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      1 /********************************************************************
      2  * COPYRIGHT:
      3  * Copyright (c) 1997-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
      4  * others. All Rights Reserved.
      5  ********************************************************************/
      7 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     11 #include "dcfmapts.h"
     13 #include "unicode/currpinf.h"
     14 #include "unicode/dcfmtsym.h"
     15 #include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
     16 #include "unicode/fmtable.h"
     17 #include "unicode/localpointer.h"
     18 #include "unicode/parseerr.h"
     19 #include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
     21 #include "putilimp.h"
     22 #include "plurrule_impl.h"
     23 #include <stdio.h>
     25 #define LENGTHOF(array) ((int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0])))
     27 // This is an API test, not a unit test.  It doesn't test very many cases, and doesn't
     28 // try to test the full functionality.  It just calls each function in the class and
     29 // verifies that it works on a basic level.
     31 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ )
     32 {
     33     if (exec) logln((UnicodeString)"TestSuite DecimalFormatAPI");
     34     switch (index) {
     35         case 0: name = "DecimalFormat API test";
     36                 if (exec) {
     37                     logln((UnicodeString)"DecimalFormat API test---"); logln((UnicodeString)"");
     38                     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
     39                     Locale saveLocale;
     40                     Locale::setDefault(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
     41                     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
     42                         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not set default locale, test may not give correct results");
     43                     }
     44                     testAPI(/*par*/);
     45                     Locale::setDefault(saveLocale, status);
     46                 }
     47                 break;
     48         case 1: name = "Rounding test";
     49             if(exec) {
     50                logln((UnicodeString)"DecimalFormat Rounding test---");
     51                testRounding(/*par*/);
     52             }
     53             break;
     54         case 2: name = "Test6354";
     55             if(exec) {
     56                logln((UnicodeString)"DecimalFormat Rounding Increment test---");
     57                testRoundingInc(/*par*/);
     58             }
     59             break;
     60         case 3: name = "TestCurrencyPluralInfo";
     61             if(exec) {
     62                logln((UnicodeString)"CurrencyPluralInfo API test---");
     63                TestCurrencyPluralInfo();
     64             }
     65             break;
     66         case 4: name = "TestScale";
     67             if(exec) {
     68                logln((UnicodeString)"Scale test---");
     69                TestScale();
     70             }
     71             break;
     72          case 5: name = "TestFixedDecimal";
     73             if(exec) {
     74                logln((UnicodeString)"TestFixedDecimal ---");
     75                TestFixedDecimal();
     76             }
     77             break;
     78          case 6: name = "TestBadFastpath";
     79             if(exec) {
     80                logln((UnicodeString)"TestBadFastpath ---");
     81                TestBadFastpath();
     82             }
     83             break;
     84        default: name = ""; break;
     85     }
     86 }
     88 /**
     89  * This test checks various generic API methods in DecimalFormat to achieve 100%
     90  * API coverage.
