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      1 /*
      2  ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
      3  **
      4  ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  **
      8  **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  **
     10  ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  ** limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 /*******************************************************************************
     17 	File:		oper_32b.c
     19 	Content:	  This file contains operations in double precision.
     21 *******************************************************************************/
     23 #include "typedef.h"
     24 #include "basic_op.h"
     25 #include "oper_32b.h"
     27 #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x)
     29 /*****************************************************************************
     30  *                                                                           *
     31  *  Function L_Extract()                                                     *
     32  *                                                                           *
     33  *  Extract from a 32 bit integer two 16 bit DPF.                            *
     34  *                                                                           *
     35  *  Arguments:                                                               *
     36  *                                                                           *
     37  *   L_32      : 32 bit integer.                                             *
     38  *               0x8000 0000 <= L_32 <= 0x7fff ffff.                         *
     39  *   hi        : b16 to b31 of L_32                                          *
     40  *   lo        : (L_32 - hi<<16)>>1                                          *
     41  *****************************************************************************
     42 */
     44 void L_Extract (Word32 L_32, Word16 *hi, Word16 *lo)
     45 {
     46     *hi = extract_h (L_32);
     47     *lo = extract_l (L_msu (L_shr (L_32, 1), *hi, 16384));
     48     return;
     49 }
     51 /*****************************************************************************
     52  *                                                                           *
     53  *  Function L_Comp()                                                        *
     54  *                                                                           *
     55  *  Compose from two 16 bit DPF a 32 bit integer.                            *
     56  *                                                                           *
     57  *     L_32 = hi<<16 + lo<<1                                                 *
     58  *                                                                           *
     59  *  Arguments:                                                               *
     60  *                                                                           *
     61  *   hi        msb                                                           *
     62  *   lo        lsf (with sign)                                               *
     63  *                                                                           *
     64  *   Return Value :                                                          *
     65  *                                                                           *
     66  *             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  *
     67  *             range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_32 <= 0x7fff fff0.                   *
     68  *                                                                           *
     69  *****************************************************************************
     70 */
     72 Word32 L_Comp (Word16 hi, Word16 lo)
     73 {
     74     Word32 L_32;
     76     L_32 = L_deposit_h (hi);
     77     return (L_mac (L_32, lo, 1));       /* = hi<<16 + lo<<1 */
     78 }
     80 /*****************************************************************************
     81  * Function Mpy_32()                                                         *
     82  *                                                                           *
     83  *   Multiply two 32 bit integers (DPF). The result is divided by 2**31      *
     84  *                                                                           *
     85  *   L_32 = (hi1*hi2)<<1 + ( (hi1*lo2)>>15 + (lo1*hi2)>>15 )<<1              *
     86  *                                                                           *
     87  *   This operation can also be viewed as the multiplication of two Q31      *
     88  *   number and the result is also in Q31.                                   *
     89  *                                                                           *
     90  * Arguments:                                                                *
     91  *                                                                           *
     92  *  hi1         hi part of first number                                      *
     93  *  lo1         lo part of first number                                      *
     94  *  hi2         hi part of second number                                     *
     95  *  lo2         lo part of second number                                     *
     96  *                                                                           *
     97  *****************************************************************************
     98 */
    100 Word32 Mpy_32 (Word16 hi1, Word16 lo1, Word16 hi2, Word16 lo2)
    101 {
    102     Word32 L_32;
    104     L_32 = L_mult (hi1, hi2);
    105     L_32 = L_mac (L_32, mult (hi1, lo2), 1);
