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      1 # ******************************************************************************
      2 # *
      3 # *   Copyright (C) 1995-2013, International Business Machines
      4 # *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 # *
      6 # ******************************************************************************
      8 # If this converter alias table looks very confusing, a much easier to
      9 # understand view can be found at this demo:
     10 # http://demo.icu-project.org/icu-bin/convexp
     13 #
     14 # This file is not read directly by ICU. If you change it, you need to
     15 # run gencnval, and eventually run pkgdata to update the representation that
     16 # ICU uses for aliases. The gencnval tool will normally compile this file into
     17 # cnvalias.icu. The gencnval -v verbose option will help you when you edit
     18 # this file.
     20 # Please be friendly to the rest of us that edit this table by
     21 # keeping this table free of tabs.
     23 # This is an alias file used by the character set converter.
     24 # A lot of converter information can be found in unicode/ucnv.h, but here
     25 # is more information about this file.
     26 # 
     27 # If you are adding a new converter to this list and want to include it in the
     28 # icu data library, please be sure to add an entry to the appropriate ucm*.mk file
     29 # (see ucmfiles.mk for more information).
     30 # 
     31 # Here is the file format using BNF-like syntax:
     32 #
     33 # converterTable ::= tags { converterLine* }
     34 # converterLine ::= converterName [ tags ] { taggedAlias* }'\n'
     35 # taggedAlias ::= alias [ tags ]
     36 # tags ::= '{' { tag+ } '}'
     37 # tag ::= standard['*']
     38 # converterName ::= [0-9a-zA-Z:_'-']+
     39 # alias ::= converterName
     40 #
     41 # Except for the converter name, aliases are case insensitive.
     42 # Names are separated by whitespace.
     43 # Line continuation and comment sytax are similar to the GNU make syntax.
     44 # Any lines beginning with whitespace (e.g. U+0020 SPACE or U+0009 HORIZONTAL
     45 # TABULATION) are presumed to be a continuation of the previous line.
     46 # The # symbol starts a comment and the comment continues till the end of
     47 # the line.
     48 #
     49 # The converter
     50 #
     51 # All names can be tagged by including a space-separated list of tags in
     52 # curly braces, as in ISO_8859-1:1987{IANA*} iso-8859-1 { MIME* } or
     53 # some-charset{MIME* IANA*}. The order of tags does not matter, and
     54 # whitespace is allowed between the tagged name and the tags list.
     55 #
     56 # The tags can be used to get standard names using ucnv_getStandardName().
     57 #
     58 # The complete list of recognized tags used in this file is defined in
     59 # the affinity list near the beginning of the file.
     60 #
     61 # The * after the standard tag denotes that the previous alias is the
     62 # preferred (default) charset name for that standard. There can only
     63 # be one of these default charset names per converter.
     67 # The world is getting more complicated...
     68 # Supporting XML parsers, HTML, MIME, and similar applications
     69 # that mark encodings with a charset name can be difficult.
     70 # Many of these applications and operating systems will update
     71 # their codepages over time.
     73 # It means that a new codepage, one that differs from an
     74 # old one by changing a code point, e.g., to the Euro sign,
     75 # must not get an old alias, because it would mean that
     76 # old files with this alias would be interpreted differently.
     78 # If an codepage gets updated by assigning characters to previously
     79 # unassigned code points, then a new name is not necessary.
     80 # Also, some codepages map unassigned codepage byte values
     81 # to the same numbers in Unicode for roundtripping. It may be
     82 # industry practice to keep the encoding name in such a case, too
     83 # (example: Windows codepages).
     85 # The aliases listed in the list of character sets
     86 # that is maintained by the IANA (http://www.iana.org/) must
     87 # not be changed to mean encodings different from what this
     88 # list shows. Currently, the IANA list is at
     89 # http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
     90 # It should also be mentioned that the exact mapping table used for each
     91 # IANA names usually isn't specified. This means that some other applications
     92 # and operating systems are left to interpret the exact mappings for the
     93 # underspecified aliases. For instance, Shift-JIS on a Solaris platform
     94 # may be different from Shift-JIS on a Windows platform. This is why
     95 # some of the aliases can be tagged to differentiate different mapping
     96 # tables with the same alias. If an alias is given to more than one converter,
     97 # it is considered to be an ambiguous alias, and the affinity list will
     98 # choose the converter to use when a standard isn't specified with the alias.
    100 # Name matching is case-insensitive. Also, dashes '-', underscores '_'
    101 # and spaces ' ' are ignored in names (thus cs-iso_latin-1, csisolatin1
    102 # and "cs iso latin 1" are the same).
    103 # However, the names in the left column are directly file names
    104 # or names of algorithmic converters, and their case must not
    105 # be changed - or else code and/or file names must also be changed.
    106 # For example, the converter ibm-921 is expected to be the file ibm-921.cnv.
    110 # The immediately following list is the affinity list of supported standard tags.
    111 # When multiple converters have the same alias under different standards,
    112 # the standard nearest to the top of this list with that alias will
    113 # be the first converter that will be opened. The ordering of the aliases
    114 # after this affinity list does not affect the preferred alias, but it may
    115 # affect the order of the returned list of aliases for a given converter.
    116 #
    117 # The general ordering is from specific and frequently used to more general
    118 # or rarely used at the bottom.
    119 {   UTR22           # Name format specified by http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr22/
    120     # ICU             # Can also use ICU_FEATURE
    121     IBM             # The IBM CCSID number is specified by ibm-*
    122     WINDOWS         # The Microsoft code page identifier number is specified by windows-*. The rest are recognized IE names.
    123     JAVA            # Source: Sun JDK. Alias name case is ignored, but dashes are not ignored.
    124     # GLIBC
    125     # AIX
    126     # DB2
    127     # SOLARIS
    128     # APPLE
    129     # HPUX
    130     IANA            # Source: http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
    131     MIME            # Source: http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
    132     # MSIE            # MSIE is Internet Explorer, which can be different from Windows (From the IMultiLanguage COM interface)
    133     # ZOS_USS         # z/OS (os/390) Unix System Services (USS), which has NL<->LF swapping. They have the same format as the IBM tag.
    134     }
    138 # Fully algorithmic converters
    141                                 ibm-1208 { IBM* } # UTF-8 with IBM PUA
    142                                 ibm-1209 { IBM }  # UTF-8
    143                                 ibm-5304 { IBM }  # Unicode 2.0, UTF-8 with IBM PUA
    144                                 ibm-5305 { IBM }  # Unicode 2.0, UTF-8
    145                                 ibm-13496 { IBM } # Unicode 3.0, UTF-8 with IBM PUA
    146                                 ibm-13497 { IBM } # Unicode 3.0, UTF-8
    147                                 ibm-17592 { IBM } # Unicode 4.0, UTF-8 with IBM PUA
    148                                 ibm-17593 { IBM } # Unicode 4.0, UTF-8
    149                                 windows-65001 { WINDOWS* }
    150                                 cp1208
    151                                 x-UTF_8J
    152                                 unicode-1-1-utf-8
    153                                 unicode-2-0-utf-8
    155 # The ICU 2.2 UTF-16/32 converters detect and write a BOM.
    156 UTF-16 { IANA* MIME* JAVA* }    ISO-10646-UCS-2 { IANA }
    157                                 ibm-1204 { IBM* } # UTF-16 with IBM PUA and BOM sensitive
    158                                 ibm-1205 { IBM }  # UTF-16 BOM sensitive
    159                                 unicode
    160                                 csUnicode
    161                                 ucs-2
    162 # The following Unicode CCSIDs (IBM) are not valid in ICU because they are
    163 # considered pure DBCS (exactly 2 bytes) of Unicode,
    164 # and they are a subset of Unicode. ICU does not support their encoding structures.
    165 # 1400 1401 1402 1410 1414 1415 1446 1447 1448 1449 64770 64771 65520 5496 5497 5498 9592 13688
    166 UTF-16BE { IANA* MIME* JAVA* }  x-utf-16be { JAVA }
    167                                 UnicodeBigUnmarked { JAVA } # java.io name
    168                                 ibm-1200 { IBM* } # UTF-16 BE with IBM PUA
    169                                 ibm-1201 { IBM }  # UTF-16 BE
    170                                 ibm-13488 { IBM } # Unicode 2.0, UTF-16 BE with IBM PUA
    171                                 ibm-13489 { IBM } # Unicode 2.0, UTF-16 BE
    172                                 ibm-17584 { IBM } # Unicode 3.0, UTF-16 BE with IBM PUA
    173                                 ibm-17585 { IBM } # Unicode 3.0, UTF-16 BE
    174                                 ibm-21680 { IBM } # Unicode 4.0, UTF-16 BE with IBM PUA
    175                                 ibm-21681 { IBM } # Unicode 4.0, UTF-16 BE
    176                                 ibm-25776 { IBM } # Unicode 4.1, UTF-16 BE with IBM PUA
    177                                 ibm-25777 { IBM } # Unicode 4.1, UTF-16 BE
    178                                 ibm-29872 { IBM } # Unicode 5.0, UTF-16 BE with IBM PUA
    179                                 ibm-29873 { IBM } # Unicode 5.0, UTF-16 BE
    180                                 ibm-61955 { IBM } # UTF-16BE with Gaidai University (Japan) PUA
    181                                 ibm-61956 { IBM } # UTF-16BE with Microsoft HKSCS-Big 5 PUA
    182                                 windows-1201 { WINDOWS* }
    183                                 cp1200
    184                                 cp1201
    185                                 UTF16_BigEndian
    186                                 # ibm-5297 { IBM }  # Unicode 2.0, UTF-16 (BE) (reserved, never used)
    187                                 # iso-10646-ucs-2 { JAVA } # This is ambiguous
    188                                 # ibm-61952 is not a valid CCSID because it's Unicode 1.1
    189                                 # ibm-61953 is not a valid CCSID because it's Unicode 1.0
