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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.internal.backup;
     19 import android.app.backup.RestoreDescription;
     20 import android.app.backup.RestoreSet;
     21 import android.content.Intent;
     22 import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
     23 import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
     25 /** {@hide} */
     26 interface IBackupTransport {
     27     /**
     28      * Ask the transport for the name under which it should be registered.  This will
     29      * typically be its host service's component name, but need not be.
     30      */
     31     String name();
     33 	/**
     34 	 * Ask the transport for an Intent that can be used to launch any internal
     35 	 * configuration Activity that it wishes to present.  For example, the transport
     36 	 * may offer a UI for allowing the user to supply login credentials for the
     37 	 * transport's off-device backend.
     38 	 *
     39 	 * If the transport does not supply any user-facing configuration UI, it should
     40 	 * return null from this method.
     41 	 *
     42 	 * @return An Intent that can be passed to Context.startActivity() in order to
     43 	 *         launch the transport's configuration UI.  This method will return null
     44 	 *         if the transport does not offer any user-facing configuration UI.
     45 	 */
     46 	Intent configurationIntent();
     48 	/**
     49 	 * On demand, supply a one-line string that can be shown to the user that
     50 	 * describes the current backend destination.  For example, a transport that
     51 	 * can potentially associate backup data with arbitrary user accounts should
     52 	 * include the name of the currently-active account here.
     53 	 *
     54 	 * @return A string describing the destination to which the transport is currently
     55 	 *         sending data.  This method should not return null.
     56 	 */
     57 	String currentDestinationString();
     59     /**
     60      * Ask the transport for an Intent that can be used to launch a more detailed
     61      * secondary data management activity.  For example, the configuration intent might
     62      * be one for allowing the user to select which account they wish to associate
     63      * their backups with, and the management intent might be one which presents a
     64      * UI for managing the data on the backend.
     65      *
     66      * <p>In the Settings UI, the configuration intent will typically be invoked
     67      * when the user taps on the preferences item labeled with the current
     68      * destination string, and the management intent will be placed in an overflow
     69      * menu labelled with the management label string.
     70      *
     71      * <p>If the transport does not supply any user-facing data management
     72      * UI, then it should return {@code null} from this method.
     73      *
     74      * @return An intent that can be passed to Context.startActivity() in order to
     75      *         launch the transport's data-management UI.  This method will return
     76      *         {@code null} if the transport does not offer any user-facing data
     77      *         management UI.
     78      */
     79     Intent dataManagementIntent();
     81     /**
     82      * On demand, supply a short string that can be shown to the user as the label
     83      * on an overflow menu item used to invoked the data management UI.
     84      *
     85      * @return A string to be used as the label for the transport's data management
     86      *         affordance.  If the transport supplies a data management intent, this
     87      *         method must not return {@code null}.
     88      */
     89     String dataManagementLabel();
     91     /**
     92      * Ask the transport where, on local device storage, to keep backup state blobs.
     93      * This is per-transport so that mock transports used for testing can coexist with
     94      * "live" backup services without interfering with the live bookkeeping.  The
     95      * returned string should be a name that is expected to be unambiguous among all
     96      * available backup transports; the name of the class implementing the transport
     97      * is a good choice.
     98      *
     99      * @return A unique name, suitable for use as a file or directory name, that the
    100      *         Backup Manager could use to disambiguate state files associated with
    101      *         different backup transports.
    102      */
    103     String transportDirName();
    105     /**
    106      * Verify that this is a suitable time for a backup pass.  This should return zero
    107      * if a backup is reasonable right now, some positive value otherwise.  This method
    108      * will be called outside of the {@link #startSession}/{@link #endSession} pair.
    109      *
    110      * <p>If this is not a suitable time for a backup, the transport should return a
    111      * backoff delay, in milliseconds, after which the Backup Manager should try again.
    112      *
    113      * @return Zero if this is a suitable time for a backup pass, or a positive time delay
    114      *   in milliseconds to suggest deferring the backup pass for a while.
    115      */
    116     long requestBackupTime();
    118     /**
    119      * Initialize the server side storage for this device, erasing all stored data.
