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      1 //===- Archive.cpp - ar File Format implementation --------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file defines the ArchiveObjectFile class.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
     15 #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
     16 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
     17 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
     18 #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
     19 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
     21 using namespace llvm;
     22 using namespace object;
     24 static const char *const Magic = "!<arch>\n";
     26 void Archive::anchor() { }
     28 StringRef ArchiveMemberHeader::getName() const {
     29   char EndCond;
     30   if (Name[0] == '/' || Name[0] == '#')
     31     EndCond = ' ';
     32   else
     33     EndCond = '/';
     34   llvm::StringRef::size_type end =
     35       llvm::StringRef(Name, sizeof(Name)).find(EndCond);
     36   if (end == llvm::StringRef::npos)
     37     end = sizeof(Name);
     38   assert(end <= sizeof(Name) && end > 0);
     39   // Don't include the EndCond if there is one.
     40   return llvm::StringRef(Name, end);
     41 }
     43 uint32_t ArchiveMemberHeader::getSize() const {
     44   uint32_t Ret;
     45   if (llvm::StringRef(Size, sizeof(Size)).rtrim(" ").getAsInteger(10, Ret))
     46     llvm_unreachable("Size is not a decimal number.");
     47   return Ret;
     48 }
     50 sys::fs::perms ArchiveMemberHeader::getAccessMode() const {
     51   unsigned Ret;
     52   if (StringRef(AccessMode, sizeof(AccessMode)).rtrim(" ").getAsInteger(8, Ret))
     53     llvm_unreachable("Access mode is not an octal number.");
     54   return static_cast<sys::fs::perms>(Ret);
     55 }
     57 sys::TimeValue ArchiveMemberHeader::getLastModified() const {
     58   unsigned Seconds;
     59   if (StringRef(LastModified, sizeof(LastModified)).rtrim(" ")
     60           .getAsInteger(10, Seconds))
     61     llvm_unreachable("Last modified time not a decimal number.");
     63   sys::TimeValue Ret;
     64   Ret.fromEpochTime(Seconds);
     65   return Ret;
     66 }
     68 unsigned ArchiveMemberHeader::getUID() const {
     69   unsigned Ret;
     70   if (StringRef(UID, sizeof(UID)).rtrim(" ").getAsInteger(10, Ret))
     71     llvm_unreachable("UID time not a decimal number.");
     72   return Ret;
     73 }
     75 unsigned ArchiveMemberHeader::getGID() const {
     76   unsigned Ret;
     77   if (StringRef(GID, sizeof(GID)).rtrim(" ").getAsInteger(10, Ret))
     78     llvm_unreachable("GID time not a decimal number.");
     79   return Ret;
     80 }
     82 Archive::Child::Child(const Archive *Parent, const char *Start)
     83     : Parent(Parent) {
     84   if (!Start)
     85     return;
     87   const ArchiveMemberHeader *Header =
     88       reinterpret_cast<const ArchiveMemberHeader *>(Start);
     89   Data = StringRef(Start, sizeof(ArchiveMemberHeader) + Header->getSize());
     91   // Setup StartOfFile and PaddingBytes.
     92   StartOfFile = sizeof(ArchiveMemberHeader);
     93   // Don't include attached name.
     94   StringRef Name = Header->getName();
     95   if (Name.startswith("#1/")) {
     96     uint64_t NameSize;
     97     if (Name.substr(3).rtrim(" ").getAsInteger(10, NameSize))
     98       llvm_unreachable("Long name length is not an integer");
     99     StartOfFile += NameSize;
    100   }
    101 }
    103 Archive::Child Archive::Child::getNext() const {
    104   size_t SpaceToSkip = Data.size();
    105   // If it's odd, add 1 to make it even.
    106   if (SpaceToSkip & 1)
    107     ++SpaceToSkip;
    109   const char *NextLoc = Data.data() + SpaceToSkip;
    111   // Check to see if this is past the end of the archive.
