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      1 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      2  * luarun.swg
      3  *
      4  * This file contains the runtime support for Lua modules
      5  * and includes code for managing global variables and pointer
      6  * type checking.
      7  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      9 #ifdef __cplusplus
     10 extern "C" {
     11 #endif
     13 #include "lua.h"
     14 #include "lauxlib.h"
     15 #include <stdlib.h>  /* for malloc */
     16 #include <assert.h>  /* for a few sanity tests */
     18 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     19  * Lua flavors
     20  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     22 #define SWIG_LUA_FLAVOR_LUA 1
     23 #define SWIG_LUA_FLAVOR_ELUA 2
     24 #define SWIG_LUA_FLAVOR_ELUAC 3
     26 #if !defined(SWIG_LUA_TARGET)
     27 # error SWIG_LUA_TARGET not defined
     28 #endif
     35 #else /* SWIG_LUA_FLAVOR_LUA */
     36 #  define SWIG_LUA_CONSTTAB_INT(B, C) SWIG_LUA_INT, (char *)B, (long)C, 0, 0, 0
     37 #  define SWIG_LUA_CONSTTAB_FLOAT(B, C) SWIG_LUA_FLOAT, (char *)B, 0, (double)C, 0, 0
     38 #  define SWIG_LUA_CONSTTAB_STRING(B, C) SWIG_LUA_STRING, (char *)B, 0, 0, (void *)C, 0
     39 #  define SWIG_LUA_CONSTTAB_CHAR(B, C) SWIG_LUA_CHAR, (char *)B, (long)C, 0, 0, 0
     40 #endif
     43 #  define LRO_STRVAL(v) {{.p = (char *) v}, LUA_TSTRING}
     44 #  define LSTRVAL LRO_STRVAL
     45 #endif
     47 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     48  * compatibility defines
     49  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     51 /* History of Lua C API length functions:  In Lua 5.0 (and before?)
     52    there was "lua_strlen".  In Lua 5.1, this was renamed "lua_objlen",
     53    but a compatibility define of "lua_strlen" was added.  In Lua 5.2,
     54    this function was again renamed, to "lua_rawlen" (to emphasize that
     55    it doesn't call the "__len" metamethod), and the compatibility
     56    define of lua_strlen was removed.  All SWIG uses have been updated
     57    to "lua_rawlen", and we add our own defines of that here for older
     58    versions of Lua.  */
     59 #if !defined(LUA_VERSION_NUM) || LUA_VERSION_NUM < 501
     60 # define lua_rawlen lua_strlen
     61 #elif LUA_VERSION_NUM == 501
     62 # define lua_rawlen lua_objlen
     63 #endif
     66 /* lua_pushglobaltable is the recommended "future-proof" way to get
     67    the global table for Lua 5.2 and later.  Here we define
     68    lua_pushglobaltable ourselves for Lua versions before 5.2.  */
     69 #if !defined(LUA_VERSION_NUM) || LUA_VERSION_NUM < 502
     70 # define lua_pushglobaltable(L) lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX)
     71 #endif
     74 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     75  * Helper functions for error handling
     76  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     78 /* Push the string STR on the Lua stack, like lua_pushstring, but
     79    prefixed with the the location of the innermost Lua call-point
     80    (as formated by luaL_where).  */
     81 SWIGRUNTIME void
     82 SWIG_Lua_pusherrstring (lua_State *L, const char *str)
     83 {
     84   luaL_where (L, 1);
     85   lua_pushstring (L, str);
     86   lua_concat (L, 2);
     87 }
     89 /* Push a formatted string generated from FMT and following args on
     90    the Lua stack, like lua_pushfstring, but prefixed with the the
     91    location of the innermost Lua call-point (as formated by luaL_where).  */
     92 SWIGRUNTIME void
     93 SWIG_Lua_pushferrstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...)
     94 {
     95   va_list argp;
     96   va_start(argp, fmt);
     97   luaL_where(L, 1);
     98   lua_pushvfstring(L, fmt, argp);
     99   va_end(argp);
    100   lua_concat(L, 2);
    101 }
    104 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    105  * global swig types
    106  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    107 /* Constant table */
    108 #define SWIG_LUA_INT     1
    109 #define SWIG_LUA_FLOAT   2
    110 #define SWIG_LUA_STRING  3
    111 #define SWIG_LUA_POINTER 4
    112 #define SWIG_LUA_BINARY  5
    113 #define SWIG_LUA_CHAR    6
    115 /* Structure for variable linking table */
    116 typedef struct {
    117   const char *name;
    118   lua_CFunction get;
    119   lua_CFunction set;
    120 } swig_lua_var_info;
    122 /* Constant information structure */
    123 typedef struct {
    124     int type;
    125     char *name;
    126     long lvalue;
    127     double dvalue;
    128     void   *pvalue;
    129     swig_type_info **ptype;
    130 } swig_lua_const_info;
    132 typedef struct {
    133   const char     *name;
    134   lua_CFunction   method;
    135 } swig_lua_method;
    137 typedef struct {
    138   const char     *name;
    139   lua_CFunction   getmethod;
    140   lua_CFunction   setmethod;
    141 } swig_lua_attribute;
    143 // Can be used to create namespaces. Currently used to
