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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include <math.h>
     12 #include <string.h>
     14 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     15 #include "webrtc/common_video/interface/i420_video_frame.h"
     16 #include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
     17 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/tick_util.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/test/testsupport/fileutils.h"
     21 namespace webrtc {
     23 int PrintBuffer(const uint8_t* buffer, int width, int height, int stride) {
     24   if (buffer == NULL)
     25     return -1;
     26   int k;
     27   const uint8_t* tmp_buffer = buffer;
     28   for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
     29     k = 0;
     30     for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
     31       printf("%d ", tmp_buffer[k++]);
     32     }
     33     tmp_buffer += stride;
     34     printf(" \n");
     35   }
     36   printf(" \n");
     37   return 0;
     38 }
     41 int PrintFrame(const I420VideoFrame* frame, const char* str) {
     42   if (frame == NULL)
     43      return -1;
     44   printf("%s %dx%d \n", str, frame->width(), frame->height());
     46   int ret = 0;
     47   for (int plane_num = 0; plane_num < kNumOfPlanes; ++plane_num) {
     48     PlaneType plane_type = static_cast<PlaneType>(plane_num);
     49     int width = (plane_num ? (frame->width() + 1) / 2 : frame->width());
     50     int height = (plane_num ? (frame->height() + 1) / 2 : frame->height());
     51     ret += PrintBuffer(frame->buffer(plane_type), width, height,
     52                        frame->stride(plane_type));
     53   }
     54   return ret;
     55 }
     58 // Create an image from on a YUV frame. Every plane value starts with a start
     59 // value, and will be set to increasing values.
     60 void CreateImage(I420VideoFrame* frame, int plane_offset[kNumOfPlanes]) {
     61   if (frame == NULL)
     62     return;
     63   for (int plane_num = 0; plane_num < kNumOfPlanes; ++plane_num) {
     64     int width = (plane_num != kYPlane ? (frame->width() + 1) / 2 :
     65       frame->width());
     66     int height = (plane_num != kYPlane ? (frame->height() + 1) / 2 :
     67       frame->height());
     68     PlaneType plane_type = static_cast<PlaneType>(plane_num);
     69     uint8_t *data = frame->buffer(plane_type);
     70     for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
     71       for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
     72         data[j] = static_cast<uint8_t>(i + plane_offset[plane_num] + j);
     73       }
     74       data += frame->stride(plane_type);
     75     }
     76   }
     77 }
     79 class TestLibYuv : public ::testing::Test {
     80  protected:
     81   TestLibYuv();
     82   virtual void SetUp();
     83   virtual void TearDown();
     85   FILE* source_file_;
     86   I420VideoFrame orig_frame_;
     87   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> orig_buffer_;
     88   const int width_;
     89   const int height_;
     90   const int size_y_;
     91   const int size_uv_;
     92   const int frame_length_;
     93 };
     95 TestLibYuv::TestLibYuv()
     96     : source_file_(NULL),
     97       orig_frame_(),
     98       width_(352),
     99       height_(288),
    100       size_y_(width_ * height_),
    101       size_uv_(((width_ + 1 ) / 2) * ((height_ + 1) / 2)),
    102       frame_length_(CalcBufferSize(kI420, 352, 288)) {
    103   orig_buffer_.reset(new uint8_t[frame_length_]);
    104 }
    106 void TestLibYuv::SetUp() {
    107   const std::string input_file_name = webrtc::test::ProjectRootPath() +
    108                                       "resources/foreman_cif.yuv";
    109   source_file_  = fopen(input_file_name.c_str(), "rb");
    110   ASSERT_TRUE(source_file_ != NULL) << "Cannot read file: "<<
    111                                        input_file_name << "\n";
    113   EXPECT_EQ(fread(orig_buffer_.get(), 1, frame_length_, source_file_),
    114             static_cast<unsigned int>(frame_length_));
    115   EXPECT_EQ(0, orig_frame_.CreateFrame(size_y_, orig_buffer_.get(),
    116                                        size_uv_, orig_buffer_.get() + size_y_,
    117                                        size_uv_, orig_buffer_.get() +
    118                                        size_y_ + size_uv_,
    119                                        width_, height_,
    120                                        width_, (width_ + 1) / 2,
    121                                        (width_ + 1) / 2));
    122 }
    124 void TestLibYuv::TearDown() {
    125   if (source_file_ != NULL) {
    126     ASSERT_EQ(0, fclose(source_file_));
    127   }
    128   source_file_ = NULL;
    129 }
    131 TEST_F(TestLibYuv, ConvertSanityTest) {
    132   // TODO(mikhal)
    133 }
    135 TEST_F(TestLibYuv, ConvertTest) {
    136   // Reading YUV frame - testing on the first frame of the foreman sequence
    137   int j = 0;
    138   std::string output_file_name = webrtc::test::OutputPath() +
    139                                  "LibYuvTest_conversion.yuv";
    140   FILE*  output_file = fopen(output_file_name.c_str(), "wb");
    141   ASSERT_TRUE(output_file != NULL);
    143   double psnr = 0.0;
    145   I420VideoFrame res_i420_frame;
    146   EXPECT_EQ(0,res_i420_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(width_, height_, width_,
    147                                               (width_ + 1) / 2,
