, targetdir, incdir, annotate,
    709                    extra_compile_options=None):
    710         include_dirs = INCLUDE_DIRS + [os.path.join(test_directory, '..', TEST_SUPPORT_DIR)]
    711         if incdir:
    712             include_dirs.append(incdir)
    713         source = self.find_module_source_file(
    714             os.path.join(test_directory, module + '.pyx'))
    715         target = os.path.join(targetdir, self.build_target_filename(module))
    717         if extra_compile_options is None:
    718             extra_compile_options = {}
    720         try:
    721             CompilationOptions
    722         except NameError:
    723             from Cython.Compiler.Main import CompilationOptions
    724             from Cython.Compiler.Main import compile as cython_compile
    725             from Cython.Compiler.Main import default_options
    727         options = CompilationOptions(
    728             default_options,
    729             include_path = include_dirs,
    730             output_file = target,
    731             annotate = annotate,
    732             use_listing_file = False,
    733             cplus = self.language == 'cpp',
    734             language_level = self.language_level,
    735             generate_pxi = False,
    736             evaluate_tree_assertions = True,
    737             **extra_compile_options
    738             )
    739         cython_compile(source, options=options,
    740                        full_module_name=module)
    742     def run_distutils(self, test_directory, module, workdir, incdir,
    743                       extra_extension_args=None):
    744         cwd = os.getcwd()
    745         os.chdir(workdir)
    746         try:
    747             build_extension = build_ext(distutils_distro)
    748             build_extension.include_dirs = INCLUDE_DIRS[:]
    749             if incdir:
    750                 build_extension.include_dirs.append(incdir)
    751             build_extension.finalize_options()
    752             if COMPILER:
    753                 build_extension.compiler = COMPILER
    755             ext_compile_flags = CFLAGS[:]
    756             compiler = COMPILER or sysconfig.get_config_var('CC')
    758             if self.language == 'c' and compiler == 'gcc':
    759                 ext_compile_flags.extend(['-std=c89', '-pedantic'])
    760             if  build_extension.compiler == 'mingw32':
    761                 ext_compile_flags.append('-Wno-format')
    762             if extra_extension_args is None:
    763                 extra_extension_args = {}
    765             related_files = self.related_files(test_directory, module)
    766             self.copy_files(test_directory, workdir, related_files)
    767             extension = Extension(
    768                 module,
    769                 sources = self.source_files(workdir, module, related_files),
    770                 extra_compile_args = ext_compile_flags,
    771                 **extra_extension_args
    772                 )
    774             if self.language == 'cpp':
    775                 # Set the language now as the fixer might need it
    776                 extension.language = 'c++'
    778             if 'distutils' in self.tags:
    779                 from Cython.Build.Dependencies import DistutilsInfo
    780                 pyx_path = os.path.join(self.test_directory, self.module + ".pyx")
    781                 DistutilsInfo(open(pyx_path)).apply(extension)
    783             for matcher, fixer in list(EXT_EXTRAS.items()):
    784                 if isinstance(matcher, str):
    785                     # lazy init
    786                     del EXT_EXTRAS[matcher]
    787                     matcher = string_selector(matcher)
    788                     EXT_EXTRAS[matcher] = fixer
    789                 if matcher(module, self.tags):
    790                     newext = fixer(extension)
    791                     if newext is EXCLUDE_EXT:
    792                         return
    793                     extension = newext or extension
    794             if self.language == 'cpp':
    795                 extension.language = 'c++'
    796             build_extension.extensions = [extension]
    797             build_extension.build_temp = workdir
    798             build_extension.build_lib  = workdir
    799             build_extension.run()
    800         finally:
    801             os.chdir(cwd)
    803         try:
    804             get_ext_fullpath = build_extension.get_ext_fullpath
    805         except AttributeError:
    806             def get_ext_fullpath(ext_name, self=build_extension):
    807                 # copied from distutils.command.build_ext (missing in Py2.[45])
    808                 fullname = self.get_ext_fullname(ext_name)
    809                 modpath = fullname.split('.')
    810                 filename = self.get_ext_filename(modpath[-1])
    811                 if not self.inplace:
    812                     filename = os.path.join(*modpath[:-1]+[filename])
    813                     return os.path.join(self.build_lib, filename)
    814                 package = '.'.join(modpath[0:-1])
    815                 build_py = self.get_finalized_command('build_py')
    816                 package_dir = os.path.abspath(build_py.get_package_dir(package))
    817                 return os.path.join(package_dir, filename)
    819         return get_ext_fullpath(module)
    821     def compile(self, test_directory, module, workdir, incdir,
    822                 expect_errors, annotate):
    823         expected_errors = errors = ()
    824         if expect_errors:
    825             expected_errors = self.split_source_and_output(
    826                 test_directory, module, workdir)
    827             test_directory = workdir
    829         if WITH_CYTHON:
    830             old_stderr = sys.stderr
    831             try:
    832                 sys.stderr = ErrorWriter()
    833                 self.run_cython(test_directory, module, workdir, incdir, annotate)
    834                 errors = sys.stderr.geterrors()
    835             finally:
    836                 sys.stderr = old_stderr
    838         if errors or expected_errors:
    839             try:
    840                 for expected, error in zip(expected_errors, errors):
    841                     self.assertEquals(expected, error)
    842                 if len(errors) < len(expected_errors):
    843                     expected_error = expected_errors[len(errors)]
    844                     self.assertEquals(expected_error, None)
    845                 elif len(errors) > len(expected_errors):
    846                     unexpected_error = errors[len(expected_errors)]
    847                     self.assertEquals(None, unexpected_error)
    848             except AssertionError:
    849                 print("\n=== Expected errors: ===")
    850                 print('\n'.join(expected_errors))
    851                 print("\n\n=== Got errors: ===")
    852                 print('\n'.join(errors))
    853                 print('\n')
    854                 raise
    855             return None
    857         if self.cython_only:
    858             so_path = None
    859         else:
    860             so_path = self.run_distutils(test_directory, module, workdir, incdir)
    861         return so_path
    863 class CythonRunTestCase(CythonCompileTestCase):
    864     def setUp(self):
    865         CythonCompileTestCase.setUp(self)
    866         from Cython.Compiler import Options
    867         Options.clear_to_none = False
    869     def shortDescription(self):
    870         if self.cython_only:
    871             return CythonCompileTestCase.shortDescription(self)
    872         else:
    873             return "compiling (%s) and running %s" % (self.language, self.module)
    875     def run(self, result=None):
    876         if result is None:
    877             result = self.defaultTestResult()
    878         result.startTest(self)
    879         try:
    880             self.setUp()
    881             try:
    882                 self.success = False
    883                 ext_so_path = self.runCompileTest()
    884                 failures, errors = len(result.failures), len(result.errors)
    885                 if not self.cython_only:
    886                     self.run_tests(result, ext_so_path)
    887                 if failures == len(result.failures) and errors == len(result.errors):
    888                     # No new errors...