    144 // wrap class static methods/variables/constants
    145 typedef struct {
    146   const char            *name;
    147   swig_lua_method       *ns_methods;
    148   swig_lua_attribute    *ns_attributes;
    149   swig_lua_const_info   *ns_constants;
    150 } swig_lua_namespace;
    152 typedef struct swig_lua_class {
    153   const char    *name;
    154   swig_type_info   **type;
    155   lua_CFunction  constructor;
    156   void    (*destructor)(void *);
    157   swig_lua_method   *methods;
    158   swig_lua_attribute     *attributes;
    159   swig_lua_namespace    cls_static;
    160   struct swig_lua_class **bases;
    161   const char **base_names;
    162 } swig_lua_class;
    164 /* this is the struct for wrapping all pointers in SwigLua
    165 */
    166 typedef struct {
    167   swig_type_info   *type;
    168   int     own;  /* 1 if owned & must be destroyed */
    169   void        *ptr;
    170 } swig_lua_userdata;
    172 /* this is the struct for wrapping arbitrary packed binary data
    173 (currently it is only used for member function pointers)
    174 the data ordering is similar to swig_lua_userdata, but it is currently not possible
    175 to tell the two structures apart within SWIG, other than by looking at the type
    176 */
    177 typedef struct {
    178   swig_type_info   *type;
    179   int     own;  /* 1 if owned & must be destroyed */
    180   char data[1];       /* arbitary amount of data */
    181 } swig_lua_rawdata;
    183 /* Common SWIG API */
    184 #define SWIG_NewPointerObj(L, ptr, type, owner)       SWIG_Lua_NewPointerObj(L, (void *)ptr, type, owner)
    185 #define SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,idx, ptr, type, flags)    SWIG_Lua_ConvertPtr(L,idx,ptr,type,flags)
    186 #define SWIG_MustGetPtr(L,idx, type,flags, argnum,fnname)  SWIG_Lua_MustGetPtr(L,idx, type,flags, argnum,fnname)
    187 /* for C++ member pointers, ie, member methods */
    188 #define SWIG_ConvertMember(L, idx, ptr, sz, ty)       SWIG_Lua_ConvertPacked(L, idx, ptr, sz, ty)
    189 #define SWIG_NewMemberObj(L, ptr, sz, type)      SWIG_Lua_NewPackedObj(L, ptr, sz, type)
    191 /* Runtime API */
    192 #define SWIG_GetModule(clientdata) SWIG_Lua_GetModule((lua_State*)(clientdata))
    193 #define SWIG_SetModule(clientdata, pointer) SWIG_Lua_SetModule((lua_State*) (clientdata), pointer)
    194 #define SWIG_MODULE_CLIENTDATA_TYPE lua_State*
    196 /* Contract support */
    197 #define SWIG_contract_assert(expr, msg)  \
    198   if (!(expr)) { SWIG_Lua_pusherrstring(L, (char *) msg); goto fail; } else
    201 /* helper #defines */
    202 #define SWIG_fail {goto fail;}
    203 #define SWIG_fail_arg(func_name,argnum,type) \
    204   {SWIG_Lua_pushferrstring(L,"Error in %s (arg %d), expected '%s' got '%s'",\
    205   func_name,argnum,type,SWIG_Lua_typename(L,argnum));\
    206   goto fail;}
    207 #define SWIG_fail_ptr(func_name,argnum,type) \
    208   SWIG_fail_arg(func_name,argnum,(type && type->str)?type->str:"void*")
    209 #define SWIG_check_num_args(func_name,a,b) \
    210   if (lua_gettop(L)<a || lua_gettop(L)>b) \
    211   {SWIG_Lua_pushferrstring(L,"Error in %s expected %d..%d args, got %d",func_name,a,b,lua_gettop(L));\
    212   goto fail;}
    215 #define SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,n) \
    216   (lua_pushstring(L, n), lua_rawget(L,-2))
    218 #define SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,n,f) \
    219   (lua_pushstring(L, n), \
    220       lua_pushcfunction(L, f), \
    221       lua_rawset(L,-3))
    223 /* special helper for allowing 'nil' for usertypes */
    224 #define SWIG_isptrtype(L,I) (lua_isuserdata(L,I) || lua_isnil(L,I))
    226 #ifdef __cplusplus
    227 /* Special helper for member function pointers
    228 it gets the address, casts it, then dereferences it */
    229 //#define SWIG_mem_fn_as_voidptr(a)  (*((char**)&(a)))
    230 #endif
    232 /* storing/access of swig_module_info */
    233 SWIGRUNTIME swig_module_info *
    234 SWIG_Lua_GetModule(lua_State* L) {
    235   swig_module_info *ret = 0;
    236   lua_pushstring(L,"swig_runtime_data_type_pointer" SWIG_RUNTIME_VERSION SWIG_TYPE_TABLE_NAME);
    237   lua_rawget(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
    238   if (lua_islightuserdata(L,-1))
    239     ret=(swig_module_info*)lua_touserdata(L,-1);
    240   lua_pop(L,1);  /* tidy */
    241   return ret;
    242 }
    244 SWIGRUNTIME void
    245 SWIG_Lua_SetModule(lua_State* L, swig_module_info *module) {
    246   /* add this all into the Lua registry: */
    247   lua_pushstring(L,"swig_runtime_data_type_pointer" SWIG_RUNTIME_VERSION SWIG_TYPE_TABLE_NAME);
    248   lua_pushlightuserdata(L,(void*)module);
    249   lua_rawset(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
    250 }
    252 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    253  * global variable support code: modules
    254  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    256 /* this function is called when trying to set an immutable.
    257 default action is to print an error.