     91  */
     92 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::testAPI(/*char *par*/)
     93 {
     94     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
     96 // ======= Test constructors
     98     logln((UnicodeString)"Testing DecimalFormat constructors");
    100     DecimalFormat def(status);
    101     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    102         errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default) - %s", u_errorName(status));
    103         return;
    104     }
    106     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    107     const UnicodeString pattern("#,##0.# FF");
    108     DecimalFormat pat(pattern, status);
    109     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    110         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (pattern)");
    111         return;
    112     }
    114     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    115     DecimalFormatSymbols *symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale::getFrench(), status);
    116     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    117         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormatSymbols (French)");
    118         return;
    119     }
    121     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    122     DecimalFormat cust1(pattern, symbols, status);
    123     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    124         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (pattern, symbols*)");
    125     }
    127     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    128     DecimalFormat cust2(pattern, *symbols, status);
    129     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    130         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (pattern, symbols)");
    131     }
    133     DecimalFormat copy(pat);
    135 // ======= Test clone(), assignment, and equality
    137     logln((UnicodeString)"Testing clone(), assignment and equality operators");
    139     if( ! (copy == pat) || copy != pat) {
    140         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Copy constructor or == failed");
    141     }
    143     copy = cust1;
    144     if(copy != cust1) {
    145         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Assignment (or !=) failed");
    146     }
    148     Format *clone = def.clone();
    149     if( ! (*clone == def) ) {
    150         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Clone() failed");
    151     }
    152     delete clone;
    154 // ======= Test various format() methods
    156     logln((UnicodeString)"Testing various format() methods");
    158     double d = -10456.0037;
    159     int32_t l = 100000000;
    160     Formattable fD(d);
    161     Formattable fL(l);
    163     UnicodeString res1, res2, res3, res4;
    164     FieldPosition pos1(0), pos2(0), pos3(0), pos4(0);
    166     res1 = def.format(d, res1, pos1);
    167     logln( (UnicodeString) "" + (int32_t) d + " formatted to " + res1);
    169     res2 = pat.format(l, res2, pos2);
    170     logln((UnicodeString) "" + (int32_t) l + " formatted to " + res2);
    172     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    173     res3 = cust1.format(fD, res3, pos3, status);
    174     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    175         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: format(Formattable [double]) failed");
    176     }
    177     logln((UnicodeString) "" + (int32_t) fD.getDouble() + " formatted to " + res3);
    179     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    180     res4 = cust2.format(fL, res4, pos4, status);
    181     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    182         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: format(Formattable [long]) failed");
    183     }
    184     logln((UnicodeString) "" + fL.getLong() + " formatted to " + res4);
    186 // ======= Test parse()
    188     logln((UnicodeString)"Testing parse()");
    190     UnicodeString text("-10,456.0037");
    191     Formattable result1, result2;
    192     ParsePosition pos(0);
    193     UnicodeString patt("#,##0.#");
    194     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    195     pat.applyPattern(patt, status);
    196     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    197         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: applyPattern() failed");
    198     }
    199     pat.parse(text, result1, pos);
    200     if(result1.getType() != Formattable::kDouble && result1.getDouble() != d) {
    201         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Roundtrip failed (via parse()) for " + text);
    202     }
    203     logln(text + " parsed into " + (int32_t) result1.getDouble());
    205     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    206     pat.parse(text, result2, status);
    207     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    208         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: parse() failed");
    209     }
    210     if(result2.getType() != Formattable::kDouble && result2.getDouble() != d) {
