1 # Required table(s) are missing (e.g. OS/2 table). 2 AppleGothic.ttf 3 AppleMyungjo.ttf 4 ArialHB.ttf 5 ArialHBBold.ttf 6 Corsiva.ttf 7 CorsivaBold.ttf 8 InaiMathi.ttf 9 NISC18030.ttf 10 NewPeninimMT.ttf 11 NewPeninimMTBold.ttf 12 NewPeninimMTBoldInclined.ttf 13 NewPeninimMTInclined.ttf 14 Raanana.ttf 15 RaananaBold.ttf 16 17 # The length field of a table is weird. 18 homa.ttf 19 nazli.ttf 20 titr.ttf 21 ume-tgc4.ttf 22 ume-tgs4.ttf 23 ume-tgc5.ttf 24 ume-tgs5.ttf 25 ume-tms3.ttf 26 27 # Table(s) are not 4-byte aligned. 28 UnBatang.ttf 29 UnBom.ttf 30 UnDotum.ttf 31 UnGraphic.ttf 32 UnGungseo.ttf 33 UnJamoBatang.ttf 34 UnJamoDotum.ttf 35 UnJamoNovel.ttf 36 UnJamoSora.ttf 37 UnPenheulim.ttf 38 UnPen.ttf 39 UnPilgiBold.ttf 40 UnPilgi.ttf 41 UnShinmun.ttf 42 UnTaza.ttf 43 UnYetgul.ttf 44 45 # Tables are not sorted by table tags. 46 f500.ttf 47 48 # non-ASCII characters are used in a table tag 49 SyrCOMAdiabene.otf 50 SyrCOMAntioch.otf 51 SyrCOMBatnanBold.otf 52 SyrCOMBatnan.otf 53 SyrCOMCtesiphon.otf 54 SyrCOMJerusalemBold.otf 55 SyrCOMJerusalemItalic.otf 56 SyrCOMJerusalem.otf 57 SyrCOMJerusalemOutline.otf 58 SyrCOMKharput.otf 59 SyrCOMMalankara.otf 60 SyrCOMMardinBold.otf 61 SyrCOMMardin.otf 62 SyrCOMMidyat.otf 63 SyrCOMNisibin.otf 64 SyrCOMNisibinOutline.otf 65 SyrCOMQenNeshrin.otf 66 SyrCOMTalada.otf 67 SyrCOMTurAbdin.otf 68 SyrCOMUrhoyBold.otf 69 SyrCOMUrhoy.otf 70 71 # Malformed SFNT table; unexpected entry selector 72 misakimn.ttf 73 misaki.ttf 74 75 # Malformed CMAP table; Subtables are not sorted by platform ID 76 ani.ttf 77 Caliban.ttf 78 79 # Malformed CMAP table; Entries in a 3-0-4 or 3-1-4 subtable are not sorted. 80 LucidaSansOblique.ttf 81 LucidaTypewriterOblique.ttf 82 bkai00mp.ttf 83 bsmi00lp.ttf 84 modelwor.ttf 85 86 # Malformed CMAP table; "search range" in a 3-0-4 or 3-1-4 subtable are invalid. 87 cmmi10.ttf 88 cmsy10.ttf 89 msam10.ttf 90 91 # Malformed CMAP table; The 3-10-12 table is too short. 92 BPG_Chveulebrivi.ttf 93 BPG_Chveulebrivi_bold.ttf 94 95 # Unsupported CMAP table; ots doesn't support non-Unicode fonts. 96 Apple Symbols.ttf 97 Pro.ttf 98 Pro.ttf 99 .ttf 100 .ttf 101 .ttf 102 .ttf 103 .ttf 104 105 # Unsupported CMAP table; The Unicode BMP table is missing, while the UCS-4 table is available. 106 DroidSansJapanese.ttf 107 DroidSansFallback.ttf 108 109 # Malformed GLYF table; The content of flags array and the lengths of xCoordinates, yCoordinates are inconsistent. 110 DecoTypeNaskh.ttf 111 112 # Malformed HMTX table; The table is too short. 113 mona.ttf 114 115 # CMAP glyph id is out of range. 116 Samyak-Oriya.ttf 117 118 # Unsupported CFF table; "supplemental encoding" is not supported at the moment. This should be fixed in the future. 119 Walbf___.otf 120 121 # GDEF MarkAttachClassDef offset is invalid. 122 ManchuFont.ttf 123 arianamu.ttf 124 summersby.ttf 125