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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 // This sub-API supports the following functionalities:
     12 //  - Callbacks for RTP and RTCP events such as modified SSRC or CSRC.
     13 //  - SSRC handling.
     14 //  - Transmission of RTCP reports.
     15 //  - Obtaining RTCP data from incoming RTCP sender reports.
     16 //  - RTP and RTCP statistics (jitter, packet loss, RTT etc.).
     17 //  - Forward Error Correction (FEC).
     18 //  - Writing RTP and RTCP packets to binary files for offline analysis of the
     19 //    call quality.
     20 //  - Inserting extra RTP packets into active audio stream.
     25 #include "webrtc/common_types.h"
     26 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
     28 namespace webrtc {
     30 class VideoEngine;
     31 struct ReceiveBandwidthEstimatorStats;
     33 // This enumerator sets the RTCP mode.
     34 enum ViERTCPMode {
     35   kRtcpNone = 0,
     36   kRtcpCompound_RFC4585 = 1,
     37   kRtcpNonCompound_RFC5506 = 2
     38 };
     40 // This enumerator describes the key frame request mode.
     41 enum ViEKeyFrameRequestMethod {
     42   kViEKeyFrameRequestNone = 0,
     43   kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp = 1,
     44   kViEKeyFrameRequestFirRtp = 2,
     45   kViEKeyFrameRequestFirRtcp = 3
     46 };
     48 enum StreamType {
     49   kViEStreamTypeNormal = 0,  // Normal media stream
     50   kViEStreamTypeRtx = 1  // Retransmission media stream
     51 };
     53 // This class declares an abstract interface for a user defined observer. It is
     54 // up to the VideoEngine user to implement a derived class which implements the
     55 // observer class. The observer is registered using RegisterRTPObserver() and
     56 // deregistered using DeregisterRTPObserver().
     57 class WEBRTC_DLLEXPORT ViERTPObserver {
     58  public:
     59   // This method is called if SSRC of the incoming stream is changed.
     60   virtual void IncomingSSRCChanged(const int video_channel,
     61                                    const unsigned int SSRC) = 0;
     63   // This method is called if a field in CSRC changes or if the number of
     64   // CSRCs changes.
     65   virtual void IncomingCSRCChanged(const int video_channel,
     66                                    const unsigned int CSRC,
     67                                    const bool added) = 0;
     68  protected:
     69   virtual ~ViERTPObserver() {}
     70 };
     72 // This class declares an abstract interface for a user defined observer. It is
     73 // up to the VideoEngine user to implement a derived class which implements the
     74 // observer class. The observer is registered using RegisterRTCPObserver() and
     75 // deregistered using DeregisterRTCPObserver().
     77 class WEBRTC_DLLEXPORT ViERTCPObserver {
     78  public:
     79   // This method is called if a application-defined RTCP packet has been
     80   // received.
     81   virtual void OnApplicationDataReceived(
     82       const int video_channel,
     83       const unsigned char sub_type,
     84       const unsigned int name,
     85       const char* data,
     86       const unsigned short data_length_in_bytes) = 0;
     87  protected:
     88   virtual ~ViERTCPObserver() {}
     89 };
     92  public:
     93   enum { KDefaultDeltaTransmitTimeSeconds = 15 };
     94   enum { KMaxRTCPCNameLength = 256 };
     96   // Factory for the ViERTP_RTCP subAPI and increases an internal reference
     97   // counter if successful. Returns NULL if the API is not supported or if
     98   // construction fails.
     99   static ViERTP_RTCP* GetInterface(VideoEngine* video_engine);
    101   // Releases the ViERTP_RTCP sub-API and decreases an internal reference
    102   // counter. Returns the new reference count. This value should be zero
    103   // for all sub-API:s before the VideoEngine object can be safely deleted.
    104   virtual int Release() = 0;
    106   // This function enables you to specify the RTP synchronization source
    107   // identifier (SSRC) explicitly.
    108   virtual int SetLocalSSRC(const int video_channel,
    109                            const unsigned int SSRC,
    110                            const StreamType usage = kViEStreamTypeNormal,
    111                            const unsigned char simulcast_idx = 0) = 0;
    113   // This function gets the SSRC for the outgoing RTP stream for the specified
    114   // channel.