    106     L_32 = L_mac (L_32, mult (lo1, hi2), 1);
    108     return (L_32);
    109 }
    111 /*****************************************************************************
    112  * Function Mpy_32_16()                                                      *
    113  *                                                                           *
    114  *   Multiply a 16 bit integer by a 32 bit (DPF). The result is divided      *
    115  *   by 2**15                                                                *
    116  *                                                                           *
    117  *                                                                           *
    118  *   L_32 = (hi1*lo2)<<1 + ((lo1*lo2)>>15)<<1                                *
    119  *                                                                           *
    120  * Arguments:                                                                *
    121  *                                                                           *
    122  *  hi          hi part of 32 bit number.                                    *
    123  *  lo          lo part of 32 bit number.                                    *
    124  *  n           16 bit number.                                               *
    125  *                                                                           *
    126  *****************************************************************************
    127 */
    129 Word32 Mpy_32_16 (Word16 hi, Word16 lo, Word16 n)
    130 {
    131     Word32 L_32;
    133     L_32 = L_mult (hi, n);
    134     L_32 = L_mac (L_32, mult (lo, n), 1);
    136     return (L_32);
    137 }
    139 /*****************************************************************************
    140  *                                                                           *
    141  *   Function Name : Div_32                                                  *
    142  *                                                                           *
    143  *   Purpose :                                                               *
    144  *             Fractional integer division of two 32 bit numbers.            *
    145  *             L_num / L_denom.                                              *
    146  *             L_num and L_denom must be positive and L_num < L_denom.       *
    147  *             L_denom = denom_hi<<16 + denom_lo<<1                          *
    148  *             denom_hi is a normalize number.                               *
    149  *                                                                           *
    150  *   Inputs :                                                                *
    151  *                                                                           *
    152  *    L_num                                                                  *
    153  *             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  *
    154  *             range : 0x0000 0000 < L_num < L_denom                         *
    155  *                                                                           *
    156  *    L_denom = denom_hi<<16 + denom_lo<<1      (DPF)                        *
    157  *                                                                           *
    158  *       denom_hi                                                            *
    159  *             16 bit positive normalized integer whose value falls in the   *
    160  *             range : 0x4000 < hi < 0x7fff                                  *
    161  *       denom_lo                                                            *
    162  *             16 bit positive integer whose value falls in the              *
    163  *             range : 0 < lo < 0x7fff                                       *
    164  *                                                                           *
    165  *   Return Value :                                                          *
    166  *                                                                           *
    167  *    L_div                                                                  *
    168  *             32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the  *
    169  *             range : 0x0000 0000 <= L_div <= 0x7fff ffff.                  *
    170  *                                                                           *
    171  *  Algorithm:                                                               *
    172  *                                                                           *
    173  *  - find = 1/L_denom.                                                      *
    174  *      First approximation: approx = 1 / denom_hi                           *
    175  *      1/L_denom = approx * (2.0 - L_denom * approx )                       *
    176  *                                                                           *
    177  *  -  result = L_num * (1/L_denom)                                          *
    178  *****************************************************************************
    179 */
    181 Word32 Div_32 (Word32 L_num, Word32 denom)
    182 {
    183     Word16 approx;
    184     Word32 L_32;
    185     /* First approximation: 1 / L_denom = 1/denom_hi */
    187     approx = div_s ((Word16) 0x3fff, denom >> 16);
    189     /* 1/L_denom = approx * (2.0 - L_denom * approx) */
    191     L_32 = L_mpy_ls (denom, approx);
    193     L_32 = L_sub ((Word32) 0x7fffffffL, L_32);
    195 	L_32 = L_mpy_ls (L_32, approx);
    196     /* L_num * (1/L_denom) */
    198 	L_32 = MULHIGH(L_32, L_num);
    199     L_32 = L_shl (L_32, 3);
    201     return (L_32);
    202 }
    204 /*!
