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      1 """Suite Text:
      2 Level 0, version 0
      4 Generated from /Volumes/Sap/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Netscape Communicator\xe2\x84\xa2 Folder/Netscape Communicator\xe2\x84\xa2
      5 AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
      6 """
      8 import aetools
      9 import MacOS
     11 _code = 'TEXT'
     13 from StdSuites.Text_Suite import *
     14 class Text_Events(Text_Suite_Events):
     16     pass
     19 class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
     20     """text - independent text view objects """
     21     want = 'ctxt'
     22 class _Prop_beginning(aetools.NProperty):
     23     """beginning - Beginning of element """
     24     which = 'bgng'
     25     want = 'obj '
     26 class _Prop_end(aetools.NProperty):
     27     """end - Ending of element """
     28     which = 'end '
     29     want = 'obj '
     30 class _Prop_infront(aetools.NProperty):
     31     """infront - Immediately before element """
     32     which = 'pBef'
     33     want = 'obj '
     34 class _Prop_justbehind(aetools.NProperty):
     35     """justbehind - Immediately after element """
     36     which = 'pAft'
     37     want = 'obj '
     38 class _Prop_updateLevel(aetools.NProperty):
     39     """updateLevel - updating level.  Can only be incremented or decremented.  Do so only in a try block -- if the level is greater than zero, visual text updating will cease. """
     40     which = 'pUpL'
     41     want = 'long'
     42 #        element 'stys' as ['indx', 'name']
     44 class styleset(aetools.ComponentItem):
     45     """styleset - A style \xd2set\xd3 that may be used repeatedly in text objects. """
     46     want = 'stys'
     47 class _Prop_color(aetools.NProperty):
     48     """color - the color """
     49     which = 'colr'
     50     want = 'RGB '
     51 class _Prop_font(aetools.NProperty):
     52     """font - font name """
     53     which = 'font'
     54     want = 'TEXT'
     55 class _Prop_name(aetools.NProperty):
     56     """name - style name """
     57     which = 'pnam'
     58     want = 'TEXT'
     59 class _Prop_size(aetools.NProperty):
     60     """size - the size in points """
     61     which = 'ptsz'
     62     want = 'long'
     63 class _Prop_style(aetools.NProperty):
     64     """style - the text styles or face attributes """
     65     which = 'txst'
     66     want = 'tsty'
     67 class _Prop_writing_code(aetools.NProperty):
     68     """writing code - the script system and language """
     69     which = 'psct'
     70     want = 'tsty'
     72 stylesets = styleset
     73 text._superclassnames = []
     74 text._privpropdict = {
     75     'beginning' : _Prop_beginning,
     76     'end' : _Prop_end,
     77     'infront' : _Prop_infront,
     78     'justbehind' : _Prop_justbehind,
     79     'updateLevel' : _Prop_updateLevel,
     80 }
     81 text._privelemdict = {
     82     'styleset' : styleset,
     83 }
     84 styleset._superclassnames = []
     85 styleset._privpropdict = {
     86     'color' : _Prop_color,
     87     'font' : _Prop_font,
     88     'name' : _Prop_name,
     89     'size' : _Prop_size,
     90     'style' : _Prop_style,
     91     'writing_code' : _Prop_writing_code,
     92 }
     93 styleset._privelemdict = {
     94 }
     96 #
     97 # Indices of types declared in this module
     98 #
     99 _classdeclarations = {
    100     'ctxt' : text,
    101     'stys' : styleset,
    102 }
    104 _propdeclarations = {
    105     'bgng' : _Prop_beginning,
    106     'colr' : _Prop_color,
    107     'end ' : _Prop_end,
    108     'font' : _Prop_font,
    109     'pAft' : _Prop_justbehind,
    110     'pBef' : _Prop_infront,
    111     'pUpL' : _Prop_updateLevel,
    112     'pnam' : _Prop_name,
    113     'psct' : _Prop_writing_code,
    114     'ptsz' : _Prop_size,
    115     'txst' : _Prop_style,
    116 }
    118 _compdeclarations = {
    119 }
    121 _enumdeclarations = {
    122 }