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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
     12 #include "webrtc/engine_configurations.h"
     13 #include "webrtc/modules/media_file/interface/media_file.h"
     14 #include "webrtc/modules/utility/source/file_recorder_impl.h"
     15 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/logging.h"
     18     #include "critical_section_wrapper.h"
     19     #include "frame_scaler.h"
     20     #include "video_coder.h"
     21     #include "video_frames_queue.h"
     22 #endif
     24 namespace webrtc {
     25 FileRecorder* FileRecorder::CreateFileRecorder(uint32_t instanceID,
     26                                                FileFormats fileFormat)
     27 {
     28     switch(fileFormat)
     29     {
     30     case kFileFormatWavFile:
     31     case kFileFormatCompressedFile:
     32     case kFileFormatPreencodedFile:
     33     case kFileFormatPcm16kHzFile:
     34     case kFileFormatPcm8kHzFile:
     35     case kFileFormatPcm32kHzFile:
     36         return new FileRecorderImpl(instanceID, fileFormat);
     37     case kFileFormatAviFile:
     39         return new AviRecorder(instanceID, fileFormat);
     40 #else
     41         assert(false);
     42         return NULL;
     43 #endif
     44     }
     45     assert(false);
     46     return NULL;
     47 }
     49 void FileRecorder::DestroyFileRecorder(FileRecorder* recorder)
     50 {
     51     delete recorder;
     52 }
     54 FileRecorderImpl::FileRecorderImpl(uint32_t instanceID,
     55                                    FileFormats fileFormat)
     56     : _instanceID(instanceID),
     57       _fileFormat(fileFormat),
     58       _moduleFile(MediaFile::CreateMediaFile(_instanceID)),
     59       codec_info_(),
     60       _amrFormat(AMRFileStorage),
     61       _audioBuffer(),
     62       _audioEncoder(instanceID),
     63       _audioResampler()
     64 {
     65 }
     67 FileRecorderImpl::~FileRecorderImpl()
     68 {
     69     MediaFile::DestroyMediaFile(_moduleFile);
     70 }
     72 FileFormats FileRecorderImpl::RecordingFileFormat() const
     73 {
     74     return _fileFormat;
     75 }
     77 int32_t FileRecorderImpl::RegisterModuleFileCallback(
     78     FileCallback* callback)
     79 {
     80     if(_moduleFile == NULL)
     81     {
     82         return -1;
     83     }
     84     return _moduleFile->SetModuleFileCallback(callback);
     85 }
     87 int32_t FileRecorderImpl::StartRecordingAudioFile(
     88     const char* fileName,
     89     const CodecInst& codecInst,
     90     uint32_t notificationTimeMs,
     91     ACMAMRPackingFormat amrFormat)
     92 {
     93     if(_moduleFile == NULL)
     94     {
     95         return -1;
     96     }
     97     codec_info_ = codecInst;
     98     _amrFormat = amrFormat;
    100     int32_t retVal = 0;
    101     if(_fileFormat != kFileFormatAviFile)
    102     {
    103         // AVI files should be started using StartRecordingVideoFile(..) all
    104         // other formats should use this API.