    115   virtual int GetLocalSSRC(const int video_channel,
    116                            unsigned int& SSRC) const = 0;
    118   // This function map a incoming SSRC to a StreamType so that the engine
    119   // can know which is the normal stream and which is the RTX
    120   virtual int SetRemoteSSRCType(const int video_channel,
    121                                 const StreamType usage,
    122                                 const unsigned int SSRC) const = 0;
    124   // This function gets the SSRC for the incoming RTP stream for the specified
    125   // channel.
    126   virtual int GetRemoteSSRC(const int video_channel,
    127                             unsigned int& SSRC) const = 0;
    129   // This function returns the CSRCs of the incoming RTP packets.
    130   virtual int GetRemoteCSRCs(const int video_channel,
    131                              unsigned int CSRCs[kRtpCsrcSize]) const = 0;
    133   // This sets a specific payload type for the RTX stream. Note that this
    134   // doesn't enable RTX, SetLocalSSRC must still be called to enable RTX.
    135   virtual int SetRtxSendPayloadType(const int video_channel,
    136                                     const uint8_t payload_type) = 0;
    138   // This enables sending redundant payloads when padding up the bitrate instead
    139   // of sending dummy padding packets. This feature is off by default and will
    140   // only have an effect if RTX is also enabled.
    141   // TODO(holmer): Remove default implementation once this has been implemented
    142   // in libjingle.
    143   virtual int SetPadWithRedundantPayloads(int video_channel, bool enable) {
    144     return 0;
    145   }
    147   virtual int SetRtxReceivePayloadType(const int video_channel,
    148                                        const uint8_t payload_type) = 0;
    150   // This function enables manual initialization of the sequence number. The
    151   // start sequence number is normally a random number.
    152   virtual int SetStartSequenceNumber(const int video_channel,
    153                                      unsigned short sequence_number) = 0;
    155   // TODO(pbos): Remove default implementation once this has been implemented
    156   // in libjingle.
    157   virtual void SetRtpStateForSsrc(int video_channel,
    158                                   uint32_t ssrc,
    159                                   const RtpState& rtp_state) {}
    160   // TODO(pbos): Remove default implementation once this has been implemented
    161   // in libjingle.
    162   virtual RtpState GetRtpStateForSsrc(int video_channel, uint32_t ssrc) {
    163     return RtpState();
    164   }
    166   // This function sets the RTCP status for the specified channel.
    167   // Default mode is kRtcpCompound_RFC4585.
    168   virtual int SetRTCPStatus(const int video_channel,
    169                             const ViERTCPMode rtcp_mode) = 0;
    171   // This function gets the RTCP status for the specified channel.
    172   virtual int GetRTCPStatus(const int video_channel,
    173                             ViERTCPMode& rtcp_mode) const = 0;
    175   // This function sets the RTCP canonical name (CNAME) for the RTCP reports
    176   // on a specific channel.
    177   virtual int SetRTCPCName(const int video_channel,
    178                            const char rtcp_cname[KMaxRTCPCNameLength]) = 0;
    180   // TODO(holmer): Remove this API once it has been removed from
    181   // fakewebrtcvideoengine.h.
    182   virtual int GetRTCPCName(const int video_channel,
    183                            char rtcp_cname[KMaxRTCPCNameLength]) const {
    184     return -1;
    185   }
    187   // This function gets the RTCP canonical name (CNAME) for the RTCP reports
    188   // received on the specified channel.
    189   virtual int GetRemoteRTCPCName(
    190       const int video_channel,
    191       char rtcp_cname[KMaxRTCPCNameLength]) const = 0;
    193   // This function sends an RTCP APP packet on a specific channel.
    194   virtual int SendApplicationDefinedRTCPPacket(
    195       const int video_channel,
    196       const unsigned char sub_type,
    197       unsigned int name,
    198       const char* data,
    199       unsigned short data_length_in_bytes) = 0;
    201   // This function enables Negative Acknowledgment (NACK) using RTCP,
    202   // implemented based on RFC 4585. NACK retransmits RTP packets if lost on
    203   // the network. This creates a lossless transport at the expense of delay.
    204   // If using NACK, NACK should be enabled on both endpoints in a call.
    205   virtual int SetNACKStatus(const int video_channel, const bool enable) = 0;
    207   // This function enables Forward Error Correction (FEC) using RTCP,
    208   // implemented based on RFC 5109, to improve packet loss robustness. Extra
    209   // FEC packets are sent together with the usual media packets, hence
    210   // part of the bitrate will be used for FEC packets.