    190 UTF-16LE { IANA* MIME* JAVA* }  x-utf-16le { JAVA }
    191                                 UnicodeLittleUnmarked { JAVA } # java.io name
    192                                 ibm-1202 { IBM* } # UTF-16 LE with IBM PUA
    193                                 ibm-1203 { IBM }  # UTF-16 LE
    194                                 ibm-13490 { IBM } # Unicode 2.0, UTF-16 LE with IBM PUA
    195                                 ibm-13491 { IBM } # Unicode 2.0, UTF-16 LE
    196                                 ibm-17586 { IBM } # Unicode 3.0, UTF-16 LE with IBM PUA
    197                                 ibm-17587 { IBM } # Unicode 3.0, UTF-16 LE
    198                                 ibm-21682 { IBM } # Unicode 4.0, UTF-16 LE with IBM PUA
    199                                 ibm-21683 { IBM } # Unicode 4.0, UTF-16 LE
    200                                 ibm-25778 { IBM } # Unicode 4.1, UTF-16 LE with IBM PUA
    201                                 ibm-25779 { IBM } # Unicode 4.1, UTF-16 LE
    202                                 ibm-29874 { IBM } # Unicode 5.0, UTF-16 LE with IBM PUA
    203                                 ibm-29875 { IBM } # Unicode 5.0, UTF-16 LE
    204                                 UTF16_LittleEndian
    205                                 windows-1200 { WINDOWS* }
    207 UTF-32 { IANA* MIME* }          ISO-10646-UCS-4 { IANA }
    208                                 ibm-1236 { IBM* } # UTF-32 with IBM PUA and BOM sensitive
    209                                 ibm-1237 { IBM }  # UTF-32 BOM sensitive
    210                                 csUCS4
    211                                 ucs-4
    212 UTF-32BE { IANA* }              UTF32_BigEndian
    213                                 ibm-1232 { IBM* } # UTF-32 BE with IBM PUA
    214                                 ibm-1233 { IBM }  # UTF-32 BE
    215                                 ibm-9424 { IBM }  # Unicode 4.1, UTF-32 BE with IBM PUA
    216 UTF-32LE { IANA* }              UTF32_LittleEndian
    217                                 ibm-1234 { IBM* } # UTF-32 LE, with IBM PUA
    218                                 ibm-1235 { IBM }  # UTF-32 LE
    220 # ICU-specific names for special uses
    221 UTF16_PlatformEndian
    222 UTF16_OppositeEndian
    224 UTF32_PlatformEndian
    225 UTF32_OppositeEndian
    228 # Java-specific, non-Unicode-standard UTF-16 variants.
    229 # These are in the Java "Basic Encoding Set (contained in lib/rt.jar)".
    230 # See the "Supported Encodings" at
    231 # http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/intl/encoding.doc.html
    232 # or a newer version of this document.
    233 #
    234 # Aliases marked with { JAVA* } are canonical names for java.io and java.lang APIs.
    235 # Aliases marked with { JAVA } are canonical names for the java.nio API.
    236 #
    237 # "BOM" means the Unicode Byte Order Mark, which is the encoding-scheme-specific
    238 # byte sequence for U+FEFF.
    239 # "Reverse BOM" means the BOM for the sibling encoding scheme with the
    240 # opposite endianness. (LE<->BE)
    242 # "Sixteen-bit Unicode (or UCS) Transformation Format, big-endian byte order,
    243 # with byte-order mark"
    244 #
    245 # From Unicode: Writes BOM.
    246 # To Unicode: Detects and consumes BOM. 
    247 #   If there is a "reverse BOM", Java throws
    248 #   MalformedInputException: Incorrect byte-order mark.
    249 #   In this case, ICU4C sets a U_ILLEGAL_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE UErrorCode value
    250 #   and a UCNV_ILLEGAL UConverterCallbackReason.
    251 UTF-16BE,version=1		UnicodeBig { JAVA* }
    253 # "Sixteen-bit Unicode (or UCS) Transformation Format, little-endian byte order,
    254 # with byte-order mark"
    255 #
    256 # From Unicode: Writes BOM.
    257 # To Unicode: Detects and consumes BOM. 
    258 #   If there is a "reverse BOM", Java throws
    259 #   MalformedInputException: Incorrect byte-order mark.
    260 #   In this case, ICU4C sets a U_ILLEGAL_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE UErrorCode value
    261 #   and a UCNV_ILLEGAL UConverterCallbackReason.
    262 UTF-16LE,version=1		UnicodeLittle { JAVA* }  x-UTF-16LE-BOM { JAVA }
    264 # This one is not mentioned on the "Supported Encodings" page
    265 # but is available in Java.
    266 # In Java, this is called "Unicode" but we cannot give it that alias
    267 # because the standard UTF-16 converter already has a "unicode" alias.
    268 #
    269 # From Unicode: Writes BOM.
    270 # To Unicode: Detects and consumes BOM.
    271 #   If there is no BOM, rather than defaulting to BE, Java throws
    272 #   MalformedInputException: Missing byte-order mark.
    273 #   In this case, ICU4C sets a U_ILLEGAL_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE UErrorCode value
    274 #   and a UCNV_ILLEGAL UConverterCallbackReason.