    105         retVal =_moduleFile->StartRecordingAudioFile(fileName, _fileFormat,
    106                                                      codecInst,
    107                                                      notificationTimeMs);
    108     }
    110     if( retVal == 0)
    111     {
    112         retVal = SetUpAudioEncoder();
    113     }
    114     if( retVal != 0)
    115     {
    116         LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to initialize file " << fileName
    117                         << " for recording.";
    119         if(IsRecording())
    120         {
    121             StopRecording();
    122         }
    123     }
    124     return retVal;
    125 }
    127 int32_t FileRecorderImpl::StartRecordingAudioFile(
    128     OutStream& destStream,
    129     const CodecInst& codecInst,
    130     uint32_t notificationTimeMs,
    131     ACMAMRPackingFormat amrFormat)
    132 {
    133     codec_info_ = codecInst;
    134     _amrFormat = amrFormat;
    136     int32_t retVal = _moduleFile->StartRecordingAudioStream(
    137         destStream,
    138         _fileFormat,
    139         codecInst,
    140         notificationTimeMs);
    142     if( retVal == 0)
    143     {
    144         retVal = SetUpAudioEncoder();
    145     }
    146     if( retVal != 0)
    147     {
    148         LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to initialize outStream for recording.";
    150         if(IsRecording())
    151         {
    152             StopRecording();
    153         }
    154     }
    155     return retVal;
    156 }
    158 int32_t FileRecorderImpl::StopRecording()
    159 {
    160     memset(&codec_info_, 0, sizeof(CodecInst));
    161     return _moduleFile->StopRecording();
    162 }
    164 bool FileRecorderImpl::IsRecording() const
    165 {
    166     return _moduleFile->IsRecording();
    167 }
    169 int32_t FileRecorderImpl::RecordAudioToFile(
    170     const AudioFrame& incomingAudioFrame,
    171     const TickTime* playoutTS)
    172 {
    173     if (codec_info_.plfreq == 0)
    174     {
    175         LOG(LS_WARNING) << "RecordAudioToFile() recording audio is not "
    176                         << "turned on.";
    177         return -1;
    178     }
    179     AudioFrame tempAudioFrame;
    180     tempAudioFrame.samples_per_channel_ = 0;
    181     if( incomingAudioFrame.num_channels_ == 2 &&
    182         !_moduleFile->IsStereo())
    183     {
    184         // Recording mono but incoming audio is (interleaved) stereo.
    185         tempAudioFrame.num_channels_ = 1;
    186         tempAudioFrame.sample_rate_hz_ = incomingAudioFrame.sample_rate_hz_;
    187         tempAudioFrame.samples_per_channel_ =
    188           incomingAudioFrame.samples_per_channel_;
    189         for (uint16_t i = 0;
    190              i < (incomingAudioFrame.samples_per_channel_); i++)
    191         {
    192             // Sample value is the average of left and right buffer rounded to
    193             // closest integer value. Note samples can be either 1 or 2 byte.
    194              tempAudioFrame.data_[i] =
    195                  ((incomingAudioFrame.data_[2 * i] +
    196                    incomingAudioFrame.data_[(2 * i) + 1] + 1) >> 1);
    197         }
    198     }
    199     else if( incomingAudioFrame.num_channels_ == 1 &&
    200         _moduleFile->IsStereo())
    201     {
    202         // Recording stereo but incoming audio is mono.
    203         tempAudioFrame.num_channels_ = 2;
    204         tempAudioFrame.sample_rate_hz_ = incomingAudioFrame.sample_rate_hz_;
    205         tempAudioFrame.samples_per_channel_ =
    206           incomingAudioFrame.samples_per_channel_;
    207         for (uint16_t i = 0;
    208              i < (incomingAudioFrame.samples_per_channel_); i++)
    209         {
    210             // Duplicate sample to both channels
    211              tempAudioFrame.data_[2*i] =
    212                incomingAudioFrame.data_[i];
    213              tempAudioFrame.data_[2*i+1] =
    214                incomingAudioFrame.data_[i];
    215         }
    216     }
    218     const AudioFrame* ptrAudioFrame = &incomingAudioFrame;
    219     if(tempAudioFrame.samples_per_channel_ != 0)
    220     {
    221         // If ptrAudioFrame is not empty it contains the audio to be recorded.
    222         ptrAudioFrame = &tempAudioFrame;
    223     }
    225     // Encode the audio data before writing to file. Don't encode if the codec
    226     // is PCM.
    227     // NOTE: stereo recording is only supported for WAV files.
    228     // TODO (hellner): WAV expect PCM in little endian byte order. Not
    229     // "encoding" with PCM coder should be a problem for big endian systems.
    230     uint32_t encodedLenInBytes = 0;
    231     if (_fileFormat == kFileFormatPreencodedFile ||
    232         STR_CASE_CMP(codec_info_.plname, "L16") != 0)
    233     {
    234         if (_audioEncoder.Encode(*ptrAudioFrame, _audioBuffer,
    235                                  encodedLenInBytes) == -1)
    236         {
    237             LOG(LS_WARNING) << "RecordAudioToFile() codec "
    238                             << codec_info_.plname
    239                             << " not supported or failed to encode stream.";
    240             return -1;
    241         }
    242     } else {
    243         int outLen = 0;
    244         if(ptrAudioFrame->num_channels_ == 2)
    245         {
    246             // ptrAudioFrame contains interleaved stereo audio.