    211         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Roundtrip failed (via parse()) for " + text);
    212     }
    213     logln(text + " parsed into " + (int32_t) result2.getDouble());
    215 // ======= Test getters and setters
    217     logln((UnicodeString)"Testing getters and setters");
    219     const DecimalFormatSymbols *syms = pat.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
    220     DecimalFormatSymbols *newSyms = new DecimalFormatSymbols(*syms);
    221     def.setDecimalFormatSymbols(*newSyms);
    222     def.adoptDecimalFormatSymbols(newSyms); // don't use newSyms after this
    223     if( *(pat.getDecimalFormatSymbols()) != *(def.getDecimalFormatSymbols())) {
    224         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: adopt or set DecimalFormatSymbols() failed");
    225     }
    227     UnicodeString posPrefix;
    228     pat.setPositivePrefix("+");
    229     posPrefix = pat.getPositivePrefix(posPrefix);
    230     logln((UnicodeString)"Positive prefix (should be +): " + posPrefix);
    231     if(posPrefix != "+") {
    232         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setPositivePrefix() failed");
    233     }
    235     UnicodeString negPrefix;
    236     pat.setNegativePrefix("-");
    237     negPrefix = pat.getNegativePrefix(negPrefix);
    238     logln((UnicodeString)"Negative prefix (should be -): " + negPrefix);
    239     if(negPrefix != "-") {
    240         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setNegativePrefix() failed");
    241     }
    243     UnicodeString posSuffix;
    244     pat.setPositiveSuffix("_");
    245     posSuffix = pat.getPositiveSuffix(posSuffix);
    246     logln((UnicodeString)"Positive suffix (should be _): " + posSuffix);
    247     if(posSuffix != "_") {
    248         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setPositiveSuffix() failed");
    249     }
    251     UnicodeString negSuffix;
    252     pat.setNegativeSuffix("~");
    253     negSuffix = pat.getNegativeSuffix(negSuffix);
    254     logln((UnicodeString)"Negative suffix (should be ~): " + negSuffix);
    255     if(negSuffix != "~") {
    256         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setNegativeSuffix() failed");
    257     }
    259     int32_t multiplier = 0;
    260     pat.setMultiplier(8);
    261     multiplier = pat.getMultiplier();
    262     logln((UnicodeString)"Multiplier (should be 8): " + multiplier);
    263     if(multiplier != 8) {
    264         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setMultiplier() failed");
    265     }
    267     int32_t groupingSize = 0;
    268     pat.setGroupingSize(2);
    269     groupingSize = pat.getGroupingSize();
    270     logln((UnicodeString)"Grouping size (should be 2): " + (int32_t) groupingSize);
    271     if(groupingSize != 2) {
    272         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setGroupingSize() failed");
    273     }
    275     pat.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(TRUE);
    276     UBool tf = pat.isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown();
    277     logln((UnicodeString)"DecimalSeparatorIsAlwaysShown (should be TRUE) is " + (UnicodeString) (tf ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
    278     if(tf != TRUE) {
    279         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() failed");
    280     }
    281     // Added by Ken Liu testing set/isExponentSignAlwaysShown
    282     pat.setExponentSignAlwaysShown(TRUE);
    283     UBool esas = pat.isExponentSignAlwaysShown();
    284     logln((UnicodeString)"ExponentSignAlwaysShown (should be TRUE) is " + (UnicodeString) (esas ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
    285     if(esas != TRUE) {
    286         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: ExponentSignAlwaysShown() failed");
    287     }
    289     // Added by Ken Liu testing set/isScientificNotation
    290     pat.setScientificNotation(TRUE);
    291     UBool sn = pat.isScientificNotation();
    292     logln((UnicodeString)"isScientificNotation (should be TRUE) is " + (UnicodeString) (sn ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
    293     if(sn != TRUE) {
    294         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setScientificNotation() failed");
    295     }
    297     // Added by Ken Liu testing set/getMinimumExponentDigits
    298     int8_t MinimumExponentDigits = 0;
    299     pat.setMinimumExponentDigits(2);
    300     MinimumExponentDigits = pat.getMinimumExponentDigits();
    301     logln((UnicodeString)"MinimumExponentDigits (should be 2) is " + (int8_t) MinimumExponentDigits);
    302     if(MinimumExponentDigits != 2) {
    303         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setMinimumExponentDigits() failed");
    304     }
    306     // Added by Ken Liu testing set/getRoundingIncrement
    307     double RoundingIncrement = 0.0;
    308     pat.setRoundingIncrement(2.0);
    309     RoundingIncrement = pat.getRoundingIncrement();
    310     logln((UnicodeString)"RoundingIncrement (should be 2.0) is " + (double) RoundingIncrement);