    206   \brief  calculates the log dualis times 4 of argument
    207           iLog4(x) = (Word32)(4 * log(value)/log(2.0))
    209   \return ilog4 value
    211 */
    212 Word16 iLog4(Word32 value)
    213 {
    214   Word16 iLog4;
    216   if(value != 0){
    217     Word32 tmp;
    218     Word16 tmp16;
    219     iLog4 = norm_l(value);
    220     tmp = (value << iLog4);
    221     tmp16 = round16(tmp);
    222     tmp = L_mult(tmp16, tmp16);
    223     tmp16 = round16(tmp);
    224     tmp = L_mult(tmp16, tmp16);
    225     tmp16 = round16(tmp);
    227     iLog4 = (-(iLog4 << 2) - norm_s(tmp16)) - 1;
    228   }
    229   else {
    230     iLog4 = -128; /* -(INT_BITS*4); */
    231   }
    233   return iLog4;
    234 }
    236 #define step(shift) \
    237     if ((0x40000000l >> shift) + root <= value)       \
    238     {                                                 \
    239         value -= (0x40000000l >> shift) + root;       \
    240         root = (root >> 1) | (0x40000000l >> shift);  \
    241     } else {                                          \
    242         root = root >> 1;                             \
    243     }
    245 Word32 rsqrt(Word32 value,     /*!< Operand to square root (0.0 ... 1) */
    246              Word32 accuracy)  /*!< Number of valid bits that will be calculated */
    247 {
    248     UNUSED(accuracy);
    250     Word32 root = 0;
    251 	Word32 scale;
    253 	if(value < 0)
    254 		return 0;
    256 	scale = norm_l(value);
    257 	if(scale & 1) scale--;
    259 	value <<= scale;
    261 	step( 0); step( 2); step( 4); step( 6);
    262     step( 8); step(10); step(12); step(14);
    263     step(16); step(18); step(20); step(22);
    264     step(24); step(26); step(28); step(30);
    266     scale >>= 1;
    267 	if (root < value)
    268         ++root;
    270 	root >>= scale;
    271     return root* 46334;
    272 }
    274 static const Word32 pow2Table[POW2_TABLE_SIZE] = {
    275 0x7fffffff, 0x7fa765ad, 0x7f4f08ae, 0x7ef6e8da,
    276 0x7e9f0606, 0x7e476009, 0x7deff6b6, 0x7d98c9e6,
    277 0x7d41d96e, 0x7ceb2523, 0x7c94acde, 0x7c3e7073,
    278 0x7be86fb9, 0x7b92aa88, 0x7b3d20b6, 0x7ae7d21a,
    279 0x7a92be8b, 0x7a3de5df, 0x79e947ef, 0x7994e492,
    280 0x7940bb9e, 0x78ecccec, 0x78991854, 0x78459dac,
    281 0x77f25cce, 0x779f5591, 0x774c87cc, 0x76f9f359,
    282 0x76a7980f, 0x765575c8, 0x76038c5b, 0x75b1dba2,
    283 0x75606374, 0x750f23ab, 0x74be1c20, 0x746d4cac,
    284 0x741cb528, 0x73cc556d, 0x737c2d55, 0x732c3cba,
    285 0x72dc8374, 0x728d015d, 0x723db650, 0x71eea226,
    286 0x719fc4b9, 0x71511de4, 0x7102ad80, 0x70b47368,
    287 0x70666f76, 0x7018a185, 0x6fcb096f, 0x6f7da710,
    288 0x6f307a41, 0x6ee382de, 0x6e96c0c3, 0x6e4a33c9,
    289 0x6dfddbcc, 0x6db1b8a8, 0x6d65ca38, 0x6d1a1057,
    290 0x6cce8ae1, 0x6c8339b2, 0x6c381ca6, 0x6bed3398,
    291 0x6ba27e66, 0x6b57fce9, 0x6b0daeff, 0x6ac39485,
    292 0x6a79ad56, 0x6a2ff94f, 0x69e6784d, 0x699d2a2c,
    293 0x69540ec9, 0x690b2601, 0x68c26fb1, 0x6879ebb6,