    889                     self.success = True
    890             finally:
    891                 check_thread_termination()
    892         except Exception:
    893             result.addError(self, sys.exc_info())
    894             result.stopTest(self)
    895         try:
    896             self.tearDown()
    897         except Exception:
    898             pass
    900     def run_tests(self, result, ext_so_path):
    901         self.run_doctests(self.module, result, ext_so_path)
    903     def run_doctests(self, module_or_name, result, ext_so_path):
    904         def run_test(result):
    905             if isinstance(module_or_name, basestring):
    906                 module = import_ext(module_or_name, ext_so_path)
    907             else:
    908                 module = module_or_name
    909             tests = doctest.DocTestSuite(module)
    910             tests.run(result)
    911         run_forked_test(result, run_test, self.shortDescription(), self.fork)
    913 def run_forked_test(result, run_func, test_name, fork=True):
    914     if not fork or sys.version_info[0] >= 3 or not hasattr(os, 'fork'):
    915         run_func(result)
    916         sys.stdout.flush()
    917         sys.stderr.flush()
    918         gc.collect()
    919         return
    921     # fork to make sure we do not keep the tested module loaded
    922     result_handle, result_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
    923     os.close(result_handle)
    924     child_id = os.fork()
    925     if not child_id:
    926         result_code = 0
    927         output = None
    928         try:
    929             try:
    930                 tests = partial_result = None
    931                 try:
    932                     partial_result = PartialTestResult(result)
    933                     run_func(partial_result)
    934                     sys.stdout.flush()
    935                     sys.stderr.flush()
    936                     gc.collect()
    937                 except Exception:
    938                     result_code = 1
    939                     if partial_result is not None:
    940                         if tests is None:
    941                             # importing failed, try to fake a test class
    942                             tests = _FakeClass(
    943                                 failureException=sys.exc_info()[1],
    944                                 _shortDescription=test_name,
    945                                 module_name=None)
    946                         partial_result.addError(tests, sys.exc_info())
    947                 output = open(result_file, 'wb')
    948                 pickle.dump(partial_result.data(), output)
    949             except:
    950                 traceback.print_exc()
    951         finally:
    952             try: sys.stderr.flush()
    953             except: pass
    954             try: sys.stdout.flush()
    955             except: pass
    956             try:
    957                 if output is not None:
    958                     output.close()
    959             except:
    960                 pass
    961             os._exit(result_code)
    963     try:
    964         cid, result_code = os.waitpid(child_id, 0)
    965         module_name = test_name.split()[-1]
    966         # os.waitpid returns the child's result code in the
    967         # upper byte of result_code, and the signal it was
    968         # killed by in the lower byte
    969         if result_code & 255:
    970             raise Exception("Tests in module '%s' were unexpectedly killed by signal %d"%
    971                             (module_name, result_code & 255))
    972         result_code >>= 8
    973         if result_code in (0,1):
    974             input = open(result_file, 'rb')
    975             try:
    976                 PartialTestResult.join_results(result, pickle.load(input))
    977             finally:
    978                 input.close()
    979         if result_code:
    980             raise Exception("Tests in module '%s' exited with status %d" %
    981                             (module_name, result_code))
    982     finally:
    983         try: os.unlink(result_file)
    984         except: pass
    986 class PureDoctestTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    987     def __init__(self, module_name, module_path):
    988         self.module_name = module_name
    989         self.module_path = module_path
    990         unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, 'run')
    992     def shortDescription(self):
    993         return "running pure doctests in %s" % self.module_name
    995     def run(self, result=None):
    996         if result is None:
    997             result = self.defaultTestResult()
    998         loaded_module_name = 'pure_doctest__' + self.module_name
    999         result.startTest(self)
   1000         try:
   1001             self.setUp()
   1003             import imp
   1004             m = imp.load_source(loaded_module_name, self.module_path)
   1005             try:
   1006                 doctest.DocTestSuite(m).run(result)
   1007             finally:
   1008                 del m
   1009                 if loaded_module_name in sys.modules:
   1010                     del sys.modules[loaded_module_name]
   1011                 check_thread_termination()
   1012         except Exception:
   1013             result.addError(self, sys.exc_info())
   1014             result.stopTest(self)
   1015         try:
   1016             self.tearDown()
   1017         except Exception:
   1018             pass
   1020 is_private_field = re.compile('^_[^_]').match
   1022 class _FakeClass(object):
   1023     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
   1024         self._shortDescription = kwargs.get('module_name')
   1025         self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
   1026     def shortDescription(self):
   1027         return self._shortDescription
   1029 try: # Py2.7+ and Py3.2+
   1030     from unittest.runner import _TextTestResult
   1031 except ImportError:
   1032     from unittest import _TextTestResult
   1034 class PartialTestResult(_TextTestResult):
   1035     def __init__(self, base_result):
   1036         _TextTestResult.__init__(
   1037             self, self._StringIO(), True,
   1038             base_result.dots + base_result.showAll*2)
   1040     def strip_error_results(self, results):
   1041         for test_case, error in results:
   1042             for attr_name in filter(is_private_field, dir(test_case)):
   1043                 if attr_name == '_dt_test':
   1044                     test_case._dt_test = _FakeClass(
   1045                         name=test_case._dt_test.name)
   1046                 elif attr_name != '_shortDescription':
   1047                     setattr(test_case, attr_name, None)
   1049     def data(self):
   1050         self.strip_error_results(self.failures)
   1051         self.strip_error_results(self.errors)
   1052         return (self.failures, self.errors, self.testsRun,
   1053                 self.stream.getvalue())
   1055     def join_results(result, data):
   1056         """Static method for merging the result back into the main
   1057         result object.