    258 This can removed with a compile flag SWIGLUA_IGNORE_SET_IMMUTABLE */
    259 SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_set_immutable(lua_State* L)
    260 {
    261 /*  there should be 1 param passed in: the new value */
    263   lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove it */
    264   luaL_error(L,"This variable is immutable");
    265 #endif
    266     return 0;   /* should not return anything */
    267 }
    269 /* the module.get method used for getting linked data */
    270 SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_module_get(lua_State* L)
    271 {
    272 /*  there should be 2 params passed in
    273   (1) table (not the meta table)
    274   (2) string name of the attribute
    275   printf("SWIG_Lua_module_get %p(%s) '%s'\n",
    276    lua_topointer(L,1),lua_typename(L,lua_type(L,1)),
    277    lua_tostring(L,2));
    278 */
    279   /* get the metatable */
    281   assert(lua_isrotable(L,1)); /* just in case */
    282 #else
    283   assert(lua_istable(L,1)); /* default Lua action */
    284 #endif
    285   lua_getmetatable(L,1);  /* get the metatable */
    287   assert(lua_isrotable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    288 #else
    289   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));
    290 #endif
    291   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".get");  /* get the .get table */
    292   lua_remove(L,3);  /* remove metatable */
    294   if (lua_isrotable(L,-1))
    295 #else
    296   if (lua_istable(L,-1))
    297 #endif
    298   {
    299     /* look for the key in the .get table */
    300     lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* key */
    301     lua_rawget(L,-2);
    302     lua_remove(L,3);  /* remove .get */
    303     if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1))
    304     {  /* found it so call the fn & return its value */
    305       lua_call(L,0,1);
    306       return 1;
    307     }
    308     lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove the top */
    309   }
    310   lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove the .get */
    311   lua_pushnil(L);  /* return a nil */
    312   return 1;
    313 }
    315 /* the module.set method used for setting linked data */
    316 SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_module_set(lua_State* L)
    317 {
    318 /*  there should be 3 params passed in
    319   (1) table (not the meta table)
    320   (2) string name of the attribute
    321   (3) any for the new value
    322 */
    323   /* get the metatable */
    325   assert(lua_isrotable(L,1));  /* just in case */
    326 #else
    327   assert(lua_istable(L,1)); /* default Lua action */
    328 #endif
    329   lua_getmetatable(L,1);  /* get the metatable */
    331   assert(lua_isrotable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    332 #else
    333   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));
    334 #endif
    335   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".set");  /* get the .set table */
    336   lua_remove(L,4);  /* remove metatable */
    338   if (lua_isrotable(L,-1))
    339 #else
    340   if (lua_istable(L,-1))
    341 #endif
    342   {
    343     /* look for the key in the .set table */
    344     lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* key */
    345     lua_rawget(L,-2);
    346     lua_remove(L,4);  /* remove .set */
    347     if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1))
    348     {  /* found it so call the fn & return its value */
    349       lua_pushvalue(L,3);  /* value */
    350       lua_call(L,1,0);
    351       return 0;
    352     }
    354     else {
    355       return 0; // Exits stoically if an invalid key is initialized.
    356     }
    357 #endif
    358   }
    359   lua_settop(L,3);  /* reset back to start */
    360   /* we now have the table, key & new value, so just set directly */
    361   lua_rawset(L,1);  /* add direct */
    362   return 0;
    363 }
    366 /* registering a module in lua. Pushes the module table on the stack. */
    367 SWIGINTERN void  SWIG_Lua_module_begin(lua_State* L,const char* name)
    368 {
    369   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    370   lua_pushstring(L,name);
    371   lua_newtable(L);   /* the table */
    372   /* add meta table */
    373   lua_newtable(L);    /* the meta table */
    374   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__index",SWIG_Lua_module_get);
    375   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__newindex",SWIG_Lua_module_set);
    376   lua_pushstring(L,".get");
    377   lua_newtable(L);    /* the .get table */
    378   lua_rawset(L,-3);  /* add .get into metatable */
    379   lua_pushstring(L,".set");
    380   lua_newtable(L);    /* the .set table */
    381   lua_rawset(L,-3);  /* add .set into metatable */
    382   lua_setmetatable(L,-2);  /* sets meta table in module */
    384   /* If requested, install the module directly into the global namespace. */
    385   lua_rawset(L,-3);        /* add module into parent */
    386   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,name);   /* get the table back out */
    387 #else
    388   /* Do not install the module table as global name. The stack top has
    389      the module table with the name below. We pop the top and replace
    390      the name with it. */
    391   lua_replace(L,-2);
    392 #endif
    393 }
    395 /* ending the register */
    396 SWIGINTERN void  SWIG_Lua_module_end(lua_State* L)
    397 {
    398   lua_pop(L,1);       /* tidy stack (remove module) */
    399 }
    401 /* adding a linked variable to the module */
    402 SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_module_add_variable(lua_State* L,const char* name,lua_CFunction getFn,lua_CFunction setFn)
    403 {
    404   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    405   lua_getmetatable(L,-1);  /* get the metatable */
    406   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    407   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".get"); /* find the .get table */
    408   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* should be a table: */
    409   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,name,getFn);
    410   lua_pop(L,1);       /* tidy stack (remove table) */
    411   if (setFn)  /* if there is a set fn */
    412   {
    413     SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".set"); /* find the .set table */
    414     assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* should be a table: */
    415     SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,name,setFn);
    416     lua_pop(L,1);       /* tidy stack (remove table) */
    417   }