    148                                               (width_ + 1) / 2));
    149   printf("\nConvert #%d I420 <-> I420 \n", j);
    150   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> out_i420_buffer(new uint8_t[frame_length_]);
    151   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertFromI420(orig_frame_, kI420, 0,
    152                                out_i420_buffer.get()));
    153   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kI420, out_i420_buffer.get(), 0, 0,
    154                              width_, height_,
    155                              0, kRotateNone, &res_i420_frame));
    157   if (PrintI420VideoFrame(res_i420_frame, output_file) < 0) {
    158     return;
    159   }
    160   psnr = I420PSNR(&orig_frame_, &res_i420_frame);
    161   EXPECT_EQ(48.0, psnr);
    162   j++;
    164   printf("\nConvert #%d I420 <-> RGB24\n", j);
    165   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> res_rgb_buffer2(new uint8_t[width_ * height_ * 3]);
    166   // Align the stride values for the output frame.
    167   int stride_y = 0;
    168   int stride_uv = 0;
    169   Calc16ByteAlignedStride(width_, &stride_y, &stride_uv);
    170   res_i420_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(width_, height_, stride_y,
    171                                   stride_uv, stride_uv);
    172   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertFromI420(orig_frame_, kRGB24, 0, res_rgb_buffer2.get()));
    174   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kRGB24, res_rgb_buffer2.get(), 0, 0, width_,
    175                              height_, 0, kRotateNone, &res_i420_frame));
    177   if (PrintI420VideoFrame(res_i420_frame, output_file) < 0) {
    178     return;
    179   }
    180   psnr = I420PSNR(&orig_frame_, &res_i420_frame);
    182   // Optimization Speed- quality trade-off => 45 dB only (platform dependant).
    183   EXPECT_GT(ceil(psnr), 44);
    184   j++;
    186   printf("\nConvert #%d I420 <-> UYVY\n", j);
    187   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> out_uyvy_buffer(new uint8_t[width_ * height_ * 2]);
    188   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertFromI420(orig_frame_,  kUYVY, 0, out_uyvy_buffer.get()));
    189   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kUYVY, out_uyvy_buffer.get(), 0, 0, width_,
    190                              height_, 0, kRotateNone, &res_i420_frame));
    191   psnr = I420PSNR(&orig_frame_, &res_i420_frame);
    192   EXPECT_EQ(48.0, psnr);
    193   if (PrintI420VideoFrame(res_i420_frame, output_file) < 0) {
    194     return;
    195   }
    196   j++;
    198   printf("\nConvert #%d I420 <-> YV12\n", j);
    199   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> outYV120Buffer(new uint8_t[frame_length_]);
    200   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> res_i420_buffer(new uint8_t[frame_length_]);
    201   I420VideoFrame yv12_frame;
    202   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertFromI420(orig_frame_, kYV12, 0, outYV120Buffer.get()));
    203   yv12_frame.CreateFrame(size_y_, outYV120Buffer.get(),
    204                          size_uv_, outYV120Buffer.get() + size_y_,
    205                          size_uv_, outYV120Buffer.get() + size_y_ + size_uv_,
    206                          width_, height_,
    207                          width_, (width_ + 1) / 2, (width_ + 1) / 2);
    208   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertFromYV12(yv12_frame, kI420, 0, res_i420_buffer.get()));
    209   if (fwrite(res_i420_buffer.get(), 1, frame_length_,
    210              output_file) != static_cast<unsigned int>(frame_length_)) {
    211     return;
    212   }
    214   ConvertToI420(kI420, res_i420_buffer.get(), 0, 0,
    215       width_, height_, 0, kRotateNone, &res_i420_frame);
    216   psnr = I420PSNR(&orig_frame_, &res_i420_frame);
    217   EXPECT_EQ(48.0, psnr);
    218   j++;
    220   printf("\nConvert #%d I420 <-> YUY2\n", j);
    221   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> out_yuy2_buffer(new uint8_t[width_ * height_ * 2]);
    222   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertFromI420(orig_frame_,  kYUY2, 0, out_yuy2_buffer.get()));
    224   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kYUY2, out_yuy2_buffer.get(), 0, 0, width_,
    225                              height_, 0, kRotateNone, &res_i420_frame));
    227   if (PrintI420VideoFrame(res_i420_frame, output_file) < 0) {
    228     return;
    229   }
    231   psnr = I420PSNR(&orig_frame_, &res_i420_frame);
    232   EXPECT_EQ(48.0, psnr);
    233   printf("\nConvert #%d I420 <-> RGB565\n", j);
    234   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> out_rgb565_buffer(new uint8_t[width_ * height_ * 2]);
    235   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertFromI420(orig_frame_, kRGB565, 0,
    236                                out_rgb565_buffer.get()));
    238   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kRGB565, out_rgb565_buffer.get(), 0, 0, width_,
    239                              height_, 0, kRotateNone, &res_i420_frame));
    241   if (PrintI420VideoFrame(res_i420_frame, output_file) < 0) {
    242     return;
    243   }
    244   j++;
    246   psnr = I420PSNR(&orig_frame_, &res_i420_frame);
    247   // TODO(leozwang) Investigate the right psnr should be set for I420ToRGB565,
    248   // Another example is I420ToRGB24, the psnr is 44
    249   // TODO(mikhal): Add psnr for RGB565, 1555, 4444, convert to ARGB.
