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      1 /*
      2  *	libxt_time - iptables part for xt_time
      3  *	Copyright  CC Computer Consultants GmbH, 2007
      4  *	Contact: <jengelh (at) computergmbh.de>
      5  *
      6  *	libxt_time.c is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      7  *	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      8  *	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License.
      9  *
     10  *	Based on libipt_time.c.
     11  */
     12 #include <stdio.h>
     13 #include <string.h>
     14 #include <stdlib.h>
     15 #include <time.h>
     16 #include <linux/types.h>
     17 #include <linux/netfilter/xt_time.h>
     18 #include <xtables.h>
     20 enum {
     21 	O_DATE_START = 0,
     22 	O_DATE_STOP,
     23 	O_TIME_START,
     24 	O_TIME_STOP,
     26 	O_MONTHDAYS,
     27 	O_WEEKDAYS,
     28 	O_LOCAL_TZ,
     29 	O_UTC,
     30 	O_KERNEL_TZ,
     31 	F_LOCAL_TZ  = 1 << O_LOCAL_TZ,
     32 	F_UTC       = 1 << O_UTC,
     33 	F_KERNEL_TZ = 1 << O_KERNEL_TZ,
     35 };
     37 static const char *const week_days[] = {
     38 	NULL, "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun",
     39 };
     41 static const struct xt_option_entry time_opts[] = {
     42 	{.name = "datestart", .id = O_DATE_START, .type = XTTYPE_STRING},
     43 	{.name = "datestop", .id = O_DATE_STOP, .type = XTTYPE_STRING},
     44 	{.name = "timestart", .id = O_TIME_START, .type = XTTYPE_STRING},
     45 	{.name = "timestop", .id = O_TIME_STOP, .type = XTTYPE_STRING},
     46 	{.name = "contiguous", .id = O_TIME_CONTIGUOUS, .type = XTTYPE_NONE},
     47 	{.name = "weekdays", .id = O_WEEKDAYS, .type = XTTYPE_STRING,
     48 	 .flags = XTOPT_INVERT},
     49 	{.name = "monthdays", .id = O_MONTHDAYS, .type = XTTYPE_STRING,
     50 	 .flags = XTOPT_INVERT},
     51 	{.name = "localtz", .id = O_LOCAL_TZ, .type = XTTYPE_NONE,
     52 	 .excl = F_UTC},
     53 	{.name = "utc", .id = O_UTC, .type = XTTYPE_NONE,
     54 	 .excl = F_LOCAL_TZ | F_KERNEL_TZ},
     55 	{.name = "kerneltz", .id = O_KERNEL_TZ, .type = XTTYPE_NONE,
     56 	 .excl = F_UTC},
     58 };
     60 static void time_help(void)
     61 {
     62 	printf(
     63 "time match options:\n"
     64 "    --datestart time     Start and stop time, to be given in ISO 8601\n"
     65 "    --datestop time      (YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss]]]]])\n"
     66 "    --timestart time     Start and stop daytime (hh:mm[:ss])\n"
     67 "    --timestop time      (between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59)\n"
     68 "[!] --monthdays value    List of days on which to match, separated by comma\n"
     69 "                         (Possible days: 1 to 31; defaults to all)\n"
     70 "[!] --weekdays value     List of weekdays on which to match, sep. by comma\n"
     71 "                         (Possible days: Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun or 1 to 7\n"
     72 "                         Defaults to all weekdays.)\n"
     73 "    --kerneltz           Work with the kernel timezone instead of UTC\n");
     74 }
     76 static void time_init(struct xt_entry_match *m)
     77 {
     78 	struct xt_time_info *info = (void *)m->data;
     80 	/* By default, we match on every day, every daytime */
     81 	info->monthdays_match = XT_TIME_ALL_MONTHDAYS;
     82 	info->weekdays_match  = XT_TIME_ALL_WEEKDAYS;
     83 	info->daytime_start   = XT_TIME_MIN_DAYTIME;
     84 	info->daytime_stop    = XT_TIME_MAX_DAYTIME;
     86 	/* ...and have no date-begin or date-end boundary */
     87 	info->date_start = 0;
     88 	info->date_stop  = INT_MAX;
     89 }
     91 static time_t time_parse_date(const char *s, bool end)
     92 {
     93 	unsigned int month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0;
     94 	unsigned int year  = end ? 2038 : 1970;
     95 	const char *os = s;
     96 	struct tm tm;
     97 	time_t ret;
     98 	char *e;
    100 	year = strtoul(s, &e, 10);
