1 include_directories(.) 2 3 if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux" ) 4 include_directories( 5 Plugins/Process/Linux 6 Plugins/Process/POSIX 7 ) 8 endif () 9 10 if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD" ) 11 include_directories( 12 Plugins/Process/FreeBSD 13 Plugins/Process/POSIX 14 ) 15 endif () 16 17 add_subdirectory(API) 18 add_subdirectory(Breakpoint) 19 add_subdirectory(Commands) 20 add_subdirectory(Core) 21 add_subdirectory(DataFormatters) 22 add_subdirectory(Expression) 23 add_subdirectory(Host) 24 add_subdirectory(Interpreter) 25 add_subdirectory(Plugins) 26 add_subdirectory(Symbol) 27 add_subdirectory(Target) 28 add_subdirectory(Utility) 29 30 set( LLDB_USED_LIBS 31 lldbAPI 32 lldbBreakpoint 33 lldbCommands 34 lldbDataFormatters 35 lldbHostCommon 36 lldbCore 37 lldbExpression 38 lldbInterpreter 39 lldbSymbol 40 lldbTarget 41 lldbUtility 42 43 # Plugins 44 lldbPluginDisassemblerLLVM 45 lldbPluginSymbolFileDWARF 46 lldbPluginSymbolFileSymtab 47 lldbPluginDynamicLoaderStatic 48 lldbPluginDynamicLoaderPosixDYLD 49 50 lldbPluginObjectFileMachO 51 lldbPluginObjectFileELF 52 lldbPluginSymbolVendorELF 53 lldbPluginObjectContainerBSDArchive 54 lldbPluginObjectContainerMachOArchive 55 lldbPluginProcessGDBRemote 56 lldbPluginProcessMachCore 57 lldbPluginProcessUtility 58 lldbPluginPlatformGDB 59 lldbPluginPlatformFreeBSD 60 lldbPluginPlatformLinux 61 lldbPluginObjectFileMachO 62 lldbPluginObjectContainerMachOArchive 63 lldbPluginObjectContainerBSDArchive 64 lldbPluginPlatformMacOSX 65 lldbPluginDynamicLoaderMacOSXDYLD 66 lldbPluginUnwindAssemblyInstEmulation 67 lldbPluginUnwindAssemblyX86 68 lldbPluginAppleObjCRuntime 69 lldbPluginCXXItaniumABI 70 lldbPluginABIMacOSX_arm 71 lldbPluginABIMacOSX_i386 72 lldbPluginABISysV_x86_64 73 lldbPluginInstructionARM 74 lldbPluginObjectFilePECOFF 75 lldbPluginOSPython 76 ) 77 78 # Windows-only libraries 79 if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" ) 80 list(APPEND LLDB_USED_LIBS 81 #lldbHostWindows 82 #lldbPluginPlatformWindows 83 #Ws2_32 84 ) 85 endif () 86 87 # Linux-only libraries 88 if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux" ) 89 list(APPEND LLDB_USED_LIBS 90 lldbHostLinux 91 lldbPluginProcessLinux 92 lldbPluginProcessPOSIX 93 lldbPluginProcessElfCore 94 ) 95 endif () 96 97 # FreeBSD-only libraries 98 if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD" ) 99 list(APPEND LLDB_USED_LIBS 100 lldbHostFreeBSD 101 lldbPluginProcessFreeBSD 102 lldbPluginProcessPOSIX 103 lldbPluginProcessElfCore 104 ) 105 endif () 106 107 # Darwin-only libraries 108 if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin" ) 109 set(LLDB_VERS_GENERATED_FILE ${LLDB_BINARY_DIR}/source/LLDB_vers.c) 110 add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${LLDB_VERS_GENERATED_FILE} 111 COMMAND ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/generate-vers.pl 112 ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/lldb.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj 113 > ${LLDB_VERS_GENERATED_FILE}) 114 115 set_source_files_properties(${LLDB_VERS_GENERATED_FILE} PROPERTIES GENERATED 1) 116 list(APPEND LLDB_USED_LIBS 117 lldbHostMacOSX 118 lldbPluginDynamicLoaderDarwinKernel 119 lldbPluginProcessMacOSXKernel 120 lldbPluginSymbolVendorMacOSX 121 ) 122 endif() 123 124 set( CLANG_USED_LIBS 125 clangAnalysis 126 clangAST 127 clangBasic 128 clangCodeGen 129 clangDriver 130 clangEdit 131 clangFrontend 132 clangLex 133 clangParse 134 clangRewriteCore 135 clangRewriteFrontend 136 clangSema 137 clangSerialization 138 ) 139 140 set( LLDB_SYSTEM_LIBS 141 edit 142 python2.7 143 ) 144 145 set( LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS 146 ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD} 147 jit 148 interpreter 149 nativecodegen 150 asmparser 151 bitreader 152 bitwriter 153 codegen 154 ipo 155 selectiondag 156 bitreader 157 mc 158 mcjit 159 core 160 mcdisassembler 161 executionengine 162 ) 163 164 set_source_files_properties(${LLDB_BINARY_DIR}/scripts/LLDBWrapPython.cpp PROPERTIES GENERATED 1) 165 set(SHARED_LIBRARY 1) 166 167 add_lldb_library(liblldb 168 lldb.cpp 169 lldb-log.cpp 170 ${LLDB_BINARY_DIR}/scripts/LLDBWrapPython.cpp 171 ${LLDB_VERS_GENERATED_FILE} 172 ) 173 set_target_properties(liblldb 174 PROPERTIES 175 OUTPUT_NAME lldb 176 VERSION ${LLDB_VERSION} 177 ) 178 add_dependencies(liblldb 179 ${LLDB_BINARY_DIR}/scripts/LLDBWrapPython.cpp 180 ${LLDB_VERS_GENERATED_FILE} 181 ) 182 target_link_libraries(liblldb ${LLDB_SYSTEM_LIBS}) 183 184 # Determine LLDB revision and repository. GetSourceVersion and GetRepositoryPath are shell-scripts, and as 185 # such will not work on Windows. 186 if ( NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" ) 187 execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/utils/GetSourceVersion ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR} 188 OUTPUT_VARIABLE LLDB_REVISION) 189 if ( LLDB_REVISION ) 190 string(REGEX REPLACE "(\r?\n)+$" "" LLDB_REVISION ${LLDB_REVISION}) 191 endif() 192 193 execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/utils/GetRepositoryPath ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR} 194 OUTPUT_VARIABLE LLDB_REPOSITORY) 195 if ( LLDB_REPOSITORY ) 196 # Replace newline characters with spaces 197 string(REGEX REPLACE "(\r?\n)+" " " LLDB_REPOSITORY ${LLDB_REPOSITORY}) 198 199 # Remove trailing spaces 200 string(REGEX REPLACE "(\ )+$" "" LLDB_REPOSITORY ${LLDB_REPOSITORY}) 201 endif() 202 203 set_property( 204 SOURCE lldb.cpp 205 PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "LLDB_REVISION=\"${LLDB_REVISION}\"" "LLDB_REPOSITORY=\"${LLDB_REPOSITORY}\"") 206 endif () 207 # FIXME: implement svn/git revision and repository parsing solution on Windows. There is an SVN-only 208 # revision parsing solution in tools/clang/lib/Basic/CMakelists.txt. 209 210 211 install(TARGETS liblldb 212 LIBRARY DESTINATION lib) 213