    311     if(RoundingIncrement != 2.0) {
    312         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setRoundingIncrement() failed");
    313     }
    314     //end of Ken's Adding
    316     UnicodeString funkyPat;
    317     funkyPat = pat.toPattern(funkyPat);
    318     logln((UnicodeString)"Pattern is " + funkyPat);
    320     UnicodeString locPat;
    321     locPat = pat.toLocalizedPattern(locPat);
    322     logln((UnicodeString)"Localized pattern is " + locPat);
    324 // ======= Test applyPattern()
    326     logln((UnicodeString)"Testing applyPattern()");
    328     UnicodeString p1("#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)");
    329     logln((UnicodeString)"Applying pattern " + p1);
    330     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    331     pat.applyPattern(p1, status);
    332     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    333         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: applyPattern() failed with " + (int32_t) status);
    334     }
    335     UnicodeString s2;
    336     s2 = pat.toPattern(s2);
    337     logln((UnicodeString)"Extracted pattern is " + s2);
    338     if(s2 != p1) {
    339         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: toPattern() result did not match pattern applied");
    340     }
    342     if(pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize() != 0) {
    343         errln("FAIL: Secondary Grouping Size should be 0, not %d\n", pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize());
    344     }
    346     if(pat.getGroupingSize() != 3) {
    347         errln("FAIL: Primary Grouping Size should be 3, not %d\n", pat.getGroupingSize());
    348     }
    350     UnicodeString p2("#,##,##0.0# FF;(#,##,##0.0# FF)");
    351     logln((UnicodeString)"Applying pattern " + p2);
    352     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    353     pat.applyLocalizedPattern(p2, status);
    354     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    355         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: applyPattern() failed with " + (int32_t) status);
    356     }
    357     UnicodeString s3;
    358     s3 = pat.toLocalizedPattern(s3);
    359     logln((UnicodeString)"Extracted pattern is " + s3);
    360     if(s3 != p2) {
    361         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: toLocalizedPattern() result did not match pattern applied");
    362     }
    364     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    365     UParseError pe;
    366     pat.applyLocalizedPattern(p2, pe, status);
    367     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    368         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: applyPattern((with ParseError)) failed with " + (int32_t) status);
    369     }
    370     UnicodeString s4;
    371     s4 = pat.toLocalizedPattern(s3);
    372     logln((UnicodeString)"Extracted pattern is " + s4);
    373     if(s4 != p2) {
    374         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: toLocalizedPattern(with ParseErr) result did not match pattern applied");
    375     }
    377     if(pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize() != 2) {
    378         errln("FAIL: Secondary Grouping Size should be 2, not %d\n", pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize());
    379     }
    381     if(pat.getGroupingSize() != 3) {
    382         errln("FAIL: Primary Grouping Size should be 3, not %d\n", pat.getGroupingSize());
    383     }
    385 // ======= Test getStaticClassID()
    387     logln((UnicodeString)"Testing getStaticClassID()");
    389     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    390     NumberFormat *test = new DecimalFormat(status);
    391     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    392         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Couldn't create a DecimalFormat");
    393     }
    395     if(test->getDynamicClassID() != DecimalFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
    396         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: getDynamicClassID() didn't return the expected value");
    397     }
    399     delete test;
    400 }
    402 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::TestCurrencyPluralInfo(){
    403     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    405     CurrencyPluralInfo *cpi = new CurrencyPluralInfo(status);
    406     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    407         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo(UErrorCode) could not be created");
    408     }
    410     CurrencyPluralInfo cpi1 = *cpi;
    412     if(cpi->getDynamicClassID() != CurrencyPluralInfo::getStaticClassID()){
    413         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo::getDynamicClassID() didn't return the expected value");
    414     }
    416     cpi->setCurrencyPluralPattern("","",status);
    417     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    418         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo::setCurrencyPluralPattern");
    419     }
    421     cpi->setLocale(Locale::getCanada(), status);