    120      * The transport may send the request immediately, or may buffer it.  After
    121      * this is called, {@link #finishBackup} must be called to ensure the request
    122      * is sent and received successfully.
    123      *
    124      * @return One of {@link BackupConstants#TRANSPORT_OK} (OK so far) or
    125      *   {@link BackupConstants#TRANSPORT_ERROR} (on network error or other failure).
    126      */
    127     int initializeDevice();
    129     /**
    130      * Send one application's data to the backup destination.  The transport may send
    131      * the data immediately, or may buffer it.  After this is called, {@link #finishBackup}
    132      * must be called to ensure the data is sent and recorded successfully.
    133      *
    134      * @param packageInfo The identity of the application whose data is being backed up.
    135      *   This specifically includes the signature list for the package.
    136      * @param data The data stream that resulted from invoking the application's
    137      *   BackupService.doBackup() method.  This may be a pipe rather than a file on
    138      *   persistent media, so it may not be seekable.
    139      * @param wipeAllFirst When true, <i>all</i> backed-up data for the current device/account
    140      *   will be erased prior to the storage of the data provided here.  The purpose of this
    141      *   is to provide a guarantee that no stale data exists in the restore set when the
    142      *   device begins providing backups.
    143      * @return one of {@link BackupConstants#TRANSPORT_OK} (OK so far),
    144      *  {@link BackupConstants#TRANSPORT_ERROR} (on network error or other failure), or
    145      *  {@link BackupConstants#TRANSPORT_NOT_INITIALIZED} (if the backend dataset has
    146      *  become lost due to inactive expiry or some other reason and needs re-initializing)
    147      */
    148     int performBackup(in PackageInfo packageInfo, in ParcelFileDescriptor inFd);
    150     /**
    151      * Erase the give application's data from the backup destination.  This clears
    152      * out the given package's data from the current backup set, making it as though
    153      * the app had never yet been backed up.  After this is called, {@link finishBackup}
    154      * must be called to ensure that the operation is recorded successfully.
    155      *
    156      * @return the same error codes as {@link #performBackup}.
    157      */
    158     int clearBackupData(in PackageInfo packageInfo);
    160     /**
    161      * Finish sending application data to the backup destination.  This must be
    162      * called after {@link #performBackup} or {@link clearBackupData} to ensure that
    163      * all data is sent.  Only when this method returns true can a backup be assumed
    164      * to have succeeded.
    165      *
    166      * @return the same error codes as {@link #performBackup}.
    167      */
    168     int finishBackup();
    170     /**
    171      * Get the set of all backups currently available over this transport.
    172      *
    173      * @return Descriptions of the set of restore images available for this device,
    174      *   or null if an error occurred (the attempt should be rescheduled).
    175      **/
    176     RestoreSet[] getAvailableRestoreSets();
    178     /**
    179      * Get the identifying token of the backup set currently being stored from
    180      * this device.  This is used in the case of applications wishing to restore
    181      * their last-known-good data.
    182      *
    183      * @return A token that can be passed to {@link #startRestore}, or 0 if there
    184      *   is no backup set available corresponding to the current device state.
    185      */
    186     long getCurrentRestoreSet();
    188     /**
    189      * Start restoring application data from backup.  After calling this function,
    190      * alternate calls to {@link #nextRestorePackage} and {@link #nextRestoreData}
    191      * to walk through the actual application data.
    192      *
    193      * @param token A backup token as returned by {@link #getAvailableRestoreSets}
    194      *   or {@link #getCurrentRestoreSet}.
    195      * @param packages List of applications to restore (if data is available).
    196      *   Application data will be restored in the order given.
    197      * @return One of {@link BackupConstants#TRANSPORT_OK} (OK so far, call
    198      *   {@link #nextRestorePackage}) or {@link BackupConstants#TRANSPORT_ERROR}
    199      *   (an error occurred, the restore should be aborted and rescheduled).
    200      */
    201     int startRestore(long token, in PackageInfo[] packages);
    203     /**
    204      * Get the package name of the next application with data in the backup store, plus
    205      * a description of the structure of the restored archive: either TYPE_KEY_VALUE for
    206      * an original-API key/value dataset, or TYPE_FULL_STREAM for a tarball-type archive stream.