    418   lua_pop(L,1);       /* tidy stack (remove meta) */
    419 }
    420 #endif
    422 /* adding a function module */
    423 SWIGINTERN void  SWIG_Lua_module_add_function(lua_State* L,const char* name,lua_CFunction fn)
    424 {
    425   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,name,fn);
    426 }
    428 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    429  * global variable support code: namespaces
    430  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    432 SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_namespace_get(lua_State* L)
    433 {
    434 /*  there should be 2 params passed in
    435   (1) table (not the meta table)
    436   (2) string name of the attribute
    437 */
    438   assert(lua_istable(L,-2));  /* just in case */
    439   lua_getmetatable(L,-2);
    440   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));
    441   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".get"); /* find the .get table */
    442   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));
    443   /* look for the key in the .get table */
    444   lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* key */
    445   lua_rawget(L,-2);
    446   lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove .get table */
    447   if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1))
    448   {  /* found it so call the fn & return its value */
    449     lua_call(L,0,1);  /* 1 value in (userdata),1 out (result) */
    450     lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove metatable */
    451     return 1;
    452   }
    453   lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove whatever was there */
    454   /* ok, so try the .fn table */
    455   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".fn"); /* find the .get table */
    456   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    457   lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* key */
    458   lua_rawget(L,-2);  /* look for the fn */
    459   lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove .fn table */
    460   if (lua_isfunction(L,-1)) /* note: whether it's a C function or lua function */
    461   {  /* found it so return the fn & let lua call it */
    462     lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove metatable */
    463     return 1;
    464   }
    465   lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove whatever was there */
    466   return 0;
    467 }
    469 SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_namespace_set(lua_State* L)
    470 {
    471 /*  there should be 3 params passed in
    472   (1) table (not the meta table)
    473   (2) string name of the attribute
    474   (3) any for the new value
    475 */
    477   assert(lua_istable(L,1));
    478   lua_getmetatable(L,1);    /* get the meta table */
    479   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));
    481   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".set"); /* find the .set table */
    482   if (lua_istable(L,-1))
    483   {
    484     /* look for the key in the .set table */
    485     lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* key */
    486     lua_rawget(L,-2);
    487     if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1))
    488     {  /* found it so call the fn & return its value */
    489       lua_pushvalue(L,3);  /* value */
    490       lua_call(L,1,0);
    491       return 0;
    492     }
    493     lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove the value */
    494   }
    495   lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove the value .set table */
    496   return 0;
    497 }
    499 SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_InstallConstants(lua_State* L, swig_lua_const_info constants[]); // forward declaration
    500 SWIGINTERN void  SWIG_Lua_add_class_variable(lua_State* L,const char* name,lua_CFunction getFn,lua_CFunction setFn); // forward declaration
    502 /* helper function - register namespace methods and attributes into namespace */
    503 SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_add_namespace_details(lua_State* L, swig_lua_namespace* ns)
    504 {
    505   int i = 0;
    506   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));
    507   /* There must be table at the top of the stack */
    508   SWIG_Lua_InstallConstants(L, ns->ns_constants);
    510   lua_getmetatable(L,-1);
    512   /* add fns */
    513   for(i=0;ns->ns_attributes[i].name;i++){
    514     SWIG_Lua_add_class_variable(L,ns->ns_attributes[i].name,ns->ns_attributes[i].getmethod,ns->ns_attributes[i].setmethod);
    515   }
    517   /* add methods to the metatable */
    518   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".fn"); /* find the .fn table */
    519   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    520   for(i=0;ns->ns_methods[i].name;i++){
    521     SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,ns->ns_methods[i].name,ns->ns_methods[i].method);
    522   }
    523   lua_pop(L,1);
    525   /* clear stack - remove metatble */
    526   lua_pop(L,1);
    528 }
    530 /* helper function. creates namespace table and add it to module table */
    531 SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_namespace_register(lua_State* L, swig_lua_namespace* ns)
    532 {
    533   assert(lua_istable(L,-1)); /* just in case. This is supposed to be module table */
    534   lua_checkstack(L,5);
    535   lua_pushstring(L, ns->name);
    536   lua_newtable(L); /* namespace itself */
    537   lua_newtable(L); /* metatable for namespace */
    539   /* add a table called ".get" */
    540   lua_pushstring(L,".get");
    541   lua_newtable(L);
    542   lua_rawset(L,-3);
    543   /* add a table called ".set" */
    544   lua_pushstring(L,".set");
    545   lua_newtable(L);
    546   lua_rawset(L,-3);
    547   /* add a table called ".fn" */
    548   lua_pushstring(L,".fn");
    549   lua_newtable(L);
    550   lua_rawset(L,-3);
    552   /* add accessor fns for using the .get,.set&.fn */
    553   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__index",SWIG_Lua_namespace_get);
    554   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__newindex",SWIG_Lua_namespace_set);
    556   lua_setmetatable(L,-2); /* set metatable */
    557   lua_rawset(L,-3); /* add namespace to module table */
    558 }
    559 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    560  * global variable support code: classes
    561  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    563 /* the class.get method, performs the lookup of class attributes */
    564 SWIGINTERN int  SWIG_Lua_class_get(lua_State* L)
    565 {
    566 /*  there should be 2 params passed in
    567   (1) userdata (not the meta table)