    112   if (NextLoc >= Parent->Data->getBufferEnd())
    113     return Child(Parent, nullptr);
    115   return Child(Parent, NextLoc);
    116 }
    118 ErrorOr<StringRef> Archive::Child::getName() const {
    119   StringRef name = getRawName();
    120   // Check if it's a special name.
    121   if (name[0] == '/') {
    122     if (name.size() == 1) // Linker member.
    123       return name;
    124     if (name.size() == 2 && name[1] == '/') // String table.
    125       return name;
    126     // It's a long name.
    127     // Get the offset.
    128     std::size_t offset;
    129     if (name.substr(1).rtrim(" ").getAsInteger(10, offset))
    130       llvm_unreachable("Long name offset is not an integer");
    131     const char *addr = Parent->StringTable->Data.begin()
    132                        + sizeof(ArchiveMemberHeader)
    133                        + offset;
    134     // Verify it.
    135     if (Parent->StringTable == Parent->child_end()
    136         || addr < (Parent->StringTable->Data.begin()
    137                    + sizeof(ArchiveMemberHeader))
    138         || addr > (Parent->StringTable->Data.begin()
    139                    + sizeof(ArchiveMemberHeader)
    140                    + Parent->StringTable->getSize()))
    141       return object_error::parse_failed;
    143     // GNU long file names end with a /.
    144     if (Parent->kind() == K_GNU) {
    145       StringRef::size_type End = StringRef(addr).find('/');
    146       return StringRef(addr, End);
    147     }
    148     return StringRef(addr);
    149   } else if (name.startswith("#1/")) {
    150     uint64_t name_size;
    151     if (name.substr(3).rtrim(" ").getAsInteger(10, name_size))
    152       llvm_unreachable("Long name length is not an ingeter");
    153     return Data.substr(sizeof(ArchiveMemberHeader), name_size)
    154         .rtrim(StringRef("\0", 1));
    155   }
    156   // It's a simple name.
    157   if (name[name.size() - 1] == '/')
    158     return name.substr(0, name.size() - 1);
    159   return name;
    160 }
    162 ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>>
    163 Archive::Child::getMemoryBuffer(bool FullPath) const {
    164   ErrorOr<StringRef> NameOrErr = getName();
    165   if (std::error_code EC = NameOrErr.getError())
    166     return EC;
    167   StringRef Name = NameOrErr.get();
    168   SmallString<128> Path;
    169   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Ret(MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(
    170       getBuffer(),
    171       FullPath
    172           ? (Twine(Parent->getFileName()) + "(" + Name + ")").toStringRef(Path)
    173           : Name,
    174       false));
    175   return std::move(Ret);
    176 }
    178 ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Binary>>
    179 Archive::Child::getAsBinary(LLVMContext *Context) const {
    180   std::unique_ptr<Binary> ret;
    181   ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> BuffOrErr = getMemoryBuffer();
    182   if (std::error_code EC = BuffOrErr.getError())
    183     return EC;
    185   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buff(BuffOrErr.get().release());
    186   return createBinary(Buff, Context);
    187 }
    189 ErrorOr<Archive *> Archive::create(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Source) {
    190   std::error_code EC;
    191   std::unique_ptr<Archive> Ret(new Archive(std::move(Source), EC));
    192   if (EC)
    193     return EC;
    194   return Ret.release();
    195 }
    197 Archive::Archive(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Source, std::error_code &ec)
    198     : Binary(Binary::ID_Archive, std::move(Source)), SymbolTable(child_end()) {
    199   // Check for sufficient magic.
    200   if (Data->getBufferSize() < 8 ||
    201       StringRef(Data->getBufferStart(), 8) != Magic) {
    202     ec = object_error::invalid_file_type;
    203     return;
    204   }
    206   // Get the special members.