    422     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    423         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo::setLocale");
    424     }
    426     cpi->setPluralRules("",status);
    427     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    428         errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo::setPluralRules");
    429     }
    431     DecimalFormat *df = new DecimalFormat(status);
    432     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    433         errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat - %s", u_errorName(status));
    434     }
    436     df->adoptCurrencyPluralInfo(cpi);
    438     df->getCurrencyPluralInfo();
    440     df->setCurrencyPluralInfo(cpi1);
    442     delete df;
    443 }
    445 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::testRounding(/*char *par*/)
    446 {
    447     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    448     double Roundingnumber = 2.55;
    449     double Roundingnumber1 = -2.55;
    450                       //+2.55 results   -2.55 results
    451     double result[]={   3.0,            -2.0,    //  kRoundCeiling  0,
    452                         2.0,            -3.0,    //  kRoundFloor    1,
    453                         2.0,            -2.0,    //  kRoundDown     2,
    454                         3.0,            -3.0,    //  kRoundUp       3,
    455                         3.0,            -3.0,    //  kRoundHalfEven 4,
    456                         3.0,            -3.0,    //  kRoundHalfDown 5,
    457                         3.0,            -3.0     //  kRoundHalfUp   6
    458     };
    459     DecimalFormat pat(status);
    460     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    461       errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default) - %s", u_errorName(status));
    462       return;
    463     }
    464     uint16_t mode;
    465     uint16_t i=0;
    466     UnicodeString message;
    467     UnicodeString resultStr;
    468     for(mode=0;mode < 7;mode++){
    469         pat.setRoundingMode((DecimalFormat::ERoundingMode)mode);
    470         if(pat.getRoundingMode() != (DecimalFormat::ERoundingMode)mode){
    471             errln((UnicodeString)"SetRoundingMode or GetRoundingMode failed for mode=" + mode);
    472         }
    475         //for +2.55 with RoundingIncrement=1.0
    476         pat.setRoundingIncrement(1.0);
    477         pat.format(Roundingnumber, resultStr);
    478         message= (UnicodeString)"Round() failed:  round(" + (double)Roundingnumber + UnicodeString(",") + mode + UnicodeString(",FALSE) with RoundingIncrement=1.0==>");
    479         verify(message, resultStr, result[i++]);
    480         message.remove();
    481         resultStr.remove();
    483         //for -2.55 with RoundingIncrement=1.0
    484         pat.format(Roundingnumber1, resultStr);
    485         message= (UnicodeString)"Round() failed:  round(" + (double)Roundingnumber1 + UnicodeString(",") + mode + UnicodeString(",FALSE) with RoundingIncrement=1.0==>");
    486         verify(message, resultStr, result[i++]);
    487         message.remove();
    488         resultStr.remove();
    489     }
    491 }
    492 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::verify(const UnicodeString& message, const UnicodeString& got, double expected){
    493     logln((UnicodeString)message + got + (UnicodeString)" Expected : " + expected);
    494     UnicodeString expectedStr("");
    495     expectedStr=expectedStr + expected;
    496     if(got != expectedStr ) {
    497             errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: " + message + got + (UnicodeString)"  Expected : " + expectedStr);
    498         }
    499 }
    501 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::verifyString(const UnicodeString& message, const UnicodeString& got, UnicodeString& expected){
    502     logln((UnicodeString)message + got + (UnicodeString)" Expected : " + expected);
    503     if(got != expected ) {
    504             errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: " + message + got + (UnicodeString)"  Expected : " + expected);
    505         }
    506 }
    508 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::testRoundingInc(/*char *par*/)
    509 {
    510     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    511     DecimalFormat pat(UnicodeString("#,##0.00"),status);
    512     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    513       errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default) - %s", u_errorName(status));
    514       return;
    515     }
    517     // get default rounding increment
    518     double roundingInc = pat.getRoundingIncrement();
    519     if (roundingInc != 0.0) {
    520       errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Rounding increment not zero");
    521       return;
    522     }
    524     // With rounding now being handled by decNumber, we no longer
    525     // set a rounding increment to enable non-default mode rounding,
    526     // checking of which was the original point of this test.