   1058         """
   1059         failures, errors, tests_run, output = data
   1060         if output:
   1061             result.stream.write(output)
   1062         result.errors.extend(errors)
   1063         result.failures.extend(failures)
   1064         result.testsRun += tests_run
   1066     join_results = staticmethod(join_results)
   1068     class _StringIO(StringIO):
   1069         def writeln(self, line):
   1070             self.write("%s\n" % line)
   1073 class CythonUnitTestCase(CythonRunTestCase):
   1074     def shortDescription(self):
   1075         return "compiling (%s) tests in %s" % (self.language, self.module)
   1077     def run_tests(self, result, ext_so_path):
   1078         module = import_ext(self.module, ext_so_path)
   1079         unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(module).run(result)
   1082 class CythonPyregrTestCase(CythonRunTestCase):
   1083     def setUp(self):
   1084         CythonRunTestCase.setUp(self)
   1085         from Cython.Compiler import Options
   1086         Options.error_on_unknown_names = False
   1087         Options.error_on_uninitialized = False
   1088         Options.directive_defaults.update(dict(
   1089             binding=True, always_allow_keywords=True,
   1090             set_initial_path="SOURCEFILE"))
   1091         patch_inspect_isfunction()
   1093     def related_files(self, test_directory, module_name):
   1094         return _list_pyregr_data_files(test_directory)
   1096     def _run_unittest(self, result, *classes):
   1097         """Run tests from unittest.TestCase-derived classes."""
   1098         valid_types = (unittest.TestSuite, unittest.TestCase)
   1099         suite = unittest.TestSuite()
   1100         for cls in classes:
   1101             if isinstance(cls, str):
   1102                 if cls in sys.modules:
   1103                     suite.addTest(unittest.findTestCases(sys.modules[cls]))
   1104                 else:
   1105                     raise ValueError("str arguments must be keys in sys.modules")
   1106             elif isinstance(cls, valid_types):
   1107                 suite.addTest(cls)
   1108             else:
   1109                 suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(cls))
   1110         suite.run(result)
   1112     def _run_doctest(self, result, module):
   1113         self.run_doctests(module, result, None)
   1115     def run_tests(self, result, ext_so_path):
   1116         try:
   1117             from test import support
   1118         except ImportError: # Python2.x
   1119             from test import test_support as support
   1121         def run_test(result):
   1122             def run_unittest(*classes):
   1123                 return self._run_unittest(result, *classes)
   1124             def run_doctest(module, verbosity=None):
   1125                 return self._run_doctest(result, module)
   1127             backup = (support.run_unittest, support.run_doctest)
   1128             support.run_unittest = run_unittest
   1129             support.run_doctest = run_doctest
   1131             try:
   1132                 try:
   1133                     sys.stdout.flush() # helps in case of crashes
   1134                     module = import_ext(self.module, ext_so_path)
   1135                     sys.stdout.flush() # helps in case of crashes
   1136                     if hasattr(module, 'test_main'):
   1137                         module.test_main()
   1138                         sys.stdout.flush() # helps in case of crashes
   1139                 except (unittest.SkipTest, support.ResourceDenied):
   1140                     result.addSkip(self, 'ok')
   1141             finally:
   1142                 support.run_unittest, support.run_doctest = backup
   1144         run_forked_test(result, run_test, self.shortDescription(), self.fork)
   1146 include_debugger = IS_CPYTHON and sys.version_info[:2] > (2, 5)
   1148 def collect_unittests(path, module_prefix, suite, selectors, exclude_selectors):
   1149     def file_matches(filename):
   1150         return filename.startswith("Test") and filename.endswith(".py")
   1152     def package_matches(dirname):
   1153         return dirname == "Tests"
   1155     loader = unittest.TestLoader()
   1157     if include_debugger:
   1158         skipped_dirs = []
   1159     else:
   1160         skipped_dirs = ['Cython' + os.path.sep + 'Debugger' + os.path.sep]
   1162     for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
   1163         if dirpath != path and "__init__.py" not in filenames:
   1164             skipped_dirs.append(dirpath + os.path.sep)
   1165             continue
   1166         skip = False
   1167         for dir in skipped_dirs:
   1168             if dirpath.startswith(dir):
   1169                 skip = True
   1170         if skip:
   1171             continue
   1172         parentname = os.path.split(dirpath)[-1]
   1173         if package_matches(parentname):
   1174             for f in filenames:
   1175                 if file_matches(f):
   1176                     filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)[:-len(".py")]
   1177                     modulename = module_prefix + filepath[len(path)+1:].replace(os.path.sep, '.')
   1178                     if not [ 1 for match in selectors if match(modulename) ]:
   1179                         continue
   1180                     if [ 1 for match in exclude_selectors if match(modulename) ]:
   1181                         continue
   1182                     module = __import__(modulename)
   1183                     for x in modulename.split('.')[1:]:
   1184                         module = getattr(module, x)
   1185                     suite.addTests([loader.loadTestsFromModule(module)])
   1189 def collect_doctests(path, module_prefix, suite, selectors, exclude_selectors):
   1190     def package_matches(dirname):
   1191         if dirname == 'Debugger' and not include_debugger:
   1192             return False
   1193         return dirname not in ("Mac", "Distutils", "Plex")
   1194     def file_matches(filename):
   1195         filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
   1196         blacklist = ['libcython', 'libpython', 'test_libcython_in_gdb',
   1197                      'TestLibCython']
   1198         return (ext == '.py' and not
   1199                 '~' in filename and not
   1200                 '#' in filename and not
   1201                 filename.startswith('.') and not
   1202                 filename in blacklist)
   1203     import doctest
   1204     for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
   1205         for dir in list(dirnames):
   1206             if not package_matches(dir):
   1207                 dirnames.remove(dir)
   1208         for f in filenames:
   1209             if file_matches(f):
   1210                 if not f.endswith('.py'): continue
   1211                 filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
   1212                 if os.path.getsize(filepath) == 0: continue
   1213                 filepath = filepath[:-len(".py")]
   1214                 modulename = module_prefix + filepath[len(path)+1:].replace(os.path.sep, '.')