    275 UTF-16,version=1
    277 # This is the same as standard UTF-16 but always writes a big-endian byte stream,
    278 # regardless of the platform endianness, as expected by the Java compatibility tests.
    279 # See the java.nio.charset.Charset API documentation at
    280 # http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/nio/charset/Charset.html
    281 # or a newer version of this document.
    282 #
    283 # From Unicode: Write BE BOM and BE bytes
    284 # To Unicode: Detects and consumes BOM. Defaults to BE.
    285 UTF-16,version=2
    287 # Note: ICU does not currently support Java-specific, non-Unicode-standard UTF-32 variants.
    288 # Presumably, these behave analogously to the UTF-16 variants with similar names.
    289 # UTF_32BE_BOM  x-UTF-32BE-BOM
    290 # UTF_32LE_BOM  x-UTF-32LE-BOM
    292 # End of Java-specific, non-Unicode-standard UTF variants.
    295 # Chrome: Remove all the entries for UTF-7, SCSU, BOCU, CESU-8.
    297 # Standard iso-8859-1, which does not have the Euro update.
    298 # See iso-8859-15 (latin9) for the Euro update
    299 ISO-8859-1 { MIME* IANA JAVA* }
    300     ibm-819 { IBM* JAVA }    # This is not truely ibm-819 because it's missing the fallbacks.
    301     IBM819 { IANA }
    302     cp819 { IANA JAVA }
    303     latin1 { IANA JAVA }
    304     8859_1 { JAVA }
    305     csISOLatin1 { IANA JAVA }
    306     iso-ir-100 { IANA JAVA }
    307     ISO_8859-1:1987 { IANA* JAVA }
    308     l1 { IANA JAVA }
    309     819 { JAVA }
    310     # windows-28591 { WINDOWS* } # This has odd behavior because it has the Euro update, which isn't correct.
    311     # LATIN_1     # Old ICU name
    312     # ANSI_X3.110-1983  # This is for a different IANA alias.  This isn't iso-8859-1.
    315     ASCII { JAVA* IANA WINDOWS }
    316     ANSI_X3.4-1968 { IANA* WINDOWS }
    317     ANSI_X3.4-1986 { IANA WINDOWS }
    318     ISO_646.irv:1991 { IANA WINDOWS }
    319     iso_646.irv:1983 { JAVA }
    320     ISO646-US { JAVA IANA WINDOWS }
    321     us { IANA }
    322     csASCII { IANA WINDOWS }
    323     iso-ir-6 { IANA }
    324     cp367 { IANA WINDOWS }
    325     ascii7 { JAVA }
    326     646 { JAVA }
    327     windows-20127 { WINDOWS* }
    328     ibm-367 { IBM* } IBM367 { IANA WINDOWS } # This is not truely ibm-367 because it's missing the fallbacks.
    330 # GB 18030 is partly algorithmic, using the MBCS converter
    331 # Chrome: HTML5 GBK an alias for GB18030
    332 #         TODO(jshin): Decide if Chrome should follow spec. crbug.com/339862
    333 gb18030 { IANA* }       ibm-1392 { IBM* } windows-54936 { WINDOWS* } gb18030 { MIME* }
    335 # Table-based interchange codepages
    337 # Central Europe
    338 ibm-912_P100-1995 { UTR22* }
    339                         ibm-912 { IBM* JAVA }
    340                         ISO-8859-2 { MIME* IANA JAVA* WINDOWS }
    341                         ISO_8859-2:1987 { IANA* WINDOWS JAVA }
    342                         latin2 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    343                         csISOLatin2 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    344                         iso-ir-101 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    345                         l2 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    346                         8859_2 { JAVA }
    347                         cp912 { JAVA }
    348                         912 { JAVA }
    349                         windows-28592 { WINDOWS* }
    351 # Maltese Esperanto
    352 ibm-913_P100-2000 { UTR22* }
    353                         ibm-913 { IBM* JAVA }
    354                         ISO-8859-3 { MIME* IANA WINDOWS JAVA* }
    355                         ISO_8859-3:1988 { IANA* WINDOWS JAVA }
    356                         latin3 { IANA JAVA WINDOWS }
    357                         csISOLatin3 { IANA WINDOWS }
    358                         iso-ir-109 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    359                         l3 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    360                         8859_3 { JAVA }
    361                         cp913 { JAVA }
    362                         913 { JAVA }
    363                         windows-28593 { WINDOWS* }
    365 # Baltic
    366 ibm-914_P100-1995 { UTR22* }
    367                         ibm-914 { IBM* JAVA }
    368                         ISO-8859-4 { MIME* IANA WINDOWS JAVA* }
    369                         latin4 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    370                         csISOLatin4 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    371                         iso-ir-110 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    372                         ISO_8859-4:1988 { IANA* WINDOWS JAVA }
    373                         l4 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    374                         8859_4 { JAVA }
    375                         cp914 { JAVA }
    376                         914 { JAVA }
    377                         windows-28594 { WINDOWS* }
    379 # Cyrillic
    380 ibm-915_P100-1995 { UTR22* }
    381                         ibm-915 { IBM* JAVA }
    382                         ISO-8859-5 { MIME* IANA WINDOWS JAVA* }
    383                         cyrillic { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    384                         csISOLatinCyrillic { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    385                         iso-ir-144 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    386                         ISO_8859-5:1988 { IANA* WINDOWS JAVA }
    387                         8859_5 { JAVA }
    388                         cp915 { JAVA }
    389                         915 { JAVA }
    390                         windows-28595 { WINDOWS* }
    392 # Arabic
    393 # ISO_8859-6-E and ISO_8859-6-I are similar to this charset, but BiDi is done differently
    394 # From a narrow mapping point of view, there is no difference.