    211   virtual int SetFECStatus(const int video_channel,
    212                            const bool enable,
    213                            const unsigned char payload_typeRED,
    214                            const unsigned char payload_typeFEC) = 0;
    216   // This function enables hybrid Negative Acknowledgment using RTCP
    217   // and Forward Error Correction (FEC) implemented based on RFC 5109,
    218   // to improve packet loss robustness. Extra
    219   // FEC packets are sent together with the usual media packets, hence will
    220   // part of the bitrate be used for FEC packets.
    221   // The hybrid mode will choose between nack only, fec only and both based on
    222   // network conditions. When both are applied, only packets that were not
    223   // recovered by the FEC will be nacked.
    224   virtual int SetHybridNACKFECStatus(const int video_channel,
    225                                      const bool enable,
    226                                      const unsigned char payload_typeRED,
    227                                      const unsigned char payload_typeFEC) = 0;
    229   // Sets send side support for delayed video buffering (actual delay will
    230   // be exhibited on the receiver side).
    231   // Target delay should be set to zero for real-time mode.
    232   virtual int SetSenderBufferingMode(int video_channel,
    233                                      int target_delay_ms) = 0;
    234   // Sets receive side support for delayed video buffering. Target delay should
    235   // be set to zero for real-time mode.
    236   virtual int SetReceiverBufferingMode(int video_channel,
    237                                        int target_delay_ms) = 0;
    239   // This function enables RTCP key frame requests.
    240   virtual int SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(
    241     const int video_channel, const ViEKeyFrameRequestMethod method) = 0;
    243   // This function enables signaling of temporary bitrate constraints using
    244   // RTCP, implemented based on RFC4585.
    245   virtual int SetTMMBRStatus(const int video_channel, const bool enable) = 0;
    247   // Enables and disables REMB packets for this channel. |sender| indicates
    248   // this channel is encoding, |receiver| tells the bitrate estimate for
    249   // this channel should be included in the REMB packet.
    250   virtual int SetRembStatus(int video_channel,
    251                             bool sender,
    252                             bool receiver) = 0;
    254   // Enables RTP timestamp extension offset described in RFC 5450. This call
    255   // must be done before ViECodec::SetSendCodec is called.
    256   virtual int SetSendTimestampOffsetStatus(int video_channel,
    257                                            bool enable,
    258                                            int id) = 0;
    260   virtual int SetReceiveTimestampOffsetStatus(int video_channel,
    261                                               bool enable,
    262                                               int id) = 0;
    264   // Enables RTP absolute send time header extension. This call must be done
    265   // before ViECodec::SetSendCodec is called.
    266   virtual int SetSendAbsoluteSendTimeStatus(int video_channel,
    267                                             bool enable,
    268                                             int id) = 0;
    270   // When enabled for a channel, *all* channels on the same transport will be
    271   // expected to include the absolute send time header extension.
    272   virtual int SetReceiveAbsoluteSendTimeStatus(int video_channel,
    273                                                bool enable,
    274                                                int id) = 0;
    276   // Enables/disables RTCP Receiver Reference Time Report Block extension/
    277   // DLRR Report Block extension (RFC 3611).
    278   virtual int SetRtcpXrRrtrStatus(int video_channel, bool enable) = 0;
    280   // Enables transmission smoothening, i.e. packets belonging to the same frame
    281   // will be sent over a longer period of time instead of sending them
    282   // back-to-back.
    283   virtual int SetTransmissionSmoothingStatus(int video_channel,
    284                                              bool enable) = 0;
    286   // Sets a minimal bitrate which will be padded to when the encoder doesn't
    287   // produce enough bitrate.
    288   // TODO(pbos): Remove default implementation when libjingle's
    289   // FakeWebRtcVideoEngine is updated.
    290   virtual int SetMinTransmitBitrate(int video_channel,
    291                                     int min_transmit_bitrate_kbps) {
    292     return -1;
    293   };
    295   // Set a constant amount to deduct from received bitrate estimates before
    296   // using it to allocate capacity among outgoing video streams.