   1215                 if not [ 1 for match in selectors if match(modulename) ]:
   1216                     continue
   1217                 if [ 1 for match in exclude_selectors if match(modulename) ]:
   1218                     continue
   1219                 if 'in_gdb' in modulename:
   1220                     # These should only be imported from gdb.
   1221                     continue
   1222                 module = __import__(modulename)
   1223                 for x in modulename.split('.')[1:]:
   1224                     module = getattr(module, x)
   1225                 if hasattr(module, "__doc__") or hasattr(module, "__test__"):
   1226                     try:
   1227                         suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(module))
   1228                     except ValueError: # no tests
   1229                         pass
   1232 class EndToEndTest(unittest.TestCase):
   1233     """
   1234     This is a test of build/*.srctree files, where srctree defines a full
   1235     directory structure and its header gives a list of commands to run.
   1236     """
   1237     cython_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
   1239     def __init__(self, treefile, workdir, cleanup_workdir=True):
   1240         self.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(treefile))[0]
   1241         self.treefile = treefile
   1242         self.workdir = os.path.join(workdir, self.name)
   1243         self.cleanup_workdir = cleanup_workdir
   1244         cython_syspath = [self.cython_root]
   1245         for path in sys.path:
   1246             if path.startswith(self.cython_root) and path not in cython_syspath:
   1247                 # Py3 installation and refnanny build prepend their
   1248                 # fixed paths to sys.path => prefer that over the
   1249                 # generic one (cython_root itself goes last)
   1250                 cython_syspath.append(path)
   1251         self.cython_syspath = os.pathsep.join(cython_syspath[::-1])
   1252         unittest.TestCase.__init__(self)
   1254     def shortDescription(self):
   1255         return "End-to-end %s" % self.name
   1257     def setUp(self):
   1258         from Cython.TestUtils import unpack_source_tree
   1259         _, self.commands = unpack_source_tree(self.treefile, self.workdir)
   1260         self.old_dir = os.getcwd()
   1261         os.chdir(self.workdir)
   1262         if self.workdir not in sys.path:
   1263             sys.path.insert(0, self.workdir)
   1265     def tearDown(self):
   1266         if self.cleanup_workdir:
   1267             for trial in range(5):
   1268                 try:
   1269                     shutil.rmtree(self.workdir)
   1270                 except OSError:
   1271                     time.sleep(0.1)
   1272                 else:
   1273                     break
   1274         os.chdir(self.old_dir)
   1276     def _try_decode(self, content):
   1277         try:
   1278             return content.decode()
   1279         except UnicodeDecodeError:
   1280             return content.decode('iso-8859-1')
   1282     def runTest(self):
   1283         self.success = False
   1284         commands = (self.commands
   1285             .replace("CYTHON", "PYTHON %s" % os.path.join(self.cython_root, 'cython.py'))
   1286             .replace("PYTHON", sys.executable))
   1287         old_path = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH')
   1288         os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = self.cython_syspath + os.pathsep + (old_path or '')
   1289         try:
   1290             for command in filter(None, commands.splitlines()):
   1291                 p = subprocess.Popen(command,
   1292                                      stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
   1293                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
   1294                                      shell=True)
   1295                 out, err = p.communicate()
   1296                 res = p.returncode
   1297                 if res != 0:
   1298                     print(command)
   1299                     print(self._try_decode(out))
   1300                     print(self._try_decode(err))
   1301                 self.assertEqual(0, res, "non-zero exit status")
   1302         finally:
   1303             if old_path:
   1304                 os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = old_path
   1305             else:
   1306                 del os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
   1307         self.success = True
   1310 # TODO: Support cython_freeze needed here as well.
   1311 # TODO: Windows support.
   1313 class EmbedTest(unittest.TestCase):
   1315     working_dir = "Demos/embed"
   1317     def setUp(self):
   1318         self.old_dir = os.getcwd()
   1319         os.chdir(self.working_dir)
   1320         os.system(
   1321             "make PYTHON='%s' clean > /dev/null" % sys.executable)
   1323     def tearDown(self):
   1324         try:
   1325             os.system(
   1326                 "make PYTHON='%s' clean > /dev/null" % sys.executable)
   1327         except:
   1328             pass
   1329         os.chdir(self.old_dir)
   1331     def test_embed(self):
   1332         from distutils import sysconfig
   1333         libname = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBRARY')
   1334         libdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')
   1335         if not os.path.isdir(libdir) or libname not in os.listdir(libdir):
   1336             libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), '..', 'lib')
   1337             if not os.path.isdir(libdir) or libname not in os.listdir(libdir):
   1338                 libdir = os.path.join(libdir, 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2], 'config')
   1339                 if not os.path.isdir(libdir) or libname not in os.listdir(libdir):
   1340                     # report the error for the original directory
   1341                     libdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')
   1342         cython = 'cython.py'
   1343         if sys.version_info[0] >=3 and CY3_DIR:
   1344             cython = os.path.join(CY3_DIR, cython)
   1345         cython = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..', cython))
   1346         self.assert_(os.system(
   1347             "make PYTHON='%s' CYTHON='%s' LIBDIR1='%s' test > make.output" % (sys.executable, cython, libdir)) == 0)
   1348         try:
   1349             os.remove('make.output')
   1350         except OSError:
   1351             pass
   1353 class MissingDependencyExcluder:
   1354     def __init__(self, deps):
   1355         # deps: { matcher func : module name }
   1356         self.exclude_matchers = []
   1357         for matcher, mod in deps.items():
   1358             try:
   1359                 __import__(mod)
   1360             except ImportError:
   1361                 self.exclude_matchers.append(string_selector(matcher))
   1362         self.tests_missing_deps = []
   1363     def __call__(self, testname, tags=None):
   1364         for matcher in self.exclude_matchers:
   1365             if matcher(testname, tags):
   1366                 self.tests_missing_deps.append(testname)
   1367                 return True
   1368         return False
   1370 class VersionDependencyExcluder:
   1371     def __init__(self, deps):
   1372         # deps: { version : matcher func }
   1373         from sys import version_info
   1374         self.exclude_matchers = []
   1375         for ver, (compare, matcher) in deps.items():
   1376             if compare(version_info, ver):
   1377                 self.exclude_matchers.append(matcher)
   1378         self.tests_missing_deps = []
   1379     def __call__(self, testname, tags=None):
   1380         for matcher in self.exclude_matchers:
   1381             if matcher(testname):
   1382                 self.tests_missing_deps.append(testname)
   1383                 return True
   1384         return False
   1386 class FileListExcluder:
   1388     def __init__(self, list_file):
   1389         self.excludes = {}
   1390         f = open(list_file)
   1391         try:
   1392             for line in f.readlines():
   1393                 line = line.strip()
   1394                 if line and line[0] != '#':
   1395                     self.excludes[line.split()[0]] = True
   1396         finally:
   1397             f.close()
   1399     def __call__(self, testname, tags=None):
   1400         return testname in self.excludes or testname.split('.')[-1] in self.excludes
   1402 class TagsSelector:
   1404     def __init__(self, tag, value):
   1405         self.tag = tag
   1406         self.value = value
   1408     def __call__(self, testname, tags=None):
   1409         if tags is None:
   1410             return False
   1411         else:
   1412             return self.value in tags[self.tag]
   1414 class RegExSelector:
   1416     def __init__(self, pattern_string):
   1417         try:
   1418             self.pattern = re.compile(pattern_string, re.I|re.U)
   1419         except re.error:
   1420             print('Invalid pattern: %r' % pattern_string)
   1421             raise
   1423     def __call__(self, testname, tags=None):
   1424         return self.pattern.search(testname)
   1426 def string_selector(s):
   1427     ix = s.find(':')
   1428     if ix == -1:
   1429         return RegExSelector(s)
   1430     else:
   1431         return TagsSelector(s[:ix], s[ix+1:])
   1433 class ShardExcludeSelector:
   1434     # This is an exclude selector so it can override the (include) selectors.
   1435     # It may not provide uniform distribution (in time or count), but is a
   1436     # determanistic partition of the tests which is important.
   1437     def __init__(self, shard_num, shard_count):
   1438         self.shard_num = shard_num
   1439         self.shard_count = shard_count
   1441     def __call__(self, testname, tags=None):
   1442         return abs(hash(testname)) % self.shard_count != self.shard_num
   1445 def refactor_for_py3(distdir, cy3_dir):
   1446     # need to convert Cython sources first
   1447     import lib2to3.refactor
   1448     from distutils.util import copydir_run_2to3
   1449     fixers = [ fix for fix in lib2to3.refactor.get_fixers_from_package("lib2to3.fixes")
   1450                if fix.split('fix_')[-1] not in ('next',)
   1451                ]
   1452     if not os.path.exists(cy3_dir):
   1453         os.makedirs(cy3_dir)
   1454     import distutils.log as dlog
   1455     dlog.set_threshold(dlog.INFO)
   1456     copydir_run_2to3(distdir, cy3_dir, fixer_names=fixers,
   1457                      template = '''
   1458                      global-exclude *
   1459                      graft Cython
   1460                      recursive-exclude Cython *
   1461                      recursive-include Cython *.py *.pyx *.pxd
   1462                      recursive-include Cython/Debugger/Tests *
   1463                      recursive-include Cython/Utility *
   1464                      recursive-exclude pyximport test
   1465                      include pyximport/*.py
   1466                      include runtests.py
   1467                      include cython.py
   1468                      ''')
   1469     sys.path.insert(0, cy3_dir)
   1471     for keep_2x_file in KEEP_2X_FILES:
   1472         destfile = os.path.join(cy3_dir, keep_2x_file)
   1473         shutil.copy(keep_2x_file, destfile)
   1475 class PendingThreadsError(RuntimeError):
   1476     pass
   1478 threads_seen = []
   1480 def check_thread_termination(ignore_seen=True):
   1481     if threading is None: # no threading enabled in CPython
   1482         return
   1483     current = threading.currentThread()
   1484     blocking_threads = []
   1485     for t in threading.enumerate():
   1486         if not t.isAlive() or t == current:
   1487             continue
   1488         t.join(timeout=2)
   1489         if t.isAlive():
   1490             if not ignore_seen:
   1491                 blocking_threads.append(t)
   1492                 continue
   1493             for seen in threads_seen:
   1494                 if t is seen:
   1495                     break
   1496             else:
   1497                 threads_seen.append(t)
   1498                 blocking_threads.append(t)
   1499     if not blocking_threads:
   1500         return
   1501     sys.stderr.write("warning: left-over threads found after running test:\n")
   1502     for t in blocking_threads:
   1503         sys.stderr.write('...%s\n'  % repr(t))
   1504     raise PendingThreadsError("left-over threads found after running test")
   1506 def subprocess_output(cmd):
   1507     try:
   1508         p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
   1509         return p.communicate()[0].decode('UTF-8')
   1510     except OSError:
   1511         return ''
   1513 def get_version():
   1514     from Cython.Compiler.Version import version as cython_version
   1515     full_version = cython_version
   1516     top = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
   1517     if os.path.exists(os.path.join(top, '.git')):
   1518         old_dir = os.getcwd()
   1519         try:
   1520             os.chdir(top)
   1521             head_commit = subprocess_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip()
   1522             version_commit = subprocess_output(['git', 'rev-parse', cython_version]).strip()
   1523             diff = subprocess_output(['git', 'diff', '--stat']).strip()
   1524             if head_commit != version_commit:
   1525                 full_version += " " + head_commit
   1526             if diff:
   1527                 full_version += ' + uncommitted changes'
   1528         finally:
   1529             os.chdir(old_dir)
   1530     return full_version
   1532 _orig_stdout, _orig_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
   1533 def flush_and_terminate(status):
   1534     try:
   1535         _orig_stdout.flush()
   1536         _orig_stderr.flush()
   1537     finally:
   1538         os._exit(status)
   1540 def main():
   1542     global DISTDIR, WITH_CYTHON
   1543     DISTDIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
   1545     from optparse import OptionParser
   1546     parser = OptionParser()
   1547     parser.add_option("--no-cleanup", dest="cleanup_workdir",
   1548                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1549                       help="do not delete the generated C files (allows passing --no-cython on next run)")
   1550     parser.add_option("--no-cleanup-sharedlibs", dest="cleanup_sharedlibs",
   1551                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1552                       help="do not delete the generated shared libary files (allows manual module experimentation)")
   1553     parser.add_option("--no-cleanup-failures", dest="cleanup_failures",
   1554                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1555                       help="enable --no-cleanup and --no-cleanup-sharedlibs for failed tests only")
   1556     parser.add_option("--no-cython", dest="with_cython",
   1557                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1558                       help="do not run the Cython compiler, only the C compiler")
   1559     parser.add_option("--compiler", dest="compiler", default=None,
   1560                       help="C compiler type")
   1561     backend_list = ','.join(BACKENDS)
   1562     parser.add_option("--backends", dest="backends", default=backend_list,
   1563                       help="select backends to test (default: %s)" % backend_list)
   1564     parser.add_option("--no-c", dest="use_c",
   1565                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1566                       help="do not test C compilation backend")
   1567     parser.add_option("--no-cpp", dest="use_cpp",
   1568                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1569                       help="do not test C++ compilation backend")
   1570     parser.add_option("--no-unit", dest="unittests",
   1571                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1572                       help="do not run the unit tests")
   1573     parser.add_option("--no-doctest", dest="doctests",
   1574                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1575                       help="do not run the doctests")
   1576     parser.add_option("--no-file", dest="filetests",
   1577                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1578                       help="do not run the file based tests")
   1579     parser.add_option("--no-pyregr", dest="pyregr",
   1580                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1581                       help="do not run the regression tests of CPython in tests/pyregr/")
   1582     parser.add_option("--cython-only", dest="cython_only",
   1583                       action="store_true", default=False,
   1584                       help="only compile pyx to c, do not run C compiler or run the tests")
   1585     parser.add_option("--no-refnanny", dest="with_refnanny",
   1586                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1587                       help="do not regression test reference counting")
   1588     parser.add_option("--no-fork", dest="fork",
   1589                       action="store_false", default=True,
   1590                       help="do not fork to run tests")
   1591     parser.add_option("--sys-pyregr", dest="system_pyregr",
   1592                       action="store_true", default=False,
   1593                       help="run the regression tests of the CPython installation")
   1594     parser.add_option("-x", "--exclude", dest="exclude",
   1595                       action="append", metavar="PATTERN",
   1596                       help="exclude tests matching the PATTERN")
   1597     parser.add_option("--shard_count", dest="shard_count", metavar="N",
   1598                       type=int, default=1,
   1599                       help="shard this run into several parallel runs")
   1600     parser.add_option("--shard_num", dest="shard_num", metavar="K",
   1601                       type=int, default=-1,
   1602                       help="test only this single shard")
   1603     parser.add_option("-C", "--coverage", dest="coverage",
   1604                       action="store_true", default=False,
   1605                       help="collect source coverage data for the Compiler")
   1606     parser.add_option("--coverage-xml", dest="coverage_xml",
   1607                       action="store_true", default=False,
   1608                       help="collect source coverage data for the Compiler in XML format")
   1609     parser.add_option("--coverage-html", dest="coverage_html",
   1610                       action="store_true", default=False,
   1611                       help="collect source coverage data for the Compiler in HTML format")
   1612     parser.add_option("-A", "--annotate", dest="annotate_source",
   1613                       action="store_true", default=True,
   1614                       help="generate annotated HTML versions of the test source files")
   1615     parser.add_option("--no-annotate", dest="annotate_source",
   1616                       action="store_false",
   1617                       help="do not generate annotated HTML versions of the test source files")
   1618     parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbosity",
   1619                       action="count", default=0,
   1620                       help="display test progress, pass twice to print test names")
   1621     parser.add_option("-T", "--ticket", dest="tickets",
   1622                       action="append",
   1623                       help="a bug ticket number to run the respective test in 'tests/*'")
   1624     parser.add_option("-3", dest="language_level",
   1625                       action="store_const", const=3, default=2,
   1626                       help="set language level to Python 3 (useful for running the CPython regression tests)'")
   1627     parser.add_option("--xml-output", dest="xml_output_dir", metavar="DIR",
   1628                       help="write test results in XML to directory DIR")
   1629     parser.add_option("--exit-ok", dest="exit_ok", default=False,
   1630                       action="store_true",
   1631                       help="exit without error code even on test failures")
   1632     parser.add_option("--root-dir", dest="root_dir", default=os.path.join(DISTDIR, 'tests'),
   1633                       help="working directory")
   1634     parser.add_option("--work-dir", dest="work_dir", default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'BUILD'),
   1635                       help="working directory")
   1636     parser.add_option("--cython-dir", dest="cython_dir", default=os.getcwd(),
   1637                       help="Cython installation directory (default: use local source version)")