    528     // set rounding mode with zero increment.  Rounding
    529     // increment should not be set by this operation
    530     pat.setRoundingMode((DecimalFormat::ERoundingMode)0);
    531     roundingInc = pat.getRoundingIncrement();
    532     if (roundingInc != 0.0) {
    533       errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Rounding increment not zero after setRoundingMode");
    534       return;
    535     }
    536 }
    538 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::TestScale()
    539 {
    540     typedef struct TestData {
    541         double inputValue;
    542         int inputScale;
    543         const char *expectedOutput;
    544     } TestData;
    546     static TestData testData[] = {
    547         { 100.0, 3,  "100,000" },
    548         { 10034.0, -2, "100.34" },
    549         { 0.86, -3, "0.0009" },
    550         { -0.000455, 1, "-0%" },
    551         { -0.000555, 1, "-1%" },
    552         { 0.000455, 1, "0%" },
    553         { 0.000555, 1, "1%" },
    554     };
    556     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    557     DecimalFormat pat(status);
    558     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    559       errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default) - %s", u_errorName(status));
    560       return;
    561     }
    563     UnicodeString message;
    564     UnicodeString resultStr;
    565     UnicodeString exp;
    566     UnicodeString percentPattern("#,##0%");
    567     pat.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);
    569     for(int32_t i=0; i < LENGTHOF(testData); i++) {
    570         if ( i > 2 ) {
    571             pat.applyPattern(percentPattern,status);
    572         }
    573         pat.setAttribute(UNUM_SCALE,testData[i].inputScale,status);
    574         pat.format(testData[i].inputValue, resultStr);
    575         message = UnicodeString("Unexpected output for ") + testData[i].inputValue + UnicodeString(" and scale ") +
    576                   testData[i].inputScale + UnicodeString(". Got: ");
    577         exp = testData[i].expectedOutput;
    578         verifyString(message, resultStr, exp);
    579         message.remove();
    580         resultStr.remove();
    581         exp.remove();
    582     }
    583 }
    586 #define ASSERT_EQUAL(expect, actual) { char tmp[200]; sprintf(tmp, "(%g==%g)", (double)(expect), (double)(actual)); \
    587     assertTrue(tmp, ((expect)==(actual)), FALSE, TRUE, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
    589 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::TestFixedDecimal() {
    590     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    592     LocalPointer<DecimalFormat> df(new DecimalFormat("###", status));
    593     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    594     FixedDecimal fd = df->getFixedDecimal(44, status);
    595     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    596     ASSERT_EQUAL(44, fd.source);
    597     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    599     df.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormat("###.00##", status));
    600     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    601     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(123.456, status);
    602     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    603     ASSERT_EQUAL(3, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    604     ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.decimalDigits);
    605     ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    606     ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.intValue);
    607     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    608     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    610     df.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormat("###", status));
    611     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    612     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(123.456, status);
    613     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    614     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    615     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigits);
    616     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    617     ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.intValue);
    618     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    619     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    621     df.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormat("###.0", status));
    622     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    623     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(123.01, status);
    624     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    625     ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    626     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigits);
    627     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    628     ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.intValue);
    629     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    630     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    632     df.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormat("###.0", status));
    633     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    634     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(123.06, status);
    635     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    636     ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    637     ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.decimalDigits);
    638     ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    639     ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.intValue);
    640     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    641     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    643     df.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormat("@@@@@", status));  // Significant Digits
    644     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    645     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(123, status);
    646     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    647     ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    648     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigits);
    649     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    650     ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.intValue);
    651     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    652     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    654     df.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormat("@@@@@", status));  // Significant Digits
    655     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    656     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(1.23, status);
    657     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    658     ASSERT_EQUAL(4, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    659     ASSERT_EQUAL(2300, fd.decimalDigits);
    660     ASSERT_EQUAL(23, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    661     ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.intValue);
    662     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    663     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    665     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(uprv_getInfinity(), status);
    666     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    667     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNanOrInfinity);
    668     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(0.0, status);
    669     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNanOrInfinity);
    670     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(uprv_getNaN(), status);
    671     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNanOrInfinity);
    672     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    674     // Test Big Decimal input.
    675     // 22 digits before and after decimal, will exceed the precision of a double
    676     //    and force DecimalFormat::getFixedDecimal() to work with a digit list.
    677     df.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormat("#####################0.00####################", status));
    678     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    679     Formattable fable("12.34", status);
    680     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    681     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    682     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    683     ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    684     ASSERT_EQUAL(34, fd.decimalDigits);
    685     ASSERT_EQUAL(34, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    686     ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.intValue);
    687     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    688     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    690     fable.setDecimalNumber("12.345678901234567890123456789", status);
    691     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    692     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    693     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    694     ASSERT_EQUAL(22, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    695     ASSERT_EQUAL(345678901234567890LL, fd.decimalDigits);
    696     ASSERT_EQUAL(34567890123456789LL, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    697     ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.intValue);
    698     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    699     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    701     // On field overflow, Integer part is truncated on the left, fraction part on the right.