    297   virtual int SetReservedTransmitBitrate(
    298       int video_channel, unsigned int reserved_transmit_bitrate_bps) {
    299     return 0;
    300   }
    302   // This function returns our locally created statistics of the received RTP
    303   // stream.
    304   virtual int GetReceiveChannelRtcpStatistics(const int video_channel,
    305                                               RtcpStatistics& basic_stats,
    306                                               int& rtt_ms) const = 0;
    308   // This function returns statistics reported by the remote client in RTCP
    309   // report blocks. If several streams are reported, the statistics will be
    310   // aggregated.
    311   // If statistics are aggregated, extended_max_sequence_number is not reported,
    312   // and will always be set to 0.
    313   virtual int GetSendChannelRtcpStatistics(const int video_channel,
    314                                            RtcpStatistics& basic_stats,
    315                                            int& rtt_ms) const = 0;
    317   // TODO(sprang): Temporary hacks to prevent libjingle build from failing,
    318   // remove when libjingle has been lifted to support webrtc issue 2589
    319   virtual int GetReceivedRTCPStatistics(const int video_channel,
    320                                 unsigned short& fraction_lost,
    321                                 unsigned int& cumulative_lost,
    322                                 unsigned int& extended_max,
    323                                 unsigned int& jitter,
    324                                 int& rtt_ms) const {
    325     RtcpStatistics stats;
    326     int ret_code = GetReceiveChannelRtcpStatistics(video_channel,
    327                                              stats,
    328                                              rtt_ms);
    329     fraction_lost = stats.fraction_lost;
    330     cumulative_lost = stats.cumulative_lost;
    331     extended_max = stats.extended_max_sequence_number;
    332     jitter = stats.jitter;
    333     return ret_code;
    334   }
    335   virtual int GetSentRTCPStatistics(const int video_channel,
    336                             unsigned short& fraction_lost,
    337                             unsigned int& cumulative_lost,
    338                             unsigned int& extended_max,
    339                             unsigned int& jitter,
    340                             int& rtt_ms) const {
    341     RtcpStatistics stats;
    342     int ret_code = GetSendChannelRtcpStatistics(video_channel,
    343                                                 stats,
    344                                                 rtt_ms);
    345     fraction_lost = stats.fraction_lost;
    346     cumulative_lost = stats.cumulative_lost;
    347     extended_max = stats.extended_max_sequence_number;
    348     jitter = stats.jitter;
    349     return ret_code;
    350   }
    353   virtual int RegisterSendChannelRtcpStatisticsCallback(
    354       int video_channel, RtcpStatisticsCallback* callback) = 0;
    356   virtual int DeregisterSendChannelRtcpStatisticsCallback(
    357       int video_channel, RtcpStatisticsCallback* callback) = 0;
    359   virtual int RegisterReceiveChannelRtcpStatisticsCallback(
    360       int video_channel, RtcpStatisticsCallback* callback) = 0;
    362   virtual int DeregisterReceiveChannelRtcpStatisticsCallback(
    363       int video_channel, RtcpStatisticsCallback* callback) = 0;
    365   // The function gets statistics from the sent and received RTP streams.
    366   virtual int GetRtpStatistics(const int video_channel,
    367                                StreamDataCounters& sent,
    368                                StreamDataCounters& received) const = 0;
    370   // TODO(sprang): Temporary hacks to prevent libjingle build from failing,
    371   // remove when libjingle has been lifted to support webrtc issue 2589
    372   virtual int GetRTPStatistics(const int video_channel,
    373                        unsigned int& bytes_sent,
    374                        unsigned int& packets_sent,
    375                        unsigned int& bytes_received,
    376                        unsigned int& packets_received) const {
    377     StreamDataCounters sent;
    378     StreamDataCounters received;
    379     int ret_code = GetRtpStatistics(video_channel, sent, received);
    380     bytes_sent = sent.bytes;
    381     packets_sent = sent.packets;
    382     bytes_received = received.bytes;
    383     packets_received = received.packets;
    384     return ret_code;
    385   }
    387   virtual int RegisterSendChannelRtpStatisticsCallback(
    388       int video_channel, StreamDataCountersCallback* callback) = 0;
    390   virtual int DeregisterSendChannelRtpStatisticsCallback(
    391       int video_channel, StreamDataCountersCallback* callback) = 0;
    393   virtual int RegisterReceiveChannelRtpStatisticsCallback(
    394       int video_channel, StreamDataCountersCallback* callback) = 0;
    396   virtual int DeregisterReceiveChannelRtpStatisticsCallback(
    397       int video_channel, StreamDataCountersCallback* callback) = 0;
    400   // Gets sent and received RTCP packet types.