   1638     parser.add_option("--debug", dest="for_debugging", default=False, action="store_true",
   1639                       help="configure for easier use with a debugger (e.g. gdb)")
   1640     parser.add_option("--pyximport-py", dest="pyximport_py", default=False, action="store_true",
   1641                       help="use pyximport to automatically compile imported .pyx and .py files")
   1642     parser.add_option("--watermark", dest="watermark", default=None,
   1643                       help="deterministic generated by string")
   1645     options, cmd_args = parser.parse_args()
   1647     WORKDIR = os.path.abspath(options.work_dir)
   1649     if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
   1650         options.doctests = False
   1651         if options.with_cython:
   1652             sys.path.insert(0, options.cython_dir)
   1653             try:
   1654                 # try if Cython is installed in a Py3 version
   1655                 import Cython.Compiler.Main
   1656             except Exception:
   1657                 # back out anything the import process loaded, then
   1658                 # 2to3 the Cython sources to make them re-importable
   1659                 cy_modules = [ name for name in sys.modules
   1660                                if name == 'Cython' or name.startswith('Cython.') ]
   1661                 for name in cy_modules:
   1662                     del sys.modules[name]
   1663                 # hasn't been refactored yet - do it now
   1664                 global CY3_DIR
   1665                 CY3_DIR = cy3_dir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'Cy3')
   1666                 if sys.version_info >= (3,1):
   1667                     refactor_for_py3(DISTDIR, cy3_dir)
   1668                 elif os.path.isdir(cy3_dir):
   1669                     sys.path.insert(0, cy3_dir)
   1670                 else:
   1671                     options.with_cython = False
   1673     if options.watermark:
   1674         import Cython.Compiler.Version
   1675         Cython.Compiler.Version.watermark = options.watermark
   1677     WITH_CYTHON = options.with_cython
   1679     coverage = None
   1680     if options.coverage or options.coverage_xml or options.coverage_html:
   1681         if options.shard_count <= 1 and options.shard_num < 0:
   1682             if not WITH_CYTHON:
   1683                 options.coverage = options.coverage_xml = options.coverage_html = False
   1684             else:
   1685                 print("Enabling coverage analysis")
   1686                 from coverage import coverage as _coverage
   1687                 coverage = _coverage(branch=True, omit=['Test*'])
   1688                 coverage.erase()
   1689                 coverage.start()
   1691     if WITH_CYTHON:
   1692         global CompilationOptions, pyrex_default_options, cython_compile
   1693         from Cython.Compiler.Main import \
   1694             CompilationOptions, \
   1695             default_options as pyrex_default_options, \
   1696             compile as cython_compile
   1697         from Cython.Compiler import Errors
   1698         Errors.LEVEL = 0 # show all warnings
   1699         from Cython.Compiler import Options
   1700         Options.generate_cleanup_code = 3   # complete cleanup code
   1701         from Cython.Compiler import DebugFlags
   1702         DebugFlags.debug_temp_code_comments = 1
   1704     if options.shard_count > 1 and options.shard_num == -1:
   1705         import multiprocessing
   1706         pool = multiprocessing.Pool(options.shard_count)
   1707         tasks = [(options, cmd_args, shard_num) for shard_num in range(options.shard_count)]
   1708         errors = []
   1709         for shard_num, return_code in pool.imap_unordered(runtests_callback, tasks):
   1710             if return_code != 0:
   1711                 errors.append(shard_num)
   1712                 print("FAILED (%s/%s)" % (shard_num, options.shard_count))
   1713             print("ALL DONE (%s/%s)" % (shard_num, options.shard_count))
   1714         pool.close()
   1715         pool.join()
   1716         if errors:
   1717             print("Errors for shards %s" % ", ".join([str(e) for e in errors]))
   1718             return_code = 1
   1719         else:
   1720             return_code = 0
   1721     else:
   1722         _, return_code = runtests(options, cmd_args, coverage)
   1723     print("ALL DONE")
   1725     try:
   1726         check_thread_termination(ignore_seen=False)
   1727     except PendingThreadsError:
   1728         # normal program exit won't kill the threads, do it the hard way here
   1729         flush_and_terminate(return_code)
   1730     else:
   1731         sys.exit(return_code)
   1734 def runtests_callback(args):
   1735     options, cmd_args, shard_num = args
   1736     options.shard_num = shard_num
   1737     return runtests(options, cmd_args)
   1739 def runtests(options, cmd_args, coverage=None):
   1741     WITH_CYTHON = options.with_cython
   1742     ROOTDIR = os.path.abspath(options.root_dir)
   1743     WORKDIR = os.path.abspath(options.work_dir)
   1745     if options.shard_num > -1:
   1746         WORKDIR = os.path.join(WORKDIR, str(options.shard_num))
   1748     # RUN ALL TESTS!
   1749     UNITTEST_MODULE = "Cython"
   1750     UNITTEST_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), UNITTEST_MODULE)
   1751     if WITH_CYTHON:
   1752         if os.path.exists(WORKDIR):
   1753             for path in os.listdir(WORKDIR):
   1754                 if path in ("support", "Cy3"): continue
   1755                 shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(WORKDIR, path), ignore_errors=True)
   1756     if not os.path.exists(WORKDIR):
   1757         os.makedirs(WORKDIR)
   1759     if options.shard_num <= 0:
   1760         sys.stderr.write("Python %s\n" % sys.version)
   1761         sys.stderr.write("\n")
   1762         if WITH_CYTHON:
   1763             sys.stderr.write("Running tests against Cython %s\n" % get_version())
   1764         else:
   1765             sys.stderr.write("Running tests without Cython.\n")
   1767     if options.for_debugging:
   1768         options.cleanup_workdir = False
   1769         options.cleanup_sharedlibs = False
   1770         options.fork = False
   1771         if WITH_CYTHON and include_debugger:
   1772             from Cython.Compiler.Main import default_options as compiler_default_options
   1773             compiler_default_options['gdb_debug'] = True
   1774             compiler_default_options['output_dir'] = os.getcwd()
   1776     if options.with_refnanny:
   1777         from pyximport.pyxbuild import pyx_to_dll
   1778         libpath = pyx_to_dll(os.path.join("Cython", "Runtime", "refnanny.pyx"),
   1779                              build_in_temp=True,
   1780                              pyxbuild_dir=os.path.join(WORKDIR, "support"))
   1781         sys.path.insert(0, os.path.split(libpath)[0])
   1782         CFLAGS.append("-DCYTHON_REFNANNY=1")
   1784     if options.xml_output_dir and options.fork:
   1785         # doesn't currently work together