    395 # -E means explicit. -I means implicit.
    396 # -E requires the client to handle the ISO 6429 bidirectional controls
    397 ibm-1089_P100-1995 { UTR22* }
    398                         ibm-1089 { IBM* JAVA }
    399                         ISO-8859-6 { MIME* IANA WINDOWS JAVA* }
    400                         arabic { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    401                         csISOLatinArabic { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    402                         iso-ir-127 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    403                         ISO_8859-6:1987 { IANA* WINDOWS JAVA }
    404                         ECMA-114 { IANA JAVA }
    405                         ASMO-708 { IANA JAVA }
    406                         8859_6 { JAVA }
    407                         cp1089 { JAVA }
    408                         1089 { JAVA }
    409                         windows-28596 { WINDOWS* }
    410                         ISO-8859-6-I { IANA MIME } # IANA considers this alias different and BiDi needs to be applied.
    411                         ISO-8859-6-E { IANA MIME } # IANA considers this alias different and BiDi needs to be applied.
    412                         x-ISO-8859-6S { JAVA }
    414 # ISO Greek (with euro update). This is really ISO_8859-7:2003
    415 ibm-9005_X110-2007 { UTR22* }
    416                         ibm-9005 { IBM* }
    417                         ISO-8859-7 { MIME* IANA JAVA* WINDOWS }
    418                         8859_7 { JAVA }
    419                         greek { IANA JAVA WINDOWS }
    420                         greek8 { IANA JAVA WINDOWS }
    421                         ELOT_928 { IANA JAVA WINDOWS }
    422                         ECMA-118 { IANA JAVA WINDOWS }
    423                         csISOLatinGreek { IANA JAVA WINDOWS }
    424                         iso-ir-126 { IANA JAVA WINDOWS }
    425                         ISO_8859-7:1987 { IANA* JAVA WINDOWS }
    426                         windows-28597 { WINDOWS* }
    427                         sun_eu_greek # For Solaris
    429 # hebrew
    430 # ISO_8859-8-E and ISO_8859-8-I are similar to this charset, but BiDi is done differently
    431 # From a narrow mapping point of view, there is no difference.
    432 # -E means explicit. -I means implicit.
    433 # -E requires the client to handle the ISO 6429 bidirectional controls
    434 # This matches the official mapping on unicode.org
    435 ibm-5012_P100-1999 { UTR22* }
    436                         ibm-5012 { IBM* }
    437                         ISO-8859-8 { MIME* IANA WINDOWS JAVA* }
    438                         hebrew { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    439                         csISOLatinHebrew { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    440                         iso-ir-138 { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    441                         ISO_8859-8:1988 { IANA* WINDOWS JAVA }
    442                         ISO-8859-8-I { IANA MIME } # IANA and Windows considers this alias different and BiDi needs to be applied.
    443                         ISO-8859-8-E { IANA MIME } # IANA and Windows considers this alias different and BiDi needs to be applied.
    444                         8859_8 { JAVA }
    445                         windows-28598 { WINDOWS* } # Hebrew (ISO-Visual). A hybrid between ibm-5012 and ibm-916 with extra PUA mappings.
    446                         hebrew8 # Reflect HP-UX code page update
    448 # Turkish
    449 # Chrome: ISO-8859-9 and its aliases are moved to windows-1254 per
    450 # HTML5. 
    451 ibm-920_P100-1995 { UTR22* }
    452                         ibm-920 { IBM* JAVA }
    453                         ISO-8859-9
    454                         latin5
    455                         csISOLatin5
    456                         iso-ir-148 
    457                         ISO_8859-9:1989
    458                         l5
    459                         cp920 { JAVA }
    460                         920 { JAVA }
    461                         windows-28599 { WINDOWS* }
    462                         ECMA-128    # IANA doesn't have this alias 6/24/2002
    463                         turkish8    # Reflect HP-UX codepage update 8/1/2008
    464                         turkish     # Reflect HP-UX codepage update 8/1/2008
    466 # Nordic languages
    467 iso-8859_10-1998 { UTR22* } ISO-8859-10 { MIME* IANA* }
    468                         iso-ir-157 { IANA }
    469                         l6 { IANA }
    470                         ISO_8859-10:1992 { IANA }
    471                         csISOLatin6 { IANA }
    472                         latin6 { IANA }
    474 # Thai
    475 # Be warned. There several iso-8859-11 codepage variants, and they are all incompatible.
