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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
      7 #include "ui/events/test/cocoa_test_event_utils.h"
      9 namespace cocoa_test_event_utils {
     11 NSEvent* MouseEventAtPoint(NSPoint point, NSEventType type,
     12                            NSUInteger modifiers) {
     13   if (type == NSOtherMouseUp) {
     14     // To synthesize middle clicks we need to create a CGEvent with the
     15     // "center" button flags so that our resulting NSEvent will have the
     16     // appropriate buttonNumber field. NSEvent provides no way to create a
     17     // mouse event with a buttonNumber directly.
     18     CGPoint location = { point.x, point.y };
     19     CGEventRef cg_event = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(NULL, kCGEventOtherMouseUp,
     20                                                   location,
     21                                                   kCGMouseButtonCenter);
     22     // Also specify the modifiers for the middle click case. This makes this
     23     // test resilient to external modifiers being pressed.
     24     CGEventSetFlags(cg_event, modifiers);
     25     NSEvent* event = [NSEvent eventWithCGEvent:cg_event];
     26     CFRelease(cg_event);
     27     return event;
     28   }
     29   return [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:type
     30                             location:point
     31                        modifierFlags:modifiers
     32                            timestamp:0
     33                         windowNumber:0
     34                              context:nil
     35                          eventNumber:0
     36                           clickCount:1
     37                             pressure:1.0];
     38 }
     40 NSEvent* MouseEventWithType(NSEventType type, NSUInteger modifiers) {
     41   return MouseEventAtPoint(NSZeroPoint, type, modifiers);
     42 }
     44 static NSEvent* MouseEventAtPointInWindow(NSPoint point,
     45                                           NSEventType type,
     46                                           NSWindow* window,
     47                                           NSUInteger clickCount) {
     48   return [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:type
     49                             location:point
     50                        modifierFlags:0
     51                            timestamp:0
     52                         windowNumber:[window windowNumber]
     53                              context:nil
     54                          eventNumber:0
     55                           clickCount:clickCount
     56                             pressure:1.0];
     57 }
     59 NSEvent* RightMouseDownAtPointInWindow(NSPoint point, NSWindow* window) {
     60   return MouseEventAtPointInWindow(point, NSRightMouseDown, window, 1);
     61 }
     63 NSEvent* RightMouseDownAtPoint(NSPoint point) {
     64   return RightMouseDownAtPointInWindow(point, nil);
     65 }
     67 NSEvent* LeftMouseDownAtPointInWindow(NSPoint point, NSWindow* window) {
     68   return MouseEventAtPointInWindow(point, NSLeftMouseDown, window, 1);
     69 }
     71 NSEvent* LeftMouseDownAtPoint(NSPoint point) {
     72   return LeftMouseDownAtPointInWindow(point, nil);
     73 }
     75 std::pair<NSEvent*,NSEvent*> MouseClickInView(NSView* view,
     76                                               NSUInteger clickCount) {
     77   const NSRect bounds = [view convertRect:[view bounds] toView:nil];
     78   const NSPoint mid_point = NSMakePoint(NSMidX(bounds), NSMidY(bounds));
     79   NSEvent* down = MouseEventAtPointInWindow(mid_point, NSLeftMouseDown,
     80                                             [view window], clickCount);
     81   NSEvent* up = MouseEventAtPointInWindow(mid_point, NSLeftMouseUp,
     82                                           [view window], clickCount);
     83   return std::make_pair(down, up);
     84 }
     86 NSEvent* KeyEventWithCharacter(unichar c) {
     87   return KeyEventWithKeyCode(0, c, NSKeyDown, 0);
     88 }
     90 NSEvent* KeyEventWithType(NSEventType event_type, NSUInteger modifiers) {
     91   return KeyEventWithKeyCode(0x78, 'x', event_type, modifiers);
     92 }
     94 NSEvent* KeyEventWithKeyCode(unsigned short key_code,
     95                              unichar c,
     96                              NSEventType event_type,
     97                              NSUInteger modifiers) {
     98   NSString* chars = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&c length:1];
     99   return [NSEvent keyEventWithType:event_type
    100                           location:NSZeroPoint
    101                      modifierFlags:modifiers
    102                          timestamp:0
    103                       windowNumber:0
    104                            context:nil
    105                         characters:chars
    106        charactersIgnoringModifiers:chars
    107                          isARepeat:NO
    108                            keyCode:key_code];
    109 }
    111 NSEvent* EnterExitEventWithType(NSEventType event_type) {
    112   return [NSEvent enterExitEventWithType:event_type
    113                                 location:NSZeroPoint
    114                            modifierFlags:0
    115                                timestamp:0
    116                             windowNumber:0
    117                                  context:nil
    118                              eventNumber:0
    119                           trackingNumber:0
    120                                 userData:NULL];
    121 }
    123 NSEvent* OtherEventWithType(NSEventType event_type) {
    124   return [NSEvent otherEventWithType:event_type
    125                             location:NSZeroPoint
    126                        modifierFlags:0
    127                            timestamp:0
    128                         windowNumber:0
    129                              context:nil
    130                              subtype:0
    131                                data1:0
    132                                data2:0];
    133 }
    135 }  // namespace cocoa_test_event_utils