   1786         sys.stderr.write("Disabling forked testing to support XML test output\n")
   1787         options.fork = False
   1789     if WITH_CYTHON and options.language_level == 3:
   1790         sys.stderr.write("Using Cython language level 3.\n")
   1792     test_bugs = False
   1793     if options.tickets:
   1794         for ticket_number in options.tickets:
   1795             test_bugs = True
   1796             cmd_args.append('ticket:%s' % ticket_number)
   1797     if not test_bugs:
   1798         for selector in cmd_args:
   1799             if selector.startswith('bugs'):
   1800                 test_bugs = True
   1802     selectors = [ string_selector(r) for r in cmd_args ]
   1803     if not selectors:
   1804         selectors = [ lambda x, tags=None: True ]
   1806     # Chech which external modules are not present and exclude tests
   1807     # which depends on them (by prefix)
   1809     missing_dep_excluder = MissingDependencyExcluder(EXT_DEP_MODULES)
   1810     version_dep_excluder = VersionDependencyExcluder(VER_DEP_MODULES)
   1811     exclude_selectors = [missing_dep_excluder, version_dep_excluder] # want to print msg at exit
   1813     if options.exclude:
   1814         exclude_selectors += [ string_selector(r) for r in options.exclude ]
   1816     if options.shard_num > -1:
   1817         exclude_selectors.append(ShardExcludeSelector(options.shard_num, options.shard_count))
   1819     if not test_bugs:
   1820         exclude_selectors += [ FileListExcluder(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, "bugs.txt")) ]
   1822     if sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin'] and sys.version_info < (2,6):
   1823         exclude_selectors += [ lambda x: x == "run.specialfloat" ]
   1825     global COMPILER
   1826     if options.compiler:
   1827         COMPILER = options.compiler
   1829     selected_backends = [ name.strip() for name in options.backends.split(',') if name.strip() ]
   1830     backends = []
   1831     for backend in selected_backends:
   1832         if backend == 'c' and not options.use_c:
   1833             continue
   1834         elif backend == 'cpp' and not options.use_cpp:
   1835             continue
   1836         elif backend not in BACKENDS:
   1837             sys.stderr.write("Unknown backend requested: '%s' not one of [%s]\n" % (
   1838                 backend, ','.join(BACKENDS)))
   1839             sys.exit(1)
   1840         backends.append(backend)
   1841     if options.shard_num <= 0:
   1842         sys.stderr.write("Backends: %s\n" % ','.join(backends))
   1843     languages = backends
   1845     sys.stderr.write("\n")
   1847     test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
   1849     if options.unittests:
   1850         collect_unittests(UNITTEST_ROOT, UNITTEST_MODULE + ".", test_suite, selectors, exclude_selectors)
   1852     if options.doctests:
   1853         collect_doctests(UNITTEST_ROOT, UNITTEST_MODULE + ".", test_suite, selectors, exclude_selectors)
   1855     if options.filetests and languages:
   1856         filetests = TestBuilder(ROOTDIR, WORKDIR, selectors, exclude_selectors,
   1857                                 options.annotate_source, options.cleanup_workdir,
   1858                                 options.cleanup_sharedlibs, options.cleanup_failures,
   1859                                 options.pyregr,
   1860                                 options.cython_only, languages, test_bugs,
   1861                                 options.fork, options.language_level)
   1862         test_suite.addTest(filetests.build_suite())
   1864     if options.system_pyregr and languages:
   1865         sys_pyregr_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib', 'python'+sys.version[:3], 'test')
   1866         if os.path.isdir(sys_pyregr_dir):
   1867             filetests = TestBuilder(ROOTDIR, WORKDIR, selectors, exclude_selectors,
   1868                                     options.annotate_source, options.cleanup_workdir,
   1869                                     options.cleanup_sharedlibs, options.cleanup_failures,
   1870                                     True,
   1871                                     options.cython_only, languages, test_bugs,
   1872                                     options.fork, sys.version_info[0])
   1873             sys.stderr.write("Including CPython regression tests in %s\n" % sys_pyregr_dir)
   1874             test_suite.addTest(filetests.handle_directory(sys_pyregr_dir, 'pyregr'))
   1876     if options.xml_output_dir:
   1877         from Cython.Tests.xmlrunner import XMLTestRunner
   1878         test_runner = XMLTestRunner(output=options.xml_output_dir,
   1879                                     verbose=options.verbosity > 0)
   1880     else:
   1881         test_runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=options.verbosity)
   1883     if options.pyximport_py:
   1884         from pyximport import pyximport
   1885         pyximport.install(pyimport=True, build_dir=os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_pyximport'),
   1886                           load_py_module_on_import_failure=True, inplace=True)
   1888     result = test_runner.run(test_suite)
   1890     if coverage is not None:
   1891         coverage.stop()
   1892         ignored_modules = ('Options', 'Version', 'DebugFlags', 'CmdLine')
   1893         modules = [ module for name, module in sys.modules.items()
   1894                     if module is not None and
   1895                     name.startswith('Cython.Compiler.') and
   1896                     name[len('Cython.Compiler.'):] not in ignored_modules ]
   1897         if options.coverage:
   1898             coverage.report(modules, show_missing=0)
   1899         if options.coverage_xml:
   1900             coverage.xml_report(modules, outfile="coverage-report.xml")
   1901         if options.coverage_html:
   1902             coverage.html_report(modules, directory="coverage-report-html")
   1904     if missing_dep_excluder.tests_missing_deps:
   1905         sys.stderr.write("Following tests excluded because of missing dependencies on your system:\n")
   1906         for test in missing_dep_excluder.tests_missing_deps:
   1907             sys.stderr.write("   %s\n" % test)
   1909     if options.with_refnanny:
   1910         import refnanny
   1911         sys.stderr.write("\n".join([repr(x) for x in refnanny.reflog]))
   1913     if options.exit_ok:
   1914         return options.shard_num, 0
   1915     else:
   1916         return options.shard_num, not result.wasSuccessful()
   1919 if __name__ == '__main__':
   1920     try:
   1921         main()
   1922     except SystemExit: # <= Py2.4 ...
   1923         raise
   1924     except Exception:
   1925         traceback.print_exc()
   1926         try:
   1927             check_thread_termination(ignore_seen=False)
   1928         except PendingThreadsError:
   1929             # normal program exit won't kill the threads, do it the hard way here
   1930             flush_and_terminate(1)