    247             _audioResampler.ResetIfNeeded(ptrAudioFrame->sample_rate_hz_,
    248                                           codec_info_.plfreq,
    249                                           kResamplerSynchronousStereo);
    250             _audioResampler.Push(ptrAudioFrame->data_,
    251                                  ptrAudioFrame->samples_per_channel_ *
    252                                  ptrAudioFrame->num_channels_,
    253                                  (int16_t*)_audioBuffer,
    254                                  MAX_AUDIO_BUFFER_IN_BYTES, outLen);
    255         } else {
    256             _audioResampler.ResetIfNeeded(ptrAudioFrame->sample_rate_hz_,
    257                                           codec_info_.plfreq,
    258                                           kResamplerSynchronous);
    259             _audioResampler.Push(ptrAudioFrame->data_,
    260                                  ptrAudioFrame->samples_per_channel_,
    261                                  (int16_t*)_audioBuffer,
    262                                  MAX_AUDIO_BUFFER_IN_BYTES, outLen);
    263         }
    264         encodedLenInBytes = outLen * sizeof(int16_t);
    265     }
    267     // Codec may not be operating at a frame rate of 10 ms. Whenever enough
    268     // 10 ms chunks of data has been pushed to the encoder an encoded frame
    269     // will be available. Wait until then.
    270     if (encodedLenInBytes)
    271     {
    272         uint16_t msOfData =
    273             ptrAudioFrame->samples_per_channel_ /
    274             uint16_t(ptrAudioFrame->sample_rate_hz_ / 1000);
    275         if (WriteEncodedAudioData(_audioBuffer,
    276                                   (uint16_t)encodedLenInBytes,
    277                                   msOfData, playoutTS) == -1)
    278         {
    279             return -1;
    280         }
    281     }
    282     return 0;
    283 }
    285 int32_t FileRecorderImpl::SetUpAudioEncoder()
    286 {
    287     if (_fileFormat == kFileFormatPreencodedFile ||
    288         STR_CASE_CMP(codec_info_.plname, "L16") != 0)
    289     {
    290         if(_audioEncoder.SetEncodeCodec(codec_info_,_amrFormat) == -1)
    291         {
    292             LOG(LS_ERROR) << "SetUpAudioEncoder() codec "
    293                           << codec_info_.plname << " not supported.";
    294             return -1;
    295         }
    296     }
    297     return 0;
    298 }
    300 int32_t FileRecorderImpl::codec_info(CodecInst& codecInst) const
    301 {
    302     if(codec_info_.plfreq == 0)
    303     {
    304         return -1;
    305     }
    306     codecInst = codec_info_;
    307     return 0;
    308 }
    310 int32_t FileRecorderImpl::WriteEncodedAudioData(
    311     const int8_t* audioBuffer,
    312     uint16_t bufferLength,
    313     uint16_t /*millisecondsOfData*/,
    314     const TickTime* /*playoutTS*/)
    315 {
    316     return _moduleFile->IncomingAudioData(audioBuffer, bufferLength);
    317 }
    321 AviRecorder::AviRecorder(uint32_t instanceID, FileFormats fileFormat)
    322     : FileRecorderImpl(instanceID, fileFormat),
    323       _videoOnly(false),
    324       _thread( 0),
    325       _timeEvent(*EventWrapper::Create()),
    326       _critSec(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
    327       _writtenVideoFramesCounter(0),
    328       _writtenAudioMS(0),
    329       _writtenVideoMS(0)
    330 {
    331     _videoEncoder = new VideoCoder();
    332     _frameScaler = new FrameScaler();
    333     _videoFramesQueue = new VideoFramesQueue();
    334     _thread = ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(Run, this, kNormalPriority,
    335                                           "AviRecorder()");
    336 }
    338 AviRecorder::~AviRecorder( )
    339 {
    340     StopRecording( );
    342     delete _videoEncoder;
    343     delete _frameScaler;
    344     delete _videoFramesQueue;
    345     delete _thread;
    346     delete &_timeEvent;
    347     delete _critSec;
    348 }
    350 int32_t AviRecorder::StartRecordingVideoFile(
    351     const char* fileName,
    352     const CodecInst& audioCodecInst,
    353     const VideoCodec& videoCodecInst,
    354     ACMAMRPackingFormat amrFormat,
    355     bool videoOnly)
    356 {
    357     _firstAudioFrameReceived = false;
    358     _videoCodecInst = videoCodecInst;
    359     _videoOnly = videoOnly;
    361     if(_moduleFile->StartRecordingVideoFile(fileName, _fileFormat,
    362                                             audioCodecInst, videoCodecInst,
    363                                             videoOnly) != 0)
    364     {
    365         return -1;
    366     }
    368     if(!videoOnly)
    369     {
    370         if(FileRecorderImpl::StartRecordingAudioFile(fileName,audioCodecInst, 0,
    371                                                      amrFormat) !=0)
    372         {
    373             StopRecording();
    374             return -1;
    375         }
    376     }
    377     if( SetUpVideoEncoder() != 0)
    378     {
    379         StopRecording();
    380         return -1;
    381     }
    382     if(_videoOnly)
    383     {
    384         // Writing to AVI file is non-blocking.
    385         // Start non-blocking timer if video only. If recording both video and
    386         // audio let the pushing of audio frames be the timer.
    387         _timeEvent.StartTimer(true, 1000 / _videoCodecInst.maxFramerate);
    388     }
    389     StartThread();
    390     return 0;
    391 }
    393 int32_t AviRecorder::StopRecording()
    394 {
    395     _timeEvent.StopTimer();
    397     StopThread();
    398     return FileRecorderImpl::StopRecording();
    399 }
    401 int32_t AviRecorder::CalcI420FrameSize( ) const
    402 {
    403     return 3 * _videoCodecInst.width * _videoCodecInst.height / 2;
    404 }
    406 int32_t AviRecorder::SetUpVideoEncoder()
    407 {
    408     // Size of unencoded data (I420) should be the largest possible frame size
    409     // in a file.
    410     _videoMaxPayloadSize = CalcI420FrameSize();
    411     _videoEncodedData.VerifyAndAllocate(_videoMaxPayloadSize);
    413     _videoCodecInst.plType = _videoEncoder->DefaultPayloadType(
    414         _videoCodecInst.plName);
    416     int32_t useNumberOfCores = 1;
    417     // Set the max payload size to 16000. This means that the codec will try to
    418     // create slices that will fit in 16000 kByte packets. However, the
    419     // Encode() call will still generate one full frame.
    420     if(_videoEncoder->SetEncodeCodec(_videoCodecInst, useNumberOfCores,
    421                                      16000))
    422     {
    423         return -1;
    424     }
    425     return 0;
    426 }
    428 int32_t AviRecorder::RecordVideoToFile(const I420VideoFrame& videoFrame)
    429 {
    430     CriticalSectionScoped lock(_critSec);
    431     if(!IsRecording() || videoFrame.IsZeroSize())
    432     {
    433         return -1;
    434     }
    435     // The frame is written to file in AviRecorder::Process().
    436     int32_t retVal = _videoFramesQueue->AddFrame(videoFrame);
    437     if(retVal != 0)
    438     {
    439         StopRecording();
    440     }
    441     return retVal;
    442 }
    444 bool AviRecorder::StartThread()
    445 {
    446     unsigned int id;
    447     if( _thread == 0)
    448     {
    449         return false;
    450     }
    452     return _thread->Start(id);
    453 }
    455 bool AviRecorder::StopThread()
    456 {
    457     _critSec->Enter();
    459     if(_thread)
    460     {
    461         _thread->SetNotAlive();
    463         ThreadWrapper* thread = _thread;
    464         _thread = NULL;
    466         _timeEvent.Set();
    468         _critSec->Leave();
    470         if(thread->Stop())
    471         {
    472             delete thread;
    473         } else {
    474             return false;
    475         }
    476     } else {
    477         _critSec->Leave();
    478     }
    479     return true;
    480 }
    482 bool AviRecorder::Run( ThreadObj threadObj)
    483 {
    484     return static_cast<AviRecorder*>( threadObj)->Process();
    485 }
    487 int32_t AviRecorder::ProcessAudio()
    488 {
    489     if (_writtenVideoFramesCounter == 0)
    490     {
    491         // Get the most recent frame that is due for writing to file. Since
    492         // frames are unencoded it's safe to throw away frames if necessary
    493         // for synchronizing audio and video.