    568   (2) string name of the attribute
    569 */
    570   assert(lua_isuserdata(L,-2));  /* just in case */
    571   lua_getmetatable(L,-2);    /* get the meta table */
    572   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    573   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".get"); /* find the .get table */
    574   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    575   /* look for the key in the .get table */
    576   lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* key */
    577   lua_rawget(L,-2);
    578   lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove .get table */
    579   if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1))
    580   {  /* found it so call the fn & return its value */
    581     lua_pushvalue(L,1);  /* the userdata */
    582     lua_call(L,1,1);  /* 1 value in (userdata),1 out (result) */
    583     lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove metatable */
    584     return 1;
    585   }
    586   lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove whatever was there */
    587   /* ok, so try the .fn table */
    588   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".fn"); /* find the .get table */
    589   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    590   lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* key */
    591   lua_rawget(L,-2);  /* look for the fn */
    592   lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove .fn table */
    593   if (lua_isfunction(L,-1)) /* note: if its a C function or lua function */
    594   {  /* found it so return the fn & let lua call it */
    595     lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove metatable */
    596     return 1;
    597   }
    598   lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove whatever was there */
    599   /* NEW: looks for the __getitem() fn
    600   this is a user provided get fn */
    601   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,"__getitem"); /* find the __getitem fn */
    602   if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1))  /* if its there */
    603   {  /* found it so call the fn & return its value */
    604     lua_pushvalue(L,1);  /* the userdata */
    605     lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* the parameter */
    606     lua_call(L,2,1);  /* 2 value in (userdata),1 out (result) */
    607     lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove metatable */
    608     return 1;
    609   }
    610   return 0;  /* sorry not known */
    611 }
    613 /* the class.set method, performs the lookup of class attributes */
    614 SWIGINTERN int  SWIG_Lua_class_set(lua_State* L)
    615 {
    616 /*  there should be 3 params passed in
    617   (1) table (not the meta table)
    618   (2) string name of the attribute
    619   (3) any for the new value
    620 printf("SWIG_Lua_class_set %p(%s) '%s' %p(%s)\n",
    621       lua_topointer(L,1),lua_typename(L,lua_type(L,1)),
    622       lua_tostring(L,2),
    623       lua_topointer(L,3),lua_typename(L,lua_type(L,3)));*/
    625   assert(lua_isuserdata(L,1));  /* just in case */
    626   lua_getmetatable(L,1);    /* get the meta table */
    627   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    629   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".set"); /* find the .set table */
    630   if (lua_istable(L,-1))
    631   {
    632     /* look for the key in the .set table */
    633     lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* key */
    634     lua_rawget(L,-2);
    635     if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1))
    636     {  /* found it so call the fn & return its value */
    637       lua_pushvalue(L,1);  /* userdata */
    638       lua_pushvalue(L,3);  /* value */
    639       lua_call(L,2,0);
    640       return 0;
    641     }
    642     lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove the value */
    643   }
    644   lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove the value .set table */
    645   /* NEW: looks for the __setitem() fn
    646   this is a user provided set fn */
    647   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,"__setitem"); /* find the fn */
    648   if (lua_iscfunction(L,-1))  /* if its there */
    649   {  /* found it so call the fn & return its value */
    650     lua_pushvalue(L,1);  /* the userdata */
    651     lua_pushvalue(L,2);  /* the parameter */
    652     lua_pushvalue(L,3);  /* the value */
    653     lua_call(L,3,0);  /* 3 values in ,0 out */
    654     lua_remove(L,-2); /* stack tidy, remove metatable */
    655     return 1;
    656   }
    657   return 0;
    658 }
    660 /* the class.destruct method called by the interpreter */
    661 SWIGINTERN int  SWIG_Lua_class_destruct(lua_State* L)
    662 {
    663 /*  there should be 1 params passed in
    664   (1) userdata (not the meta table) */
    665   swig_lua_userdata* usr;
    666   swig_lua_class* clss;
    667   assert(lua_isuserdata(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    668   usr=(swig_lua_userdata*)lua_touserdata(L,-1);  /* get it */
    669   /* if must be destroyed & has a destructor */
    670   if (usr->own) /* if must be destroyed */
    671   {
    672     clss=(swig_lua_class*)usr->type->clientdata;  /* get the class */
    673     if (clss && clss->destructor)  /* there is a destroy fn */
    674     {
    675       clss->destructor(usr->ptr);  /* bye bye */
    676     }
    677   }
    678   return 0;
    679 }
    681 /* the class.__tostring method called by the interpreter and print */
    682 SWIGINTERN int  SWIG_Lua_class_tostring(lua_State* L)
    683 {
    684 /*  there should be 1 param passed in
    685   (1) userdata (not the metatable) */
    686   assert(lua_isuserdata(L,1));  /* just in case */
    687   unsigned long userData = (unsigned long)lua_touserdata(L,1); /* get the userdata address for later */
    688   lua_getmetatable(L,1);    /* get the meta table */
    689   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    691   lua_getfield(L, -1, ".type");
    692   const char* className = lua_tostring(L, -1);
    694   char output[256];
    695   sprintf(output, "<%s userdata: %lX>", className, userData);
    697   lua_pushstring(L, (const char*)output);
    698   return 1;
    699 }
    701 /* to manually disown some userdata */
    702 SWIGINTERN int  SWIG_Lua_class_disown(lua_State* L)
    703 {
    704 /*  there should be 1 params passed in
    705   (1) userdata (not the meta table) */
    706   swig_lua_userdata* usr;
    707   assert(lua_isuserdata(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    708   usr=(swig_lua_userdata*)lua_touserdata(L,-1);  /* get it */
    710   usr->own = 0; /* clear our ownership */