    401   // TODO(asapersson): Remove default implementation.
    402   virtual int GetRtcpPacketTypeCounters(
    403       int video_channel,
    404       RtcpPacketTypeCounter* packets_sent,
    405       RtcpPacketTypeCounter* packets_received) const { return -1; }
    407   // The function gets bandwidth usage statistics from the sent RTP streams in
    408   // bits/s.
    409   virtual int GetBandwidthUsage(const int video_channel,
    410                                 unsigned int& total_bitrate_sent,
    411                                 unsigned int& video_bitrate_sent,
    412                                 unsigned int& fec_bitrate_sent,
    413                                 unsigned int& nackBitrateSent) const = 0;
    415   // (De)Register an observer, called whenever the send bitrate is updated
    416   virtual int RegisterSendBitrateObserver(
    417       int video_channel,
    418       BitrateStatisticsObserver* observer) = 0;
    420   virtual int DeregisterSendBitrateObserver(
    421       int video_channel,
    422       BitrateStatisticsObserver* observer) = 0;
    424   // This function gets the send-side estimated bandwidth available for video,
    425   // including overhead, in bits/s.
    426   virtual int GetEstimatedSendBandwidth(
    427       const int video_channel,
    428       unsigned int* estimated_bandwidth) const = 0;
    430   // This function gets the receive-side estimated bandwidth available for
    431   // video, including overhead, in bits/s. |estimated_bandwidth| is 0 if there
    432   // is no valid estimate.
    433   virtual int GetEstimatedReceiveBandwidth(
    434       const int video_channel,
    435       unsigned int* estimated_bandwidth) const = 0;
    437   // This function gets the receive-side bandwidth esitmator statistics.
    438   // TODO(jiayl): remove the default impl when libjingle's FakeWebRtcVideoEngine
    439   // is updated.
    440   virtual int GetReceiveBandwidthEstimatorStats(
    441       const int video_channel,
    442       ReceiveBandwidthEstimatorStats* output) const { return -1; }
    444   // This function gets the PacedSender queuing delay for the last sent frame.
    445   // TODO(jiayl): remove the default impl when libjingle is updated.
    446   virtual int GetPacerQueuingDelayMs(
    447       const int video_channel, int* delay_ms) const {
    448     return -1;
    449   }
    451   // This function enables capturing of RTP packets to a binary file on a
    452   // specific channel and for a given direction. The file can later be
    453   // replayed using e.g. RTP Tools rtpplay since the binary file format is
    454   // compatible with the rtpdump format.
    455   virtual int StartRTPDump(const int video_channel,
    456                            const char file_nameUTF8[1024],
    457                            RTPDirections direction) = 0;
    459   // This function disables capturing of RTP packets to a binary file on a
    460   // specific channel and for a given direction.
    461   virtual int StopRTPDump(const int video_channel,
    462                           RTPDirections direction) = 0;
    464   // Registers an instance of a user implementation of the ViERTPObserver.
    465   virtual int RegisterRTPObserver(const int video_channel,
    466                                   ViERTPObserver& observer) = 0;
    468   // Removes a registered instance of ViERTPObserver.
    469   virtual int DeregisterRTPObserver(const int video_channel) = 0;
    471   // Registers an instance of a user implementation of the ViERTCPObserver.
    472   virtual int RegisterRTCPObserver(const int video_channel,
    473                                    ViERTCPObserver& observer) = 0;
    475   // Removes a registered instance of ViERTCPObserver.
    476   virtual int DeregisterRTCPObserver(const int video_channel) = 0;
    478   // Registers and instance of a user implementation of ViEFrameCountObserver
    479   virtual int RegisterSendFrameCountObserver(
    480       int video_channel, FrameCountObserver* observer) = 0;
    482   // Removes a registered instance of a ViEFrameCountObserver
    483   virtual int DeregisterSendFrameCountObserver(
    484       int video_channel, FrameCountObserver* observer) = 0;
    486  protected:
    487   virtual ~ViERTP_RTCP() {}
    488 };
    490 }  // namespace webrtc