    476 # ISO-8859-11 is a superset of TIS-620. The difference is that ISO-8859-11 contains the C1 control codes.
    477 iso-8859_11-2001 { UTR22* } ISO-8859-11
    478                         thai8 # HP-UX alias. HP-UX says TIS-620, but it's closer to ISO-8859-11.
    479                         x-iso-8859-11 { JAVA* }
    481 # iso-8859-13, PC Baltic (w/o euro update)
    482 ibm-921_P100-1995 { UTR22* }
    483                         ibm-921 { IBM* }
    484                         ISO-8859-13 { IANA* MIME* JAVA* }
    485                         8859_13 { JAVA }
    486                         windows-28603 { WINDOWS* }
    487                         cp921
    488                         921
    489                         x-IBM921 { JAVA }
    491 # Celtic
    492 iso-8859_14-1998 { UTR22* } ISO-8859-14 { IANA* }
    493                         iso-ir-199 { IANA }
    494                         ISO_8859-14:1998 { IANA }
    495                         latin8 { IANA }
    496                         iso-celtic { IANA }
    497                         l8 { IANA }
    499 # Latin 9
    500 ibm-923_P100-1998 { UTR22* }
    501                         ibm-923 { IBM* JAVA }
    502                         ISO-8859-15 { IANA* MIME* WINDOWS JAVA* }
    503                         Latin-9 { IANA WINDOWS }
    504                         l9 { WINDOWS }
    505                         8859_15 { JAVA }
    506                         latin0 { JAVA }
    507                         csisolatin0 { JAVA }
    508                         csisolatin9 { JAVA }
    509                         iso8859_15_fdis { JAVA }
    510                         cp923 { JAVA }
    511                         923 { JAVA }
    512                         windows-28605 { WINDOWS* }
    514 # CJK encodings
    516 # Chrome: Instead of ibm-943_P15A-2003, we use what's specified in the WHATWG
    517 # encoding standard (HTML5) for Shift_JIS. Keep all the aliases (even though
    518 not all of them not required by the encoding spec) for now.
    520 shift_jis-html5 { UTR22* }
    521                         ibm-943 # Leave untagged because this isn't the default
    522                         Shift_JIS { IANA* MIME* WINDOWS JAVA }
    523                         MS_Kanji { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    524                         csShiftJIS { IANA WINDOWS JAVA }
    525                         windows-31j { IANA JAVA } # A further extension of Shift_JIS to include NEC special characters (Row 13)
    526                         csWindows31J { IANA WINDOWS JAVA } # A further extension of Shift_JIS to include NEC special characters (Row 13)
    527                         x-sjis { WINDOWS JAVA }
    528                         x-ms-cp932 { WINDOWS }
    529                         cp932 { WINDOWS }
    530                         windows-932 { WINDOWS* }
    531                         cp943c { JAVA* }    # This is slightly different, but the backslash mapping is the same.
    532                         IBM-943C #{ AIX* } # Add this tag once AIX aliases becomes available
    533                         ms932
    534                         pck     # Probably SOLARIS
    535                         sjis    # This might be for ibm-1351
    536                         ibm-943_VSUB_VPUA
    537                         x-MS932_0213 { JAVA }
    538                         x-JISAutoDetect { JAVA }
    540 # Chrome: Instead of ibm-33722_P*, we use what's specified in the WHATWG
    541 # encoding standard (HTML5). All the
    542 # 3-byte seqeunces in the normative EUC-JP are now decode-only.
    543 euc-jp-html5 { UTR22* }
    544                         EUC-JP { MIME* IANA JAVA* WINDOWS*}
    545                         Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese { IANA* JAVA WINDOWS }
    546                         csEUCPkdFmtJapanese { IANA JAVA WINDOWS }
    547                         windows-51932 { WINDOWS }
    548                         X-EUC-JP { MIME JAVA WINDOWS }   # Japan EUC. x-euc-jp is a MIME name
    549                         eucjis {JAVA}
    550                         ujis # Linux sometimes uses this name. This is an unfortunate generic and rarely used name. Its use is discouraged.
    553 windows-950-2000 { UTR22* }
    554                         Big5 { IANA* MIME* JAVA* WINDOWS }
    555                         csBig5 { IANA WINDOWS }
    556                         windows-950 { WINDOWS* }
    557                         x-windows-950 { JAVA }
    558                         x-big5
    559                         ms950
    560 ibm-1375_P100-2007 { UTR22* }   # Big5-HKSCS-2004 with Unicode 3.1 mappings. This uses supplementary characters.
    561                         ibm-1375 { IBM* }
    562                         Big5-HKSCS { IANA* JAVA* }
    563                         big5hk { JAVA }
    564                         HKSCS-BIG5  # From http://www.openi18n.org/localenameguide/
    566 # Chrome: HTML5 has big5-hkscs as an alias for big5
    567 #         TODO(jshin): Decide if Chrome should follow spec. crbug.com/277040
    568 ibm-5471_P100-2006 { UTR22* }   # Big5-HKSCS-2001 with Unicode 3.0 mappings. This uses many PUA characters.