    711   return 0;
    712 }
    714 /* Constructor proxy. Used when class name entry in module is not class constructor,
    715 but special table instead. */
    716 SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Lua_constructor_proxy(lua_State* L)
    717 {
    718   /* unlimited number of parameters
    719      First one is our proxy table and we should remove it
    720      Other we should pass to real constructor
    721    */
    722    assert(lua_istable(L,1));
    723    lua_pushstring(L,".constructor");
    724    lua_rawget(L,1);
    725    assert(!lua_isnil(L,-1));
    726    lua_replace(L,1); /* replace our table with real constructor */
    727    lua_call(L,lua_gettop(L)-1,1);
    728    return 1;
    729 }
    731 /* gets the swig class registry (or creates it) */
    732 SWIGINTERN void  SWIG_Lua_get_class_registry(lua_State* L)
    733 {
    734   /* add this all into the swig registry: */
    735   lua_pushstring(L,"SWIG");
    736   lua_rawget(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);  /* get the registry */
    737   if (!lua_istable(L,-1))  /* not there */
    738   {  /* must be first time, so add it */
    739     lua_pop(L,1);  /* remove the result */
    740     lua_pushstring(L,"SWIG");
    741     lua_newtable(L);
    742     lua_rawset(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
    743     /* then get it */
    744     lua_pushstring(L,"SWIG");
    745     lua_rawget(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
    746   }
    747 }
    749 /* helper fn to get the classes metatable from the register */
    750 SWIGINTERN void  SWIG_Lua_get_class_metatable(lua_State* L,const char* cname)
    751 {
    752   SWIG_Lua_get_class_registry(L);  /* get the registry */
    753   lua_pushstring(L,cname);  /* get the name */
    754   lua_rawget(L,-2);    /* get it */
    755   lua_remove(L,-2);    /* tidy up (remove registry) */
    756 }
    758 /* helper add a variable to a registered class */
    759 SWIGINTERN void  SWIG_Lua_add_class_variable(lua_State* L,const char* name,lua_CFunction getFn,lua_CFunction setFn)
    760 {
    761   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    762   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".get"); /* find the .get table */
    763   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    764   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,name,getFn);
    765   lua_pop(L,1);       /* tidy stack (remove table) */
    766   if (setFn)
    767   {
    768     SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".set"); /* find the .set table */
    769     assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    770     SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,name,setFn);
    771     lua_pop(L,1);       /* tidy stack (remove table) */
    772   }
    773 }
    775 /* helper to recursively add class static details (static attributes, operations and constants) */
    776 SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_add_class_static_details(lua_State* L, swig_lua_class* clss)
    777 {
    778   int i = 0;
    779   /* The class namespace table must be on the top of the stack */
    780   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));
    781   /* call all the base classes first: we can then override these later: */
    782   for(i=0;clss->bases[i];i++)
    783   {
    784     SWIG_Lua_add_class_static_details(L,clss->bases[i]);
    785   }
    787   SWIG_Lua_add_namespace_details(L, &clss->cls_static);
    788 }
    790 /* helper to recursively add class details (attributes & operations) */
    791 SWIGINTERN void  SWIG_Lua_add_class_details(lua_State* L,swig_lua_class* clss)
    792 {
    793   int i;
    794   /* call all the base classes first: we can then override these later: */
    795   for(i=0;clss->bases[i];i++)
    796   {
    797     SWIG_Lua_add_class_details(L,clss->bases[i]);
    798   }
    799   /* add fns */
    800   for(i=0;clss->attributes[i].name;i++){
    801     SWIG_Lua_add_class_variable(L,clss->attributes[i].name,clss->attributes[i].getmethod,clss->attributes[i].setmethod);
    802   }
    803   /* add methods to the metatable */
    804   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,".fn"); /* find the .fn table */
    805   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    806   for(i=0;clss->methods[i].name;i++){
    807     SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,clss->methods[i].name,clss->methods[i].method);
    808   }
    809   lua_pop(L,1);       /* tidy stack (remove table) */
    810   /*   add operator overloads
    811     these look ANY method which start with "__" and assume they
    812     are operator overloads & add them to the metatable
    813     (this might mess up is someone defines a method __gc (the destructor)*/
    814   for(i=0;clss->methods[i].name;i++){
    815     if (clss->methods[i].name[0]=='_' && clss->methods[i].name[1]=='_'){
    816       SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,clss->methods[i].name,clss->methods[i].method);
    817     }
    818   }
    819 }
    821 /* set up the base classes pointers.
    822 Each class structure has a list of pointers to the base class structures.
    823 This function fills them.
    824 It cannot be done at compile time, as this will not work with hireachies
    825 spread over more than one swig file.
    826 Therefore it must be done at runtime, querying the SWIG type system.
    827 */
    828 SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_init_base_class(lua_State* L,swig_lua_class* clss)
    829 {
    830   int i=0;
    831   swig_module_info* module=SWIG_GetModule(L);
    832   for(i=0;clss->base_names[i];i++)
    833   {
    834     if (clss->bases[i]==0) /* not found yet */
    835     {
    836       /* lookup and cache the base class */
    837       swig_type_info *info = SWIG_TypeQueryModule(module,module,clss->base_names[i]);
    838       if (info) clss->bases[i] = (swig_lua_class *) info->clientdata;
    839     }
    840   }
    841 }
    843 /* Register class static methods,attributes etc as well as constructor proxy */
    844 SWIGINTERN void SWIG_Lua_class_register_static(lua_State* L, swig_lua_class* clss)
    845 {
    846   lua_checkstack(L,5); /* just in case */
    847   assert(lua_istable(L,-1));  /* just in case */
    848   assert(strcmp(clss->name, clss->cls_static.name) == 0); /* in class those 2 must be equal */
    850   SWIG_Lua_namespace_register(L,&clss->cls_static);
    852   SWIG_Lua_get_table(L,clss->name); // Get namespace table back
    853   assert(lua_istable(L,-1)); /* just in case */
    855   /*  add its constructor to module with the name of the class
    856   so you can do MyClass(...) as well as new_MyClass(...)