    207   child_iterator i = child_begin(false);
    208   child_iterator e = child_end();
    210   if (i == e) {
    211     ec = object_error::success;
    212     return;
    213   }
    215   StringRef Name = i->getRawName();
    217   // Below is the pattern that is used to figure out the archive format
    218   // GNU archive format
    219   //  First member : / (may exist, if it exists, points to the symbol table )
    220   //  Second member : // (may exist, if it exists, points to the string table)
    221   //  Note : The string table is used if the filename exceeds 15 characters
    222   // BSD archive format
    223   //  First member : __.SYMDEF or "__.SYMDEF SORTED" (the symbol table)
    224   //  There is no string table, if the filename exceeds 15 characters or has a
    225   //  embedded space, the filename has #1/<size>, The size represents the size
    226   //  of the filename that needs to be read after the archive header
    227   // COFF archive format
    228   //  First member : /
    229   //  Second member : / (provides a directory of symbols)
    230   //  Third member : // (may exist, if it exists, contains the string table)
    231   //  Note: Microsoft PE/COFF Spec 8.3 says that the third member is present
    232   //  even if the string table is empty. However, lib.exe does not in fact
    233   //  seem to create the third member if there's no member whose filename
    234   //  exceeds 15 characters. So the third member is optional.
    236   if (Name == "__.SYMDEF") {
    237     Format = K_BSD;
    238     SymbolTable = i;
    239     ++i;
    240     FirstRegular = i;
    241     ec = object_error::success;
    242     return;
    243   }
    245   if (Name.startswith("#1/")) {
    246     Format = K_BSD;
    247     // We know this is BSD, so getName will work since there is no string table.
    248     ErrorOr<StringRef> NameOrErr = i->getName();
    249     ec = NameOrErr.getError();
    250     if (ec)
    251       return;
    252     Name = NameOrErr.get();
    253     if (Name == "__.SYMDEF SORTED") {
    254       SymbolTable = i;
    255       ++i;
    256     }
    257     FirstRegular = i;
    258     return;
    259   }
    261   if (Name == "/") {
    262     SymbolTable = i;
    264     ++i;
    265     if (i == e) {
    266       ec = object_error::parse_failed;
    267       return;
    268     }
    269     Name = i->getRawName();
    270   }
    272   if (Name == "//") {
    273     Format = K_GNU;
    274     StringTable = i;
    275     ++i;
    276     FirstRegular = i;
    277     ec = object_error::success;
    278     return;
    279   }
    281   if (Name[0] != '/') {
    282     Format = K_GNU;
    283     FirstRegular = i;
    284     ec = object_error::success;
    285     return;
    286   }
    288   if (Name != "/") {
    289     ec = object_error::parse_failed;
    290     return;
    291   }
    293   Format = K_COFF;
    294   SymbolTable = i;
    296   ++i;
    297   if (i == e) {
    298     FirstRegular = i;
    299     ec = object_error::success;
    300     return;
    301   }
    303   Name = i->getRawName();
    305   if (Name == "//") {
    306     StringTable = i;
    307     ++i;
    308   }
    310   FirstRegular = i;
    311   ec = object_error::success;
    312 }
    314 Archive::child_iterator Archive::child_begin(bool SkipInternal) const {
    315   if (Data->getBufferSize() == 8) // empty archive.
    316     return child_end();
    318   if (SkipInternal)
    319     return FirstRegular;
    321   const char *Loc = Data->getBufferStart() + strlen(Magic);
    322   Child c(this, Loc);
    323   return c;
    324 }
    326 Archive::child_iterator Archive::child_end() const {
    327   return Child(this, nullptr);
    328 }
    330 StringRef Archive::Symbol::getName() const {
    331   return Parent->SymbolTable->getBuffer().begin() + StringIndex;
    332 }
    334 ErrorOr<Archive::child_iterator> Archive::Symbol::getMember() const {
    335   const char *Buf = Parent->SymbolTable->getBuffer().begin();
    336   const char *Offsets = Buf + 4;
    337   uint32_t Offset = 0;
    338   if (Parent->kind() == K_GNU) {
    339     Offset = *(reinterpret_cast<const support::ubig32_t*>(Offsets)
    340                + SymbolIndex);
    341   } else if (Parent->kind() == K_BSD) {
    342     // The SymbolIndex is an index into the ranlib structs that start at
    343     // Offsets (the first uint32_t is the number of bytes of the ranlib
    344     // structs).  The ranlib structs are a pair of uint32_t's the first
    345     // being a string table offset and the second being the offset into
    346     // the archive of the member that defines the symbol.  Which is what
    347     // is needed here.