    294 0x683199ed, 0x67e97a34, 0x67a18c68, 0x6759d065,
    295 0x6712460b, 0x66caed35, 0x6683c5c3, 0x663ccf92,
    296 0x65f60a80, 0x65af766a, 0x6569132f, 0x6522e0ad,
    297 0x64dcdec3, 0x64970d4f, 0x64516c2e, 0x640bfb41,
    298 0x63c6ba64, 0x6381a978, 0x633cc85b, 0x62f816eb,
    299 0x62b39509, 0x626f4292, 0x622b1f66, 0x61e72b65,
    300 0x61a3666d, 0x615fd05f, 0x611c6919, 0x60d9307b,
    301 0x60962665, 0x60534ab7, 0x60109d51, 0x5fce1e12,
    302 0x5f8bccdb, 0x5f49a98c, 0x5f07b405, 0x5ec5ec26,
    303 0x5e8451d0, 0x5e42e4e3, 0x5e01a540, 0x5dc092c7,
    304 0x5d7fad59, 0x5d3ef4d7, 0x5cfe6923, 0x5cbe0a1c,
    305 0x5c7dd7a4, 0x5c3dd19c, 0x5bfdf7e5, 0x5bbe4a61,
    306 0x5b7ec8f2, 0x5b3f7377, 0x5b0049d4, 0x5ac14bea,
    307 0x5a82799a, 0x5a43d2c6, 0x5a055751, 0x59c7071c,
    308 0x5988e209, 0x594ae7fb, 0x590d18d3, 0x58cf7474,
    309 0x5891fac1, 0x5854ab9b, 0x581786e6, 0x57da8c83,
    310 0x579dbc57, 0x57611642, 0x57249a29, 0x56e847ef,
    311 0x56ac1f75, 0x567020a0, 0x56344b52, 0x55f89f70,
    312 0x55bd1cdb, 0x5581c378, 0x55469329, 0x550b8bd4,
    313 0x54d0ad5b, 0x5495f7a1, 0x545b6a8b, 0x542105fd,
    314 0x53e6c9db, 0x53acb607, 0x5372ca68, 0x533906e0,
    315 0x52ff6b55, 0x52c5f7aa, 0x528cabc3, 0x52538786,
    316 0x521a8ad7, 0x51e1b59a, 0x51a907b4, 0x5170810b,
    317 0x51382182, 0x50ffe8fe, 0x50c7d765, 0x508fec9c,
    318 0x50582888, 0x50208b0e, 0x4fe91413, 0x4fb1c37c,
    319 0x4f7a9930, 0x4f439514, 0x4f0cb70c, 0x4ed5ff00,
    320 0x4e9f6cd4, 0x4e69006e, 0x4e32b9b4, 0x4dfc988c,
    321 0x4dc69cdd, 0x4d90c68b, 0x4d5b157e, 0x4d25899c,
    322 0x4cf022ca, 0x4cbae0ef, 0x4c85c3f1, 0x4c50cbb8,
    323 0x4c1bf829, 0x4be7492b, 0x4bb2bea5, 0x4b7e587d,
    324 0x4b4a169c, 0x4b15f8e6, 0x4ae1ff43, 0x4aae299b,
    325 0x4a7a77d5, 0x4a46e9d6, 0x4a137f88, 0x49e038d0,
    326 0x49ad1598, 0x497a15c4, 0x4947393f, 0x49147fee,
    327 0x48e1e9ba, 0x48af768a, 0x487d2646, 0x484af8d6,
    328 0x4818ee22, 0x47e70611, 0x47b5408c, 0x47839d7b,
    329 0x47521cc6, 0x4720be55, 0x46ef8210, 0x46be67e0,
    330 0x468d6fae, 0x465c9961, 0x462be4e2, 0x45fb521a,
    331 0x45cae0f2, 0x459a9152, 0x456a6323, 0x453a564d,
    332 0x450a6abb, 0x44daa054, 0x44aaf702, 0x447b6ead,
    333 0x444c0740, 0x441cc0a3, 0x43ed9ac0, 0x43be9580,
    334 0x438fb0cb, 0x4360ec8d, 0x433248ae, 0x4303c517,
    335 0x42d561b4, 0x42a71e6c, 0x4278fb2b, 0x424af7da,
    336 0x421d1462, 0x41ef50ae, 0x41c1aca8, 0x41942839,
    337 0x4166c34c, 0x41397dcc, 0x410c57a2, 0x40df50b8,
    338 0x40b268fa, 0x4085a051, 0x4058f6a8, 0x402c6be9
    339 };
    341 /*!
    343   \brief calculates 2 ^ (x/y) for x<=0, y > 0, x <= 32768 * y
    345   avoids integer division
    347   \return
    348 */
    349 Word32 pow2_xy(Word32 x, Word32 y)
    350 {
    351   UWord32 iPart;
    352   UWord32 fPart;
    353   Word32 res;
    354   Word32 tmp, tmp2;
    355   Word32 shift, shift2;
    357   tmp2 = -x;
    358   iPart = tmp2 / y;
    359   fPart = tmp2 - iPart*y;
    360   iPart = min(iPart,INT_BITS-1);
    362   res = pow2Table[(POW2_TABLE_SIZE*fPart)/y] >> iPart;
    364   return(res);
    365 }