    494         I420VideoFrame* frameToProcess = _videoFramesQueue->FrameToRecord();
    495         if(frameToProcess)
    496         {
    497             // Syncronize audio to the current frame to process by throwing away
    498             // audio samples with older timestamp than the video frame.
    499             size_t numberOfAudioElements =
    500                 _audioFramesToWrite.size();
    501             for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfAudioElements; ++i)
    502             {
    503                 AudioFrameFileInfo* frameInfo = _audioFramesToWrite.front();
    504                 if(TickTime::TicksToMilliseconds(
    505                        frameInfo->_playoutTS.Ticks()) <
    506                    frameToProcess->render_time_ms())
    507                 {
    508                     delete frameInfo;
    509                     _audioFramesToWrite.pop_front();
    510                 } else
    511                 {
    512                     break;
    513                 }
    514             }
    515         }
    516     }
    517     // Write all audio up to current timestamp.
    518     int32_t error = 0;
    519     size_t numberOfAudioElements = _audioFramesToWrite.size();
    520     for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfAudioElements; ++i)
    521     {
    522         AudioFrameFileInfo* frameInfo = _audioFramesToWrite.front();
    523         if((TickTime::Now() - frameInfo->_playoutTS).Milliseconds() > 0)
    524         {
    525             _moduleFile->IncomingAudioData(frameInfo->_audioData,
    526                                            frameInfo->_audioSize);
    527             _writtenAudioMS += frameInfo->_audioMS;
    528             delete frameInfo;
    529             _audioFramesToWrite.pop_front();
    530         } else {
    531             break;
    532         }
    533     }
    534     return error;
    535 }
    537 bool AviRecorder::Process()
    538 {
    539     switch(_timeEvent.Wait(500))
    540     {
    541     case kEventSignaled:
    542         if(_thread == NULL)
    543         {
    544             return false;
    545         }
    546         break;
    547     case kEventError:
    548         return false;
    549     case kEventTimeout:
    550         // No events triggered. No work to do.
    551         return true;
    552     }
    553     CriticalSectionScoped lock( _critSec);
    555     // Get the most recent frame to write to file (if any). Synchronize it with
    556     // the audio stream (if any). Synchronization the video based on its render
    557     // timestamp (i.e. VideoFrame::RenderTimeMS())
    558     I420VideoFrame* frameToProcess = _videoFramesQueue->FrameToRecord();
    559     if( frameToProcess == NULL)
    560     {
    561         return true;
    562     }
    563     int32_t error = 0;
    564     if(!_videoOnly)
    565     {
    566         if(!_firstAudioFrameReceived)
    567         {
    568             // Video and audio can only be synchronized if both have been
    569             // received.
    570             return true;
    571         }
    572         error = ProcessAudio();
    574         while (_writtenAudioMS > _writtenVideoMS)
    575         {
    576             error = EncodeAndWriteVideoToFile( *frameToProcess);
    577             if( error != 0)
    578             {
    579                 LOG(LS_ERROR) << "AviRecorder::Process() error writing to "
    580                               << "file.";
    581                 break;
    582             } else {
    583                 uint32_t frameLengthMS = 1000 /
    584                     _videoCodecInst.maxFramerate;
    585                 _writtenVideoFramesCounter++;
    586                 _writtenVideoMS += frameLengthMS;
    587                 // A full seconds worth of frames have been written.
    588                 if(_writtenVideoFramesCounter%_videoCodecInst.maxFramerate == 0)
    589                 {
    590                     // Frame rate is in frames per seconds. Frame length is
    591                     // calculated as an integer division which means it may
    592                     // be rounded down. Compensate for this every second.
    593                     uint32_t rest = 1000 % frameLengthMS;
    594                     _writtenVideoMS += rest;
    595                 }
    596             }
    597         }
    598     } else {
    599         // Frame rate is in frames per seconds. Frame length is calculated as an
    600         // integer division which means it may be rounded down. This introduces
    601         // drift. Once a full frame worth of drift has happened, skip writing
    602         // one frame. Note that frame rate is in frames per second so the
    603         // drift is completely compensated for.