    207      *
    208      * <p>If the package name in the returned RestoreDescription object is the singleton
    209      * {@link RestoreDescription#NO_MORE_PACKAGES}, it indicates that no further data is available
    210      * in the current restore session: all packages described in startRestore() have been
    211      * processed.
    212      *
    213      * <p>If this method returns {@code null}, it means that a transport-level error has
    214      * occurred and the entire restore operation should be abandoned.
    215      *
    216      * @return A RestoreDescription object containing the name of one of the packages
    217      *   supplied to {@link #startRestore} plus an indicator of the data type of that
    218      *   restore data; or {@link RestoreDescription#NO_MORE_PACKAGES} to indicate that
    219      *   no more packages can be restored in this session; or {@code null} to indicate
    220      *   a transport-level error.
    221      */
    222     RestoreDescription nextRestorePackage();
    224     /**
    225      * Get the data for the application returned by {@link #nextRestorePackage}.
    226      * @param data An open, writable file into which the backup data should be stored.
    227      * @return the same error codes as {@link #startRestore}.
    228      */
    229     int getRestoreData(in ParcelFileDescriptor outFd);
    231     /**
    232      * End a restore session (aborting any in-process data transfer as necessary),
    233      * freeing any resources and connections used during the restore process.
    234      */
    235     void finishRestore();
    237     // full backup stuff
    239     long requestFullBackupTime();
    240     int performFullBackup(in PackageInfo targetPackage, in ParcelFileDescriptor socket);
    241     int sendBackupData(int numBytes);
    242     void cancelFullBackup();
    244     // full restore stuff
    246     /**
    247      * Ask the transport to provide data for the "current" package being restored.  This
    248      * is the package that was just reported by {@link #nextRestorePackage()} as having
    249      * {@link RestoreDescription#TYPE_FULL_STREAM} data.
    250      *
    251      * The transport writes some data to the socket supplied to this call, and returns
    252      * the number of bytes written.  The system will then read that many bytes and
    253      * stream them to the application's agent for restore, then will call this method again
    254      * to receive the next chunk of the archive.  This sequence will be repeated until the
    255      * transport returns zero indicating that all of the package's data has been delivered
    256      * (or returns a negative value indicating some sort of hard error condition at the
    257      * transport level).
    258      *
    259      * <p>After this method returns zero, the system will then call
    260      * {@link #getNextFullRestorePackage()} to begin the restore process for the next
    261      * application, and the sequence begins again.
    262      *
    263      * <p>The transport should always close this socket when returning from this method.
    264      * Do not cache this socket across multiple calls or you may leak file descriptors.
    265      *
    266      * @param socket The file descriptor that the transport will use for delivering the
    267      *    streamed archive.  The transport must close this socket in all cases when returning
    268      *    from this method.
    269      * @return 0 when no more data for the current package is available.  A positive value
    270      *    indicates the presence of that many bytes to be delivered to the app.  Any negative
    271      *    return value is treated as equivalent to {@link BackupTransport#TRANSPORT_ERROR},
    272      *    indicating a fatal error condition that precludes further restore operations
    273      *    on the current dataset.
    274      */
    275     int getNextFullRestoreDataChunk(in ParcelFileDescriptor socket);
    277     /**
    278      * If the OS encounters an error while processing {@link RestoreDescription#TYPE_FULL_STREAM}
    279      * data for restore, it will invoke this method to tell the transport that it should
    280      * abandon the data download for the current package.  The OS will then either call
    281      * {@link #nextRestorePackage()} again to move on to restoring the next package in the
    282      * set being iterated over, or will call {@link #finishRestore()} to shut down the restore
    283      * operation.
    284      *
    285      * @return {@link #TRANSPORT_OK} if the transport was successful in shutting down the
    286      *    current stream cleanly, or {@link #TRANSPORT_ERROR} to indicate a serious
    287      *    transport-level failure.  If the transport reports an error here, the entire restore
    288      *    operation will immediately be finished with no further attempts to restore app data.
    289      */
    290     int abortFullRestore();
    292 }