    250   EXPECT_GT(ceil(psnr), 40);
    252   printf("\nConvert #%d I420 <-> ARGB8888\n", j);
    253   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> out_argb8888_buffer(new uint8_t[width_ * height_ * 4]);
    254   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertFromI420(orig_frame_, kARGB, 0,
    255                                out_argb8888_buffer.get()));
    257   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kARGB, out_argb8888_buffer.get(), 0, 0, width_,
    258                              height_, 0, kRotateNone, &res_i420_frame));
    260   if (PrintI420VideoFrame(res_i420_frame, output_file) < 0) {
    261     return;
    262   }
    264   psnr = I420PSNR(&orig_frame_, &res_i420_frame);
    265   // TODO(leozwang) Investigate the right psnr should be set for I420ToARGB8888,
    266   EXPECT_GT(ceil(psnr), 42);
    268   ASSERT_EQ(0, fclose(output_file));
    269 }
    271 TEST_F(TestLibYuv, ConvertAlignedFrame) {
    272   // Reading YUV frame - testing on the first frame of the foreman sequence
    273   std::string output_file_name = webrtc::test::OutputPath() +
    274                                  "LibYuvTest_conversion.yuv";
    275   FILE*  output_file = fopen(output_file_name.c_str(), "wb");
    276   ASSERT_TRUE(output_file != NULL);
    278   double psnr = 0.0;
    280   I420VideoFrame res_i420_frame;
    281   int stride_y = 0;
    282   int stride_uv = 0;
    283   Calc16ByteAlignedStride(width_, &stride_y, &stride_uv);
    284   EXPECT_EQ(0,res_i420_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(width_, height_,
    285                                               stride_y, stride_uv, stride_uv));
    286   scoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> out_i420_buffer(new uint8_t[frame_length_]);
    287   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertFromI420(orig_frame_, kI420, 0,
    288                                out_i420_buffer.get()));
    289   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kI420, out_i420_buffer.get(), 0, 0,
    290                              width_, height_,
    291                              0, kRotateNone, &res_i420_frame));
    293   if (PrintI420VideoFrame(res_i420_frame, output_file) < 0) {
    294     return;
    295   }
    296   psnr = I420PSNR(&orig_frame_, &res_i420_frame);
    297   EXPECT_EQ(48.0, psnr);
    298 }
    301 TEST_F(TestLibYuv, RotateTest) {
    302   // Use ConvertToI420 for multiple roatations - see that nothing breaks, all
    303   // memory is properly allocated and end result is equal to the starting point.
    304   I420VideoFrame rotated_res_i420_frame;
    305   int rotated_width = height_;
    306   int rotated_height = width_;
    307   int stride_y ;
    308   int stride_uv;
    309   Calc16ByteAlignedStride(rotated_width, &stride_y, &stride_uv);
    310   EXPECT_EQ(0,rotated_res_i420_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(rotated_width,
    311                                                       rotated_height,
    312                                                       stride_y,
    313                                                       stride_uv,
    314                                                       stride_uv));
    315   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kI420, orig_buffer_.get(), 0, 0,
    316                              width_, height_,
    317                              0, kRotate90, &rotated_res_i420_frame));
    318   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kI420, orig_buffer_.get(), 0, 0,
    319                              width_, height_,
    320                              0, kRotate270, &rotated_res_i420_frame));
    321   EXPECT_EQ(0,rotated_res_i420_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(width_, height_,
    322                                                       width_, (width_ + 1) / 2,
    323                                                       (width_ + 1) / 2));
    324   EXPECT_EQ(0, ConvertToI420(kI420, orig_buffer_.get(), 0, 0,
    325                              width_, height_,
    326                              0, kRotate180, &rotated_res_i420_frame));
    327 }
    329 TEST_F(TestLibYuv, MirrorTest) {
    330   // TODO(mikhal): Add an automated test to confirm output.