    857   BUT only if a constructor is defined
    858   (this overcomes the problem of pure virtual classes without constructors)*/
    859   if (clss->constructor)
    860   {
    861     SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,".constructor", clss->constructor);
    862     lua_getmetatable(L,-1);
    863     assert(lua_istable(L,-1)); /* just in case */
    864     SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__call", SWIG_Lua_constructor_proxy);
    865     lua_pop(L,1);
    866   }
    868   assert(lua_istable(L,-1)); /* just in case */
    869   SWIG_Lua_add_class_static_details(L, clss);
    871   /* clear stack */
    872   lua_pop(L,1);
    873 }
    875 /* performs the entire class registration process */
    876 SWIGINTERN void  SWIG_Lua_class_register(lua_State* L,swig_lua_class* clss)
    877 {
    878   SWIG_Lua_class_register_static(L,clss);
    880   SWIG_Lua_get_class_registry(L);  /* get the registry */
    881   lua_pushstring(L,clss->name);  /* get the name */
    882   lua_newtable(L);    /* create the metatable */
    883   /* add string of class name called ".type" */
    884   lua_pushstring(L,".type");
    885   lua_pushstring(L,clss->name);
    886   lua_rawset(L,-3);
    887   /* add a table called ".get" */
    888   lua_pushstring(L,".get");
    889   lua_newtable(L);
    890   lua_rawset(L,-3);
    891   /* add a table called ".set" */
    892   lua_pushstring(L,".set");
    893   lua_newtable(L);
    894   lua_rawset(L,-3);
    895   /* add a table called ".fn" */
    896   lua_pushstring(L,".fn");
    897   lua_newtable(L);
    898   /* add manual disown method */
    899   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__disown",SWIG_Lua_class_disown);
    900   lua_rawset(L,-3);
    901   /* add accessor fns for using the .get,.set&.fn */
    902   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__index",SWIG_Lua_class_get);
    903   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__newindex",SWIG_Lua_class_set);
    904   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__gc",SWIG_Lua_class_destruct);
    905   /* add tostring method for better output */
    906   SWIG_Lua_add_function(L,"__tostring",SWIG_Lua_class_tostring);
    907   /* add it */
    908   lua_rawset(L,-3);  /* metatable into registry */
    909   lua_pop(L,1);      /* tidy stack (remove registry) */
    911   SWIG_Lua_get_class_metatable(L,clss->name);
    912   SWIG_Lua_add_class_details(L,clss);  /* recursive adding of details (atts & ops) */
    913   lua_pop(L,1);      /* tidy stack (remove class metatable) */
    914 }
    916 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    917  * Class/structure conversion fns
    918  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    920 /* helper to add metatable to new lua object */
    921 SWIGINTERN void _SWIG_Lua_AddMetatable(lua_State* L,swig_type_info *type)
    922 {
    923   if (type->clientdata)  /* there is clientdata: so add the metatable */
    924   {
    925     SWIG_Lua_get_class_metatable(L,((swig_lua_class*)(type->clientdata))->name);
    926     if (lua_istable(L,-1))
    927     {
    928       lua_setmetatable(L,-2);
    929     }
    930     else
    931     {
    932       lua_pop(L,1);
    933     }
    934   }
    935 }
    937 /* pushes a new object into the lua stack */
    938 SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_Lua_NewPointerObj(lua_State* L,void* ptr,swig_type_info *type, int own)
    939 {
    940   swig_lua_userdata* usr;
    941   if (!ptr){
    942     lua_pushnil(L);
    943     return;
    944   }
    945   usr=(swig_lua_userdata*)lua_newuserdata(L,sizeof(swig_lua_userdata));  /* get data */
    946   usr->ptr=ptr;  /* set the ptr */
    947   usr->type=type;
    948   usr->own=own;
    950   _SWIG_Lua_AddMetatable(L,type); /* add metatable */
    951 #endif
    952 }
    954 /* takes a object from the lua stack & converts it into an object of the correct type
    955  (if possible) */
    956 SWIGRUNTIME int  SWIG_Lua_ConvertPtr(lua_State* L,int index,void** ptr,swig_type_info *type,int flags)
    957 {
    958   swig_lua_userdata* usr;
    959   swig_cast_info *cast;
    960   if (lua_isnil(L,index)){*ptr=0; return SWIG_OK;}    /* special case: lua nil => NULL pointer */
    961   usr=(swig_lua_userdata*)lua_touserdata(L,index);  /* get data */
    962   if (usr)
    963   {
    964     if (flags & SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN) /* must disown the object */
    965     {
    966         usr->own=0;
    967     }
    968     if (!type)            /* special cast void*, no casting fn */
    969     {
    970       *ptr=usr->ptr;
    971       return SWIG_OK; /* ok */
    972     }
    973     cast=SWIG_TypeCheckStruct(usr->type,type); /* performs normal type checking */
    974     if (cast)
    975     {
    976       int newmemory = 0;
    977       *ptr=SWIG_TypeCast(cast,usr->ptr,&newmemory);
    978       assert(!newmemory); /* newmemory handling not yet implemented */
    979       return SWIG_OK;  /* ok */
    980     }
    981   }
    982   return SWIG_ERROR;  /* error */
    983 }
    985 SWIGRUNTIME void* SWIG_Lua_MustGetPtr(lua_State* L,int index,swig_type_info *type,int flags,
    986        int argnum,const char* func_name){
    987   void* result;
    988   if (!SWIG_IsOK(SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,index,&result,type,flags))){
    989     luaL_error (L,"Error in %s, expected a %s at argument number %d\n",
    990 		func_name,(type && type->str)?type->str:"void*",argnum);
    991   }
    992   return result;
    993 }
    995 /* pushes a packed userdata. user for member fn pointers only */
    996 SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_Lua_NewPackedObj(lua_State* L,void* ptr,size_t size,swig_type_info *type)