    348     Offset = *(reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(Offsets) +
    349                (SymbolIndex * 2) + 1);
    350   } else {
    351     uint32_t MemberCount = *reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t*>(Buf);
    353     // Skip offsets.
    354     Buf += sizeof(support::ulittle32_t)
    355            + (MemberCount * sizeof(support::ulittle32_t));
    357     uint32_t SymbolCount = *reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t*>(Buf);
    359     if (SymbolIndex >= SymbolCount)
    360       return object_error::parse_failed;
    362     // Skip SymbolCount to get to the indices table.
    363     const char *Indices = Buf + sizeof(support::ulittle32_t);
    365     // Get the index of the offset in the file member offset table for this
    366     // symbol.
    367     uint16_t OffsetIndex =
    368       *(reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle16_t*>(Indices)
    369         + SymbolIndex);
    370     // Subtract 1 since OffsetIndex is 1 based.
    371     --OffsetIndex;
    373     if (OffsetIndex >= MemberCount)
    374       return object_error::parse_failed;
    376     Offset = *(reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t*>(Offsets)
    377                + OffsetIndex);
    378   }
    380   const char *Loc = Parent->getData().begin() + Offset;
    381   child_iterator Iter(Child(Parent, Loc));
    382   return Iter;
    383 }
    385 Archive::Symbol Archive::Symbol::getNext() const {
    386   Symbol t(*this);
    387   if (Parent->kind() == K_BSD) {
    388     // t.StringIndex is an offset from the start of the __.SYMDEF or
    389     // "__.SYMDEF SORTED" member into the string table for the ranlib
    390     // struct indexed by t.SymbolIndex .  To change t.StringIndex to the
    391     // offset in the string table for t.SymbolIndex+1 we subtract the
    392     // its offset from the start of the string table for t.SymbolIndex
    393     // and add the offset of the string table for t.SymbolIndex+1.
    395     // The __.SYMDEF or "__.SYMDEF SORTED" member starts with a uint32_t
    396     // which is the number of bytes of ranlib structs that follow.  The ranlib
    397     // structs are a pair of uint32_t's the first being a string table offset
    398     // and the second being the offset into the archive of the member that
    399     // define the symbol. After that the next uint32_t is the byte count of
    400     // the string table followed by the string table.
    401     const char *Buf = Parent->SymbolTable->getBuffer().begin();
    402     uint32_t RanlibCount = 0;
    403     RanlibCount = (*reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(Buf)) /
    404                   (sizeof(uint32_t) * 2);
    405     // If t.SymbolIndex + 1 will be past the count of symbols (the RanlibCount)
    406     // don't change the t.StringIndex as we don't want to reference a ranlib
    407     // past RanlibCount.
    408     if (t.SymbolIndex + 1 < RanlibCount) {
    409       const char *Ranlibs = Buf + 4;
    410       uint32_t CurRanStrx = 0;
    411       uint32_t NextRanStrx = 0;
    412       CurRanStrx = *(reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(Ranlibs) +
    413                      (t.SymbolIndex * 2));
    414       NextRanStrx = *(reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(Ranlibs) +
    415                       ((t.SymbolIndex + 1) * 2));
    416       t.StringIndex -= CurRanStrx;
    417       t.StringIndex += NextRanStrx;
    418     }
    419   } else {
    420     // Go to one past next null.