    331   std::string str;
    332   int width = 16;
    333   int half_width = (width + 1) / 2;
    334   int height = 8;
    335   int half_height = (height + 1) / 2;
    337   I420VideoFrame test_frame;
    338   test_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(width, height, width,
    339                               half_width, half_width);
    340   memset(test_frame.buffer(kYPlane), 255, width * height);
    341   memset(test_frame.buffer(kUPlane), 255, half_width * half_height);
    342   memset(test_frame.buffer(kVPlane), 255, half_width * half_height);
    344   // Create input frame.
    345   I420VideoFrame in_frame, test_in_frame;
    346   in_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(width, height, width,
    347                             half_width ,half_width);
    348   int plane_offset[kNumOfPlanes];
    349   plane_offset[kYPlane] = 10;
    350   plane_offset[kUPlane] = 100;
    351   plane_offset[kVPlane] = 200;
    352   CreateImage(&in_frame, plane_offset);
    353   EXPECT_EQ(0, PrintFrame(&in_frame, "InputFrame"));
    354   test_in_frame.CopyFrame(in_frame);
    356   I420VideoFrame out_frame, test_out_frame;
    357   out_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(width, height, width,
    358                              half_width ,half_width);
    359   CreateImage(&out_frame, plane_offset);
    360   test_out_frame.CopyFrame(out_frame);
    362   // Left-Right.
    363   std::cout << "Test Mirror function: LeftRight" << std::endl;
    364   EXPECT_EQ(0, MirrorI420LeftRight(&in_frame, &out_frame));
    365   EXPECT_EQ(0, PrintFrame(&out_frame, "OutputFrame"));
    366   EXPECT_EQ(0, MirrorI420LeftRight(&out_frame, &in_frame));
    368   EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(in_frame.buffer(kYPlane),
    369     test_in_frame.buffer(kYPlane), width * height));
    370   EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(in_frame.buffer(kUPlane),
    371     test_in_frame.buffer(kUPlane), half_width * half_height));
    372   EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(in_frame.buffer(kVPlane),
    373     test_in_frame.buffer(kVPlane), half_width * half_height));
    375   // UpDown
    376   std::cout << "Test Mirror function: UpDown" << std::endl;
    377   EXPECT_EQ(0, MirrorI420UpDown(&in_frame, &out_frame));
    378   EXPECT_EQ(0, PrintFrame(&out_frame, "OutputFrame"));
    379   EXPECT_EQ(0, MirrorI420UpDown(&out_frame, &test_frame));
    380   EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(in_frame.buffer(kYPlane),
    381     test_in_frame.buffer(kYPlane), width * height));
    382   EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(in_frame.buffer(kUPlane),
    383     test_in_frame.buffer(kUPlane), half_width * half_height));
    384   EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(in_frame.buffer(kVPlane),
    385     test_in_frame.buffer(kVPlane), half_width * half_height));
    387   // TODO(mikhal): Write to a file, and ask to look at the file.
    389   std::cout << "Do the mirrored frames look correct?" << std::endl;
    390 }
    392 TEST_F(TestLibYuv, alignment) {
    393   int value = 0x3FF; // 1023
    394   EXPECT_EQ(0x400, AlignInt(value, 128));  // Low 7 bits are zero.
    395   EXPECT_EQ(0x400, AlignInt(value, 64));  // Low 6 bits are zero.
    396   EXPECT_EQ(0x400, AlignInt(value, 32));  // Low 5 bits are zero.
    397 }
    399 TEST_F(TestLibYuv, StrideAlignment) {
    400   int stride_y = 0;
    401   int stride_uv = 0;
    402   int width = 52;
    403   Calc16ByteAlignedStride(width, &stride_y, &stride_uv);
    404   EXPECT_EQ(64, stride_y);
    405   EXPECT_EQ(32, stride_uv);
    406   width = 128;
    407   Calc16ByteAlignedStride(width, &stride_y, &stride_uv);
    408   EXPECT_EQ(128, stride_y);
    409   EXPECT_EQ(64, stride_uv);
    410   width = 127;
    411   Calc16ByteAlignedStride(width, &stride_y, &stride_uv);
    412   EXPECT_EQ(128, stride_y);
    413   EXPECT_EQ(64, stride_uv);
    414 }
    416 }  // namespace