    997 {
    998   swig_lua_rawdata* raw;
    999   assert(ptr); /* not acceptable to pass in a NULL value */
   1000   raw=(swig_lua_rawdata*)lua_newuserdata(L,sizeof(swig_lua_rawdata)-1+size);  /* alloc data */
   1001   raw->type=type;
   1002   raw->own=0;
   1003   memcpy(raw->data,ptr,size); /* copy the data */
   1004   _SWIG_Lua_AddMetatable(L,type); /* add metatable */
   1005 }
   1007 /* converts a packed userdata. user for member fn pointers only */
   1008 SWIGRUNTIME int  SWIG_Lua_ConvertPacked(lua_State* L,int index,void* ptr,size_t size,swig_type_info *type)
   1009 {
   1010   swig_lua_rawdata* raw;
   1011   raw=(swig_lua_rawdata*)lua_touserdata(L,index);  /* get data */
   1012   if (!raw) return SWIG_ERROR;  /* error */
   1013   if (type==0 || type==raw->type) /* void* or identical type */
   1014   {
   1015     memcpy(ptr,raw->data,size); /* copy it */
   1016     return SWIG_OK; /* ok */
   1017   }
   1018   return SWIG_ERROR;  /* error */
   1019 }
   1021 /* a function to get the typestring of a piece of data */
   1022 SWIGRUNTIME const char *SWIG_Lua_typename(lua_State *L, int tp)
   1023 {
   1024   swig_lua_userdata* usr;
   1025   if (lua_isuserdata(L,tp))
   1026   {
   1027     usr=(swig_lua_userdata*)lua_touserdata(L,tp);  /* get data */
   1028     if (usr && usr->type && usr->type->str)
   1029       return usr->type->str;
   1030     return "userdata (unknown type)";
   1031   }
   1032   return lua_typename(L,lua_type(L,tp));
   1033 }
   1035 /* lua callable function to get the userdata's type */
   1036 SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_Lua_type(lua_State* L)
   1037 {
   1038   lua_pushstring(L,SWIG_Lua_typename(L,1));
   1039   return 1;
   1040 }
   1042 /* lua callable function to compare userdata's value
   1043 the issue is that two userdata may point to the same thing
   1044 but to lua, they are different objects */
   1045 SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_Lua_equal(lua_State* L)
   1046 {
   1047   int result;
   1048   swig_lua_userdata *usr1,*usr2;
   1049   if (!lua_isuserdata(L,1) || !lua_isuserdata(L,2))  /* just in case */
   1050     return 0;  /* nil reply */
   1051   usr1=(swig_lua_userdata*)lua_touserdata(L,1);  /* get data */
   1052   usr2=(swig_lua_userdata*)lua_touserdata(L,2);  /* get data */
   1053   /*result=(usr1->ptr==usr2->ptr && usr1->type==usr2->type); only works if type is the same*/
   1054   result=(usr1->ptr==usr2->ptr);
   1055    lua_pushboolean(L,result);
   1056   return 1;
   1057 }
   1059 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1060  * global variable support code: class/struct typemap functions
   1061  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   1064 /* Install Constants */
   1065 SWIGINTERN void
   1066 SWIG_Lua_InstallConstants(lua_State* L, swig_lua_const_info constants[]) {
   1067   int i;
   1068   for (i = 0; constants[i].type; i++) {
   1069     switch(constants[i].type) {
   1070     case SWIG_LUA_INT:
   1071       lua_pushstring(L,constants[i].name);
   1072       lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)constants[i].lvalue);
   1073       lua_rawset(L,-3);
   1074       break;
   1075     case SWIG_LUA_FLOAT:
   1076       lua_pushstring(L,constants[i].name);
   1077       lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)constants[i].dvalue);
   1078       lua_rawset(L,-3);
   1079       break;
   1080     case SWIG_LUA_CHAR:
   1081       lua_pushstring(L,constants[i].name);
   1082       lua_pushfstring(L,"%c",(char)constants[i].lvalue);
   1083       lua_rawset(L,-3);
   1084       break;
   1085     case SWIG_LUA_STRING:
   1086       lua_pushstring(L,constants[i].name);
   1087       lua_pushstring(L,(char *) constants[i].pvalue);
   1088       lua_rawset(L,-3);
   1089       break;
   1090     case SWIG_LUA_POINTER:
   1091       lua_pushstring(L,constants[i].name);
   1092       SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,constants[i].pvalue, *(constants[i]).ptype,0);
   1093       lua_rawset(L,-3);
   1094       break;
   1095     case SWIG_LUA_BINARY:
   1096       lua_pushstring(L,constants[i].name);
   1097       SWIG_NewMemberObj(L,constants[i].pvalue,constants[i].lvalue,*(constants[i]).ptype);
   1098       lua_rawset(L,-3);
   1099       break;
   1100     default:
   1101       break;
   1102     }
   1103   }
   1104 }
   1105 #endif
   1107 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1108  * executing lua code from within the wrapper
   1109  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   1111 #ifndef SWIG_DOSTRING_FAIL /* Allows redefining of error function */
   1112 #define SWIG_DOSTRING_FAIL(S) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",S)
   1113 #endif
   1114 /* Executes a C string in Lua which is a really simple way of calling lua from C
   1115 Unfortunately lua keeps changing its APIs, so we need a conditional compile
   1116 In lua 5.0.X its lua_dostring()
   1117 In lua 5.1.X its luaL_dostring()
   1118 */
   1119 SWIGINTERN int
   1120 SWIG_Lua_dostring(lua_State *L, const char* str) {
   1121   int ok,top;
   1122   if (str==0 || str[0]==0) return 0; /* nothing to do */
   1123   top=lua_gettop(L); /* save stack */
   1124 #if (defined(LUA_VERSION_NUM) && (LUA_VERSION_NUM>=501))
   1125   ok=luaL_dostring(L,str);	/* looks like this is lua 5.1.X or later, good */
   1126 #else
   1127   ok=lua_dostring(L,str);	/* might be lua 5.0.x, using lua_dostring */
   1128 #endif
   1129   if (ok!=0) {
   1130     SWIG_DOSTRING_FAIL(lua_tostring(L,-1));
   1131   }
   1132   lua_settop(L,top); /* restore the stack */
   1133   return ok;
   1134 }
   1136 #ifdef __cplusplus
   1137 }
   1138 #endif
   1140 /* ------------------------------ end luarun.swg  ------------------------------ */