    421     t.StringIndex =
    422         Parent->SymbolTable->getBuffer().find('\0', t.StringIndex) + 1;
    423   }
    424   ++t.SymbolIndex;
    425   return t;
    426 }
    428 Archive::symbol_iterator Archive::symbol_begin() const {
    429   if (!hasSymbolTable())
    430     return symbol_iterator(Symbol(this, 0, 0));
    432   const char *buf = SymbolTable->getBuffer().begin();
    433   if (kind() == K_GNU) {
    434     uint32_t symbol_count = 0;
    435     symbol_count = *reinterpret_cast<const support::ubig32_t*>(buf);
    436     buf += sizeof(uint32_t) + (symbol_count * (sizeof(uint32_t)));
    437   } else if (kind() == K_BSD) {
    438     // The __.SYMDEF or "__.SYMDEF SORTED" member starts with a uint32_t
    439     // which is the number of bytes of ranlib structs that follow.  The ranlib
    440     // structs are a pair of uint32_t's the first being a string table offset
    441     // and the second being the offset into the archive of the member that
    442     // define the symbol. After that the next uint32_t is the byte count of
    443     // the string table followed by the string table.
    444     uint32_t ranlib_count = 0;
    445     ranlib_count = (*reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(buf)) /
    446                    (sizeof(uint32_t) * 2);
    447     const char *ranlibs = buf + 4;
    448     uint32_t ran_strx = 0;
    449     ran_strx = *(reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(ranlibs));
    450     buf += sizeof(uint32_t) + (ranlib_count * (2 * (sizeof(uint32_t))));
    451     // Skip the byte count of the string table.
    452     buf += sizeof(uint32_t);
    453     buf += ran_strx;
    454   } else {
    455     uint32_t member_count = 0;
    456     uint32_t symbol_count = 0;
    457     member_count = *reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t*>(buf);
    458     buf += 4 + (member_count * 4); // Skip offsets.
    459     symbol_count = *reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t*>(buf);
    460     buf += 4 + (symbol_count * 2); // Skip indices.
    461   }
    462   uint32_t string_start_offset = buf - SymbolTable->getBuffer().begin();
    463   return symbol_iterator(Symbol(this, 0, string_start_offset));
    464 }
    466 Archive::symbol_iterator Archive::symbol_end() const {
    467   if (!hasSymbolTable())
    468     return symbol_iterator(Symbol(this, 0, 0));
    470   const char *buf = SymbolTable->getBuffer().begin();
    471   uint32_t symbol_count = 0;
    472   if (kind() == K_GNU) {
    473     symbol_count = *reinterpret_cast<const support::ubig32_t*>(buf);
    474   } else if (kind() == K_BSD) {
    475     symbol_count = (*reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(buf)) /
    476                    (sizeof(uint32_t) * 2);
    477   } else {
    478     uint32_t member_count = 0;
    479     member_count = *reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t*>(buf);
    480     buf += 4 + (member_count * 4); // Skip offsets.
    481     symbol_count = *reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t*>(buf);
    482   }
    483   return symbol_iterator(
    484     Symbol(this, symbol_count, 0));
    485 }
    487 Archive::child_iterator Archive::findSym(StringRef name) const {
    488   Archive::symbol_iterator bs = symbol_begin();
    489   Archive::symbol_iterator es = symbol_end();
    491   for (; bs != es; ++bs) {
    492     StringRef SymName = bs->getName();
    493     if (SymName == name) {
    494       ErrorOr<Archive::child_iterator> ResultOrErr = bs->getMember();
    495       // FIXME: Should we really eat the error?
    496       if (ResultOrErr.getError())
    497         return child_end();
    498       return ResultOrErr.get();
    499     }
    500   }
    501   return child_end();
    502 }
    504 bool Archive::hasSymbolTable() const {
    505   return SymbolTable != child_end();
    506 }