    569                         ibm-5471 { IBM* }
    570                         Big5-HKSCS
    571                         MS950_HKSCS { JAVA* }
    572                         hkbig5 # from HP-UX 11i, which can't handle supplementary characters.
    573                         big5-hkscs:unicode3.0
    574                         x-MS950-HKSCS { JAVA }
    575                         # windows-950 # Windows-950 can be w/ or w/o HKSCS extensions. By default it's not.
    576                         # windows-950_hkscs
    577 # GBK
    578 # Chrome: Added 4 GB2312 aliases and EUC-CN to Windows-936 to reflect the
    579 #         reality of the web (GB2312 is treated synonymously with its
    580 #         superset, Windows-936/GBK)
    581 #         All the aliases listed for this converter (windows-936-2000)
    582 #         are removed from the list of aliases for other simplified Chinese
    583 #         converters above.
    584 #         HTML5 makes GBK an alias for GB18030
    585 #         TODO(jshin): Decide if Chrome should follow spec. crbug.com/339862
    586 windows-936-2000 { UTR22* }
    587                         GB2312 { IANA MIME }
    588                         GBK { IANA* MIME* WINDOWS JAVA* }
    589                         CP936 { IANA JAVA }
    590                         MS936 { IANA }  # In JDK 1.5, this goes to x-mswin-936. This is an IANA name split.
    591                         windows-936 { IANA WINDOWS* JAVA }
    592                         chinese { IANA }
    593                         iso-ir-58 { IANA }
    594                         gb2312-1980
    595                         EUC-CN
    596                         csGB2312 { IANA }
    597                         GB_2312-80 { IANA }
    600 # Chrome: ibm-5478 and ibm-949 are replaced by noop-gb2312_gl and windows-949
    601 # (ksc_5601), respectively, in ucnv2022.c
    603 # Korean EUC.
    605 # Chrome: Windows-949 is not EUC-KR, but a superset of EUC-KR with 8,822
    606 #         additional Hangul syllables. However, the reality of the web
    607 #         and HTML5 require that we treat EUC-KR a
    608 #         synonym of windows-949.
    609 #         All the aliases listed for this converter (windows-949-2000)
    610 #         are removed from the list of aliases for other Korean converters
    611 #         above.
    612 windows-949-2000 { UTR22* }
    613                         windows-949 { JAVA* WINDOWS* }
    614                         EUC-KR { IANA* MIME* WINDOWS }
    615                         KS_C_5601-1987 { WINDOWS IANA }
    616                         KS_C_5601-1989 { WINDOWS IANA }
    617                         KSC_5601 { IANA WINDOWS } # Needed by iso-2022
    618                         csKSC56011987 { WINDOWS }
    619                         korean { IANA WINDOWS }
    620                         iso-ir-149 { IANA WINDOWS }
    621                         csEUCKR { IANA WINDOWS }
    623 #Chrome: TIS-620, ISO-8859-11 and Windows-874 are slightly different from
    624 # each other, but they're used as if they're identical on the web. This is
    625 # also per HTML5.
    626 windows-874-2000 { UTR22* }   # Thai (w/ euro update)
    627                         TIS-620 { IANA* WINDOWS MIME* }
    628                         windows-874 { JAVA* WINDOWS* MIME }
    629                         MS874 { JAVA }
    630                         x-windows-874 { JAVA }
    631                         iso-8859-11 { IANA WINDOWS MIME } # iso-8859-11 is similar to TIS-620. ibm-13162 is a closer match.
    633 # Platform codepages
    634 # Chrome: only keep ibm-878 for KOI8-R, ibm-1168 for KOI8-RU and ibm-866
    635 ibm-878_P100-1996 { UTR22* }    ibm-878 { IBM* } KOI8-R { IANA* MIME* WINDOWS JAVA* } koi8 { WINDOWS JAVA } csKOI8R { IANA WINDOWS JAVA } windows-20866 { WINDOWS* } cp878   # Russian internet
    636 # Chrome: Use the table from the WHATWG encoding standard (HTML5).
    637 ibm-866_html5-2012 { UTR22* }    ibm-866 { IBM* } IBM866 { IANA* MIME* JAVA } cp866 { IANA MIME WINDOWS JAVA* } 866 { IANA JAVA } csIBM866 { IANA JAVA } # PC Russian (w/o euro update)
    638 ibm-1168_P100-2002 { UTR22* }   ibm-1168 { IBM* } KOI8-U { IANA* WINDOWS } windows-21866 { WINDOWS* } # Ukrainian KOI8. koi8-ru != KOI8-U and Microsoft is wrong for aliasing them as the same.
    640 # The cp aliases in this section aren't really windows aliases, but it was used by ICU for Windows.
    641 # cp is usually used to denote IBM in Java, and that is why we don't do that anymore.
    642 # The windows-* aliases mean windows codepages.