    604         uint32_t frameLengthMS = 1000/_videoCodecInst.maxFramerate;
    605         uint32_t restMS = 1000 % frameLengthMS;
    606         uint32_t frameSkip = (_videoCodecInst.maxFramerate *
    607                               frameLengthMS) / restMS;
    609         _writtenVideoFramesCounter++;
    610         if(_writtenVideoFramesCounter % frameSkip == 0)
    611         {
    612             _writtenVideoMS += frameLengthMS;
    613             return true;
    614         }
    616         error = EncodeAndWriteVideoToFile( *frameToProcess);
    617         if(error != 0)
    618         {
    619             LOG(LS_ERROR) << "AviRecorder::Process() error writing to file.";
    620         } else {
    621             _writtenVideoMS += frameLengthMS;
    622         }
    623     }
    624     return error == 0;
    625 }
    627 int32_t AviRecorder::EncodeAndWriteVideoToFile(I420VideoFrame& videoFrame)
    628 {
    629     if (!IsRecording() || videoFrame.IsZeroSize())
    630     {
    631         return -1;
    632     }
    634     if(_frameScaler->ResizeFrameIfNeeded(&videoFrame, _videoCodecInst.width,
    635                                          _videoCodecInst.height) != 0)
    636     {
    637         return -1;
    638     }
    640     _videoEncodedData.payloadSize = 0;
    642     if( STR_CASE_CMP(_videoCodecInst.plName, "I420") == 0)
    643     {
    644        int length  = CalcBufferSize(kI420, videoFrame.width(),
    645                                     videoFrame.height());
    646         _videoEncodedData.VerifyAndAllocate(length);
    648         // I420 is raw data. No encoding needed (each sample is represented by
    649         // 1 byte so there is no difference depending on endianness).
    650         int ret_length = ExtractBuffer(videoFrame, length,
    651                                        _videoEncodedData.payloadData);
    652         if (ret_length < 0)
    653           return -1;
    655         _videoEncodedData.payloadSize = ret_length;
    656         _videoEncodedData.frameType = kVideoFrameKey;
    657     }else {
    658         if( _videoEncoder->Encode(videoFrame, _videoEncodedData) != 0)
    659         {
    660             return -1;
    661         }
    662     }
    664     if(_videoEncodedData.payloadSize > 0)
    665     {
    666         if(_moduleFile->IncomingAVIVideoData(
    667                (int8_t*)(_videoEncodedData.payloadData),
    668                _videoEncodedData.payloadSize))
    669         {
    670             LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Error writing AVI file.";
    671             return -1;
    672         }
    673     } else {
    674         LOG(LS_ERROR) << "FileRecorder::RecordVideoToFile() frame dropped by "
    675                       << "encoder, bitrate likely too low.";
    676     }
    677     return 0;
    678 }
    680 // Store audio frame in the _audioFramesToWrite buffer. The writing to file
    681 // happens in AviRecorder::Process().
    682 int32_t AviRecorder::WriteEncodedAudioData(
    683     const int8_t* audioBuffer,
    684     uint16_t bufferLength,
    685     uint16_t millisecondsOfData,
    686     const TickTime* playoutTS)
    687 {
    688     CriticalSectionScoped lock(_critSec);
    690     if (!IsRecording())
    691     {
    692         return -1;
    693     }
    694     if (bufferLength > MAX_AUDIO_BUFFER_IN_BYTES)
    695     {
    696         return -1;
    697     }
    698     if (_videoOnly)
    699     {
    700         return -1;
    701     }
    702     if (_audioFramesToWrite.size() > kMaxAudioBufferQueueLength)
    703     {
    704         StopRecording();
    705         return -1;
    706     }
    707     _firstAudioFrameReceived = true;
    709     if(playoutTS)
    710     {
    711         _audioFramesToWrite.push_back(new AudioFrameFileInfo(audioBuffer,
    712                                                              bufferLength,
    713                                                              millisecondsOfData,
    714                                                              *playoutTS));
    715     } else {
    716         _audioFramesToWrite.push_back(new AudioFrameFileInfo(audioBuffer,
    717                                                              bufferLength,
    718                                                              millisecondsOfData,
    719                                                              TickTime::Now()));
    720     }
    721     _timeEvent.Set();
    722     return 0;
    723 }
    726 }  // namespace webrtc