    101 	if ((*e != '-' && *e != '\0') || year < 1970 || year > 2038)
    102 		goto out;
    103 	if (*e == '\0')
    104 		goto eval;
    106 	s = e + 1;
    107 	month = strtoul(s, &e, 10);
    108 	if ((*e != '-' && *e != '\0') || month > 12)
    109 		goto out;
    110 	if (*e == '\0')
    111 		goto eval;
    113 	s = e + 1;
    114 	day = strtoul(s, &e, 10);
    115 	if ((*e != 'T' && *e != '\0') || day > 31)
    116 		goto out;
    117 	if (*e == '\0')
    118 		goto eval;
    120 	s = e + 1;
    121 	hour = strtoul(s, &e, 10);
    122 	if ((*e != ':' && *e != '\0') || hour > 23)
    123 		goto out;
    124 	if (*e == '\0')
    125 		goto eval;
    127 	s = e + 1;
    128 	minute = strtoul(s, &e, 10);
    129 	if ((*e != ':' && *e != '\0') || minute > 59)
    130 		goto out;
    131 	if (*e == '\0')
    132 		goto eval;
    134 	s = e + 1;
    135 	second = strtoul(s, &e, 10);
    136 	if (*e != '\0' || second > 59)
    137 		goto out;
    139  eval:
    140 	tm.tm_year = year - 1900;
    141 	tm.tm_mon  = month - 1;
    142 	tm.tm_mday = day;
    143 	tm.tm_hour = hour;
    144 	tm.tm_min  = minute;
    145 	tm.tm_sec  = second;
    146 	tm.tm_isdst = 0;
    147 	/*
    148 	 * Offsetting, if any, is done by xt_time.ko,
    149 	 * so we have to disable it here in userspace.
    150 	 */
    151 	setenv("TZ", "UTC", true);
    152 	tzset();
    153 	ret = mktime(&tm);
    154 	if (ret >= 0)
    155 		return ret;
    156 	perror("mktime");
    157 	xtables_error(OTHER_PROBLEM, "mktime returned an error");
    159  out:
    160 	xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Invalid date \"%s\" specified. Should "
    161 	           "be YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss]]]]]", os);
    162 	return -1;
    163 }
    165 static unsigned int time_parse_minutes(const char *s)
    166 {
    167 	unsigned int hour, minute, second = 0;
    168 	char *e;
    170 	hour = strtoul(s, &e, 10);
    171 	if (*e != ':' || hour > 23)
    172 		goto out;
    174 	s = e + 1;
    175 	minute = strtoul(s, &e, 10);
    176 	if ((*e != ':' && *e != '\0') || minute > 59)
    177 		goto out;
    178 	if (*e == '\0')
    179 		goto eval;
    181 	s = e + 1;
    182 	second = strtoul(s, &e, 10);
    183 	if (*e != '\0' || second > 59)
    184 		goto out;
    186  eval:
    187 	return 60 * 60 * hour + 60 * minute + second;
    189  out:
    190 	xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "invalid time \"%s\" specified, "
    191 	           "should be hh:mm[:ss] format and within the boundaries", s);
    192 	return -1;
    193 }
    195 static const char *my_strseg(char *buf, unsigned int buflen,
    196     const char **arg, char delim)
    197 {
    198 	const char *sep;
    200 	if (*arg == NULL || **arg == '\0')
    201 		return NULL;
    202 	sep = strchr(*arg, delim);
    203 	if (sep == NULL) {
    204 		snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", *arg);
    205 		*arg = NULL;
    206 		return buf;
    207 	}
    208 	snprintf(buf, buflen, "%.*s", (unsigned int)(sep - *arg), *arg);
    209 	*arg = sep + 1;
    210 	return buf;
    211 }
    213 static uint32_t time_parse_monthdays(const char *arg)
    214 {
    215 	char day[3], *err = NULL;
    216 	uint32_t ret = 0;
    217 	unsigned int i;
    219 	while (my_strseg(day, sizeof(day), &arg, ',') != NULL) {
    220 		i = strtoul(day, &err, 0);
    221 		if ((*err != ',' && *err != '\0') || i > 31)
    222 			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
    223 			           "%s is not a valid day for --monthdays", day);
    224 		ret |= 1 << i;
    225 	}
    227 	return ret;
    228 }
    230 static unsigned int time_parse_weekdays(const char *arg)
    231 {
    232 	char day[4], *err = NULL;
    233 	unsigned int i, ret = 0;
    234 	bool valid;
    236 	while (my_strseg(day, sizeof(day), &arg, ',') != NULL) {
    237 		i = strtoul(day, &err, 0);
    238 		if (*err == '\0') {
    239 			if (i == 0)
    240 				xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
    241 				           "No, the week does NOT begin with Sunday.");
    242 			ret |= 1 << i;
    243 			continue;
    244 		}
    246 		valid = false;
    247 		for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(week_days); ++i)
    248 			if (strncmp(day, week_days[i], 2) == 0) {
    249 				ret |= 1 << i;
    250 				valid = true;
    251 			}
    253 		if (!valid)
    254 			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
    255 			           "%s is not a valid day specifier", day);
    256 	}
    258 	return ret;
    259 }
    261 static void time_parse(struct xt_option_call *cb)
    262 {
    263 	struct xt_time_info *info = cb->data;
    265 	xtables_option_parse(cb);
    266 	switch (cb->entry->id) {
    267 	case O_DATE_START:
    268 		info->date_start = time_parse_date(cb->arg, false);
    269 		break;
    270 	case O_DATE_STOP:
    271 		info->date_stop = time_parse_date(cb->arg, true);
    272 		break;
    273 	case O_TIME_START:
    274 		info->daytime_start = time_parse_minutes(cb->arg);
    275 		break;
    276 	case O_TIME_STOP:
    277 		info->daytime_stop = time_parse_minutes(cb->arg);
    278 		break;
    279 	case O_TIME_CONTIGUOUS:
    280 		info->flags |= XT_TIME_CONTIGUOUS;
    281 		break;
    282 	case O_LOCAL_TZ:
    283 		fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: --localtz is being replaced by "
    284 		        "--kerneltz, since \"local\" is ambiguous. Note the "
    285 		        "kernel timezone has caveats - "
    286 		        "see manpage for details.\n");
    287 		/* fallthrough */
    288 	case O_KERNEL_TZ:
    289 		info->flags |= XT_TIME_LOCAL_TZ;
    290 		break;
    291 	case O_MONTHDAYS:
    292 		info->monthdays_match = time_parse_monthdays(cb->arg);
    293 		if (cb->invert)
    294 			info->monthdays_match ^= XT_TIME_ALL_MONTHDAYS;
    295 		break;
    296 	case O_WEEKDAYS:
    297 		info->weekdays_match = time_parse_weekdays(cb->arg);
    298 		if (cb->invert)
    299 			info->weekdays_match ^= XT_TIME_ALL_WEEKDAYS;
    300 		break;
    301 	}
    302 }
    304 static void time_print_date(time_t date, const char *command)
    305 {
    306 	struct tm *t;
    308 	/* If it is the default value, do not print it. */
    309 	if (date == 0 || date == LONG_MAX)
    310 		return;
    312 	t = gmtime(&date);
    313 	if (command != NULL)
    314 		/*
    315 		 * Need a contiguous string (no whitespaces), hence using
    316 		 * the ISO 8601 "T" variant.
    317 		 */
    318 		printf(" %s %04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02u",
    319 		       command, t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1,
    320 		       t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
    321 	else
    322 		printf(" %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u",
    323 		       t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday,
    324 		       t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
    325 }
    327 static void time_print_monthdays(uint32_t mask, bool human_readable)
    328 {
    329 	unsigned int i, nbdays = 0;
    331 	printf(" ");
    332 	for (i = 1; i <= 31; ++i)
    333 		if (mask & (1 << i)) {
    334 			if (nbdays++ > 0)
    335 				printf(",");
    336 			printf("%u", i);
    337 			if (human_readable)
    338 				switch (i % 10) {
    339 					case 1:
    340 						printf("st");
    341 						break;
    342 					case 2:
    343 						printf("nd");
    344 						break;
    345 					case 3:
    346 						printf("rd");
    347 						break;
    348 					default:
    349 						printf("th");
    350 						break;
    351 				}
    352 		}
    353 }
    355 static void time_print_weekdays(unsigned int mask)
    356 {
    357 	unsigned int i, nbdays = 0;
    359 	printf(" ");
    360 	for (i = 1; i <= 7; ++i)
    361 		if (mask & (1 << i)) {
    362 			if (nbdays > 0)
    363 				printf(",%s", week_days[i]);
    364 			else
    365 				printf("%s", week_days[i]);
    366 			++nbdays;
    367 		}
    368 }
    370 static inline void divide_time(unsigned int fulltime, unsigned int *hours,
    371     unsigned int *minutes, unsigned int *seconds)
    372 {
    373 	*seconds  = fulltime % 60;
    374 	fulltime /= 60;
    375 	*minutes  = fulltime % 60;
    376 	*hours    = fulltime / 60;
    377 }
    379 static void time_print(const void *ip, const struct xt_entry_match *match,
    380                        int numeric)
    381 {
    382 	const struct xt_time_info *info = (const void *)match->data;
    383 	unsigned int h, m, s;
    385 	printf(" TIME");
    387 	if (info->daytime_start != XT_TIME_MIN_DAYTIME ||
    388 	    info->daytime_stop != XT_TIME_MAX_DAYTIME) {
    389 		divide_time(info->daytime_start, &h, &m, &s);
    390 		printf(" from %02u:%02u:%02u", h, m, s);
    391 		divide_time(info->daytime_stop, &h, &m, &s);
    392 		printf(" to %02u:%02u:%02u", h, m, s);
    393 	}
    394 	if (info->weekdays_match != XT_TIME_ALL_WEEKDAYS) {
    395 		printf(" on");
    396 		time_print_weekdays(info->weekdays_match);
    397 	}
    398 	if (info->monthdays_match != XT_TIME_ALL_MONTHDAYS) {
    399 		printf(" on");
    400 		time_print_monthdays(info->monthdays_match, true);
    401 	}
    402 	if (info->date_start != 0) {
    403 		printf(" starting from");
    404 		time_print_date(info->date_start, NULL);
    405 	}
    406 	if (info->date_stop != INT_MAX) {
    407 		printf(" until date");
    408 		time_print_date(info->date_stop, NULL);
    409 	}
    410 	if (!(info->flags & XT_TIME_LOCAL_TZ))
    411 		printf(" UTC");
    412 	if (info->flags & XT_TIME_CONTIGUOUS)
    413 		printf(" contiguous");
    414 }
    416 static void time_save(const void *ip, const struct xt_entry_match *match)
    417 {
    418 	const struct xt_time_info *info = (const void *)match->data;
    419 	unsigned int h, m, s;
    421 	if (info->daytime_start != XT_TIME_MIN_DAYTIME ||
    422 	    info->daytime_stop != XT_TIME_MAX_DAYTIME) {
    423 		divide_time(info->daytime_start, &h, &m, &s);
    424 		printf(" --timestart %02u:%02u:%02u", h, m, s);
    425 		divide_time(info->daytime_stop, &h, &m, &s);
    426 		printf(" --timestop %02u:%02u:%02u", h, m, s);
    427 	}
    428 	if (info->monthdays_match != XT_TIME_ALL_MONTHDAYS) {
    429 		printf(" --monthdays");
    430 		time_print_monthdays(info->monthdays_match, false);
    431 	}
    432 	if (info->weekdays_match != XT_TIME_ALL_WEEKDAYS) {
    433 		printf(" --weekdays");
    434 		time_print_weekdays(info->weekdays_match);
    435 	}
    436 	time_print_date(info->date_start, "--datestart");
    437 	time_print_date(info->date_stop, "--datestop");
    438 	if (info->flags & XT_TIME_LOCAL_TZ)
    439 		printf(" --kerneltz");
    440 	if (info->flags & XT_TIME_CONTIGUOUS)
    441 		printf(" --contiguous");
    442 }
    444 static void time_check(struct xt_fcheck_call *cb)
    445 {
    446 	const struct xt_time_info *info = (const void *) cb->data;
    447 	if ((cb->xflags & F_TIME_CONTIGUOUS) &&
    448 	     info->daytime_start < info->daytime_stop)
    449 		xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
    450 			"time: --contiguous only makes sense when stoptime is smaller than starttime");
    451 }
    453 static struct xtables_match time_match = {
    454 	.name          = "time",
    455 	.family        = NFPROTO_UNSPEC,
    456 	.version       = XTABLES_VERSION,
    457 	.size          = XT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct xt_time_info)),
    458 	.userspacesize = XT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct xt_time_info)),
    459 	.help          = time_help,
    460 	.init          = time_init,
    461 	.print         = time_print,
    462 	.save          = time_save,
    463 	.x6_parse      = time_parse,
    464 	.x6_fcheck     = time_check,
    465 	.x6_options    = time_opts,
    466 };
    468 void _init(void)
    469 {
    470 	xtables_register_match(&time_match);
    471 }