    643 ibm-5346_P100-1998 { UTR22* }   ibm-5346 { IBM* } windows-1250 { IANA* JAVA* WINDOWS* } cp1250 { WINDOWS JAVA } # Windows Latin2 (w/ euro update)
    644 ibm-5347_P100-1998 { UTR22* }   ibm-5347 { IBM* } windows-1251 { IANA* JAVA* WINDOWS* } cp1251 { WINDOWS JAVA } ANSI1251 # Windows Cyrillic (w/ euro update). ANSI1251 is from Solaris
    645 ibm-5348_P100-1997 { UTR22* }   ibm-5348 { IBM* } windows-1252 { IANA* JAVA* WINDOWS* } cp1252 { JAVA }         # Windows Latin1 (w/ euro update)
    646 ibm-5349_P100-1998 { UTR22* }   ibm-5349 { IBM* } windows-1253 { IANA* JAVA* WINDOWS* } cp1253 { JAVA }         # Windows Greek (w/ euro update)
    648 #CHROME : Make ISO-8859-9 an alias to windows-1254 per HTML5. Move
    649 #         other IANA aliases for ISO-8859-9 as well.
    650 ibm-5350_P100-1998 { UTR22* }   ibm-5350 { IBM* } windows-1254 { MIME* IANA* JAVA* WINDOWS* } cp1254 { JAVA }         # Windows Turkish (w/ euro update)
    651                         ISO-8859-9 { MIME }
    652                         latin5 { IANA }
    653                         csISOLatin5 { IANA }
    654                         iso-ir-148 { IANA }
    655                         ISO_8859-9:1989 { IANA }
    656                         l5 { IANA }
    657                         8859_9 { JAVA }
    658 ibm-9447_P100-2002 { UTR22* }   ibm-9447 { IBM* } windows-1255 { IANA* JAVA* WINDOWS* } cp1255 { JAVA }         # Windows Hebrew (w/ euro update)
    659 ibm-9448_X100-2005 { UTR22* }   ibm-9448 { IBM* } windows-1256 { IANA* JAVA* WINDOWS* } cp1256 { WINDOWS JAVA } x-windows-1256S { JAVA } # Windows Arabic (w/ euro update)
    660 ibm-9449_P100-2002 { UTR22* }   ibm-9449 { IBM* } windows-1257 { IANA* JAVA* WINDOWS* } cp1257 { JAVA }         # Windows Baltic (w/ euro update)
    661 ibm-5354_P100-1998 { UTR22* }   ibm-5354 { IBM* } windows-1258 { IANA* JAVA* WINDOWS* } cp1258 { JAVA }         # Windows Vietnamese (w/ euro update)
    663 # Chrome: Only MacRoman and MacCyrillic are necessary for HTML5.
    664 macos-0_2-10.2 { UTR22* }       macintosh { IANA* MIME* WINDOWS } mac { IANA } csMacintosh { IANA } windows-10000 { WINDOWS* } macroman { JAVA } x-macroman { JAVA* } # Apple latin 1
    665 macos-7_3-10.2 { UTR22* }       x-mac-cyrillic { MIME* WINDOWS } windows-10007 { WINDOWS* } mac-cyrillic maccy x-MacCyrillic { JAVA } x-MacUkraine { JAVA* } # Apple Cyrillic
    667 # Partially algorithmic converters
    669 # [U_ENABLE_GENERIC_ISO_2022]
    670 # The _generic_ ISO-2022 converter is disabled starting 2003-dec-03 (ICU 2.8).
    671 # For details see the icu mailing list from 2003-dec-01 and the ucnv2022.c file.
    672 # Language-specific variants of ISO-2022 continue to be available as listed below.
    673 # ISO_2022                         ISO-2022
    675 # Chrome: The encoding standard only supports ISO-2022-JP and HZ-GB. 
    676 # Keep ISO-2022-{KR,CN,CN-Ext} until we're sure what to do about
    677 # replacement encodings. See crbug.com/277037
    678 # TODO(jshin): Remove them when the bug is resolved.
    679 ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=0    ISO-2022-JP { IANA* MIME* JAVA* } csISO2022JP { IANA JAVA } x-windows-iso2022jp { JAVA } x-windows-50220 { JAVA }
    680 ISO_2022,locale=ko,version=0    ISO-2022-KR { IANA* MIME* JAVA* } csISO2022KR { IANA JAVA } # This uses ibm-949
    681 ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=0    ISO-2022-CN { IANA* JAVA* } csISO2022CN { JAVA } x-ISO-2022-CN-GB { JAVA }
    682 ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=1    ISO-2022-CN-EXT { IANA* }
    683 HZ                              HZ-GB-2312 { IANA* }
    685 # Chrome: HTML5 does not need ISCII.
    686 #         Remove all Lotus entries as well.
    688 # EBCDIC codepages according to the CDRA
    689 # Chrome: Removed all EBCDIC code pages.
    691 # These are not installed by default. They are rarely used.
    692 # Many of them can be added through the online ICU Data Library Customization tool
    693 # Chrome: Removed all these entries except for ISO-8859-16 required by HTML5.
    695 iso-8859_16-2001 { UTR22* }     ISO-8859-16 { IANA* } iso-ir-226 { IANA } ISO_8859-16:2001 { IANA } latin10 { IANA } l10 { IANA }