1 .deEX 2 .ift .ft5 3 .nf 4 .. 5 .deEE 6 .ft1 7 .fi 8 .. 9 .TH ISALPHARUNE 3 10 .SH NAME 11 isalpharune, islowerrune, isspacerune, istitlerune, isupperrune, tolowerrune, totitlerune, toupperrune \- Unicode character classes and cases 12 .SH SYNOPSIS 13 .B #include <utf.h> 14 .PP 15 .B 16 int isalpharune(Rune c) 17 .PP 18 .B 19 int islowerrune(Rune c) 20 .PP 21 .B 22 int isspacerune(Rune c) 23 .PP 24 .B 25 int istitlerune(Rune c) 26 .PP 27 .B 28 int isupperrune(Rune c) 29 .PP 30 .B 31 Rune tolowerrune(Rune c) 32 .PP 33 .B 34 Rune totitlerune(Rune c) 35 .PP 36 .B 37 Rune toupperrune(Rune c) 38 .SH DESCRIPTION 39 These routines examine and operate on Unicode characters, 40 in particular a subset of their properties as defined in the Unicode standard. 41 Unicode defines some characters as alphabetic and specifies three cases: 42 upper, lower, and title. 43 Analogously to 44 .IR isalpha (3) 45 for 46 .SM ASCII\c 47 , 48 these routines 49 test types and modify cases for Unicode characters. 50 The names are self-explanatory. 51 .PP 52 The case-conversion routines return the character unchanged if it has no case. 53 .SH SOURCE 54 .B http://swtch.com/plan9port/unix 55 .SH "SEE ALSO 56 .IR isalpha (3) , 57 .IR "The Unicode Standard" . 58