    702     fable.setDecimalNumber("123456789012345678901234567890.123456789012345678901234567890", status);
    703     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    704     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    705     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    706     ASSERT_EQUAL(22, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    707     ASSERT_EQUAL(123456789012345678LL, fd.decimalDigits);
    708     ASSERT_EQUAL(123456789012345678LL, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    709     ASSERT_EQUAL(345678901234567890LL, fd.intValue);
    710     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    711     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    713     // Digits way to the right of the decimal but within the format's precision aren't truncated
    714     fable.setDecimalNumber("1.0000000000000000000012", status);
    715     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    716     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    717     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    718     ASSERT_EQUAL(22, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    719     ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.decimalDigits);
    720     ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    721     ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.intValue);
    722     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    723     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    725     // Digits beyond the precision of the format are rounded away
    726     fable.setDecimalNumber("1.000000000000000000000012", status);
    727     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    728     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    729     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    730     ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    731     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigits);
    732     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    733     ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.intValue);
    734     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    735     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    737     // Negative numbers come through
    738     fable.setDecimalNumber("-1.0000000000000000000012", status);
    739     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    740     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    741     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    742     ASSERT_EQUAL(22, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    743     ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.decimalDigits);
    744     ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    745     ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.intValue);
    746     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    747     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNegative);
    749     // MinFractionDigits from format larger than from number.
    750     fable.setDecimalNumber("1000000000000000000000.3", status);
    751     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    752     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    753     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    754     ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    755     ASSERT_EQUAL(30, fd.decimalDigits);
    756     ASSERT_EQUAL(3, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    757     ASSERT_EQUAL(100000000000000000LL, fd.intValue);
    758     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    759     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    761     // Test some int64_t values that are out of the range of a double
    762     fable.setInt64(4503599627370496LL);
    763     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    764     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    765     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    766     ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    767     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigits);
    768     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    769     ASSERT_EQUAL(4503599627370496LL, fd.intValue);
    770     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    771     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    773     fable.setInt64(4503599627370497LL);
    774     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    775     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    776     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    777     ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    778     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigits);
    779     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    780     ASSERT_EQUAL(4503599627370497LL, fd.intValue);
    781     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    782     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    784     fable.setInt64(9223372036854775807LL);
    785     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    786     fd = df->getFixedDecimal(fable, status);
    787     TEST_ASSERT_STATUS(status);
    788     ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.visibleDecimalDigitCount);
    789     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigits);
    790     ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.decimalDigitsWithoutTrailingZeros);
    791     // note: going through DigitList path to FixedDecimal, which is trimming
    792     //       int64_t fields to 18 digits. See ticket Ticket #10374
    793     // ASSERT_EQUAL(223372036854775807LL, fd.intValue);
    794     if (!(fd.intValue == 223372036854775807LL || fd.intValue == 9223372036854775807LL)) {
    795         dataerrln("File %s, Line %d, fd.intValue = %lld", __FILE__, __LINE__, fd.intValue);
    796     }
    797     ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue);
    798     ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative);
    800 }
    802 void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::TestBadFastpath() {
    803     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    805     LocalPointer<DecimalFormat> df(new DecimalFormat("###", status));
    806     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    807         dataerrln("Error creating new DecimalFormat - %s", u_errorName(status));
    808         return;
    809     }
    811     UnicodeString fmt;
    812     fmt.remove();
    813     assertEquals("Format 1234", "1234", df->format(1234, fmt));
    814     df->setGroupingUsed(FALSE);
    815     fmt.remove();
    816     assertEquals("Format 1234", "1234", df->format(1234, fmt));
    817     df->setGroupingUsed(TRUE);
    818     fmt.remove();
    819     assertEquals("Format 1234 w/ grouping", "1,234", df->format(1234, fmt));
    820 }
    822 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */